Bowen Announces Plans For King Scholarships See T.xt Of S.... ch. Pa.. 2 of discussions with students [rom the Afro. Bowen's office is now accepting contrI­ By MIKF. FINN American Student ASSOCiation, other stu­ butions and Williard L. Boyd, dean of the Pres. Howard R. Bowen announced dent leaders. faculty members and Iowa faculties aod vice president for academic Citians. Bowen proposed that th · dudents, affairs, is heading a fund raising drive plans Tuesday for the creation of a $50,- faculty and lownspeoplr share equally in among faculty members. 000 Martin Luther I·Jnlt scholarship fund the iund rllising. An organized student drive is expected to bring students of a minority back· Bowen originally wllnted to use the mono to begin after spring vacation. ground, especially Negroes, to the Uni­ Other POints in Bowen's speech on what versity. ey 10 strengthen RILEEH, a University cultural exchange program under which the University can do to help the "national Bowen made his announcement at a 100 students from Rust and LeMoyne col· problem oC equality among men" in­ University convocaU(ln in memory of leges allend summer classes here. While cluded : King. Over 1,000 persons, including about Bowen advocated strenghtening ties with • A new sense o[ dedication and com­ one third of the 175 Negro students on the two predominantly Negro Mississppi mitmentlo the cause of equality. campus. attended the convocation. Near­ colleges, It was evident [rom University • Individual and group expression oC ly all of the 50 Negroes wore white arm student leaders that they wanted Bowen to views regarding federal and stale legisla­ bands in memory o~ the slain civil rights seek students of a minority background tion about civil rights, educatio.1 and eco­ leader. who were not already in college. nomic opportunity. • A review oC the educational and re­ The tone of Bowen's !peech differed Bowen estimated that the King scholar­ co,siderably from that of Student Body search activities in the areas of Afro­ sbip fund would provide financial assist­ American culture, interracial relations, Pres. Carl Varner who expressed fear ance for 3S 10 50 students. Those receiving that violence would prevail if America poverty, etc. scholarships would be know as King Scho­ • Continuation and strengthening of Up­ fails to act. Bowen mentioned no vio­ lars. lence or threats of violence. He said that ward Bound and RILEEH. th J University could not by itself solve Bowen has set up a steering committee • Exploration by the :.etion Studies Pro­ Bowen proposed ffI.t a $50.0000 scholarship fund be let up to "WE CANNOT BY OURSELVeS SOLVE the n.tlonal probl.m lhe national problem of equcti·y but that to advise him on fund raising and general gram of opportunities for relevant study of equality among men." Pr'l. Howard R. Bowen ,aid Tuesday h.lp bring needy Negro students to the University. it must do what is appropriate. administration of the scholarship fund. and community service. .t a Convocation honorln, ffle Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kin" - Photo by Dav. Luck Bowen 's proposal came after three days Thousands Walk oil owon In King Funeral Se1'vinJi the Universitu of Iowa aTid the People of Iowa City ATLANTA. Ga. LfI - The Rev. Dr, Mar­ prol!l'ess, State Adjutant General George E5tablished---------------------------- in 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press------------------------------------------------------------------ Leased Wire and Wirenhoto Iowa City. Iowa 52240-Wednesday, April 10, 1968 tin Luther King Jr.'5 admirers by the le­ J . Hearn announced that National Guards­ gions paid their last respects to his me",­ men from throughout Georgia were being Ill'Y Tuesday at ceremonies in his 0 w n airlifted 10 tbe Atlanta area. simple church. filled with white and black AUanta bad escaped the vIolence that friends and dignitaries of high rank. beset major cities of the nalLon after King's Outside the red brick church, an esti­ murder. Hearn said he did not expect mated 50,000 persons milled about in a trouble but "we intend to be ready." .New heavy crush. Inside. 1,300 mourners took Outside the church, thousands pressed Talk Sites Suggested part in quiel, solemn services. at police lines listening to the ancient CAMP DAVID, Md . iA'! - President John· toward negotiations with the Reds. he compleled," Johnson said. The United Slates originally proposed At the front of the church sat the wi­ bymns that welled from within. dow, Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr.