CX)MM)OORE SOFlWARE ENCYCl.OPEDIA FIRSI' EDITION Second printing May 15, 1981 ® Copyright 1981 <D1K)OORE BUSINESS MACllINES INC. All Rights Reserved COPYRIGHT ID PART OF 'IBIS SOFIWARE ENCYCIDPEDIA MAY BE REIRODUCED IN 'PNY FORM OR BY ~ICAL OR MECHANICAL MEANS, INCLUDIl{; INFORMATION SI'ORAGE AND RE'lRIEVAL SYSl'EMS WITHOOT PERMISSION IN WRITIl{; FRCM CXJ.M)OORE BUSINESS MACHINES INC. INI'ROOOCl'ION This encyclopedia is a listing of most of the software offerings, known to Gammodore as of this printing, which are available for use on the CBM/PET line of computers. This encyclopedia is divided into seven (7) categories. However, some programs fran one category may be applicable in another area. For example a housewife may find that a secretary's appointment program is useful for her own needs. Thus a program under the Business heading may be of interest to the housewife. We therefore suggest that you carefully review each of the different categories. IT IS AISO THE PURCHASER'S RESfONSIBILITY '10 DETERMINE '!HE CDMPATIBILITY OF HIS muIIMENl' WI'!H PRCX3RAMS CONI'AINED IN '!HIS ENCYCLOPEDIA. These programs are included in this encyclopedia for information purposes only. Inclusion cbes not constitute an endorsement of the product unless the Commodore logo appears opposite the listing. Prices are subject to change without notice. COMIDOORE MAKES ID WARRANl'IES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WI'lH RESPECI' '10 THE PR(X3RAMS INCLUDED HEREIN, '!HEIR QUALITY, PERFOR-1ANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARl'IaJLAR PURroSE. THESE PRCX3RAMS, WHEN PURCHASED, WILL BE PUROlASED "~ IS". '!HE ENTlRE RISK ~ '10 '!HEIR CUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IS WI'!H THE BUYER. SHClJLD THE PRCX3FAMS PROVE DEFECI'IVE FOI..I.CMIro '!HEIR PUR~E, '!HE BUYER (AND IDT '!HE CREA'lOR OF '!HE PROORAMS, <lJM)OORE, THEIR DIS'l'RlBU'IORS OR THElR RETAILERS) WILL AS&JME THE ENl'IRE COS!' OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICIN;, REPAm OR <DRROCTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL mMAGES. IN ID EVENl' WILL <n1M)OORE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECI' , INDIRECI' , INCIDENTAL OR <DNSEQUENl'IAL DAMAGES RESULTIN; FRCM ANY DEFECI' IN THE PR(X;RAMS EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN AD\TISED OF THE rosSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SG'lE I.JWl) 00 IDT PJ..J.J.:1iI '!HE EXCL15ION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANrIES OR LIABILITIES FOR INCIDENI'AL OR CCNSmUENrIAL rnMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. TABLE OF CDNTENTS 'IOPIC PAGE H.ARIlVAR.E ovmVIEW' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii BUSINESS ...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 WORD PROCESSORS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 UTILITIES ...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 ENGINEERING AIDS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 PERSONAL AIDS ..........•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 GArt1Es ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 45 EIlJCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 66 APPENDIX DIRECTORY OF SOFTWARE VENDORS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 137 PROGRAM INDEX * ..................................................142 * Note: Program index may be used as a handy guide to show the scope of this encyclopedia. HARIlVARE OVERVIEW* cn1PUTERS- PET/CBM: The Personal Electronic Transactor was the original self­ contained microcomputer offered to the public at an affordable price. The CBM is a PET that has been designed priIIBrily for rosiness use and incorporates features to facilitate business applications. All Commodore computers are equip;d with an integrated CRT (cathode ray tube screen) a keyboard and CPU (central processing unit). RCl1's: (Read Only Memory) There are currently three versions in use. 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. 2.0 was the original roM supplied, (also called "old R()t.'l' s") • 3.0 was an improved ROM (called "new row Sff) and was supplied on IIBchines manufactured for a short time about mid 1980. 4.0 is the current version. To find out which version you have, look at the nachine irnnediately after a power on. If the top line reads "*** CDMIDOORE BASIC ***" the machine is equiI;x=d with 2.0 ROM's. If the top line reads ffiii cx::t-1M)OORE BASIC iii" the IIBchine is the 3.0 version. And if the top line reads "*** cc;ro.oOORE BASIC 4.0 ***" you have 4.0 BASIC. PET 2000 Series: This is a 40 column by 25 line (l000 character total) integrated micro oamputer equip;d with various memory capacities from 8K to 32K. Originally it was manufactured wi th a calculator style keyboard and integrated cassette for IIBSS storage. That version is no longer available as all IIBchines are currently manufactured wi th the typewriter style keyboard and a minimum of 16K memory. The N keyboard designation is the graphics version while the B keyboard is intended for rosiness use and carries the CBM logo. CUrrently all IIBchines are shipp;d with 4.0 ROM's which support disk commands. Software written entirely in BM>IC will run on any ROM version. If a program containing IIBchine language is to be run it is advisable that you find out what ROM version was used for that program. IDTE: All PET/CBM machines can be field upgraded with a ROM upgrade kit. 4000 Series: 40 column machines with N or B keyboards. The N keyboard is the graphics version carrying the PET logo and has the graphics symbols on the keyboard. The B keyboard is the rosiness model wi th the CBM logo and has a typ;wr iter style keyboard. This IIBchine is available in 16K or 32K memory configurations. 