-0 ' ' ~ ~ ~ pill ~] ' 0- ,- ' ~ ~ ~~ .lJ") cw) , ·.1IIiII ~ ~1 ~ : ~ E ' :::I ,-0 > 'S y .De· :::I frederick wiseman's e are DOCUMENTARY FILM - ORIGINALLY AIRED ON NETWORK TELEVISION - REVEALS THE DAY-TO-DAY FRUSTRATIONS OF CLIENTS AND WORKERS CAUGHT IN AN OUTMODED SYSTEM monday april_5 th ...... ~ 7-10pm open to all-free! SPONSORED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK UMBC - 5401 WILKENS AVENUE, BALTIMORE 21228 LECTURE J-IAI13 PAGE 2. RETRIEVER MARCH 29,1976 Co:mment IX>wered" label to mean teachers who put little value on IX>inted out, can no longer be a dirty word. Healy tactfully The Gap their interaction with students. told faculty and administration representatives that they Compound the faculty situation with the often alleged have been "needlessly cruel" in some of the demands slippage in the overall abilities of students, and a situation made upon students. And change in priorities would Is Not A Store in which neither side meets the expectations of the other require more than simply a verbal promise to provide has been created. The Middle States .accreditation visit more help and interaction '''ith students. A solution for the To the group of educational experts comprIsmg the should be the prod which induces UMBC to bring the IX'oblems cannot come until after the institution makes Middle States accreditation team, the one most striking experience of students more closely into line with what some commitment to refrain from penalizing professors aspect of the educational experience available at UMBC they need. The system at UMBC needs to be adjusted so who spend time with students. was the obvious gap between the expectations of faculty that the relationship between students and faculty is made The problem is a multifaceted one, but its' complexity and the needs and abilities of students. worthwhile and justifiable in terms of the time, effort and should not delay an attack upon it. A realignment of the UMBC's "gap" and it's significance has been a subject expense. instructional objectives is in order at UMBC. Making debated on campus for several years. Some deny its' Other schools have acknowledged the problem and clear the demands and learning potential available will existence, some speculate that it is the result of less than taken steps to remedy it. If 60 percent of the entering benefit students, faculty and later, UMBC's "community open recruitment promises made to highly qualified freshman class reads and writes at a tenth grade level, image" . If the Middle States recommendation is to faculty, and others point to the ready availability of "high presenting them with college level work as they enter become the evaluation resource it should be, and analysis IX>wered" Ph.D.'s searching for a port in a stormy job UMBC will simply do no good. of the educational attitude at UMBC should be first among market. Many students however, have taken the "high "Remediation", as Accreditation Director Healy institutional priorities. Letters if it were not for the Women's Liberation Anonymity Movement, there would be no such thing as a policeWOMAN!! . To the Retriever: I am angered by women who will accept Anonymity--virtue and vice. the benefits of the Women's Movement, On . Friday, March 19, a VICIOUS, and not accept the name. I am also scurrilous attack was made upon three angered by people like Mr. Eissele who partially named and some (or all?) full refer to one who strives for women's rights IX'ofessors by an anonymous a~thor. as a "Women's Libber" instead of a Paradoxically, the same missive sounded F'eminist. a trumpet call to "join us in our efforts to I am proud to be a Feminist or a make this campus safe for professional "Women's Libber". I am proud to believe development." Is there an anonymous in equality, to work for equality, and to see organization of anonymous persons? To women like Ms. Townshend attempt to whom does one apply for membership? attain equality. If that is being a I do not reject the occasional need for "Women's Libber, then that is my middle anonymity. I use it to elicit hone~t and name! Very truly yours, unrestrained reactions from my students Patty rarsons to my classes. It is used here at UMBC in the students' evaluations of teachers. Anonymity has its virtues. Faculty Confidence But to use the cloak of anonymity to Dear Editor: unleash an unsubstantiated, vicious, I strongly urge the faculty not to be too cowardly attack upon three members of , presumptuous of its "No Confidence" vote. our faculty has to be evidence of a per­ Because Dr. Lee is Chancellor, he is the verted mentality that must merit our pity obvious scapegoat for UMBC's problems. while we simultaneously reject and abhor Let us look at what may not be so obvious. its