Cambridge~.MI Conttinuous a~is Massachusett News Service Since 1881 ._ Acpril 3, 1976 I ~baae~~p~lr~~~ V 8 k-~~a.~Lr- T.I~ubrIQuesday, on RasmussMen conimentsnor major dif- By Hams ton Spakewsky development of nuclear power? technology, we met Editor's stower This is the first of Rasmussen: I think we have a ficulties on the way, and the suc- problem in cess story is that now, thirty years a series of articles on nuclear very serious energy - _S~ ~ - g 64 power plant safety. the country. It has been later, we have achieved 13 percent The crisis at Three Mile Island emphasized once more with the of the nation's electrical supply, Nuclear Plant in Harrisburg, PA, Iranian situation, and I think and you divide that by four, that's has- added to the growing con- nuclear power can form part of about three percent of the na- while troversy over the safety and risk the solution to the problem we tion's total energy supply, of nuclear power in this country. face. About 25 percent of our this technology was a real success i week, before the Harrisburg electricity is now produced by oil story. When you're talking about Last or accident, The Tech interviewed and natural gas and it seems a big fraction of this country's to 20 Professor Norman Rasmussen, urgent that we convert that to a significant fraction like 10 energy, the author of the Reactor Safety coal and nuclear which are. in- percent of this country's Study, which was first issued in digenous sources of which we you' talk about enormous so on, October of 1975. This report, have a fairly substantial supply. amounts of equipment and The Tennessee Valley Authority's nuclear' facility, near Belletonte. can't known as Wash- 1400, concluded The Tech: Is there any alternative? by any technology' and you Tenn. The question of safety at nuclear power plants, such as this, has to produce that the overall risks from reactor WVould even inaximum development build up the industry been raised following the Three-Mile Island incident. (Photo by Hans accidents was very small. of alternative evergy soulrces do (Please turmtopgge 2 von Spakovsky) The controversy generated by anything so meet our growing this report caused the Nuclear energy needs.? a Regulatory- Commission (NRC), Rasmussen: Ohl, sure they will, 148 L y e iI to develop BJolWs modifications begun to set up a review group headed but it takes many years Although it was originally in- By Jopeedl newst Also, motorists approaching Har- by Dr. Harold Lewis of the any new technology to the point Th to reach "Route 128, the satine Frida vard Square from Central Square tended University of California. Based of productivity in ~asubstantial mlinThe mpopened current Ked Line extension is themporar station, Frdub- will no longer be able to turn left on its criticisms of the Rasmussen sense. Let me give you an exam- March23 funded only to Alewife Brook 23.tTh newe sthetion, st from Massachusetts Ave. onto study, the NRC issued-a state- ple. In 1945, we knew how to beM Hrarch Parkway, a distance of three miles $546dB mlione thed Lirst Brattle. I ment syaing that, although it did build reactors of any size we stpofted Square. A tilonFReshin The current entrance to Har- from Harvard support the -extended use of the wanted to, to generate any extenso from Harvar 'for the MBTA said wanted to, we Pxesond. o avrdt rs I vard station (across from the spokesman probabilistic risk assessment used amount of heat we do-exist for a further make steam tur- od Coop) will remain open until Fall that plans in Wash-1400, it did not "regard knew how to to Arlington Heights. we had to do was couple The new station, constructed I 1980 when it too will be closed to extension as reliable the Reactor Safety bines, all the Alewife ex- We invested entirely of wood, was opened I allow construction work on the . Since the work on Study's numerical estimate of the the two together. un- of both aflter the City of Cambridge aban- new permanent Harvard station. tension will not be completed overall risk of reactor accident." enormous amounts Heights ex- federal funds and private corn- doned a last-minute attempt to I Tlhe entrance will be replaced til 1984, the Arlington The Tec&:Professor Rasmussen, tension could not be ready until at pany funds in developing this 'et an injunction to stop the II temporarily by an entrance on do you support the continued least the late 1980's. Opening. Xne city council is siallta Holyoke Street. odds with tree M BTA over procedural questions. For exam- Sankwpolicy commitee ple, the Harvard/Brattle Station xa I was constructed without an-, in- 1WIT s holdtings spection by the Cambridge .,.