Coast Guard, DHS § 100.1105 TABLE 1 TO § 100.1103—Continued [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83.] 38°02′38″ N, 122°10′00″ W thence to 38°03′20″ N, 122°10′20″ W thence to 38°03′48″ N, 122°13′32″ W thence to 38°03′36″ N, 122°17′37″ W thence to 38°03′19″ N, 122°17′34″ W thence to 38°03′35″ N, 122°13′32″ W thence to 38°03′24″ N, 122°12′01″ W thence to 38°02′58″ N, 122°10′58″ W thence to 38°01′55″ N, 122°09′47″ W thence to 38°01′58″ N, 122°08′31″ W thence returning to the point of origin. Delta Thunder Powerboat Race Sponsor .................... Pacific Offshore Power Racing Association. Event Description ..... Professional high-speed powerboat race. Date .......................... Sunday in September. Location .................... Off Pittsburgh, CA in the waters around Winter Island and Brown Island. Regulated Area ........ The water area of Suisun Bay commencing at Simmons Point on Chipps Island; thence southwesterly to Stake Point on the southern shore of Suisun Bay; thence easterly following the southern shoreline of Suisun Bay and New York Slough to New York Slough Buoy 13; thence north-northwesterly to the Northwestern corner of Fraser Shoal; thence northwesterly to the western tip of Chain Island; thence west- northwesterly to the northeast tip of Van Sickle Island; thence following the shoreline of Van Sickle Island and Chipps Island and returning to the point of origin. Festival of the Sea Sponsor .................... San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. Event Description ..... Tugboat Race. Date .......................... Sunday in September. Location .................... From Crissy Field to Aquatic Park. Regulated Area ........ San Francisco Bay approximately 500 yards offshore of Golden Gate Yacht club, Gas house Cove, and extending east to Pier 45. All mariners may proceed with caution but must keep at least 500 foot distance from the competing tugboats. [CGD11–99–007, 64 FR 39029, July 21, 1999, as amended by USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36328, July 2, 2007] § 100.1105 San Francisco Bay Navy District, 400 Oceangate Boulevard, Fleetweek Parade of Ships and Blue Long Beach, CA 90822–5399. Angels Demonstration. (b) Regulated Areas: The following (a) Effective Periods. This section is areas are designated ‘‘regulated areas’’ during the Navy Parade of Ships and effective during the U.S. Navy/City of Blue Angels’ Flight activities. San Francisco Fleetweek Parade of (1) Regulated Area ‘‘Alpha’’ for Navy Navy Ships and Navy Blue Angels and Parade of Ships. The waters of San other airshow activities held annually Francisco Bay bounded by a line con- in early October, from Thursday necting the following points: through Saturday (with a possible Sun- 37°48′40″ N 122°28′38″ W day Blue Angels Flight Demonstration 37°49′10″ N 122°28′41″ W if weather prevents a Saturday per- 37°49′31″ N 122°25′18″ W formance). Annual notice of the spe- 37°49′06″ N 122°24′08″ W cific effective dates and times of these 37°47′53″ N 122°22′42″ W ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ regulations will be published by the 37 46 00 N 122 22 00 W 37°46′00″ N 122°23′07″ W Coast Guard in the Local Notice to Mariners and in the FEDERAL REG- and thence along the shore to the point of beginning. ISTER. To be placed on the Local Notice to Mariners mailing list contact: Com- (2) Regulated Area ‘‘Bravo’’ for U.S. mander (oan), Eleventh Coast Guard Navy Blue Angels Activities. The waters 309 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00319 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR § 100.1301 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) of San Francisco Bay bounded by a line published in the Local Notice of Mari- connecting the following points: ners. The event will be one week or less 37°48′27.5″ N 122°24′04″ W in duration. The specific dates during 37°49′31″ N 122°24′18″ W this time frame will be published in the 37°49′00″ N 122°27′52″ W Local Notice to Mariners. ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 37 48 19 N 122 27 40 W (b) The area where the Coast Guard and thence along the pierheads and bulwarks will restrict general navigation by this to the point of beginning. regulation during the hours it is in ef- Datum: NAD 83 fect is: The waters of Lake Washington (c) Regulations: All persons and/or bounded by the Interstate 90 (Mercer vessels not authorized as participants Island /Lacey V. Murrow) Bridge, the or official patrol vessels are considered western shore of Lake Washington, and spectators. The ‘‘official patrol’’ con- the east/west line drawn tangent to sists of any Coast Guard, public, state Bailey Peninsula and along the shore- or local law enforcement vessels as- line of Mercer Island. signed and/or approved by Commander, (c) The area described in paragraph Coast Guard Sector San Francisco to (b) of this section has been divided into patrol the Fleetweek event. two zones. The zones are separated by a (1) Except for persons or vessels au- line perpendicular from the I–90 Bridge thorized by the Coast Guard Patrol to the northwest corner of the East log Commander, in regulated area ‘‘Alpha’’ boom and a line extending from the no person or vessel may enter or re- southeast corner of the East log boom main within 500 yards ahead of the lead to the southeast corner of the hydro- Navy parade vessel, within 200 yards plane race course and then to the astern of the last parade vessel, and northerly tip of Ohlers Island in An- within 200 yards on either side of all drews Bay. The western zone is des- parade vessels. No person or vessel ignated Zone I, the eastern zone, Zone shall anchor, block, loiter in, or im- II. (Refer to NOAA Chart 18447). pede the through transit of ship parade (d) The Coast Guard will maintain a participants or official patrol vessels in patrol consisting of Coast Guard ves- regulated area ‘‘Alpha.’’ sels, assisted by Auxiliary Coast Guard (2) Except for persons or vessels au- vessels, in Zone II. The Coast Guard pa- thorized by the Coast Guard Patrol trol of this area is under the direction Commander, no person or vessel may of the Coast Guard Patrol Commander enter or remain within regulated area (the ‘‘Patrol Commander’’). The Patrol ‘‘Bravo.’’ (3) When hailed and/or signaled by an Commander is empowered to control official patrol vessel, a person or vessel the movement of vessels on the race- shall come to an immediate stop. Per- course and in the adjoining waters dur- sons or vessels shall comply with all di- ing the periods this regulation is in ef- rections given. fect. The Patrol Commander may be (4) The Patrol Commander shall be assisted by other federal, state and designated by the Commander, Coast local law enforcement agencies. Guard Sector San Francisco, Cali- (e) Only authorized vessels may be al- fornia. The Coast Guard Patrol Com- lowed to enter Zone I during the hours mander is empowered to forbid and this regulation is in effect. Vessels in control the movement of all vessels in the vicinity of Zone I shall maneuver the regulated areas. and anchor as directed by Coast Guard Officers or Petty Officers. [CGD11–89–15, 54 FR 39998, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended by CGD11–91–11, 56 FR 51332, Oct. 11, (f) During the times in which the reg- 1991; CGD11–93–009, 58 FR 51242, Oct. 1, 1993; ulation is in effect, swimming, wading, USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36327, July 2, 2007] or otherwise entering the water in Zone I by any person is prohibited § 100.1301 Seattle seafair unlimited hy- while hydroplane boats are on the race- droplane race. course. At other times in Zone I, any (a) This section is in effect annually person entering the water from the during the last week in July and the shoreline shall remain west of the first two weeks of August from 8 a.m. swim line, denoted by buoys, and any until 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, as person entering the water from the log 310 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00320 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR.
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