Liverpool Land Basement High, Greenland: visualising inputs for fractured crystalline basement reservoir models Graham Banks*1, Stefan Bernstein1, Sara Salehi1, Pierpaolo Guarnieri1, Dennis Bird2, Catherine Hamblett3, David Peacock4 and Jon Foster5 REVIEW ARTICLE | OPEN ACCESS GEUS Bulletin Vol 43 | e2019430204 | Published online: 22 July 2019 https://doi.org/10.34194/GEUSB-201943-02-04 Basement highs are large structural features, commonly bur- knowledging that subaerial basement rocks have, by defini- ied in sedimentary basins (Busby & Azor 2012). They are tion, a different uplift history than subsurface basement). of interest for natural resources exploration and research be- The Liverpool Land Basement High (LLBH) in Greenland cause of their ability to influence migration and entrapment is an uplifted and well-exposed basement high located be- of petroleum (Trice 2014) and water, and the deposition of tween two sedimentary basins, and thus provides a valuable metals (Hitzman 2005; Borg et al. 2012). Three-dimensional analogue for fractured basement-hosted mineral, oil and geo- (3D) reservoir models (e.g. Shepherd 2009) are built to evalu- thermal reservoirs. ate and model fluid-filled basement reservoirs (Ringrose & The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bentley 2015). However, subsurface data are expensive, diffi- (GEUS) conducted reconnaissance work on the LLBH in cult to obtain and are often widely spaced. Ideally, basement 2018 to assess the quality of the exposure of basement pal- reservoir models would be constrained by rock, fracture and aeo-weathering profiles and fault-fracture networks. Here, mineral vein data from appropriate outcrop analogues (ac- we introduce the LLBH, the concept of fractured basement PZEG Vøring Basin 0 100 200 300 Geodetic Reference System: WGS 1984 røndelag W Jan Mayen FZ Km Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic with 1:10,000,000 Central Meridian: -40, Std. Parallels: 55, 75 E Jan Mayen FZ Møre-T Fault Complex Fig. 2A N JLB LLB Jan Mayen microcontinent 10°E ? ? LLBH Kimberly Ridge Møre Basin Norway Greenland Aegir Ridge Tjörnes Greenland- Faroe-Shetland Basin 60°N Iceland FZ System Ridge Viking Graben Iceland Fig. 1. Locations of North Atlantic Iceland- Fig. 2B Faroe Ocean sedimentary basins (blue) Iceland Ridge Shelf LF UH and highs (pink). Liverpool Land Basement High (LLBH), Liverpool Land Basin (LLB) and Jameson Continental elements: Basin Land Basin (JLB) are located High (including platforms, terraces on the western North Atlantic and intra-basinal elevations) Normal fault MT conjugate margin. The Lancaster Iceland HBF Reverse fault Basin GGF field (LF) and Utsira High (UH) Strike-slip/transcurrentReykjanes Ridge fault UK Fault (unspecified) basement petroleum reservoirs are Oceanic elements: located on the eastern North At- SUF Continent-ocean boundary lantic conjugate margin (modified Active mid-ocean ridge rift system Rockall Basin from Hopper et al. 2014). GEUS Bulletin is free to individuals and institutions in electronic form. The author(s) retain copyright over the article contents. e2019430204-01 reservoir modelling, and how studying the LLBH can help comprised of granites, monzodiorites, gneisses and schists, enhance reservoir modelling of fractured basement. We pre- and is the result of multiple tectonic, metamorphic, magmat- sent some of our preliminary observations of LLBH fault- ic, burial, sedimentation, uplift and erosion events (Corfu & fracture networks and discuss how the exposed sediment- Hartz 2011; Guarnieri et al. 2017). Glacial erosion has gener- basement features and processes might aid industry and ated a deeply incised outcrop 125 × 35 km, rising up to 1.2 research in their top basement mapping activities. We propose km a.s.l. LLBH has almost no vegetation cover, so rock expo- that LLBH provides a particularly suitable analogue for in- sures continuously display 3D relationships between lithol- dustry and research to analyse: (a) multiscale fracture system ogy, structure, weathering and basin sedimentation across a connectivity, (b) fluid migration and fluid-rock reaction pro- range of scales, from tens of kilometres, down to millimetres cesses, (c) input parameters for basement reservoir modelling (Fig. 3). and (d) top basement geomorphologies and processes. LLBH and neighbouring JLB have been explored for ‘Basement’ is here defined as any crystalline lithology and as- decades. Sedimentary copper showings discovered in Per- sociated regolith. For definitions of fracture, fracture corridor, mian–Triassic strata by Nordisk Mineselskab and Avannaa fault, fault zone, joint, vein and aperture see Peacock et al. (2016). Resources–Anglo American were drilled by the latter con- sortium in 2014 (Guarnieri et al. 2017). JLB hydrocarbon seeps attracted petroleum exploration