JAMfcoM.' ' I3R/W APR 2 3 2001 MONDAY Ann 23,2001 VOL. 78, No. 51 reeze James Madison University Four More to Score The Xris Files Bombay's Culinary Bliss Life Is a Cabaret The Colonial Athletic Associaiton grows Who Is that guy? A look at lifeclose A new Indian restaurant in the 'Burg with the additon of four new schools to the encounter with one very visible senior Students from around the world serves up superb dishes with a styl- conference next year. Find out who made who discusses his family, friends and fun unite in song in dance and 'Cultural ish atmosphere. Page 17 the list. Page 21 Page IS Cabaret.' Page 4 Honors grad loses cancer battle Loved and remembered by friends, adviser, Alpha Sigma Tau sisters Bl RlCIIXKI) S\KMIAUG few weeks later. ject-area honors student. in M i tailor While a student at JMU, Yakovac was a Senior Stacy Brownstein, a friend of member of Alpha Sigma Tau sorority Yakovac and fellow member of AST, last Attei .i yearlong battll with leukemia, ,1 met with her in March prior to the bone 2000 JMU graduate died on Tuesday. _66 marrow transplant. She said that through- •s.ir.i Vikovac, 22, was diagnosed with out her illness, "Sara's attitude stayed leukemia, .1 canon ot the white blood Everything about her was positive and she would still make every* ceils that starts in the bone marrow and one laugh. Can spread to other parti of the body, special — she was brilliant, "Everything about her was special — during her senior year at JMU, shortly beautiful and had a huge heart. she was brilliant, beautiful and had a huge after ipring break. She underwent sever- heart," Brownstein said. "She was always al medical procedures to battle the dis- — Stacy Brownstein there to talk to, to go to for help and to gel ease, including a hone marrow transplant senior AST member great,practical advice. Sara was panfcilanl and chemotherapy and humble about her achievements In March, Yakovac went to Ohio Slate Professor of Economics Andrew Kohen Ph.«..CiHin.-.\ ..i STAO IIKOUNMIIN was Yakovac's academic advisor and Univerelty's medical center to undergo a 99— Sarah Yakovac, center, who died of leukemia on Tuesday, poses bone marrow transplant with the cells senior honors project committee suparvfc with Alpha Sigma Tau sorority sisters senior Stacy Brownstein. and blood marrow trom a close non-rcla- when? she was on the executive board. left, and senior Kelly Craft during spring break last year. Hve match. She died of complications a president of the Economics Gub and a sub- w FRIENDS, w 5 'All Together' spirited Lombardi Bunnies? Five awarded for individual qualities BY LYNN 11 DIAZ Each recipient was introduced D) ■> ataffwnii 1 friend or studenl Hedriik was honored because of his "All Together i line awards honored constant contributions to the students, five members «>t flu- |\ll uimniumt\ according to Junta Rachel Montgomery. Ihursday afternoon on the steps oi Wil- "Lou treats people ,is individuals," son Mall t reeled and arranged bj the Montgomery said "He treats them as national leadership honors sodet) OmJ* it they are the only studenl he sees cruti IVlI.i kappa, the that da) second annual awards 46 M"S AM ;i .duate, were given to those who Hedrick offers to the contribute*.! thru Indi- community his belief in vidual qualities to the It's a feeling of equal oppornmal) and BBBS spirit of JMU. beloneilW W'llile Still ** Importance of hav- I his yeai 's recipients 1 . • I- • 1 i ing the studenl i ■ 111— rHqitui of Disabil- being an individual al the core, Mont- ity ScrvloM i ■•" ■ f ^raBBBBBaV Ua\^ m tied nek, Converse 11.til — WfltdV bill "',''still love cominq to as houstketper * indy lenw work every daj Rexrode. laniiK Man- 1 ledrick said agement professor " 7— Reaoode was honored David Here Alternative because oi her efforts to Spring Break COordlnatoi Morgana maintain the deanllneas of Convene Wallace and Paycholog) pn«ti*ss.>r Bsjan Hall as well .is for supporting its resi- Saadatmand. dents, BBBf \—ir Senior Wendv Gill, ODk member According to various reainVnls pre welcomed the approximately ISO peo- sent al me event Rexrode regularly .isks ple in attendance by explaining the spir* them him thev .ire doing and is parent it <»t' All Ibgethei i like by riving out presents and cards on "It's a feeling IMU has encompassed special holidays. for decades,*1 < 'ill laid It's > feeling *>t 11 en it she s having i bad day, she belonging while still being an Individ- 1 I\I f T J K1 ' ** ROBI-.KT SUVMplh*' aflkw Known for their on-stage antics, 2 Sklnnea Jt draw fans to Hillside Raid as the rain ended during Lombardi Oras Saturday. More than 2,500 people attended throughout the 1 \1H.HW \|OMl,n\|| R , <\tm day bringing In about $20,000 to be split In third* by Habitat for Humanity, the Lombardi Alternative Spring Break Coordinator Morganna Wallace. I to r. Director of Disability Cancer