-,xanuesBy Ron Newman Building Dept. Consequentially, sanctions against Tomnorrow afternoon's government Cambridge Electric refused to meeting of the Ad- that country. supply it with power, and the sta- scheduled resolutions ask that visory Committee on Shareholder Still other tion is receiving electricity from Standard Oil of California teport Responsibility (ACSR) may the adjoining trolley yard, ac- on the company's excess holdings feature a shorter agenda than ex- cording to the C amrbridge Chroni- of Federally-irrigated land in the if three proxy statements cle. pected that Mobil recognized reach the Committee by Southwest; With the new station open, two do not black trade unions in South time of the meeting. changes have been made to allow the Africa; and that Eastman Kodak The ACSR meeting, to be held construction on the Ked Line to refuse to sell photographic sulp- tomorrow at 4:30pm in room 10 proceed. First, the bus tunnels, plies to the South African govern- 300, was timed to occur two days which on weekdays serve 13,000 A similar Kodak proposal the monthly meeting of the ment. people, have been closed. Routes before approved by the ACSR last Corporation Executive was which formerly terminated un- MIT subsequently re- on April 60 Of the five April but was derground now terminate on the Dignitaries and guests cut the ribbon to open the new Harvard/Brattle Committee MIT Corporation that must be voted jected by the Cambridge Common or at the station. (Photo by Joei West) proxies Executive Committee. between then and the Executive new Harvard/Brattle station. Committee's next meeting May 4, only two, Caterpillar Tractor and American Home Products have to mentioned 'insider'screenpings has arrived so far, according CJAl begins preslulentquently ACSR secretary Walter Milne. By Bruce Kaplan dergraduates) is onleofthreethat requested that he not be con- luring the forum section cOfthe The Executive Committee makes The "single largest concern (in will present a recor sidered. meeting, a great number of COm- was broken upinto ments dealt with increasing the final decisions on how MIT's choosing the next president of the Corporation regarding the The Forum shares are voted. MiT) is financial stability," said selection of a succe,ssor to Jerome two parts. During the First, six visibility of the President to the Definitely on tomorrow's Barry Newman, UA President Weisner. Secrecy shrouds the students with prepared remarks student body. The Committeeex- com- agenda are resolutions -asking and member of Corporation Joint process, and Grregory Smith, were scheduled to make sugges- pressed gratitude for these Tractor to establish a Advisory Committee (CJAC). Chairman of thee -Comnittee, tions. The second was supposed nent-, and. stated that visibility Caterpillar con- review committee on the social ef- The comment passed uncontested would not reveal thie names of any to be the "forum" but thediscus- had not previously been of the candidates. the Commit- sidered to be a characteristic of fects of that company's opera- by the members of CJAC at an It was noted sion was one sided; Africa, and asking 'Open -Forum' held March 19. that the types of persons being tee would not knowingly reveal great importance. tions in South into two eonythilgnofsubstanceawdgdldged When asked whether the new Home Products es- TIhe meeting, which was held to considered feI11 that American ;and outsiders. President would be a full time a committee to study the solicit student opinion, was at- categories: Insiders re decribdasquestions.yWesrha tablish Weisner has nutritional effects of their infant tended- by scarcely a score of un- The outsiders werre described as The general apathy that sur- fund raiser, as Jerry the formula marketing practices. dergraduates and graduate stu- being distinguishesd citizens, who rounded the meeting - as- become, or an administrator, Last year's ACSR abstained on dents. are not necessarily in technology. evidenced by the extremely low Comnmittee (through the person a similar resolution on infant for- The 18 member ommittee (sixt The insiders inclu de 'he-top ad- turnout - pervaded the agenda; Of student member Tim mula, claiming that the issue members of the corporation, six ministration, all the deans, the one-third of the scheduled Morgenthaler 80) deftly dodged , and illustrious speakersoailed to show. All of the the question and returned it to the "needed to be explored more faculty members, three graduate - department heads, Nutrition activists students, and three un- professors, altho)ugh one fre student speakers (three graduate, inquirer by asking him tostatehis thoroughly." his charge that in Third World one undergraduate) stressed feelings. The student restated of a com- countries-such products are fre- minority awareness as an impor- question in the form be quently. stored under unsanitary _ant trait the new President must ment urging that the Pesident replied conditions and are diluted to save IE r igf possess.
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