Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1985 The ommeC nt, October 21, 1985 Bridgewater State College Volume 60 Number 4 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1985). The Comment, October 21, 1985. 60(4). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/523 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Llvln.g at BSC ..~ ·.: ·.:;.··.·.· ~. :... ; ~. { :.· ·.·~ ·.•. ·.·: ·.·.·; ..\ ~.' :.: :..••. : .·. :•.. : ·.·. /:.. i•·:.·· ::.. :'.· ·~.:. '.:; :.·.: '. :.•....••.. ~ ~.: :.~ :··... '. ~·=,··.·: ·. : '.~ ·. ;.'.:•• :.·.: ~:. pitdis••••·i1•·0·•.••·+••••··~1 Bridgewater State College October 2t, 1985 vol xx·x no 4 Health major proposed By The demand for people 1n the Health Brent Rossi Promotion/ Health Awareness field is The cirriculum here at BSC is con­ going to increase tremendously. With the stantly changing. New courses and rising cost of medicine, people will tend, majors are being added on a continual more and more, to look toward preven­ basis, as more and more fields open up tive medicine. and the degree of specialization in these Said Paul Dubois, Chairman of the fields becomes increasingly necessary. Department of Health, Physical Educa­ The newest major being considered is tion and Recreation, "When you talk Health, with a major emphasis on health about costs, insurance costs are skyrock­ promotion and health awareness. eting. It (health promotion) is not going It was first proposed in 1981. At that to go out of style. People are going to say time, it was submitted to the Board of 'Enough. There must be some way to Regents by the Department of Health, reduce costs.' The Health Promotion idea Physical Education and Recreation. But is a new way to try to do that." . because all new majors were put on hold, The Health major will not be like the it was not acted on until recently. It's other majors offered here. Instead of reg­ proposed implementation results from ular courses, ~uch as anatomy or environ­ the increasing demand for health special­ mental health, students will be trained to ists in · communities, industry, and design, set up, and implement programs schools. in various settings. Edward Hart, Professor of Health A general program has been submitted Science, said that this is not a brand new to the Board of Regents. After that is field. "Health promotion/health educa­ approved, specific courses will be tion," said Mr. Hart, "really gained designed. It is hoped by Mr. Dubois that national prominence with the Nixon students will be able to register as Health Administration. There was concern majors for the Fall, 1986 semester. about escalating health costs. One of the The basic ideas for the program have ways to he\p defray hea\th costs is to been \ested here at \"\SC. chung,'-' p..:oy>\c'" \\\"est~\e•.;. "That thrust ·1~ "For f\'Jc year~ now," s·,\\l\ Mr. Duhoi.", 5 1 'fll m@f@trn ?! rs rmtrr Wttftl•l)lfC'?'Ne/etf f@i.'fff ewn n&wsa hO[(I ecom ~ I 'J a vtt t g 111• Wi@IN!f df nenrncpromo­ "we've gotten a grant from the Cc}mmon­ tion. That's what its all about." wealth to go out and develop a physical A student who majors in health pro­ fitness program for firefighters. This Trustees talk concerning the Hill motion would work in one of four set­ includes health education, as well as test­ tings. The first is business and industry, ing." The results have been positive. by Mona McNamara Grounds Manager Janies Cummings. helping to improve fitness and nutrition "They are injured less often. They have The Trustees Committee of Student The evening began at 5:15 with dinner in workers, thereby reducing sick days, heart attacks Jess often, lower back pro_b­ Affairs met at 5 p.m., Tuesday, October at the Shea-Durgin cafeteria. The actual workmen's compensation due to illness, Iems less often. The tests show a definite 15 to tour the Shea-Durgin dormitories. tour began at approximately 5:45 and and increasing general productivity. The change in their physiological response." Accompanying the Trustees during the was conducted by Tim Melrick, one of other settings would involve working in Placement for students with a Health . visit were President Adrian Roridelieu the Head Residents. The reason for the hospitals; in communitees with jobs in degree has already been planned, with and Vice Presidents Chlccarelli Deep, visit was the concern of the Trustees over the Heart Association and other like connections being made with the Health Dillman and Meaney. Also accompany­ supposed overcrowding on the Hill. the 1 organizations, or state or local organiza­ S ..vice Association in Middleboro, and ing the Trustees were Housing Director tions; the last setting is in schools with Maureen FitzGerald and Building and oTrustees, p. 12 health awareness programs. Freshman Center honored by the NACADA By Mary Carnacchio an asset to the BSC community. The Congratulations are in order for the Center is staffed by eight faculty Academic Advising