inc.GST $5.96 ENGINEERS 2 2009 AS U TRA LI A September 9, No CIVIL EDITIO 81 Vol Queensland Green s hoots emerging ALSON I THIS ISSUE: WN R AILWAYS N GAS DISASTER ANALYSED More t han big projects... We c are about the little things. Like t he ten native fish species that can now migrate up and down stream over the Tallowa Dam, thanks to a newly constructed 'Fishlift'. A first in New South Wales, this Sydney LEIGHTON Catchment Authority project is a great outcome for the Shoalhaven River and the local community. Not to mention the threatened Australian grayling. Leighton C ontractors. More than you'd imagine. www.leightoncontractors.com .au Influence t hrough potent credentials and the power of 90,000 voices hiss i very much the season for engi- are a ble to influence in a myriad of ways, neering to shine. Around Australia, at the local level through our technical we have been celebrating individual groups providing informed advice, Divi- and team brilliance through Engineer- sions provide input to state policy and ing Excellence Awards events. Engineers our National and International Policy Unit Australia Divisions have been hosting these does an excellent job supporting input at glittering functions to showcase the best federal and global levels. of the best in their region. Those projects Engineers Australias credentials are adjudged worthy of a Division award are potent, as evidenced by the standing we eligible to go on to the National Engineering have with all levels of government and Excellence Awards to potentially receive in the community. Perhaps our most sig- national honours. This ultimate celebratory nificant achievement in recent times was event on 25 November is fittingly held in the federal government's introduction of the Great Hall of Parliament House and it Infrastructure Australia, which is delivering is a night to remember. much needed national focus on appropriate I have been fortunate to attend several infrastructure development. In this time Division Excellence Awards functions and of the global financial crisis, advancing the standard of the entries continues to these key projects is of major importance wow! I also "doffs me lid" to the judges for economic stimulus and of significant as it is a very demanding and difficult value to engineering. This policy program task to adjudicate on the amazing variety was in large part a consequence of our In- of superb projects and yet restrict their frastructure Report Card initiative, which awards to just a few. Similarly with the by the way is being undertaken again and Peter G odfrey individual awards, I was a judge for the new reports will be released early next year. [email protected] Victoria Division Young Professional Our reputation also allows me access Engineer of the Year and I am delighted to many leaders in government and busi- with the calibre of applicants. These early ness and provides me the opportunity to Our r eputation also career engineers are doing some fantastic voice the engineering world's concerns, work, as well as contributing to their com- and support or opposition on key issues. allows me access munities through humanitarian efforts, Over the year I have spoken with various to many leaders in environmental activities and/or sporting ministers - state, federal and overseas - endeavours. These young women and men as well as business leaders. My primary government and business are our future and we are in good hands. messages relate to safe and sustainable and provides me the There was a recurring theme though that infrastructure development, engineering came through from these young engineers, skills shortages, even in a global financial opportunity to voice and that is the desire from them to see more crisis, and ensuring that maths and sci- engineers take leadership roles in society. ence are competently and enthusiastically the engineering world's They want us older engineers to provide taught so that we have an adequate pool concerns, and support or guidance on the key issues confronting of engineers who will solve those future our modern world. As individuals, we problems that will confront us. All have opposition on key issues. can be limited in what we can achieve and listened attentively and hopefully the seeds just how many within the community we sown will bear fruit. can get to pay heed to our concerns and Our recent strategic planning workshop advice. That shouldn't, and clearly doesn't, reinforced that we want to be the trusted prevent many engineers taking proactive voice of Australian engineering to the action and responsibility for improving community. Our members clearly want their part of the world. And many in the our voice heard and we will continue our engineering team do make a difference ... efforts on your behalf to provide leadership and make it so. where it counts. But you also have a vital But this effort isn't always coordinated role in getting our message heard and I and I firmly