D rffi t 0 P ilt t 1il P mil il I 1l I t llul R 0 1r il Ht I & MAlr[G r M r lil U lt I I l66KEMasingaRoad Durban, 4001 P O Box 680, Durban, 4000 Tel:031 311 1111, Fax:031 311 7776 www.durban.gov.za p.M y.v. I N rTlA L E N QU I Ry F O RM N O. .r. 9. .q 1 ? .0.9.?.0.?p/l APPLIGATION STATUTORY APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY LODGED IN TERMS OF THE ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY: PLANNTNG AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW 2016 (MUNICIPAL NOT]CE 114 ot 20171AND THE APPLIGABLE SGHEME Please note that ALL sections of this form MUST be completed. PLEASE TICK APPROPRIATE APPLICATION TYPE TYPE OF APPLICATION AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL SCHEMES AND REGULATIONS (CATEGORY 1) APPLICATION FOR REZONING OF LAND r/ TNTRODUCTTON OF A NEWAREA (EXTENSTON OF THE SCHEME) ZONINGS OF LAND CLOSURE OF ROADS AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACE CONSOLIDATION ,/ DEVELOPMENT OF LAND OUTSIDE A SCHEME AREA (MAJOR APPLICATIONS) REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS SPECIAL CONSENT SUBDIVISION TOWNSH I P ESTABLISHMENTS DEVELOPMENT OF LAND OUTSIDE SCHEME AREA BY CONSENT (MINOR APPLICATIONS) NOTARIAL TIES RELAXATTON (W|TH CONSENT) SCHEME EXEMPTIONS (i.e. Home business, B&B & Tuck Shop, etc.) lS THIS ACOMBINED APPLICATION? (Tick the appropriate box) NO APPLICATION tS MADE IN TERMS OF ........!N.ry.EB.WE-S.T.... ...... SCHEME DETAILS OF APPLICATION: (detailwhat the appllcation is for. Any exclusion renders the apptication nutt and void) B.e.zsning.frem..S.p.e.qi?.1.R.esidentia.l.L.te.Qene.ral.B.esiden!ia.l.2.and.qsnsslidatip.n..qf.ed.1.4.Q4.a.nd.ef.14.0.9.. both of Queensburgh to form proposed erf 6192 Queensburgh PARTICULARS OF SITE Cadastral Description: Ert M64 and Erf 1463 both of Queensburgh Area of Land: ... .. ao4oriQE7=.Q7.Q3. s.qm.. .. ... Tire Deed rrro, .fl3i3r.?r',.3i.tBl3Bfi[.',,il,,{i::l].:::: Rate number (for payment purposes): PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT (applicant as defined in section 21(5) of the eThelatvini Municipality Planning and Land Use Management By-Law 2017) NAME: ..... i,I::::. iijt.1y............. p Hys r cAL AD D R ES S: ... 1 9.9.T::il:.q1.T1y9:.qLqrl9p::............ ..... coDE .1999......... POSTAL ADDRESS: (lf different to above) ......... CODE 9203250368082 P R o F ES S I o NAL R E G I ST RATI o N N U M B E R : 9 L??} l?.9 1.? PARTICULARS OF REGISTERED OWNER (to be signed by all registered owners) NAM E: L-9q.-8.89.PB9.PFBII Fq Iq pHystcAL ADDRESS: .1.?.J.g.y!:yt9.1.s..t'.*l.9!'.9[9919r.-c..1.?19y9|1n CODE 4092 POSTAL ADDRESS: (lf different to above) ......... CODE Tel. No. (W (03.1)403.94s4.... (H) (..03.1)303.7348.. ... Fax No. (0s6)7.66.6624.... cell No. 99.?.1.?.?.1.?L1.............. .E-mait .rgqPtggiel.f3:2.9 I hereby declare that I am: tr Tenant (P.O.A.) El Other (P.O.A.) tr Registered Owner E Sectional e Holder tr Legal Representative (P.O.A Note l: Where the owner is a Body Corporate, a member of the Corporate, Di.rector or a Member of a Company, a Trust or a Close Corporation, an original letter ol Authority is required. Note 2: Sectional Title applications require minutes of Body consent was granted. SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED OWNER/S 461111 5165 086 SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED OWNER/S No. ................ A complete application (as referred in the eThekwini Municipality: Planning and Land Use Management By-Law 2016 (Municipal Notice 114 of 2017l-must consist of the following: 1. Copv of the initial Planninq enquirv form 2. Authoritv to Submit Application: . Owners Consent (certified copy/scan) . Power of Attorney / Authorization (if not submitted /signed by the Register Owner) (certified copy) . Company Resolution on the Company Letterhead, naming which Director is authorised to sign and issue Power of Attorney (where applicable) (certified copy) (copy of Company Certificate) And/or . Body Corporate ConsenU Home/ Property Owners Consent etc. (where applicable) (certified copy) And/or r ln the case of a Trust- a resolution authorising such application be made (where aoolicable) (certified coov) (coov of Trust Certiflcate) 3. Copy of Title Deeds & S-G Diaqram/ General Plan 4. Bond holders Consent (certified copv) 5. Application to Land Use Manaqement: . One electronic copy of all documentation in PDF to be uploaded on-line as advised . You are required to comply with the requirements of Chapter 7, Section 23 the eThekwini Municipality Land Use Management By-Law 2016 includinq but not limited