July 31, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1169 and MBA from the University of Texas in San of Northwest Florida where he retired from the A patriot in the truest sense of the word, Colo- Antonio. He practiced public accounting before United States Air Force after courageously nel Day never stopped looking out for his devoting more than 20 years to the credit serving our Nation with honor and distinction brothers in arms. union industry. Prior to his service at Orion in three wars across four decades. Following his retirement, Colonel Day con- Federal Credit Union, where he oversaw a Colonel Day’s service began in 1942 when tinued to be a very passionate and active complete brand overhaul from Memphis Area he voluntarily joined the United States Marine leader in the community and throughout the Teacher’s Credit Union, Mr. Weickenand Corps and subsequently served 30 months in Nation. Colonel Day had a very successful law served as the Chief Financial Officer at FedEx the South Pacific Theater during World War II practice often championing veterans and mili- Employees Credit Association. as a non-commissioned officer. Following the tary retiree issues. His leadership was instru- In addition to his expertise in financial serv- War, Colonel Day attended Morningside Col- mental in protecting the earned health care ices, Mr. Weickenand is actively involved in lege in Sioux City, Iowa earning a Bachelor of benefits of military retirees both in litigation be- the Memphis community in various charitable Science degree and a Doctor of Humane Let- fore the federal court system and through his capacities and is currently serving as treasurer ters. He also earned a Master of Arts degree successful advocacy of the Congress which for the Memphis in May International Festival from St. Louis University, a Juris Doctor from ultimately resulted in the restoration of military Board of Directors. the University of South Dakota, and a Doctor medical benefits. Undoubtedly, Mr. Weickenand will bring a of Laws from Troy State University. Colonel Colonel Day’s most important legacy is that tremendous amount of expertise to the Day was also admitted to practice law in of a family man and as a great neighbor and NAFCU Board. I wish Mr. Weickenand the South Dakota and Florida. friend to so many in our community. Colonel best of luck in his new role on the NAFCU After being honorably discharged from the Day’s enduring impact on his community and Board. I ask that my colleagues join me today Marine Corps, Colonel Day continued his Nation will be felt for generations to come. in congratulating him on this achievement. quest to serve our Nation when he joined the Though many have bravely served their coun- f Air National Guard after receiving a direct try before Colonel Day, and many continue to commission as a Second Lieutenant in 1950. honorably serve, few have endured as much HONORING ANDREW JAMES In 1951, Colonel Day was called to active duty as Bud Day for duty, honor, and love of coun- FARNEN in the United States Air Force and entered Un- try. dergraduate Pilot Training. Following his grad- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States HON. SAM GRAVES uation from training, Colonel Day served two Congress, it gives me great pride to honor the OF MISSOURI tours in the Far East as a fighter bomber pilot life and service of an American hero, Colonel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES during the Korean War. George Everett ‘‘Bud’’ Day. Our community In April 1967, Colonel Day was assigned to and countless others will miss his unwavering Wednesday, July 31, 2013 the 31st Tactical Fighter Wing at Tuy Hoa Air perseverance and optimism, but his legacy will Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Base, Republic of Vietnam. He later moved to endure for years to come. My wife Vicki joins proudly pause to recognize Andrew James Phu Cat Air Base where he organized and be- me in extending our most sincere condolences Farnen. Andrew is a very special young man came the Commander of Detachment 1 of the to Colonel Day’s wife, Doris; their four chil- who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- 416th Tactical Fighter Squadron also known dren, Steven; George, Jr., Lieutenant Colonel zenship and leadership by taking an active as the ‘‘Misty Super FAC’s.’’ This new unit (USAF retired); Sonja; and Sandra; their four- part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 138, flew two-seated F–100F Super Sabre aircraft teen grandchildren; and the entire Day family. and earning the most prestigious award of in a pioneering top secret mission as Fast For- f Eagle Scout. ward Air Controllers operating inside many DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Andrew has been very active with his troop, high threat areas of Vietnam and Laos. APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2014 participating in many scout activities. Over the On August 26, 1967, flying under the call many years Andrew has been involved with sign ‘‘Misty-01’’ and after flying more than five SPEECH OF scouting, he has not only earned 24 merit thousand hours defending our great Nation, badges, but also the respect of his family, Colonel Day was shot down over North Viet- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN peers, and community. Most notably, Andrew nam and began sixty-seven long and brutal OF MARYLAND has earned the rank of Firebuilder in the Tribe months as a Prisoner of War. Despite severe IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Mic-O-Say, become an Ordeal Member of injuries from his ejection over enemy territory Tuesday, July 23, 2013 the Order of the Arrow, and led his troop as and repeated torture, Colonel Day was always The House in Committee of the Whole the Junior Assistant Scout Master and Senior defiant to his captors who labeled him a ‘‘hard House on the state of the Union had under Patrol Leader. Andrew has also contributed to resistor’’ and often singled him out for excep- consideration the bill (H.R. 2397) making ap- his community through his Eagle Scout tionally harsh treatment. During one such propriations for the Department of Defense project. Andrew designed and constructed a event in which Colonel Day participated in a for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, sandbox for a new outdoor classroom at Burr forbidden religious service amongst his fellow and for other purposes: Oaks Nature Center in Blue Springs, Missouri. prisoners, Colonel Day defiantly stared down Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Chair, I rise Andrew cut down trees for logs, cleared the the Vietnamese guards who tried to stop the today to express my support for H.R. 2397, area for the sandbox, constructed and filled service ultimately singing our National Anthem the Department of Defense Appropriations Act the sandbox, and landscaped the area sur- in protest. Colonel Day’s resistance, leader- for FY2014. I commend Chairmen ROGERS rounding the sandbox for the Nature Center. ship, and bravery in the face of deadly enemy and YOUNG and Ranking Members LOWEY and Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in pressure saved the lives of countless fellow VISCLOSKY for crafting a bipartisan bill that commending Andrew James Farnen for his aviators who were still flying over Vietnam, both strengthens the security of our nation and accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of and he served as an inspiration to his fellow provides for vital programs that benefit our America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- servicemembers who were also held as Pris- men and women in uniform and their civilian ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. oners of War. colleagues. f In March 14, 1973 Colonel Day was re- I am particularly encouraged that the bipar- leased after an unimaginable two thousand tisan amendment I offered with Rep. HONORING THE LIFE AND DEDI- twenty-eight days of captivity. His heroism, de- MULVANEY, Rep. COFFMAN, and Rep. MURPHY CATED SERVICE OF COLONEL termination, and courage were further echoed was adopted and included in final passage. GEORGE EVERETT ‘‘BUD’’ DAY by the presentation of our Nation’s highest Our amendment ensures that the account to award, the Medal of Honor by President Ger- fund our operations in Afghanistan and over- HON. JEFF MILLER ald Ford on March 6, 1976. seas contingency operations will not become a OF FLORIDA Colonel Day retired from the Air Force on slush fund for unrequested defense spending. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES December 9, 1977 as the Vice Commander of The FY2014 funding for the war in Afghani- the great 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force stan and other overseas contingences is at Tuesday, July 31, 2013 Base, Florida. By the end of his career, Colo- the level the DoD and military leaders say is Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise nel Day was the Air Force’s most highly deco- necessary for the mission, and the underlying today to recognize the life of one of America’s rated officer having been awarded nearly sev- bill had originally provided $5 billion more than greatest warriors, Colonel George Everett enty military decorations and awards with an our military leaders say is needed for over- ‘‘Bud’’ Day. Colonel Day was a proud resident astounding fifty earned for actions in combat. seas contingency operations (OCO). Our VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:29 Aug 01, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31JY8.008 E31JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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