North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. Minutes of North Moreton Parish Council Meeting held via Video Conference on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 8:00pm Present: Mrs. R. Templeman (Chair), Mrs. V. Gibbs, Mrs. S.C. Harrison, Mr C.I. Shipton, Mr. D. Tebworth, Cllr. J. Murphy and Mr. A. Wise (Clerk) RT opened the meeting at 8:00pm 21/2054 Apologies Cllrs. S. Clarke and A.M. Simpson 21/2055 Report on OCC Report– None received OCC and SODC SODC Report – attachment 7 activities JM briefed the councillors on the new Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme now available. JM will organise a meeting with reps from villages in the Didcot area. David Powell has agreed to be the NM rep. 21/2056 Hear None representations from members of the public 21/2057 Approve the It was proposed by RPT, seconded VG, that the minutes be signed as a true minutes of the record. Carried nem con. meeting of 10.11.2020 21/2058 Consider All action items had been completed except for 20/2044 and 20/2045. matters, not taken elsewhere, arising from the minutes of the meeting of 10.11.2020 21/2059 Receive reports from Parish Councillors and the Clerk 21/2060 Financial Approval of payments. It was proposed SH, seconded RPT, and carried that matters the following invoices be paid: Parish Clerk’s wages, Parish Clerk’s expenses, PAYE, NM village hall hire, Newsletter printing, and playground repairs expenses. Current financial situation. AW presented the current financial situation – attachments 2 & 3. CIS presented the quote for £1872:00 he had received from Arbor Tree Specialists Ltd to pollard tress on the Recreation Ground. Peter Vacher had offered to pay £80:00 for a tree on his land which had been included in the quote. CIS to ask Arbor to invoice Parish Clerk for £1792:00 and P. Vacher CIS £80.00. It was proposed RPT, seconded SH, that CIS ask Arbor Tree Specialists Ltd to carry out the work as soon as possible, and that the PC be CIS invoiced before financial year end. It was proposed SH, seconded RPT, and carried that 2021/2022 Budget was agreed once the dog poo bin amount was increased to reflect new charges. It was proposed SH, seconded RPT, and carried that 2021/2022 Precept be set at £9500.00. Clerk to complete and return the paperwork to SODC AW finance. Councillors requested that the clerk obtain a quote for 2 new dog poo bins for the village. AW Clerk to write to Roger Haycock asking whether Tony would be prepared to undertake the NMPC 2020/2021 Internal Audit in April as usual. AW North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. CIS requested permission to spend £20:00 on purchasing some software for the village website. It was proposed SH, seconded RPT, and carried that this CIS be purchased and claimed back at the next meeting. 21/2061 Planning AW presented the current planning application situation – attachment 5. since meeting of 10.11.2020 21/2062 Highways None and Transport 21/2063 Recreation CIS reported to the meeting the following email exchange with Paul Juffkins: and Playground I refer to our telephone conversation this afternoon and confirm my matters agreement for your tree surgeon to trim back the conifer trees on the boundary facing the recreation grounds. In order not to kill the trees I ask that they do not reduce the height or over trim and only reduce to the boundary. The trees do provide some privacy to the houses in Bear Lane to car head lights leaving the car park of the Bear Inn. Kind regards, Paul CIS requested permission to arrange for the playground surface to be jet washed and to buy some tins of paint for the playground equipment. It was proposed SH, seconded RPT that this proposed expenditure is approved. CIS CIS offered to attach a padlock to the Bear Lane Entrance Gate onto the Rec to allow for the car park surface to have time to recover from the recent weather and usage. CIS 21/2064 Risk RT signed off appropriate parts of the current Risk Assessment Checklist. - assessment attachment 6 21/2065 Respond to Chairman to respond to a proposal from Ashbrook Homes. Communications as the Chairman may direct 21/2066 Attend to Clerk to look at cost of a Zoom Licence for future meetings. AW any other business at the Chairman’s discretion 21/2067 Date of Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 8pm via Zoom Video Conferencing Next Meeting Closure RT declared the meeting closed at 9:40pm Signed: Date: Attachments: 1. Agenda 2. Financial Statements 3. Expenditure against Budget 2019-2020 4. Draft 2020/21 Budget 5. Planning Applications 6. Risk assessment checklist 7. SODC Report North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. Title District Councillor’s Report Author Cllr Anne-Marie Simpson Parish North Moreton Parish Council Date 12 January 2021 Happy New Year! I hope you had good break at Christmas and New Year despite the current challenges. No doubt most of us are rather glad to see the