• and 50n disclosed Tuesday a new U.S. diplo­ "We have consulted with our allies" As for the new message - the second Geneva for the meeting place, while North A pale green farm wagon drawn by two matic message to Hanoi, discussing al­ direct U.S. diplomatic communicati on to Vietnam named Phnom Penh. Cambodia. her four children. Her face veiled. her Georgia mules then carried the coffin about North Vietnam 's latest proposal on ternate sites "which could be convenient North Vietnam since the April 3 break­ But both sides have shown a willingness head erect, she maintained her composure four miles to a second memorial service even as she heard the voice of her slain to both sides" in starting preliminary talks, Johnson told newsmen during a through in th~ long impasse over talks - to compromise on location. Rangoon, New on a greensward at Morehouse College. peace talks. brief mid-morning break in the conference the President referred to Monday's offic­ Delhi and Jakarta are among other loca· husband saying : King's alma mater. with top diplomatic and military aides at "If I die, I want you to be able 10 say Amid a day-long Vietnam strategy ses­ ial reply from Hanoi and added: tions being discussed. Crowd Swell. To 150.000 sion atlended by Ellsworth Bunker, the this mountain hideaway. "We are back in touch with Hanoi am! that I tried to love and serve humanity Johnson himself gave no hint of U.S. .. If you want to say that I was a drum Police estimated that the crowd there U.S. ambassador to Saigon, and pea c e Allies Ready To Help discussing a number of alternative loea­ second choices for meeting sites. nor did had swelled to perhaps 150,000. The mem­ envoy W. Averell Harriman, the Presi­ "We are in agreement with our allies tir)DS which could be convenient to both major, say that I w ~ s a drum major for he reveal how the second message was justice. Say that I was a drum major [or orial service included a eulogy by Dr. dent also stressed accord among the al­ and arc prepared for ambassadorial con­ sides." delivered to the North Vietnamese. Benjamin Mays. retired president of the lies in the ticklish maneuvering leading tacts just as soon as arrangements can freedom." The first mssage, sent April 3, wen t college and a former leacher of King; The words were taped from King's last tributes by representatives of variol¥ through Vienllane, the Lao& capital, where sermon. in which he dwelt on the inevit­ Iowa High Court both countries have diplomatic missions. faiths and the hymn "Precious Lord Take ahility of his own death. Not long after· My Hand" sung by Mahalia Jackson. the The President didn't reveal what assur­ ward, on April 4. he was shot to death in gospel singer. Bowen Urges Senate ances he might be seeking from Hanoi Memphis. ,Tenn. The assassin still Is at ... Redraws Li nes regarding a step-down in the Nortb's in­ Jarge. The hymn was one that King had re­ (iltration against the Soulh that will be "F,... At L.st" quested for a service to have been beld I n Districts Here expected in return for a complete halt Outside the church, a mule-drawn the night he was slain. To Alter Constitution of U.S. bombing of the North. hearse was waiting 10 take King's body The wagon was used as a hearse 10 DES MOINES IA'J - The Iowa Supr(>me Reciprocity Expected along the first stage of a trip that was to dramatize King's identification witlh the University Pres. Howard R. Bowen, in a demic violations must be l'aliCied by the Court Tuesday blamed a cle"kal error for Johnson wants some reciprocity In ex· end at a marble crypt, bearing 8S Its In­ nation's poor. leUer to Student Body Pres. Carl Varner, University Student Association Senale. legislative malap;>ortionment if' Johm;on change for a halt in the U.S. air altacks, scription these words {rom an old slave He had planned 10 lead a poor people's has rejected portions of the recently sub· Bowen suggested that the "Joint Statement Counly, and redrew a boundary to create but North Vietnam has been demanding so ng: "Free at last, free at last, thank march on Washington this month but was mLled Student Association Constitution, on Rights and Freedoms of Students" be equal diJtricls. an uncond itional end to the bombings as God Almighty, I'm free al last." cut down by the sniper's bullet in Mem­ In a letter which Varner read at a Stu­ submitted in place of Article I, at least for The Johnson County dispute involved a a price for getting into substantlve nego­ King had borrowed these same words phis, where be was leading a demonstra­ denl Senate meeting Tuesday night in the the present. hut passed by the 1967 Legislature, divid­ tiations aboul ending the war. to conclude his ringing speech on the steps tion in behalf of striking garbage workers. Union Yale Room, Bowen rejected por· The joint statement, wrilten by repre­ ing counties which elect more than one of the Lincoln Memoria I during the 1963 sentatives of the American Association of Thus U.S.
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