2322 Third Ave., 2nd fl. Harlem,N.Y. 10035 ALTERNATIVE (2l2) 289- 9155 - messages only INFORMATION / MARKETING ~AFRAM SERVICE Malcolm X Lovers Network - MALC,OLM X LIVES! Brother Preston Wilcox Coordinator ------------- -'By Any Means Necessary'- -- Campaign for a National Malcolm X Birthday Holiday - "~ye' ve tried everything but brotherhood (uni ty) ! Leonard wilson, Jr. ISSN: 1044 Hattiesburg, M S, 1989 9116 ---------------------------O----~~------------------------------- MXLN CREDO: We declare our right on this Earth to be a man, to b~ a human being, to be respected as a human b(i , Subscription on this Earth, which we intend to bring into exis - tence by any means necessary. S15. OJ) per year i mon thly.; payable. Ma 1 co 1 m X to "AFRAM', th~s address. ----------------------------Q---------------------------------------- 28 >::-·--Lecture -Will Feature STUDENT BODY , Student Activities Offic~ . Daughter Of Malcolm X ~'Faixleigh - Dickinscn UDlvexs1ty O)'FI h Pallk Park - Madison, FLORHAM PARK-MADISON, N.J. Ms. Shabazz.-.. iscurrentl.y a writer, ~: ~ am . 1003 - Attallah Shabazz, the eldest daugh- director, producer and pubhc speaker. N ' New Jersey, N. Y • ~ ter of the slaifr,civil rights activist With Yolanda King,;.:the eldest daugh- ~ Malcolm X, will discuss "Malcolm X ter of Martin Ltither King, Jr., she § - The Man and Father Away from founded NUCLEUS, a theatre ,~om-'~ the Podium," at Fairleigh Dickinson pany which is currently performIng a U:, Uuiversity on Wednesday, Feb. 20. two-person dialogue dealing.with the'~ '111e program will take place' in the civil rights movement. In addition, ,"E Mansion's Lenfell Hall on FDU's she is president of PRISM INTER-.~ Special Issue, 2-5-91. Florham-Madison Campus beginning NATIONAL,_a management company.(/) Updtae • 69 .. a 8 p.m. General admission is $5; Malcol~ X was an ordained, Black J tickets are available at the door. Muslim minister and political activ- ~ The eldest of six daughters, Ms. ist during the 19608. Widely known ::J Shabazz uniquely presents a hidden for maki,nft'.provocative public state- i side of the controversial leader. She ments, he resigned from the Black ~ will talk about her own positive be- . Muslims and formed the Muslim ~ liefs and convictions. "My hope is to Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of .~ be able to motivate a'nd inspire people Afro-American Unity in 1964. Ivfal-.g. to have a better understanding of colm X was murdered in February, '.~ their history," she writes, "the world 1965. :0 around them, their constructive place For more information, contact ~ in it, and to encourage a positive self- FDU's Student Activities Office at ~ concept. It is within you to be.all that 201-593-8573.'(1) your dreams imagine." .1= LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE cc: Student Body P~esident, Faix1eigh - Dickinson Univ., Attallah Shabazz, The Cammi t tee to Presellve the WOrks & Image of Malcglm X, ·the Nc:d: _._ ';~';:::t21 MalCOlm X ComrnemQratiQn COmmission, Malcolm X Study GllOUp, PathfindeE PE'ess Malcolm-X Community Center, c--o NAPO, POB 2348 Harlem, N.Y. 10027, Betty Shabazz Foundation, etc. 2-4-91 see ever ALTERNATIVE 68-72 East 131 StreE INFORMATION/MARKETING HARlEM.N.Y. 100: ~AFRAM SERVICE 212 281-6000 Malcolm X Lovers Network -'Malcolm Lives' t~~ough us! Brother Preston Wilcox Coordinator ----------- - - -lBy Any Means Necessary'­ Campaign for a National Malcolm X Birthday Holiday SAVE THE AUDUBON! ,. ..,.J P~ge 6 . '. African CONNECTION ,. July 28-August 9. 