8000 Series: 80 column by 25 line (2000 character total) business nachine with B style keyboard and is available in 32K memory configuration with 4.0 ROM's. ii DISK DRIVES- ooS (Disk Operating System) There are three versions of OOS used on COII1IOC>dore Disk Drives, 1.0, 2.1, and 2.5. The original system was DOS 1.0 and is no longer manufactured. 2.1 and 2.5 are used on the 4040 and 8050 disk drives respectively. These two versions offer enhanced disk cornnands over the 1. 0 rraking disk ope rations easier. Dual Drives: At present all Commodore Disk Drives are Dual units which use 5 114 inch floppy diskettes. All units are intelligent, meaning that they do not require canputer memory for operation, and are complete with read/write heads, drive motors and track p:>sitioning mechanisms. 2040: Equiped with DOS 1.0 and offers a total capacity of 167K bytes per disk drive for a total of 336K. (can be field upgraded to DOS 2.0.) 3040: European version which is essentially the same as the American 2040. 4040: Same as the 2040 except that it is equiped with DOS 2.1 and has 166K storage capacity (332K total). 8050: Equipped with DOS 2.5 this is the most IX>Werful 5 114" Disk Drive offered today with 500K bytes of storage per disk for a total of 1 megabyte! PRINl'ERS: There are two types of printer p:lper feed mechanisms, tractor and friction. Friction printers feed paper just like a typewriter. Tractor feeds exert positive control on the paper by utilizing sprocket holes along the sides of special paper very similar to film in a movie projector. Such a system enables precise control over the physical position of the p:lper which is essential for such applications as mailing label printouts and form printing. 2023: This is a friction feed dot matrix printer which has a print speed of 60 lines/minute. Discontinued. 2022: Same as 2023 except that it is the tractor feed version (replaced by 4022). 4022: Similar to above but with an improved printing mechanism (current production model). Throughout this encyclopedia when reference is made to a 2022, a 4022 may usually be substituted. iii MISCELANEOUS- 8010 IDDEM This is a device which pennits your mT/CBM to "talk" to other computers over the telephone. 4010 VOICE A voice synthesizer which will endow a PET/CBM with the RESFONSE UNIT powers of human-like speech. ASCII PRINl'ER ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Infornation Interchange. In order to use this type of printer with PET/CBM computers an RS-232 or parallel interface is required. These are usually letter quality printers but some dot rratrix printers are also included such as the high speed bi-directional Mannesmann Tally 8024. * Although every attempt has been rrade to provide as much infornation as possible with respect to hardware carnpatability, the ultirrate responsibility lies with the user in detennining whether or not a program will function with his particular equipnent. 'IHE PURCHASER IS STROOGLY UffiED '10 SEEK '!HIS INFORMATICN FRC»i THE DEALER AND '10 SPECIFY HIS mtJI:R>1ENl' CXl-iPLEMENT BEFORE ANY PURClJASE IS MADE. iv BUSINESS PRODUCI' NAME: Ozz - The Information Wizard Product Code: 500010 A fast running machine code program permitting the user to design his or her own data management and retrieval system. The user assigns categories to a variety of numerical or textual data. in natrix or chart form, and using his own format to store. access, manipulate and edit the data. ozz also performs numerical cal­ culations in different categories. The Wizard is layman oriented and "user friendly" as the conversational style of the illustrated manual indicates. Specifically designed for the Commodore 8032 computer Ozz lets you: L Format and store information. 2. Perform calculations. 3. Design forms and docl.lIrents. 4. Analyze infonration. 5. Access files and perform global search. HARDWARE REQUIREMENT: 8032 CPU, 8050 Disk Drive and suitably interfaced letter quality printer. AVAILABLE FRCl-1: Camnodore Dealer $395.00 PRODUcr NAME: Dow Janes Portfolio Management System Product COde: 500040 - on line access to quotes for 6.000 stocks - on line access to Wall Street Journal. Barrons and - Dow Janes news service stories by stock symbol for 6,000 stocks - maintain and control stock portfolios - system provides tax records of all transactions - automatic valuation of stock portfolio positions via Dow Jones data base - Screen display of current positions valued to the market - summary and detailed reports on portfolio positions - automatic dialing and sign-on for Dow Jones data bases with auto dialer modem - manual dialing and sign on with Commodore modem HARIliARE RIDUIREMENTS: 8032 or 4032 cpu, 4040 or 8050 Disk Drive, 4022.
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