For the benefit of the public, the compiler has thought proper to arrange the offices of the various department • of the city of Albany in the following manner, conceiving it to be more convenient for a ready reference to the citf ' zens generally. Office of the Albany Water Works company,#(No. 1) 50 Office of the Inspector of flour, 180 Pier State st " Jefferson line canal boats, 64 Quay st, J.. » Albany Water Works company, (No 2) Hughes, agent, " ^Albany Insurance company, 58 State st " Mechanics' Insurance company, 430 n. M\ " Attorney General, State House, Lodge st ket st " Albany Daily Advertiser, 7 Webster's build's " Mayor's court, new City Hall " Albany Argus, 454 i. Market st " Mohawk and Hudson rail-road company, I " Albany Masonic Record, 63 State st Beaver st " Albany Microscope, 28 Beaver st " Merchants' line of canal boats. Pier, foo '• Albany Evening Journal, 71 State st State st, Piatt, Williams & Co. proprieti " Albany Observer, 5 Beaver st " Matilda steam boat for Troy, Pier, foot j " Albany Telegraph, and Christiah Register, Hamilton st 44 Dean st " North River steam boat line, opposite " Albany Freeman's Advocate, 16 Beaver st lumbian and National hotel, R. HSwJ " Albany Library, 371 n. Market st A. S. Groot, D. A. Hawley, agents " Albany justice's court, Centre market " New-York and Erie line of canal boats, c| " Albuny Savings Bank, 40 State st ner Hudson and Quay sts, up stairs, " Albany. Syracuse and Oswego line of canal H. Treat & Co. proprietor boats, 60 Quay st, C S. Olmsted, agent " New York and Ohio line of canal hog] " Albany and New Yonk line of tow boats, 64 Meach, Jackson & Co. proprietors, Quay st, Wm. Adams, agent of State st upstairs " Albany Religious Monitor, 71 State st " New-York and Michigan line of canal botj l\ Albany Sentinel .and Journal of Liberty 3 cor. of Hudson and Quay sts, A. H. Ga Beaver st m agent " Agency Howard Insurance company, 55 State " Police office, Centre market " Albany ''ype Foundry, 8 Liberty st " Post office, No. 386 n. Market st " Boston Packets, Pier, foot of State st, A. Gay, " Pilot line of canal boats, corner of State t agent, Quay sts, T. Joy, agent " Comptroller, State House, State st " Pen-Yan and Dresden line, 66 Quay E. " County Clerk, new City Hall Cook, agent " Canal Collector, Canal buildings, Quay st " Recorder, Atheneum Building, n. Market •' City Surveyor, Centre market " State Library, Capitol, James Maher, Lib " City Superintendant, Centre market rian " Chamberlain, new City Hall '' Sfale Treasurer, State House, State st " Common Council, new City Hall " Surrogate, Law ButWings, ». Market st " Champlain line, Pier, foot State st bridge, •' Surveyor General, State House, State st A. Gay, agent " Secretary of State, State House, State st " Clinton line, 54 Quay st, J. Savage, agent " Saratoga and Schenectady railroad comps '' City gauger, 7 Mark lane " Sealer of Weights and Measures, 37 *. Pti " City Gauger, 16 Union st « Sheriff, Jail " Chancellor, basement, N. E. cor. Capitol " Swiftsure line of tow boats, Pier, foot '• Franklin Type Foundry 65 State st State st Charles Coats, agent " Hudson River Steam-Boat Line, Pier, foot " Troy steam boat John Jay, opjjjtosite Colt Hamilton st, A. Birtholemevv. agent bian & National hotel, H R. Swan, ag "' Hudson and Erie line canal boats, 62J Quay " ' Troy and Erie line of canal boats, 107 PI st, A. D. Campbell, agent E. W. Whiting, agent, " Hudson and Oswego line canal boats, 62£ " The Defender of our Religious Liberties t Quay st, L. Chapman, agent Rights, old Museum, corner i. Marj •< Inspector of pot and pearl ashes, 57 Dean st and Hudson sts ! " Inspector of beef and pork, 5 Mark lane " Utica line of canal boats, Pier, foot of S( « Inspector of hops, cor. Beaver 4r William sts st, M. B. Scott agent 45 Inspector General of stares and heading, " Western line of canal boats, 65 Quay] 102 Pier Charles Smyth proprietor, " Inspector of lumber, 65 Pier " Washington line canal boats. Canal Buildj >< Inspector of leather, 24 State st Dows &• Cary proprietors. , THE K FOR THE YEAR 1831 --a. BY IR4 W. SCOTT. CONTAINING AN ALPHABETIC AX I.I8T OF RJBSXDSNTS WITHIN THE CITY. ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OF Useful autt *nUccstfno Jwatte? For the convenient and ready reference of MEN IN BUSINESS, AND CITIZENS GENERALLY. '• Who steals my purse, steals trash"— But he who borrows my DIRECTORY, filches me Most villanously. LOICGWORTH. ALBANY: PRINTED BV J. B. VAN STEESBERGH. 