believe that one of the key again remind you to register your support benefits of an organisation like Engineers for our public awareness raising campaign Australia is that we have the power of and visit www.makeitso.org.au by signing representing close on 90,000 voices. We up and talking it up. CIVIL E NGINEERS AUSTRALIA | SEPTEMBER 2009 COVER S TORY Queensland ENGINEERS AUR 5 T A LIA 36 Queensland fSome o Queensland's new and recently- G reen shoots emerging completed engineering projects are discussed in this special feature. In addition to construction projects, it includes articles on solar power and cutting-edge research into hypersonic engines. GAS D ISASTER ANALYSED Cover D esign: Steran Novak ALSO... Analysisf o the 2005 Buncefield fuel depot explosion i n the UK CONTENTS ENGINEERS MEDIA HEAD O FFICE ACCOUNTANT ADVERTISING R EPRESENTATIVES Engineers A ustralia magazine, published by 2 Emest Place, Crows Nest, NSW T issa Mohotti Victoria & Tasmania Engineers Media Engineers (PO Box 588, Crows Nest 1585) Wyeth Media Services Pty Ltd phone 02 9438 1533 NATIONAL M ARKETING MANAGER 10 Keysborough Close Australia Pty Limited, ACN 001311511), Terry Marsden Engineers Australia's publishing company, fax 02 9438 5934, Keysborough Vic 3173 is a magazine reporting impartially the www.engineersmedia.com.au PRODUCTION M ANAGER PO Box 161 Dingley Vic 3172 latest news of interest to engineers. The phone 03 9701 8844, fax 03 9701 8877 EDITORIAL E MAIL Chris Gerelli statements made or opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect the [email protected] PRODUCTION South A ustralia & Northern Territory Russell Baker Advertising & Marketing views of the Institution. ADVERTISING E MAIL B elinda Kung, Stefan Novak Suite 19, 8-20 O'Connell Street Engineers M edia retains copyright for this [email protected] ADVERTISING M ANAGERS North Adelaide, SA 5006 publication. Written permission is required New South Wales for the reprinting of any of its content. GENERAL M ANAGER phone 08 8361 6822, fax 08 8361 6833. Bruce Roff Maria Mamone (Head office) BOARDF O DIRECTORS mobile 0417 266 459 Queensland Dr Peter Greenwood, HonFIEAust CPEng MANAGING E DITOR Leanne Ralph mobile 0432 612 344. M BL Media, PO Box 4077, Ashmore EngExec (chairman); Gunilla Burrowes, Dr Dietrich Georg, FIEAust Queensland 4214, phone 0408 735 338. FIEAust; Rupert Grayston, FIEAust CPEng; David Lees, MIEAust CPEng; Prof EDITORIAL Western A ustralia Elizabeth Taylor, AO FIEAust CPEng; Peter R obert Jackson, Justin Liu, O'Keeffe Media Services Taylor, FIEAust CPEng; Dr Liam Waldron, Kirill Reztsov, Jamie Ong 181 York Street, Subiaco WA 6008 FIEAustCPEng. phone 08 9381 7766, fax 08 9382 4850. Reader s urveys by x Civil E dition Memberof P ublishers Australia CIRCULATIONS 2 0,769 arr Vol 81 No 9 Nielsen AUD IT B OARD October 2008 media t hat engages to March 2009 M ed ISSN 1448-4951 J CIVIL E NGINEERS AUSTRALIA | SEPTEMBER 2009 o IN T HIS ISSUE... 3 F ROM 32 WORLD V IEW Through its nationwide membership base Infrastructure construction at full speed Engineers Australia carries much influence in South Africa 6 FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 33 MARGOT C AIRNES Member comment invited on Creating e motional safety at the workplace draft strategic plan 34 S USTAINABILITY 8 LETTERS Making D arwin a centre of sustainability 35 P ATENTING 12 NEWS A c amera mount for smooth panning 36 C OVER STORY 25 S NAPSHOT Simon B artlett - COO of Powerlink and Engineers A ustralia's Professional Electrical 52 R AILWAYS -Feature Engineer o f the Year 26 I NDUSTRIAL SAFETY 66 C OURSES, CONFERENCES & MEETINGS Analysisf o the explosion and fire at the B uncefield fuel depot in the UK 67 2g P OLICY Energy e fficiency of transport modes revisited 69 P OSITIONS WANTED 30 E NGINEERING HERITAGE Historic u nderground substation on show 69 A PPOINTMENTS 31 E NGINEERS AUSTRALIA OVERSEAS Seventh a nniversary for Hong Kong Chapter ENGINEERS A USTRALIA NATIONAL V ICE-PRESIDENTS NEWCASTLE VICTORIA Gunilla Burrowes, FIEAust; Dr MarleneKanga, 1 22 Parry St, Newcastle West 2302 1 3-21 Bedford St, North Melbourne 3051 NATIONAL O FFICE FlEAust CPEng; Mervyn Lindsay, FIEAust phone 02 4926 4440, fax 02 4929 7121. phone 03 9329 8188, fax 03 9326 6515. 11 National Circuit, Barton, ACT 2600 CPEng; Bronte Strout, FIEAust CPEng; Barry phone 02 6270 6555, fax 02 6273 1488 Tonkin, FIEAust CPEng NORTHERN WESTERN A USTRALIA www.engineersaustralia.org.au G PO Box 417, Darwin 0801 712 Murray St, West Perth 6005 Customer Service email CHIEF E XECUTIVE phone 08 8981 4137, fax 08 8941 3449. phone 08 9321 3340, fax 08 9481 4332. Peter Taylor, FIEAust CPEng [email protected] HONG K ONG CHAPTER 1300 653 113 COLLEGE C HAIRS QUEENSLAND Christopher Sparrow, Hon Secretary Adrian Richards, TMIEAust CEngT (biomedi- 4 47 Upper Edward St, Brisbane 4000 phone 852 2766 7730 NATIONAL P RESIDENT phone 07 3832 3749, fax 07 3832 2101.
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