Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 3-7-1969 Spectator 1969-03-07 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1969-03-07" (1969). The Spectator. 1148. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1148 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. NCAA Tournament Game: TV or Not TV The student effort to get the Seattle Univer- ed the campaign.They include: Tex Winter, Uni- sity NCAA Tournament— basketball game on tele- versity of Washington basketball coach; Con- vision tomorrow night known as "Operation Air gressman Brock Adams; Restaurantuer Victor the Chiefs"— is itself up m the air at this time. Rosellini; Thomas A. Connolly, Archbishop of Se- The student committee headed by ASSU offi- attle; William E. Boeing Jr.; Joshua Green Sr.; cers Tom Robinson and Paul Seeley and Aegis Charles M. Carroll, Seattle city councilman; and Editor John Sammons, has taken an entirelydif- John Doyle Bishop, a leading fashion figure. ferent direction from the originalphone campaign According to Seely, "Our main purpose is to directed at KTNT-TV. demonstrate to local stations that there is suffic- ient audience interest m sporting events of this THE CAMPAIGNisnow beingaimed atKIRO- nature to warrant television coverage." TV, according to Sammons, because KIRO is m Sammons, Seely and Robinson have an ap- a much better financial and technical position to pointment to meet withKIRO's Ken Hatch at 11 air the telecast. o'clock this morning. A final decision will be Sammonssaid, "TomRobinson and Ispokedi- made at this meeting. rectly with Ken Hatch, KIRO-TV station mana- ger, and he told us that it would be financially SAMMONS SAID, "I'm optimistic about our and technically possible for the station to carry chances for success. We have really moved this the telecast." According to Sammons, Hatch's community." He added that even if the telecast onlyreservations concerned sufficient fan enthus- proves impossible on Saturday, the furor created iasm. by the student campaign will make the chances "Hatch told me," continued Sammons, "that for a telecast of next Tuesday's game against if we could demonstratesufficient fan interest he Santa Clara extremelygood. would consider changing his mind." An additional twist was added to the cam- paign late yesterdayafternoon when ASSU Treas- AS A RESULT, a vigorous petitioncampaign urer Tom Robinson placed a longdistance call to has been undertaken by S.U. students to collect comedian Jackie Gleason m Miami Beach, to en- sufficient signatures to impress the KIRO mana- list his support for the game telecast. gement with the high level of fan interest m the game. ACCORDING TORobinson, the attempt to en- Bus loads of S.U. students have been moving list Gleason's support was made because Glea- all over the Seattle area for the past two days son's popularnetwork program would be one of collecting signatures.Last night the student pet- the shows pre-emptedby the basketball telecast, signatures if KIRO agrees to air thegame. itioners collected at the Seattle Cen- plan ter after the high schoolmetro basketball cham- Robinson said. "Our is to ask Gleason to pionships. send a telegram to the KIRO management tell- ing them that he doesn't mind having his show To date, several thousand signatures have added, been collected and according to Sammons, even cancelled for a week." Robinson "We're more importantly, the campaign has generated even going to invite him to the Tabard Inn Sat- significantinterest m the business community. urday to watch the game on color TV." At this writing, Robinson hasbeen unable "to reach Glea- SEVERAL COMMUNITYleadershave endors- son, "but we're not giving up yet! SEATTLEUNIVERSITYSectator XXXVII Seattle, Washington, Friday,March 7 »<4S>° No. 36 Cullerton Names Twelve Urban Affairs Members By PATTY HOLLINGER Black Student Union president. open to the public. The first A twelve member Urban Af- Faculty members are: Dr. meeting was last Wednesday, fairs Committeehas beennamed William Cooley, Electrical En- the next will be noon on Wed- by Brian Cullerton, the newly gineering Department; Fr. nesday m the Chieftain Confer- appointed Director of Urban Af- Frank Costello, S.J., Acting ence Room. fairs. Chairman of Political Science Election of a chairman from The committeeis composedof Department; Sister Rosemary the committee's ranks will be three students, seven faculty and McCartin, F.C.S.P., Psychology the main item on the agenda two alumni. The representatives Department; Dr. James Mc- Wednesday. wereappointed by theRev. John Guire, School of Business; Dr. The committee'spurposes are A. Fitterer, S.J., president of Joe Mills, Sociology Depart- to outline goal and priorities m S.U. on the recommendation of ment; Mr. Charles Yackulic, the urban affairs area. It also Cullerton. School of Education; and Mr. recommends policyon academic THE STUDENT members are: Roger Yockey, Journalism