1989 . --;- .I{~.~pin·g ..Ma",c?II11.'~ "I..e.~ac~··~live: }:~:::::::=:: ·.:The. Malcolm X Research Project ~. ~l~anar~lU~piIgrirnagetoMaloo~'! , , .' . .' . .-'; . '. gm'esJ.te 00 his birthday. May 19. onde:t'the AFRAM A.ssoci.ales. Inc... a Harlem- . JAMFSCONEisconductingacompara- 'youlh. C/oBeuy'ShabazzFoundarioo,Bax 'cootinuing auspices of the Orgariizarionof based alt.emative information service, and tive study of Malcolm X and Martin LuLher ~ MOWlt Vemon. NY 10553. Mro-American Unity. C/O James Small. 'IWenty.Rrst Cenrury Books (TCB) are col- King. focusing on (he theological aspects of Gll.. NOB LEis curn:ntly organizing whal City CoUege of Ne'N York. Departmen of .laborating on a publication listing institu- their respective roles in the civil rights and will be the most extensive collection of fllrn Mrican Studies, New Y<rt, NY 1!XU1·. lions. organizations, streets. l,>uildings, pro- Black liberation movements. Based on a .' and video material on Malcolm. Noble is a . JAMES 'IURNER is otganin'" & a cam- • grams aM other facilities and activjties in close reading of lheirrespective texts and an filmmaker and 1V pro<hlcer ~th several paign to achieve public lJ'CO&I1ition of the the Black oommuriity named after and dedi- . analysis of their social activism. this re- films and television specials on Malcolm X bi.rthd.ate of Malcolm X in every Black: catedtoMaiC()lmx. AFRAM,thecoordi- search will explore the profoond similarities . to his credit C/o WAB C, 7 LiocolnSqu.a:re. commLmity: One of·(he proposals is to. nating organiz.a.tioo of (he Malcolm X Lov- and ,differen~ between :VWco~ and ~ew York, NY 10023. .: :' ',., .:: ·~~:.initiaLecommunil~andobseJvances · ersNetwork., has beencompilingsuchinfor- Martin. C/o Uro0t:1 TheoIQg1cal Semmary, . ROWENA MOORE has fO!'lT1ed afoun- as part of an officia.l holiday. C/o Africana D\ation over the years.. The publication is 30421 Broadway. New York, NY 10027. dation and secured natiooaland state recog- Studies Departmenl, CoTT'All UniversitY::rm.: scheduled to be released on February 21, Bll..L SALES is making a ~ study of nition of Malcolm X's birthplA\CC. which sea, NY 14850. '... , · .1990, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ' the Organization of Afro-American Unity was previously owned by bel' family. The THE MALCOLM:Ie WYERS NET- ~sination of MalCQlm X. .,:' . as a means of investigating the political .. foundation is collecting fw~ to develop a WORK isanatiooalnetworkofindividuals : ~.; .. Such a publication will serve to establish ideology and organizational line of Mal- park on the site and to landscape it to make and organizatioos who have made a com­ ··that Malcolm X's legacy is still alive. Not colm X during the last year of his life. This it more accessible to the JXlblic. 1becityof mitmenttocanyonlhewOIJ(ofMa!colm X. only1las he not been forgouen, but memo- will be a major empirical study of the politi- . Omaha has pledged to match private dona- . ~ nc:twork shares informatiori and help! I rials to his legacy dot the American land- cal and organizational basis of Malcolm's, tions coUeded by the foundation peoplemakerelevantcOntacts.C!oAFRAN "scape. His birthplace, 3448 Pinkney Street. last program. focusing on Black nationalism Moore also hopes to establish a cenLer for Associates, 68-72 East 131 st Street, New · Omaha, Nebraska, was declared a national and the political transitioo from refonn to . B1ack youth 00 the sitelhal willbededica1ed York, NY 10037... ,': Jandmarton Man:h 1.1984. In New York revolution. C/o Seton Hall University,Sourh .. , - . ,-' City, streets have been renamed after Mal- Orange, NT07079. .;" ..... ' " ., '", .colm in both Harlem ,and Bedford- :PRESTONWILCOX·isworldngooan MXLN Observation: This is a SUP.ERlOR Stuyvesant. :' ... ::"\ir~.:~:.