PLAN PROPOSAL FOR UNIVERSAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION UEE DISTRICT-HOSHANGABAD RAJIV GANDHI SHiKSHA MISSION GOVT. OF MADHYA PRADESH lib r a r y & DOCUfX^TATION u tn r^ Tascitu^e of E 4 acfttioQ«| >n<i '“'oiministratjon. | IT-JI. *> i Atirobmdo Mar|» New l^lh:-i].K'.6 J5.|1(,35- SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN UNIVERSALISATION OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE - PLAN (2001 -2006) July 2001 ZILA SHIKSHA KENDRA HOSHANGABAD ii(B)iAHY & yuuuMknt {AI i&N btniHti M atioaal lo stitu re of KelucsUrioQal Plaaomg Aad Ai^mmistration. 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Maig, New Delhi-llf016 DQC, No............................—. O a te _________________ DISTRICT-HOSHANGABAD Sehore District Chhlndwara District INDEX Tehsil Boundary District HQ Tahsil HQ & Block • Hill Station A UNIVERSALISA TION OF ELEMEMTR Y ED UCA TION IN DISTRICT HOSHANGABAD PERSPECTIVE PLAN (2001 - 2006) INDEX S,No. Chapter Name of Chapter Page No. No. I. Executive summary of Plan Proposals for UEE. 01-05 2. 1 District Profile. 06-09 ‘ 8. 2 Planning Process In The Context o f UEE (SSA). 10-14 4. 3 Educational Profile of The District Hoshangabad. 15-59 5. 4 Goals & Targets. 60-61 6, 5 Formulation of Strategies for Achieving UEE. 62-73 7. 6 Coverage o f Special Focused Groups. 74-76 8. 7 Research Support. 77-77 9. 8 Management Structures & Requirement. 78-81 10. 9 Budget & Costing. 82-91 11. 10 Implementation Schedule & A WP 2001-2002. 92-94 12. 11 Maps. 95-101 13. 12 List of Proposed Upgradation of PS&EGS 102-106 Executive Summary of Plan Proposals for U.E.E. The District Hoshangabad was renamed by The Mandu king Hoshangshah Gouri II in the beginning of 15th century AD. Hoshangabad is situated on the river Narmada. Narmada is known as lifeline of Madhya Pradesh. The District has 07 Blocks, 142 Jan Shiksha Kendra, 923 Villages and 1250 habitations. Objective of Universalisation of the Elementary Education plans. • Universal access. • Universal enrollment. • Universal retention. • Universal achievement. Present Status: - LEVEL GAR GER PRIMARY 87% 96% MIDDLE 61.68% 73% Year wise Target: - YEAR I II III IV V GAR 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% GER at 87% 90% 100% 110% 120% Elementary level. Gap and requirements: - PARTICULARS EGS PS MS PS/EGS TO TOTAL GRAND BE TOTAL UPGRADED Total No. of 134 954 272 00 272 1360 Schools Proposed 00 00 00 176 176 176 No. Schools having 07 839 156 00 156 1002 Building No. Schools 127 115 116 122 238 480 Building required No. Schools 00 843 296 00 296 1139 requiring Additional Rooms. (»; Physical Facilities: - PARTICULARS PRIMARY LEVEL MIDDLE LEVEL No. Of schools. 1085 272 No. Of schools requiring 800 175 drinking water facilities No. Of toilets required in 954 190 schools No. Of school requiring 970 185 electricity No. Of school required 1085 272 playing equipment Strategies to Achieve the Goal of U.E.E. Access: Upgradation of EGS and PS: - EGS PRIMARY SCHOOL 55 121 To provide 100% access, 121 PS and 55 EGS will be upgraded. School building for Primary and Middle school would be constructed . Rationalization of Teachers: - PRIMARY LEVEL MIDDLE LEVEL 48:1 42:1 Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at primary level is 48:1 and at middle level 42:1. Pupil Teacher Ratio shows that rationalization of teachers is must, because the posting of teachers are not according to need. Proposal to open 93 new EGS schools have already been sent to SPO for sanction, so 93 Gurujies will be required for those EGS Schools. 121 PS and 55 EGS schools are being proposed for up gradation, therefore 528 teachers will be needed. 176 SSK are proposed for pre primary schooling facilities. Drinking water, toilet, playground, library and laboratories facilities will be provided in the existing schools. Enrollment: - The number of unenrolled children are 5618 out of these 3562 are girls and 2056 boys. The situation of enrollment is poor in Sohagpur, Pipriya and Kesla blocks. School Chalo Abhiyan, Bal Mela, Mahila Sammelan, Balika Siksha, Women's empowerment programs will be conducted in every year in the month of June . Ghar-Ghar sampark abhiyan is launched to contact the parents every year for the enrollment of new children . Village Education committee and Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) will be assigned responsibility for enrollment. Village education register will be upgraded every year to diagnose the target group. S. S. K. will be started to encourage girl child enrollment . Disable children will be provided special attention for their enrollment. Madarsa schools will be started. Retention:- The number of Dropout is 3399 out of these 1845 are girls and 1554 boys at Primary level. The dropouts at middle are 0.80% and 2.79% and at primary level are 2.98%and 5.18%. To increase of retention and reduce dropout the following strategies will be applied. Schools will be enriched With educational games and learning materials. Library with the children books will be opened in schools and Jan Shiksha kendras. Activity