De- Programs,research projects and Sharon Green, Political Union partment. community service activities m president; Rita Thomas, ASSU Alumni representatives are: the realm of urban affairs. comptroller; and Alan Vaughn, Mr. Lawrence Faulk, Class of The committee's other duties 1961, 26th Legislative District, consist of developing academic Washington State Senate; and programs to prepare the stu- HearingsSet Mr. Lawrence Sanford, Class of dent to livem an urbanenviron- 1957, Director of On-the-Job ment, and to discuss university Training Project for the Seattle involvement with representative For Arson Urban League. of urban organizations and Suspects THE COMMITTEE meetings agencies. Preliminary hearings for two men charged with attempting to Conference OnChurch, burn S.U.s ROTC buildinghave been set for 9:30 a.m. Monday m the court of Judge Edmund Value of Human Life Set Quigley. "The TeachingChurchand the vage, cardiovascularand pedia- The hearings will determine Value of Human Life" is the tric surgeon; and attorney Pat- whether there is sufficient evi- themeof aconference for Catho- rick A. Geraghty Jr., all of Se- dence to hand Mike Larson, 22, lic attorneys,nurses, physicians attle. and Richard A. Hills,23, over to and social workers Saturday, Panel moderator is Rev. Rob- King County superior court for March 15, at S.U. ert Bradley, S.J., dean of SU's trial on a charge of second de- The Rev.Kenneth Baker, S.J., Collegeof Arts and Sciences. gree arson. assistant professor of theology Larson, an S.U. freshman,and at Gonzaga University, will THE CONFERENCE will be- Hills ,a recent graduate of Gon- speak on "What the Church Is gin at 9:30 a.m. and continue zaga University, were arrested Teaching about Man and So- through 4p.m.on campus under on Feb. 19, three days after a ciety." the sponsorship of the S.U. crude arson attempt on the The Rev.Clifford Kossell,S.J., Schoolof Nursing. wood-frame ROTC building. Gonzagaprofessor of philosophy, A concelebrated mass will be Witnesses had identified a car will speak on "Ethical Implica- said at noon m the Campion seen leavingthe scene after two tions for the Professions." Tower chapel.Concelebrants are men ran from behind the build- Fathers Bradley,Baker,Kossell, ing. Another witness, a service APANEL on "Values ThatAre Muehe and Rev. William F.Le- station attendant, recalled hav- m Jeopardy" will include Fath- Roux,S.J., chairman of the S.U. ing sold two men gasoline m a ers Baker and Kossell, Rev. theology department. plastic bleach container, identi- Dennis Muehe, Seattle archdio- Conference fee is $3, including fied as having been used to set cesan director of social service; luncheon price, according to Dr. the blaze. Dr. Dorothy Crowley, U.W. as- Eileen M. Ridgwey,S.U.nursing UNLESS LOCAL TV stations give m,Chieftain fans may The fire, which was quickly sociate professor of nursing and dean.Reservations may bemade extinguished by passers-by, did nursingschoolassistant dean for at the S.U. School of Nursing, be reduced to this method of watching the NCAA only minimal damage. space planning; Dr. Lester Sau- EA 3-9400, ext. 207. playoffs. —Spectator art by Tom Yagle THE SPECTATOR Friday, March 7, 1969 2 Northwest Sectional Conference Sensitivity Training Is "Expansion With Direction" will be the theme of the Alpha Phi Omega Northwest Sectional Opposed By Speaker Conference, hosted by S.U.s by MARSHA GREEN vatives and it seemed that from Kappa Rho chapter this week- Perhaps out of curiosity at the the audience's reaction he wasa end. subject to be discussed and the little too conservative. Delegates from half a dozen publicity '"A shotgun aimed at Expressing a comment that chapters m Washington, Oregon your child's head," a capacity it seemed a number of the au- crowd was attracted to the free dience shared was Dr. Stefan and Idaho will attend the three library Christopher Sociology De- day meeting. co- hour m the auditorium of the Conference last Friday to hear Ed Dieck- partment: "I had expected a chairman Rich Knoeber, Rich intellectualtalk, and expect mann Jr., speak on the dangers serious and Gasper, and Don Nelson sensitivity training. morning's in- about 30 representatives,includ- of found this comic ing section chairman Gary Dieckmann, a former parole terlude quiterefreshing." Strong of Oregon. officer m the state of California, resigned last October m order compulsory TONIGHT'S reception, at 8 to speak out against p.m. m Kappa Rho's office m sensitivity training. the Bellarmine apartments, will In defining sensitivity training open the conference. he called it "thoughtreform for Saturdaywill be spentmgroup thought control." Sessions take discussions, talks, and compara- place m a group setting where is followed by tive chapter reports.Jerry Grib- a self-confession are you getting the most ble, Student Activities Co-ordin- mutual criticism.
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