reprehensible attempt at character If students were to take a blanket vote of assassination. Anonymity here is a vice to confidence in the faculty, I'm sure the be detested and despised. Instances such faculty would not have strikingly beautiful as this recurrent the recurrent suggestion at other area colleges about the program. some misunderstandings, however, ot performance either. Would the faculty of demonic possession: it strains credulity We also hope you will pre-register in early budgeted enrollment versus actual view such a poll as fair? Most likely the to accept this act as that of a normal May so that we can assure instructors enrollment. Budgeted enrollment is an vote would be discounted, as the faculty human being. theif courses will be taught and keep annual average of full time equivalent would not see itself failing its duties. If the author has the courage of his or course cancellations to the absolute students, and is used for staffing and in- , Would the poll be as legitimate as the one her or its convictions, and the facts to minimum. We think you will find that come projections during budget taken about Chancellor Lee? At least the substantiate the charges made, why hide summer session at UMBC has improved in rreparation, and is usually calculated one students would see it legitimately. behind anonymity? many ways over past years, and that you and one half years prior to the start of the The one group that has been completely CyWitte will find much to your liking here. enrollment period. The budgeted ignored and eliminated from the Division of Education' Sincerely, enrollment in the Governor's Budget discussion of Chancellor Lee's ability to William G. Rothstein Request for 1976-77 was the same as the perform has been the student body. If students were asked what UMBC's Chairman, Special Sessions Committee budgeted enrollment for this year. Since Summer Session we did not attain the budgeted enrollment problems are, there would not be a quick this year, the goal of attaining the indictment of Chancellor Lee alone. To the Editor: Data Correction budgeted enrollment next year would Students would not lower themselves to a May I draw the attention of UMBC represent an increase over the actual quick emotional judgement. All of UMB­ students to what we think is the best To the Editor: enrollment of this year. Currently the C's problems do not just lie on Chancellor summer session ever offered at UMBC. Dr. Rothstein, in his letter published in administration is projecting an increase in Lee's desk. Other factions of the fhe Retriever on 22 March 1976, listed Let me point out some of the features: enrollment of 7 percent over this year. University must also be placed under -- More courses (over 140) than ever examples which he felt illustrated the Sincerely, - scrutiny. Perhaps the faculty should before; in fact, the largest and most varied failure of the administration effectively MarkE. Behm examine itself as well as all ad­ program in the entire metropolitan area. run the university. While not wishing to Budget Officer ministrators, the central administration -- More evening courses than ever participate in the current discussions, I and all offices within, all five Deans, the before, for the convenience of students feel it necessary to correct the inac­ associate staff--as mentioned in Dr. who must work during the day. curacies ,in the two examples that con­ See LETTERS Page 10 -- Courses grouped on T -W- Th for the tained budget data. Sexism Charged most part, so you can arrange a schedule Dr. Rothstein indicates it was the Dear Editor: Cover Photo by Jim Vidmar with extended w~ekends. University's decision to cut 14 lines at I would like to comment on an article in -- An "open" b. I plan with no specific UMBC. The budget which was submitted last week's Retriever. The article was due date to eliminate long lines at the to the Governor by the Board of Regents unfortunately titled "New Police Woman: retriever cashier's office, coupled with tuition which did not include any reductions at UMBC. An Attractive Bundle of Energy" , and was The RETRIEVER is published every Monday ex· is still among the lowest in the area. The cuts of faculty lines, library book written by Mr. Bill Eissele. I refer to the cept during examination periods. holidays and -- A maximum of 16 credits without' , purchases, and utilities were decided by title as unfortunate because no person other designited times, during the filII and spring semesters by and for the students of the University special permission, and no need to worry the Governor's staff without any con­ should be referred to as a "bundle" of of Maryland Baltill'ore County campus.
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