Center. Professor members, each representing various Ann Coakley has recently returned departments. They provide academic from St. Louis, Missouri, where she counselling to undeclared majors and received the AC/NACADA(National guidance to all freshmen concerning Academic Advising Association) school policy, class requirements, National Recognition Program for scheduling, and effective study habits. Academic Advising Award on behalf Professor Coakley refers to the staff ofBSCand the Freshman Center. This as "loving, caring people who enjoy prestigious award was received by only helping the students." By being a 17 other schools in the nation. It is a diverse group, the staff offers campus­ recognition of outstanding work in the wide, objective views. In advising the field of a'cademic advising, with crite­ freshmen, they recognize their individ­ ria including creativity, innovative ual educational needs. They offer spe­ quality, and up-to-date methods and cific programs in decision-making, programs. time management, honors work, and The director of the center, Dr. english and mathematical tutoring. Edmund Haughey, implemented the The Freshmen Academic Advising program two years ago. With the Center is open Monday through Fri­ administrative support of Dr. Robert day, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is Dillman, Vice President of Academic always someone there to help with any Affairs, Dr. Haughey's aspirations for problems you may have. the department became a reality and Dr. Edmund Hau11hev directs freshman center activities. 2 The Comment Monday, October 21, 1985 Students must look Thank you from DAC We the members of the Disabled t:ie physically challenged person from the Awareness Coalition would like to thank boundries presented by the stairs and beyond BSC Nancy Clay and her office for getting us oren up cultural awareness. In the first issue of The Comment If you haven't grasped this most fun­ started on a new semester. Of course, in making Bridgewater .his semester. a great outcry was regis­ damental operating principle of There are a number of accessibility State College a more accessible college, tered over the College's decision to tri­ government-that the vote is to the projects to look forwrd to in the upcom­ we must not forget that on the hard road ple one hundered-fifty ( 150) rooms in politician what the dollar is to the ing academic year. Keep an eye on Rick of getting an education the ten stairs to the Great Hill Dormitories ... Menage a businessman-then the College, per­ Veno for making the restrooms on the· the graduation platform will be the hard­ trois,., .. Space invasion ...... ''Bridge- forming its civic duty, will continue to first floor of the Student Union accessi­ est obstacle we will have to overcome in water State College Sardines . ., Most pretend that it is ignoring your needs, ble. Thanks Rick! To those of you who our entire four years. Hopefully, this bar­ people hav ~ resigned themselves to interests. concerns. points of view, and may not have noticed, the curbe cut at the rier will be removed and not deminish the grumble amongst themselves about ' experience as they make decisions that corner of Park and Elwell Avenues hopes of the Disabled Awareness Coali­ this sorry situation. impact on your life ... behind the Maxwell Library has been tion for future success. nut one should look at the motiva­ I think it's called reverse psychol­ installed. For even more exciting news The future of the physically challenged tio'1s behind such decisions. Con­ ogy. If you are nor registered to vote the possibility of the Kelly Gymnasium relies greatly on the accomplishment of sciously or not. the Bridgewater State and you are living on-campus or in the and the pool being mde accessible could such small but important aspects of col­ College Administration is calling on Town of Bridgewater (or if you are make the seniors graduation extra spe­ lege life. the Student Body to become actively commuting to B.S.C. and you're hav­ cial. Also, planned for the future, is the Sincerely, involved in the decision-making pro­ ing trouble getting a parking space), installation of a wheelchair lift to the Stu­ The Disabled Coalition cesses that affect their lives. ask your PARENTS to call YOUR­ dent Union Auditorium which would free The on-campus housing shortage is /THEIR state representatives and 1101 limited to B.S.C. Go West. senators and tell them what a raw deal st ranger. and look to Westfield and their Adult-Children are getting at Worcester state colleges. The problem school. After all.just because YOU are Thanks again is there. too. For two years. a proposal in college doesn't mean YOUR PAR­ had rested with Regents' Chancellor ENTS shouldn't continue to look out I am very concerned about issues between the mens and womens locker John Duff before the issue was ever for and protect you.
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