by ARCO (Atlan- Liverpool Land Basement High tic Richfield Company; Guarnieri et al. 2017) and most LLBH is a Precambrian–Caledonian (Corfu & Hartz 2011) recently by Greenland Gas & Oil (Greenland Gas & Oil crystalline basement massif onshore central East Greenland 2019). Much tectonic, lithology and petrology research has (71oN, 22oW), located on the western North Atlantic mar- been conducted upon and offshore LLBH. However, to our gin, between the offshore Liverpool Land Basin (LLB) and knowledge, this review is the first to highlight the poten- the onshore Jameson Land Basin (JLB; Figs 1, 2). It is mostly tial of the LLBH exposure to visualise input parameters for Fig. 2. A: Schematic geoseismic section NW SE LLBH (depth) across Jameson Land Basin (JLB), JLB LLB km Sea level Liverpool Land Basement High (LLBH) 0 and Liverpool Land Basin (LLB) on the 4 western North Atlantic margin (modified 8 after Hamann, 2005). 12 16 Plio-Pleistocene Cretaceous Pre-Permian Neogene Permian–Jurassic Oceanic crust 25 km Paleogene Devonian – M. Permian Paleogene sills Edvard Grieg Johan Sverdrup W Discovery Well Rolvsnes Well Discovery Well E TWT (projected) 1000 Late Cretaceous Johan Sverdrup Field Edvard Greig Field Paleocene OWC OWC Fig. 2. B: Interpreted seismic section (in 2000 Early Cretaceous two-way time) across the Southern Utsira High basement oil fields, eastern North Palaeozoic Atlantic margin. The position of the Rolvsnes 3000 Basement petroleum discovery in fractured basement is Jurrasic/Triassic indicated in B. See Fig. 1 for section locations. 0 2.5 5 10 km (Reproduced with permission from Lie Viking Graben Haugaland High et al. Luno Graben Augvald Graben Avaldnes High 2016). e2019430204-02 1000 Fig. 3. Spatial scales of input data for fractured Continuum of rock outcrop scales reservoir models. Geological outcrops are often on the Liverpool Land Basement High limited to the scales indicated by the red dashed line. LLBH encompasses the full range of scales 100 required to cover all fractured reservoir para- Seismic Imaging meters (purple dashed line). 10 Limit of most outcrops Inter-well electro-magnetic logs Colour coding of fractured Dynamic flow data reservoir data types 1 Single well Fluid, rock, & fracture Vertical resolution and range (m) logs Fluid Core 0 0 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000 Horizontal resolution and range (m) fractured basement modelling of petroleum, geothermal and parameters (Shepherd 2009; Ringrose & Bentley 2015). Ap- mineral commodities. plications include estimating trapped fluid volumes, simu- lating fluid flow and planning where to drill wells. When building a 3D model of a fractured basement reservoir, Fracture systems in crystalline basement large-scale basement faults can be interpreted on 3D seismic reservoirs data (Fig. 4), but most lithology and fault-fracture network Natural fracture systems are crucial components of basement properties, e.g. spacing, apertures, porosity, permeability and reservoir models. Fracture systems are ubiquitous in upper fluid saturation are below seismic resolution. Characterising crustal rocks and include faults, joints, veins and fracture ap- sub-metre-scale lithologies and fractures is conducted at the ertures. They dominate the hydrological behaviour of rocks wellbore (e.g. with borehole images, core plug and sonic data), (e.g. Fig. 4 in Belaidi et al. 2018) – especially in lithologies but upscaling and interpolating a fracture system’s properties with low matrix porosity where fluid flow is channelised away from the wellbore would be model-driven and highly through permeable fractures (Vidal et al. 2017). Fracture uncertain. Moreover, some reservoir modellers may not have systems enable basement highs to transmit or trap petroleum actually studied extensive 3D fracture systems in the field. – the Lancaster field, offshore UK (Belaidi et al. 2018; fig. 1) The LLBH is a particularly suitable location for fractured and the Utsira High, offshore Norway (Riber et al. 2015; Fig. basement reservoir geoscientists, modellers and engineers to 1) are two examples. Likewise, geothermal energy is often ex- understand, constrain, extrapolate and interpolate fractured tracted from ‘hot’ water in fractured basement (e.g. Vosgerau basement properties. et al. 2016; Vidal et al. 2017). Mineral deposits that precipi- tated into basement fracture networks during hydrothermal mineralisation occur worldwide (Sheldon & Micklethwaite 2018 LLBH reconnaissance: initial observa- 2007; Walter et al. 2018). Therefore, modelling natural frac- tions ture systems is fundamental to predicting reservoir capacity, Remote sensing and field observations made in 2018 docu- petroleum, groundwater and geothermal resources, and to mented the suitability of the
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