1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 339 attached Cavalry, National Guard of Tennessee, to improve MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. park properties-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Bv Mr. NEEDHAM: Petition of citizens of California, in A message from the House · of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. favor of granting lands to the landless Indians of north Cal­ BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House bad ifornia-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. passed a bill (H. R. 15317) to build a bridge across the Ouachita River, Arkansas; in which it requested the concurrence of the By .Mr. OTIS: Petition of Hudson River Central Baptist Senate. :Association, asking Congress to investigate certain charges against the authorities of the Independent State of the Kongo- . ENROLLED RILLS SIGNED. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The message also announced that the Speaker of the House By Mr. PADGETT: Papers to accompany House bill granting had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution; and an increase of pension to Joseph Beiser-to the Committee on they were thereupon signed by the President pro tempore: Invalid Pensions. S. 708. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to By 1\Ir. P A.TTERSON of Pennsylvania : Resolution of Anthra­ authorize the building of a bridge across Thief River in the cite Division, No. 543, and Capitol Division, No. 160, Brother­ State of Minnesota; hood of Locomotive Engineers, favoring bill H. R. 13354, for the S. 2114. An act to fix the rank of certain officers in the Army; relief of veteran army locomotive engineers-to the Committee S. 2578. An act granting an increase of pension to Sylvester on Invalid Pensions. Beezley; Also, resolution of Fairview Division, No. 278, Brotherhood of S. 2745. An act granting an increase of pension to Thomas Locomotive Engineers, of Ashley, Pa., favoring bill H. R. 13354, Howard; for the relief of veteran army locomotive engineers-to the S. 2893. An act granting an increase of pension to Emanual Committee on Invalid Pensions. Morter· · · By 1\fr. PORTER: Petition of the Guarantee Title and Trust S. 3033. An act granting an increase of pension to Charles B. Company, against proposed system of post-checks-to the Com­ Williams; · mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. S. 3175. An act granting an incr~ase of pension to Rachel H. By Mr. SHEPPARD: Papers to accompany bill H. R. 16151, Coleman; for the relief of W. C. York-to the Committee on War Claims. S. 3329. An act granting a pension to Mary E. Strong; By Mr. SNAPP: Papers to accompany bill for increase of S. 3414. An act granting an increase of pension to Henry pension for Emanuel F. Brown-to the Committee on Invalid Wheeler; Pensions. S. 3502. An ~ct granting an increase of pension to Joseph W. By Mr. TOWNSEND : Petition of Farmers' Club of Tecumseh, Willis; Mich.. against repeal of the Grout bill-to the Committee on S. 3640. An act granting an increase of pension to John S. 'Agriculture. ___ --~.,.. _ Stevens; S. 3791. An act granting an increase of pension to Edwin J. Tenney; S. 4417. An act granting an increase of pension to Chad4 SENATE. bourne H. Warren ; S. 4690. An act granting an increase of pension to Andrew W. FRIDAY, December 16,1904. r Switzer; S. 5184. An act granting a pension to Ethel Talley ; • Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDW ABD E. HALE. S. 5263. An act granting a pension to Annie M. Eapolucci ; The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's S. 5416. An act granting an increase of pension to James A. proceedings, when, on request of Mr. BERRY, and by unanimous Hopson; consent, the further reading was dispensed with. S. 5423. An act granting an increase of pension to Ellen J. ~'he PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap­ Morton; . proved. S. 5484. An act gtanting an increase of pension to Burnetta ELECTORAL VOTES. B. Lehmann; · The PRESIDE~T pro tempore laid before the Senate com­ S. 5492. An act granting an increase of pension to Mary T. munications from the Secretary of State, transmitting the final Holden; ascertainment of electors for President and Vice-President for S. 5556. An act granting an increase of pension to Sarah A. the States of California, Connecticut, South Dakota, and Texas ; Hoback; :which, with the accompanying papers, were ordered to be filed. H. R. 14468. An act to authoriz.e the sale and disposition of surplus or unallotted lands of the Yakima Indian Reservation, ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION. in the ·state of Washington; and The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ H. J. Res. 176. Joint resolution to pay the officers and em­ munication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a ployees of the Senate and House of Representatives their re­ letter from the disbursing