Association and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Association. Services Lou Hedrick. professor of Family Management David Herr and psychology professor BIJan Saadtmand received All Together One" awards. Student graduation speaker announced LACROSSE Asekition oommitte . .en Ihe seraon uill W able to Identify with him studenl speaker lo deliver tlu- senior and rememlvi me apaach long aSaj graduation speech .it the \1,i\ ~ com- to Dukes take CAA Championship mencement COT Swerdaeweld The committee consisting ol -in l'.ls,;iei receiving a degree ill denls.widadniinisli ti lecommunkationfl managemenl 6-5 win over No. J Loyala puts JMU one game from NCAA chances uating senior Michael Ba&gier oul tit -1 under the School ol Media Arl Sanioi mk.ne.der Michelle Zur- netting three straight on JML"s senior responded to the Greyhounds blister other appli.anls Design and ,1 second di e Buh'a goal with 4~ seconds remain- goaltender Jennifer Conradini. Corra- big surt bv netting the Dukes tirst Each appHanl delivered .1 spe da* sueiur with .1 minor in health lng In regulation game won JMU a 6- dini made 12 saves and allowed five two goals in 10 minutes. Staedt, who ihe committal fa onkk 1 ittosi I l will share the -lag.- with S upset o\er number i>ix- s»vd I ovola goals in 60 minutes en route to earn- had two goals and two assists in the itii.n was deemed most appm commencement speaker William L'imersiiv in the 2001 Colonial Alh- ing the 2001 Tournament MVP ilumpionsliip win, along with Cor- priaie for the occaoion mid Studenl Safin, .> Pulitm prize winner (ot letic AssiKi.itum lacrosse Champi- award. radini were named to the 2001 All- u«eminent Ajeodatton Vice Pre politlcaj ton nentan onshlp yeateida) In Richmond. After Zurfluh's goal to open the Toumament leant lor Studenl Affairs innior Peter lhe.innii.il lelectiori ; ir.uiine, by one .it the halt the second half, senior midfielder Mindy The win moves the CAA Champi- SwcnJjDtwaU 'I led by Ihe Si;A and the Office ol i hikes allowed fuel one K»M1 in the Leher gave JMU its first lead of the on Dukes to 10-<M>n the season while BasgierS speech will refled on hi Annual i second halt while pouring In ihneoJ day just five minutes later. The game dropping Loyola to 12-2. Thursday's sxpertances al |MU rathei than >cl as Ihe aaiioi graduation speech is a their own In addition to the pna> was tied by Loyola's Danielle Batters- home match-up with Dukes Univer- an inspii.ilion loi llie future. tradition at |MU, accordin winiXT /urtluh o|H-netl up tin- scor- by shortly after, setting up seven min- sity is the last of the season for JMU Swetdsawtld said vwaki ing in tin second hall with a goal at utes of scoreless lacrosse and the dra- prior to the NCAA Tournament Selection committee members the 26:46 marie matic ending. which begins on Mav 10. ■d In , ipasch because graduating imnyiled from staff rqwlf I oyol.i started tlu- ^ime on a tear, Sophomore midlieldjy^-j^fledt — compiledfrom staff rrports Monday, April 23, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR • Circle K National Service Organization meeting. 6 p m„ Hoop 129 NEWS y MONDAY, April 23 • Adult Degree Program information meeting, 5:30 p.m.. call • Sign Language club meeting. 7:30 p m, Health and Human Student inquiry 3 x6824 or e-mail adult-degree-program Services Building 1201. contact Sara at x59i9 or zuckersa Secrets ol "Hooking up" 3 WEDNESDAY, April 25 • Scier.ce Fiction/Fantasy Guild meeting. 7 p.m.. Taylor 311 The "write on" contest 3 • Pottery Sale. 8 am to 5 p.m.. Duke Hall entrance, sponsored • College Republicans weekly meeting. 8 p m.. Taylor 402 by JMU Ceramics TUESDAY, April 24 • Sign Up to become a Big Brother or Big Sister. 5 to 8 p.m.. OPINION • Pottery Sale. 8am. to 5 p.m , Duke Hall entrance, spon- the Festival sored by JMU Ceramics • Habilal lor Humanity general meeting. 5 to 6 p m.. Taylor 306, Spotlight II you could bring a • Sign to become a Bg Brother or Big Sister. 5 to 8 p.m, e-mail Shannon at piercesm syndicated comic strip lo The the Festival Breeze, which one would it be • Campus Assault ResponsE (CARE) meeting. 6:15 p.m.. Taylor and why' 9 311. contact Andrea at 437-6636 or miloal Darts and Pals 10 Studenl looks at similarities of Holocaust, slavery 11 POLICE LOG WEATHER Letters to the editor 13 id CASI I BONDS i>»li( i reporter LIFESTYLES A bomb threat reportedly occured in Zane The value of the stolen properly is report- Today Showker Hall April 19 at 12 11 p m edly S4.900 B^77 Partly cloudy The building was reportedly evacuated and High 82 Low 59 searched Computer Trespass Horoscopes 14 • A JMU student reported thai unknown per- 14 In other matters, campus polce report the fol- sons had allegedly gained access lo a com- High Low Crossword lowing puter password and changed it Apnl 17 between 3:45 p.m.
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