
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2015 No. 5 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was pressing condolences to his wife, Linda Today, one of the projects he spear- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Hershman; and his four children, Mi- headed, an industrial park in Norwich pore (Mrs. BLACK). chael Israelite, Abby Dolliver, Mindy that never would have been realized f Wilkie, and Jon Israelite. without Stanley’s efforts, now bears After his passing, a memorial service his name, the Stanley Israelite Nor- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO was held at Beth Jacob Synagogue, wich Business Park, renamed in his TEMPORE which was the scene of an overflow honor in 2005. In 1995, Stanley was rec- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- crowd of people from all walks of life. ognized as U.S. News and World Re- fore the House the following commu- His longtime boss, former U.S. Senator port’s 12 Indispensable Americans. nication from the Speaker: Chris Dodd; Lieutenant Governor For all the awards and honors that Nancy Wyman; State legislators; may- his community rightly bestowed on WASHINGTON, DC, him throughout his career, Stanley, January 12, 2015. ors and former mayors; small business I hereby appoint the Honorable DIANE owners; labor union leaders; and his himself, valued the thank you notes BLACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on this neighbors and friends from the city he that he received from grateful con- day. loved, Norwich, Connecticut, were all stituents above everything. In 1995, he JOHN A. BOEHNER, in attendance. explained to a reporter from The New Speaker of the House of Representatives. Senator Dodd delivered a stirring eu- London Day that the highest honor in f logy filled with humor and passion, de- the Dodd office was to post a con- stituent thank you letter on the office MORNING-HOUR DEBATE scribing Stanley’s amazing life of serv- ice. As Senator Dodd related, Stanley refrigerator. ‘‘That is our glory,’’ he The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dedicated his life to helping others. said. ‘‘If you are on the refrigerator, ant to the order of the House of Janu- After starting his career in his fam- then you have done a good job.’’ ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- ily-owned jewelry store, he uncovered Stanley’s personal mantra—which he instilled in his colleagues, friends, and nize Members from lists submitted by his true passion, assisting members of family—was always, ‘‘Don’t forget the the majority and minority leaders for his community with any problem, any- people.’’ After a lifetime of service to morning-hour debate. time, after intervening with a family his community, the people he helped The Chair will alternate recognition in crisis. He left the business, and after and everyone who had the privilege to between the parties, with each party holding a variety of human service and know him will certainly never forget limited to 1 hour and each Member business advocacy positions in Nor- him. other than the majority and minority wich—and earning citizen of the year leaders and the minority whip limited and citizen of the decade awards in the f to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- 1960s—went on to work for Chris Dodd. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. Stanley ran his constituent service LEGISLATION f programs, beginning in 1974 with The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Dodd’s election as Second District Con- Chair recognizes the gentleman from REMEMBERING STANLEY gressman, the seat that I now have the ISRAELITE Alabama (Mr. BYRNE) for 5 minutes. honor to hold, and later as State direc- Mr. BYRNE. Madam Speaker, just The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tor to Senator Dodd after Chris’ elec- last month, we made a promise to the Chair recognizes the gentleman from tion to the Senate in 1980. American people. We promised our con- Connecticut (Mr. COURTNEY) for 5 min- Stanley remained a fixture in Con- stituents that we would fight the utes. necticut politics, known for his con- Obama administration’s decision to Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, summate dedication to helping con- give executive amnesty to many of today, I rise to remember one of east- stituents get the help they needed. He those in this country illegally. ern Connecticut’s most generous, car- spent decades ensuring that Con- I am pleased to announce that this ing, and devoted citizens, Stanley necticut citizens received help from week the House will fulfill that prom- Israelite. the VA, Medicare, and Social Security; ise and act to defund the illegal execu- Stanley passed away this past De- solved thorny immigration problems; tive action. All last year, we strongly cember at age 89 and leaves behind an helped small business owners get their urged the President not to act alone, enduring powerful legacy in his native feet under them; and then doggedly and the American people spoke clearly Norwich and throughout Connecticut. I pushed forward projects to improve in last November’s election, but the ask the U.S. House to join me in ex- local communities. President forged ahead anyway. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H191 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Jan 13, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JA7.000 H12JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 12, 2015 Now, in order to preserve our Na- CELEBRATING THE SAN ANTONIO Charbonnier and 10 other people in the tion’s longstanding system of checks SPURS newspaper. They left the building, and balances to preserve the very order The SPEAKER pro tempore. The shouting the Islamic phrase, ‘‘Allah of our Constitution, the House will act Chair recognizes the gentleman from Akbar’’ or ‘‘God is the greatest.’’ They to rein in President Obama’s plans for Texas (Mr. DOGGETT) for 5 minutes. then murdered a policeman, ran back executive amnesty. Mr. DOGGETT. Madam Speaker, to their car, shouting, ‘‘We have re- We will vote on legislation, which I today is a special day for San Antonio venged the Prophet Muhammad.’’ was proud to cosponsor, written by my because our San Antonio Spurs are You see, Madam Speaker, these kill- Alabama colleague, Congressman ROB- being recognized at the White House ers murdered because the paper exer- ERT ADERHOLT, which would prevent for their victorious season. We have, of cised the human right of free speech the President from carrying out his course, already had many a celebration and a free press. The assassin brothers plans for executive amnesty. in San Antonio, but it is good to see were on the run for 2 days, but on Jan- Let me be clear: this is tough legisla- this celebration now reaching 1600 uary 9, the police cornered them at a tion which completely eliminates all Pennsylvania Avenue. Congratulations standoff near the Paris airport. The po- funds for implementation of the Presi- to the San Antonio Spurs on this fifth lice rescued a hostage, and the brothers dent’s illegal actions. The bill has the amazing championship ring. were killed, going out just like they support of many leading voices in the Serving here in Congress as a rep- wanted to, in a massive firefight as immigration debate including my resentative for much of San Antonio, martyrs. home State Senator, JEFF SESSIONS. including the very place in the Alamo On the same day, another gunman, but an accomplice of the two brothers, Just as important, the legislation City where the Spurs have scored so took hostages at a kosher grocery makes clear that no Federal benefits many of these victories, I know that store on the east side of Paris. Police can be granted to any alien as a result nothing defines the Spurs or San Anto- stormed the grocery store and killed of the policies defunded and also elimi- nio like the teamwork, the determina- the terrorist, but not before he had nates funds to consider new, renewal, tion, and the positive attitude they dis- murdered Jewish hostages. or previously-denied applications for played on this trail to the 2014 cham- You see, Madam Speaker, these three executive amnesty. pionship victory. These values are shown through the Spurs’ ‘‘Silver and killed because people disagreed with The legislation doesn’t just defund Black Give Back’’; a community and them. They killed the Jews because the President’s executive action. The outreach program which has benefited they were Jews. They killed the people legislation paves the way for stronger over 250,000 children and coaches in the at the newspaper because they had the border security by increasing funds for past couple of decades, all this in a city audacity to print things that these border agents, detention beds, and en- that is overflowing with Spurs enthu- folks—these terrorists—did not ap- forcement activities. siasm and Spurs fans. prove of. In order to halt illegal immigration I would have to say that all of San The French authorities did a superb in this country, we must stop encour- Antonio knows that the Spurs are cer- job hunting down and killing these ter- aging illegal immigration by offering tainly no Mavericks at basketball; rorists. The two brothers responsible amnesty and instead put more atten- they are well-seasoned, team players.
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