Matthew and Tiffiny Wulf Joshua and Ashley Bristol Raul Delgadillo Subdivision Replat Daniel and Sharon Kauffman Special Use PC Hearing Date of March 8, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS • PC o Agenda, File Summary, PC Minutes to be approved • Additional Information • Original Submittal • Applicant Narrative • Site Plan/Maps • Proof of Ownership • Utilities & Access o Water, Sewer, Ditch Company, COOT or Road & Bridge, Architecture Control Approval, any other utilities or access documentation • Environmental Impacts • Referrals & Responses o Referrals sent and responses received, Landowner Letter sent and any responses received, PC Notification and any responses received • Technical o Right to Farm, Application Fee Receipt, Tax Account Statement, Mineral Rights Notifications, Animal Counts o Minor Sub, Major Sub, and Planned Development Applications: • Soil Map, Topography, Public Improvements, HOA & Covenants "'Cl 0 PC PC Agenda PC File Summary PC Minutes to be approved MORGAN COUNTY PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT Monday, March 8, 2021 AGENDA TO: Morgan County Planning Commission DATE: Monday, March 8, 2021 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Assembly Room - Remote attendance via ZOOM The County is abiding by the Social Distancing Requirements in Public Health Order 20-28 for this meeting. Due to limited space in the assembly room, remote attendance is encouraged. If you have any questions regarding attending the meeting, please contact Pam Cherry at 970-542-3526. To participate remotely you must connect via Zoom Conferencing Access Information: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/84591112218 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +12532158782,,84591112218# or +13462487799,,84591112218# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1253 215 8782 or +1346 248 7799 or +1669 900 9128 or +13017158592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 845 9111 2218 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb6hWNUqFP AGENDA Roll Call Minutes of December 14, 2020 Approval of Agenda Applications: APPLICANT AND LANDOWNERS: a. Matthew Wulf and Tiffiny Wulf Legal Description: A parcel ofland in the NW Y,. of Section 3, Township 3 North, Range 58 West of the 6th P.M. Morgan County, also known as Lot 2 of the Pickens West No 2 Minor Subdivision, Fort Morgan, addressed as 17792 Co Rd 15 Lot #3, Fort Morgan, CO 80701; and Request: Replat to decrease Lot 2 of Pickens West No 2, from 27 acres to 16.34 acres b. Joshua Duane Bristol and Ashley Nicole Bristol Legal Description: A parcel of land in the NW Y,. of Section 3, Township 3 North, Range 58 West of the 6th P.M. Morgan County, also known as Lot 1 of the Pickens West No 2 Minor Subdivision, Fort Morgan, addressed as 17594 Co Rd 15, Fort Morgan, CO 80701 Request: Replat to increase Pickens West, Lot 1 from 5.7 acres to 11.53 acres; and c. Raul Delgadillo Legal Description: A parcel of land in the NW Y,. of Section 3, Township 3 North, Range 58 West of the 6th P.M. Morgan County, also known as Lot 2 of the Pickens West Minor Subdivision, Fort Morgan, addressed as 17696 Co Rd 15, Fort Morgan, CO 80701 Request: Replat to increase Lot 2 of Pickens West Subdivision from 5.0 acres to 10.09 acres. APPLICANT AND LANDOWNER: APPLICANT: Daniel L. and Sharon K. Kauffman LANDOWNERS: Daniel L. and Sharon K. Kauffman Legal Description: A parcel of land in the N Y, of the NEY. of Section 9, Township 3 North, Range 57 West of the 6th p.m., Morgan County, addressed as 16985 County Road 21, Fort Morgan, 80701 Request: Special Use application to allow a winery with related uses to include a tasting room, wine sales and wine manufacture. OTHER MATTERS: ADJOURN: Morgan County Government <Pct 231 Ensign St ~ PO Box 596 "'-'1 Fort Morgan, CO 80701 Telephone (970) 542-3526 o<y pcherry@,co.morgan.co.us MORGAN COUNTY PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT MORGAN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FILE SUMMARY February 23, 2021 March 8, 2021 hearing date APPLICANTS AND LANDOWNERS: Joshua Duane Bristol and Ashley Nicole Bristol (Parcel A) Matthew D. Wulf and Tiffiny J. Wulf (Parcel B) Raul E. Delgadillo (Parcel C) This application is for the Tradesman Minor Subdivision, a rep lat of Lot 2 Pickens West Minor Subdivision and of Lots 1 and 2 of Pickens West No. 2 Minor Subdivision and a replat of Lots 3 and 4 of the Pickens West 1 Minor Subdivision located in the WY, of the NW V. of Section 3, Township 3 North Range 58 West of the 6 h. P.M. Morgan County, Colorado. The property is located on County Road 15 between Hwy 34 and County Road S with addresses of: 1. Wulf- 17792 County Road 15 #LT 3, Fott Morgan-1227-030-04-002 2. Delgadillo - 17696 County Road 15, Fmt Morgan - 1227-030-03-002 3. Bristol - 17594 County Road 15, Fort Morgan - 1227-030-04-001 The