1831, 'I. PREFACE. THIS edition bf the ALBANY DIRECTORY, from ftie cir­ cumstances of the increased population of the city, and the additional tables with various other interesting matter which it contains, has very considerably enlarged its di­ mensions But, with a view to satisfy the public, as far forth as possible, the compiler has devoted the most un- weariet' attention to the arrangement, usefulness and ac­ curacy of its contents. And he trusts that his labor and perseverance has been so far successful as to make it as accurate and useful as any that has preceded it. It is not, however, to be doubted, but that seme errors have crept into the work. It is difficult, if not impossible, to prevent them ; and should a few occur, they neither particularly injure the usefulness or impair the convenience of it. Those who patronise the undertaking, will forbear to cen­ sure a detect which they know is unavoidable—Those W!JO do not, will undoubtedly find fault, and urge its de­ fects as an excuse for not patronising it. To the first the compiler owes and hereby tenders his thanks—to the lat- •er he owes and hereby tenders his indifference. Public and corporate bodies, men in official stations, and men in active business, are aware of the great clif. culty ind expense incurred, in the compilation, printiug and distributing a Directory for so numerous a city as Albany, ihc.y also appreciate its value and convenience. It i9 to the i , and to the enlightened and liberal citizens general­ ly, that the compiler and publisher must appeal for sup­ port in the undertaking, and for remuneration for his se •:ere labor and heavy expenses. I. W. SCOTT. Hudson Miver STEAMBOAT LINE. TTE STEAM-BOATS Constitution, CAPT. A. HOYT, Constellation* OAP'I'. R. G. CRUTTENDEN, Ohio, CAPT. M. BARTHOLOMEW. JMYS OF SAILING. FROM ALBANY, FROM NEW-YORK, Mondays at 12 o'clock, noon, Mondays, at 5 o'clock P. M. Tuesdays, " " Tuesdays, Wednesdays, " " Wednesdays, Thursdays, " " Thursdays, Fridays, " i; Fridays, Saturdays, '•" •' Saturdays, Sundays, " '• Sundays, at 10 o'clock A. M (£y- For passage, apply at the Hudson River Steam- Boat Office, South Market-street, Albany ; and in New- York, at the Hudson River Steam-Boat Office, adjoining Jersey City Ferry, foot of Courtland-street jtf- NORTH RIVER LINE. From the Old Steam-Boat Wharf, $£§* Foot of Lydius-street. FOR TfflEl'lfV «Y & ft It At 7 o'clock A. M. every day, except Monday, (through by daylight.) At 4 o'clock every afternoon, except Sunday, 'through by night.) North America, CAPT. J. BENSON, Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 o'clock A, RJ Albany, CAPT. J. G. JENKINS, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock A. M. New Philadelphia, CAPT. G. E. SEYMOUR, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 o'clock P. M.. De Witt Clinton, CAPT. SHERMAN, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock P. M. £T Office in Albany, in South Market-street, opposite the Colum­ bian and National Hotel, and near the New La..img ofthe North Uiver Steam-Boat Line, foot of Lydius street. 0 Office in New-York, on the New Steam.Boat Pier, foot of Ba»cJ.arlv,. jtreet, adjoining the Hoboken Ferry, and opposite the new llotitf' •?>' •oraercf Wc«t and Barclay-street?. Albany, June, 1831. •' ' Splendid Red Coaches. Speed, Regularity & Security. WAIiBRinGI?&; YOUNG'S Regular Lines of Stages. Leave the Office, J\o. 500, corner of South Market and Division Streets, Albany, AS FOLLOWS : For Montreal, via Salem, Poultney, Castle- ton, Middlebu y, Vergennes. Burlington,St. Albans, Swan- ton, Missisqui Bay, and St. Johns, every morning at 9 o'clock ; arriving at Burlington the next day to dine, and the third day at Montreal. For Whitehall, via Salem and Granville, every day at 9 o'clock A. M. Also, Middle Line, via Un­ ion Village, Argyle and Hartford, every day at 6 o'clock, AM. For Ballston and Saratoga Springs, and Lake George, every morning at 6 and at 9 o'clock. For Boston, via Bennington and Brattlebo- rough, every day, except Sunday ; also, via W'illiamstown and Greenfield, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 2 o'clock A M. For Manchester, "Windsor, Charlestown, Walpole, Hanover and Conccrd. and all other parts of Vermont and New-Hampshire, every day, except Sunday, at 3 o'clock in the morning. For Waterford, through Troy and Lansing- burgh every day at 6 o'clock A M. and 2. o'clock P. W. Extras and Expresses for Lebanon Springs ,and on any of the above routes whenever required, at the shortest notice. , ALL BAGGAGE AT THE RISK OF THE OWNER, KICF & BAKER'S NORTHERN, EASTERN, AND NEW-YORK maim ®mi&w (twoHra*, No. 526 South Market-street, ALBANY. SUPERIOR YELLOW COACHES. American C. Spring and other superior Coaches in rea­ diness at all times for gentlemen on business or pleasure, travelling between Albany and Lebanon, BaUston and Saratoga Springs, or any other place. REGULAR LINUS For Saratoga Springs and Lake George, via Troy, Witerford ant! Baliston pa, leave every morning at 6 and 9 o'clock. For Whitehall, via Troy, Waterford and Sandy-Hill, leave every morning at 9 o'clock ; and also leave Monday, Wednesday and Fri- doy mornings at 4 o'clock, running to and from the Steam Boats on Lake Champlain in connexion with the Packet Boat Constitution, from Fort Edward—Also a line to intersect the boat to and from Sara­ toga, Baliston and Schenectady.
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