back of 2020 and let’s enter into 2021 full of hope, solidarity and new beginnings. I would like to thank those of you on the Parish Council and within the local community who have provided support, advice and often just a friendly chat to those who have felt more vulnerable over the past year. The community support and spirit shown across the District has been remarkable and gives us great confidence when planning future projects and programmes designed to sustain the well-being, prosperity and social cohesion of our towns and villages. Local Plan 2035 – a final word Now that the controversial South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035 has been adopted by Full Council it carries full weight in the Planning Policy framework and provides protection against unwanted speculative development. Some improvements were made to the Plan during the Inspection phase, including some on community involvement in master-planning, the introduction of the new DES10 zero-carbon housing policy (where there was no such policy at all before) and the prioritisation of cycling and walking. However, the Inspector did not remove any of the strategic sites, nor reduce the housing delivery requirement, so we do expect major new applications to be progressed in the coming months for sites such as Chalgrove Airfield, Culham, Grenoble Road and Berinsfield. Each application will still have to satisfy normal planning conditions, but once a site is allocated in a Local Plan there is an assumption that planning permission will be granted. Strategic Planning activity never stops, however, and we are already engaged in discussions across Oxfordshire and the broader Ox-Cam Arc initiative to create a longer-term strategic vision for the region, including employment opportunities (particularly in the area of green technology and innovation), digital infrastructure, environmental enhancements and community strengthening. And we are also investigating the feasibility of a joint Local Plan with the Vale of the White Horse, since we share so many interests and issues (e.g., the development of the Didcot Garden Town). District Councillor Grants You have until noon on 5 February to apply for a Councillor Grant (£5K per councillor). Application forms and guidelines can be found here: https://www.southoxon.gov.uk/south-oxfordshire-district-council/community-support/grants/councillor- community-grants/ Covid-19 Vaccination Programme Although the nationwide programme is underway, it will still take several months for the whole population to be vaccinated, the key messages to all local residents are as follows: The vaccination programme is being phased in across the county following the national guidance on prioritising patients. Some people have already been vaccinated and others are waiting to be invited. North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. Please do not contact your GP or another NHS service to seek a vaccine – GP practices are still open for providing care to patients and their phones could become swamped, so please wait until the NHS contacts you. When the NHS does contact you, please be ready and attend your booked appointments. Please continue to follow all the public health guidance to control the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and save lives. Our SODC Communications Team remains an active part of this system-wide communication approach. Rising Covid-19 rates in South Oxfordshire To underline the importance of the vaccination programme and the need to follow public health guidance, Covid-19 cases continue to rise in Oxfordshire with a total of 3,624 cases reported in South Oxfordshire up until 5 January and a daily rate of 125 new cases yesterday. Oxfordshire County Council has an interactive dashboard showing the latest covid-19 figures for the county and south and graphs showing the steep rise in cases, largely down to the new more transmissible strain of the virus (see below). We’re amplifying the government’s ‘stay at home’ message through our usual channels and sharing their more recent messaging around this being a different, more transmissible virus. Support for residents SODC’s Community Hub continues to be available to help people access support and essentials during the lockdown if they have nobody else to turn to. With the shielding programme restarting. The message is if anybody thinks they’ll be in need of support they should not wait until they’ve run out of supplies before getting in touch. Anyone who needs support can fill in an online form at: southoxon.gov.uk/communityhub or email [email protected] or call 01235 422600. The Community Hub is not the only support SODC provides residents – Housing Needs have also seen an increase in people needing their support during the pandemic if they’re at risk of being made homeless or sleeping rough – for more details visit southoxon.gov.uk/housing.
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