~;;'· ... : .. :;'~:,i,,:;. empirical description of the legacy of Mal- Theresearchprojeaslistedbelowareall colmXlhroughthenam.ingprocess.focus~ re - write and interpretation of the sponsoredbytheMalcolmXWorkGroup, ing on buildings, programs and special MXLN rna terials which have been distri­ ,.a cooperative black studies research net- eo.:enlS .. The' memory of ' Malcolm lives bu ted to the network and to the p. ress! ':.wmk:. Addresses are provided for those' 'through thenewlhingsin which hill spirit is in1e:rested in finding out more about these reborn. 1lris documentation of Malcolm's ~ ~jects. , '. -,' ':; historical legacy will demonstrate I.ha1 he is This article will reach an tinternation ,!.: Ici:ondto none as a rnajorB lack lea.derofthe aI' readership and help to move the, ,:'. RESEARCH PROJECTS .' .. lMt three decades. C/o AFRAM Associates, :':' ABDUL ALKAllMAT is general coor- . 68-72 East 131st"Street. New York, NY MX Holiday campaign outside the boun­ ·dUiator of ": project to collect and edit the 10037. .:... .-:' daries of Afri~a America. 'works of Malcolm X. Oment research ..,.; fOOJses on the activities of Malcolm in . CO:-'IMEMORATIVE PROJECTS .: Plans are afoot to distribute this re­ . Europe and Africa. Alkalimal is also serv­ .. DR. BETTY SHABAZZ. Ute ~dowof' ~ing as guest editor of special commemora­ Malcolm X. is an accomplished profes- print in the Lounge of the General Ass­ tive issues of Black American WeraJUTt! . siona! in her own right A nurse and public embly at the United Nations • ForumandlruernationalReviewo!African­ relatioos specialist. Shabazz·is available for ,.Amuican Art dedical.ed to Malcolm X. public appe.ar.mces. Her honoraria are con­ Source: African CONNECTION: "Consistent· ; . Clo Twenty·First Century Books, ~ox lributedto~cati~alscholarshipsforBlacl:: .~~351. Qlicago, IL 600S80. with the Ideals of Pan Africanism" . ~.-.:. :-,:':' "':'- 22 Lexington Avenue ...iiii ____ .. -·iijlj~··· ___11 ...- Brooklyn, N.Y. 11238 (212) 789 - 1391 ~onsecrate Commemorate Telex 65033224092 Feb., 21 and May 19 AFRA.Mqtto.: 'You. can.' t· be free if --someone .. '. 'e~se lets'\i()u·.be ·free. ,-.:" . • . J-. ho • ~ . ....... - Har~em Stlb.way JGrafi ttt 1971 Malcoln1 "X" Melllorial Foundation (Interim Office) 2019 North 20th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68110 H()\vcna Moore, President -W 342-4212 X (1J UJ C OJ ;.C H tTl=' ~ 0 X>1 -W C c: August 9, 1389 ::J·O 0 OfJ ..0 i UJ (1J ro tJ1 H c: (]) ro ro.c (]) H -W -W 'Ma 1com X Lover's Ne twork ro 0 ::J 68-72 'East 131 St {) (,.J C o >1 Harlem, USA 10037 ..--I.w ro (]) UJ J.:! Dear Brother and Friends: .r-l Q) Cd ro.w 0) .r-l -WUJ..--I Thanks for all the kindness you've shown to me and the foundation. -r-l (1J..--I Ul H­ Q) H l,apo1ogize for not respo~ding much sooner, however, as you know EH o or imagine, I am still struggling to keep Brother Malcolm's memory tr:(lJ .......
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