applicants and landowners are requesting a Replat to decrease Lot 1 of Pickens West Minor, Lot 2 from 27 acres to 16.34 acres (Wulf). Approximately five acres will be added to Pickens West No.2 Minor, Lot 2 (Delgadillo) to become 10.09 acres. Approximately five acres will be added to Pickens West No. 2 Minor, Lot 1 to become 11.53 acres. Neither subdivision has adopted restrictive covenants. Subdivision Property Owner Existing Acres Results Pickens West, Lot 2 Wulf 27 16.34 Pickens West 2, Lot 2 Delgadillo 5 10.09 Pickens West 2, Lot 1 Bristol 5.7 11.53 The Wulf and Delgadillo are developed with homes and other structures. The Bristol property is currently undeveloped, to be developed as residential in the future. The property is zoned Agriculture Production and all structures meet the setback requirements of the district. In reviewing an application for a replat of a subdivision Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners shall apply the following criteria as listed from Section 10-400 of the Morgan County Subdivision Regulations: (1) The replat complies with these standards and regulations, and the original conditions of approval. Morgan County Government <£'-! 23 ·1 Ensign St ~ PO Box 596 Jl-d Fort Morgan, CO 8070 I Telephone (970) 542-3526 "'!! [email protected] (2) Nonconforming lots are not created, and in the case of nonconforming lots, the nonconformity is not increased. (3) The replat is in keeping with the purpose and intent of the Subdivision Regulations. (4) Legal and physical access is provided to all parcels by public rights-of-way or recorded easement, acceptable to the County in compliance with these Subdivision Regulations. (5) The approval will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare. Wulf Del!rndillo Bristol Water Qualitv Water Tao 273 7 Qualitv Water Tao 2695 Qualitv Water Tao 2800 Seotic M 12-024 M 07-024 M 20-054 - New svstem Access (3) Existinl! Existinl! Existinl! Fire Fort Morgan Rural Fire Fort Mornan Rural Fire Fort Morl!an Rural Fire Soil map Provided Provided Provided R-T-F Comnlete Complete Complete All appropriate notice requirements have been completed with no comments received as of February 24, 2021. Thirty-five property owners within 1,320 feet were notified of the application; comments have not been received either in support or opposed. Pam Cherry Morgan County Planning Administrator Morgan County Government ~~ 231 Ensign St <4! PO Box 596 .,y Fort Morgan, CO 8070 I Telephone (970) 542-3526 ""~ [email protected] z )> ,, 0 Oo :::0 - s:: -l )> 0 -l z ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - )> Orz ~ny additional information received since PC packet was sent to members ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL Original Application (/) 0 C :::0 OJ - s:: G) =l z rr)> )> ·· . .MORGAN COUNTY PLANNING, ZONING & BUILDING DEPT. 231 Ensign, P.O. Box 596 Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701 PHONE (970) 542-3526 FAX (970) 542-3509 E-mail: [email protected] . SUBDIVISION REPLAT APPLICATION APPLICANT LANDOWNERS Name lAJ.;. /{ NameM{,(f+iuw +T,'{[,,_,I t.J.,,,1/} JV41/·-k .. ..,, I Address 1779?... {l,j I S::: L-ofJ Address I} 7??... n? j 11!: ( 6 ~-- 3 Phone ( 7AJ ) 'sf?O--?--!>fl Phone ( ~ 7o ) ~ ,l?O ~ .;A 52"'3 Email (VtdtNIA /f_i.QG,,.,,,,._,./. Co'""'- Email J'l!\11[(AJ1,i/(.z{! G'.,,v.t<t,1. <~'""'"'\ TECBNICAL Address/Location of Property:· 177 rJ.. ~d 1 <: Zone District: _ _,,4-...,_ _______ Complete Property Legal Description and Parcel# to be divided: s-3__ T~ R~vif \JJ Y:z /vW Vi__ Y. Parcel#: /'2;l- -"1tf3cJ:i-t{)tYl..., Parcel#:------------ Latitude l/(f /.f. .2{9/111 Longitude /c,3• 57, ~{J Total acreage in parcel: fb? ,"~ ( Number of lots to be created: //11,Nj,'¥ ] C/;'t'riAy lo/::, Distarice and Direction to nearest community: ___________________________ Name, address and phone of surveyor: C e./h, r t- - MC /Jfec qn ,/ /js: r; CJG 'c. k:, PresentuseofPropeyty: -~ J.e,. 1'< / -------------------------- Proposed use ofProperty:_...,·'-'~~<,.'-'t-'-rk_,-'---'-/-,_1._~/ ls property located-within 1320' (1/4 mile) of a livestock confinement facility:._,_,{\~/ =r)____ _ I hereby certify that to the best ofiny knowledge, the information.contained within this application package is true and correct. Application must be signed by avplicant and landowner as it appears in title insurance. Ll~~ Date - .., Applicant Signature Date ~~------Landowner Signature Date Date Received I j 1__ 1 I1-- l Received By__,(!=;,@<--_== Oflt.,._,_.,/:.._ __F.ee Payment$ ·3 DO ¢--Ck/CC # ~l=D~(~~--- j Recording Fee$ Ck/CC# ______ ( PropertyTaxes Floodplain .~rJ~-- PaidBy .At1lf\,if',11J_jLJ_wJf::____ _ Comments __-t,~-------------------------------- ; JI MS Permit# fl RPL 20Zf-o00j SUBDIVISION REPLAT ATTACHMENT SCHEDULE 1.) Completed land use application.provided by the County.
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