clerk of the Treasury Department, spective salaries for the month of December, 1904, on the 20th submitting an estimate of appropriation to be included in the day of said month. legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill for 1906 PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. for one clerk of class 3 in the office of the Secretary of the ['reasury, $1,600; which, with the accompanying paper, was re­ 111r. FOSTER of Washington presented a petition of the Wo­ ferred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be man's Study Club of Tacoma, Wash., praying for the adoption of . printed. a certain amendment to the suffrage clause in the statehood FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr. BURNHAM: pre~ented a petition of the Woman's Suffrage The PRESIDEl~T pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Association of Concord, N. H., praying for the adoption of a munication from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, certain amendment to the suffrage clause in the statehood bill; transmitting the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause which was ordered to lie on the table. of James Davidson v. The United States; which,· with the ac­ He also presented a petition of the Woman's Board of Home companying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, and Missions of the Presbyterian Church of New York City, praying ordered to be printed. for the enactment of legislation providing for the protection of He also laid before the Senate a communication from the as­ Indians against the liquor traffic in new States to be formed ; sistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting the findings . which was ordered to lie on the table. of fact filed by the court in the cause of the trustees of Tuscarora He also presented a petition of the International Pure Food Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Martinsburg, Congress, of St. Louis, Mo., praying for the passage of the so­ ~. va., v. The United States; which, with the accompanying called "pure-food bill ;" which was ordered to lie on the table. paper, was referred to the 9ommittee on Claims, and ordered to Mr. GALLINGER. I present a petition signed by 110 of the be printed. leading citizens of Georgetown, D. C., praying for the construc­ He also laid before the Senate a communication from the as­ tion of a bridge over Rock Creek at Q street. The men and sistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting the findings of firms who have signed the petition are among the most reputa- · fact filed by the court in the cause of Edward Gallagher, admin­ ble and potential citizens of the District. I think they would istrator of Charles Gallagher, deceased, v. The United States ; be gratified to have their petition, which is not very long, go ,which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ into the RECORD, and I will ask unanimou~ consent that the Sec­ mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. retary may read it, omitting the names. 340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. · DECEMBER 16, There being no objection, the petition was read and referred Wyncote, Rydal, By berry, Lansdowne, and Millersville ; of the to tbe Committee on the District of Columbia, as follows : Woman's Suffrage Associations of Delaware County, Lans­ To the Senate and Ho1tse of Representatves: downe, and Philadelphia; of the Philadelphia Legislative We, the undersigned, residents and property owners fn that portion League, of Philadelphia; of the Woman's Club of Columbia; of the city of Washington known as Georgetown, have for many years of the Sorosis Club, of Langhorne; of Local Union No. 146, felt sorely in need of a bridge over Rock Creek at Q street. Very many good and valid reasons exist why tho erection of such a Woman's International Union-Label League, of Bradford; of bridge shonld now be authorized, and we beg to submit a few of these the Teachers' Five O'Clock Tea Club, of South Bethlehem ; of reasons for the consideration of your honorable body. the Woman's Culture Club of Connellsville; of the Friday The present crossings over Rock Creek are inadequate for the in­ creased demands of this growing portion of Washington. Conversational Club, of Monongahela; of the Woman's. Club of The few existing bridges are largely taken up by double tracks for car New Brighton; of Linton •.remple, No. 3, Rathbone Sisters, of lines, leaving scant, if not unsafe, passageway for vehicles and pedes­ Erie; of the Bellevue Equal Rights Association, of Bellevue; trian The pre ent entrances to this charming and picturesque ~;>art of our of the Sharon Circle of Ladies of the Grand Army of the Re­ city are out of keeping with its dignity and really deter 1ts growth, public, of Sharon, and of the New Century Club, of Philadelphia, leading as they do into our most unattractive streets.
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