center will be developed in every school with community participation. Play-Way methods of teaching will be used in school based on child centered approach learning materials and text-book will be developed according to need, diagnosed in the Action research studies. Cultural Programs, Competitions, Bal mela, hand work (Work experience activities.) And other attractive intructional activities will be organized to attract children. Mid day meal, uniforms, Scholarships and other incentives will be provided through the on going government schemes. Achievement:- Education system will be modified, grade system will be encouraged continuous and over all evaluation system will be established, Curriculum system and text will be redesigned according to the diagnostic studies learning material based on competencies, provided to schools and teachers. Teachers will be given conductive induction training. Strategies will be formulated changed and updated according to the findings of diagnostic studies will monitor the activities. Improving Management System: - The structure of Zila Shiksha Kendra (ZSK), Janpad Shiksha Kendra (JPSK) and Jan Shiksha Kendra (JSK) has been formed and the personnel training will be given for improving the management of the program. PROPOSED TRAINING PROGRAMMES:- S.NO. PARTICIPANTS PERIOD CONTENT 1. BEO, BRC, Prabhari Jan 2 days Office management, Innovation and Shiksha Kendra reassert, monitoring, meeting conduction. 2. Jan shikshak 5 Days Academic, TLM, Activity diary, Teachers dairy 3. Teachers, Guruji, 5 Days English, Hindi, Spot methodology. Shiksha karmi The budget estimated for the SSA plan is 488.29 Lakhs. A. Hoshangabad District at a Glance 1. Name of District Hoshangabad 2. Name of Commissionery Hoshangabad 3. Geographical Area 7392.68 Sq. Km. 4. Population (Census 2001) 1085011 5. Male Population 571796 6. Female Population 513215 7. ST. Population 1991 127974(14.43%) 8. SC. Population 1991 142258 (16.04%) 9. Density 2001 126 Per Sq. Km. 10. Population Increase ratio 22.42 Rural area, 36.09 Urban area 11. Sex ratio 2001 892 12 Parliament Constituency 01, Hoshangabad 13. Legislative Constituencies 04,Pipariya,Hoshangabad,Itarsi, Seoni Malwa 14. Revenue Sub Divisions 05, Pipariya, Itarsi,Sohagpur, Hoshangabad, Seoul Malwa 15. No. of Janpad Panchayat and BHocks. o7, Bankhedi, Pipariya, Sohagpur, Babai, Hoshangabad, Kesla, Seoni Malwa. 16. Name of Tehsils. o7, Bankhedi, Pipariya, Sohagpur, Babai, Hoshangabad, Itarsi, Seoni Malwa 17. No. of Tribal Block 01, Kesla. 18. Literacy Percentage 2001 70.36%, Male-81.36,Female-58.02 19. No. of Villages (Tehsil wise) 923, Bankhedi-121, Pipariya- 144 Sohagpur-163, Babai-103 Hoshangabad-71, Itarsi-131, Seoni Malwa- 190. 20. No. of Habitations 1250 Rural and Urban. 21. No. of EGS Schools 137 22. No. of Primary Schools 954 23. No. of Middle Schools 272 24. No. of High Schools 66 25. No.of Higher Secondary Schools 69 26. No. of Collages 11 27. No. of Technical Institutions 06 28. No. of Anganwadis 682 The DIET (District Institute of Education and Training is Situated in Pachmarhi. CHAPTER I Chapter - 1 District Profile ^riie Districi Hoshangabad was renamed after the Mandu King Hoshang.sluih (](Hiri-ll in Ihe beginning of 15^^ century AD. The history of Hoshangabad is very thrilling. Early man during stone age lived around Hoshangabad, which is evident by it's historical back ground shown by excavations made on the rivers of Narmada, Doodhi, Tawa, Denwa, Ganjal and Palakmati etc. I'hc remain of stone civilization in the forms of cave paintings may be traced out in the rock shelters of Adamgarh mountain. Pandavas passed their expulsion period in the Hoshangabad District at Pachmarhi. Giant King Banasurs capital was at Sonitpur in the District Hoshangabad. It is known as Sohagpur. This area was under the Nands, Mauryas, Shakash, Rashtrakulas of south Khilji Sulatans, Gond Rajas, Mugal Empire and Appa Saheb in the past. Babai village is the birth place of the famous poet Dada Makhan l.al CMiaUjrvedi. In 1933 Mahatma Gandhi came to Babai and encouraged 12 IVccdoiTi llj-»hters to enlighten the torch of freedom movement, We are si ill seeking inspiration from these veterans. Geographical Aspect: 1'he District Hoshangabad is situated in Central part of Madhya Pradesh, comprising of Narmada valley and Satpura ranges. It lies in between 21.54 to 22.59 longitude and 76.46 to 78.42 latitude. It is in the form of uneven belt and spread to the south side of Narmada valley. Boundaries: Narmada makes Northern boundary of the District Hoshangabad. Diidhi river makes the North Eastern boundary of the District. District Raisen and Sehore are situated in the North. Whereas Districts Betul, Harda and C’hhindwani are situates in the South and South West. Rivers: I loshangabad is blessed with the rivers Narmada, Dudhi, Tawa, Denwa niul Ganjal. Important Tourist Places: Pachinarhi, Anhoni, Awali Ghat, Bandrabhan, Bheelat Dev, Bori reserved forest, Sandia Narmada Temples, Tilak Sandoor are few important toui isi centers.
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