to the following information prior to an application being deemed complete: n A Full Town Planning Report / Motivation in terms of Chapter 2, Section 7 of SPLUMA E Zoning and Land Use Plans (legible & in colour) t-l Site Analysis tr SG Diagram / Title deed ! Zoning Certificate ! Existing and Proposed Controls n Traffic Reports (Where applicable) tl Specialist Studies (where applicable) lOn-site Parking Provision and schedule nApproved Traffic lmpact AssessmenUStatement (where applicable) nGeotechnical report (where applicable) 6. ln the case of an application for the Alteration, Suspension or Deletion of Restrictions relating to Land, which creates a servitude in favour of another property, the names & contact details of all servitude holders 7. Any other information that may be considered by either yourself or the Municipality as being in support of vour apolication 8. Clearance from External Organs of State, whichever is applicable (where applicable) inclusive but not limited to: . Copy of Environmental authorisation from Department Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (DEDTEA) (where applicable) . Exemption form the provision of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act , Act 70 of 1970 . Water Use Licence (WULA) Development of a site maybe subject to a water use licence application (in terms of secti6n 21 of the National Water Act 36 of 2008) in the event of water course on site or within 500m of the property/ties the applicant must either obtain the necessarily approval or written confirmation that a licence is not required from the Provincial Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS). Comments from the followinq Orqans of State are attached: Department AMAFA of Public Works and Land Affairs Cooperatlve Governance & Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Department of Tourism Department of Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries Department of Water and Sanitation Department of Economic Development ESKOM Tourism and & EnvironmentalAffairs (EDTEA) Passenger Rail Department of Education Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Provincial Department Department of Energy of Transport (DOT) South African Department of Health National Roads Aqency (SANRAL) Department of Mineral Recourses Transnet Freight Rail Telkom OTHER Comments from the followinq Departments are attached: Biodiversity lmpact Assessment Branch Fire Coastal, Stormwater & Catchment Management Health Design Review Panel iTrump Durban Tourism Metro Police Economic Development Pollution Control Electricity Roads Provision Environmental Planning and Climate Soils Protection Laboratory eThekwin i Traffic Authority Strategic Spatial Planning eThekwini Water and Sanitation (Water) Urban Management eThekwini Water and Sanitation (Waste Water) Other *Complete Application means a land development application which is ready to be advertised or has undergone the pre-submission process, and is accompanied by, including but not limited to, authorisations, comments and specialist reports and studies;" | .....P.rjne0saPillay. (Applicant) affirm that the information and documentation submitted in this complete application is as per the information and documentation assessed and commented on by the relevant internal and external departments and has not been altered in any form or manner. Signature of Applicant @ MOTIVATIONAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF A COMBINED APPLICATION FOR REZONING FROM SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL 1 TO GENERAL RESIDENTIAL 2 AND FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF ERF 1464 AND ERF 1463 TO FORM PROPOSED ERF 6192 QUEENSBURGH ERF 1464 AND ERF 1463 BOTH OF QUEENSBURGH SITUATED AT 262 AND 266 MAIN ROAD 262 AND 266 MAIN ROAD Contents 1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 4 1.3 THE APPLICANT ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.4 THE SUBJECT SITES ................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 THE PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2 THE APPLICATION AREA ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 LOCALITY ................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 ACCESS .................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 OWNERSHIP ............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.4 TITLE DEED RESTRICTIONS ......................................................................................................................
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