MANAGEMENT PLANS Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 Partners Aberdeenshire Council Angus Council Association of Cairngorms Communities Backbone Cairngorms Business Partnership Cairngorms Community Broadband Cairngorms National Park Authority Cairngorms Trust Community Broadband Scotland Community Councils Community Development Trusts ConFor This document is available in Crown Estate Scotland Education Scotland large print, and other formats, Federation of Small Businesses on request. Please contact the Forest Enterprise Scotland Forestry Commission Scotland Cairngorms National Park Authority Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust on 01479 873535. It is also available Highlands and Islands Enterprise Historic Environment Scotland to view at www.cairngorms.co.uk James Hutton Institute John Muir Trust Moray Council Moray Speyside Tourism Front cover photo: National Farmers Union Scotland View over Braemar © VisitScotland/Jakub Iwanicki National Health Service for Scotland Internal photo credits: National Trust for Scotland Anke Addy; Cairngorms National Park Authority; Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland Peter Cairns/2020VISION/CNPA; Stephen Corcoran; Perth & Kinross Council Angus Findlay; David Gowans; Stewart Grant; Mark Ramblers Scotland Hamblin/2020VISION/CNPA; Jane Hope; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Neil McIntyre; VisitScotland/Damian Shields; Scottish Council for Development and Industry VisitScotland/Jakub Iwanicki; Wee Epics; Scottish Enterprise www.cairngormlandscapes.co.uk Scottish Environment Link Scottish Environment Protection Agency Scottish Futures Trust Published by Scottish Gamekeepers Association Cairngorms National Park Authority Scottish Government 14 The Square Scottish Land and Estates Grantown-on-Spey Scottish Natural Heritage PH26 3HG Scottish Water Skills Development Scotland [email protected] SportScotland Tel: 01479 873535 Sustrans Fax: 01479 873527 The Highland Council Transport Scotland www.cairngorms.co.uk University of Highlands and Islands VisitAberdeenshire © CNPA 2017. All rights reserved VistScotland ISBN 978-1-906071-87-5 The devil’s punchbowl, Linn of Quoich, Braemar Contents Foreword/Facal-toisich 4 Cairngorms National Park Vision and Outcomes 6 Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 8 Scotland’s National Parks 10 Role of the National Park Authority 14 Ways of working – collaboration and innovation 14 Hierarchy of National Park strategies and plans 14 Community planning in the National Park 16 Public interest priorities 17 Conservation 20 Priority 1: Supporting landscape scale collaboration 25 Priority 2: Deer management 30 Priority 3: Moorland management 34 Conservation delivery framework 38 Conservation policy framework 40 Visitor Experience 42 Priority 4: Visitor infrastructure and information 46 Priority 5: Active Cairngorms 50 Priority 6: Learning and inclusion 52 Visitor experience delivery framework 54 Visitor experience policy framework 56 Rural Development 58 Priority 7: Housing 62 Priority 8: Community capacity and empowerment 66 Priority 9: Economic development 69 Rural development delivery framework 72 Rural development policy framework 74 Capital investment priorities 76 Delivery mechanisms 78 Role of publicly owned land 79 Research strategy 80 Monitoring delivery 80 Cairngorms National Park map 82 Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 Foreword This Plan looks to address many of the key challenges in the Park over the next five years covering conservation, visitor experience and rural development. There are targets to increase the number of affordable houses being built, expand our woodlands, manage our uplands to deliver defined public benefits, increase access to superfast broadband and create a Park for all. This is an ambitious agenda and one that the The Cairngorms National Park contains some National Park Authority will lead over the of Scotland’s most iconic nature and landscapes. next five years. It will help deliver our national National Park status is the highest international ambitions for land use, biodiversity, rural accolade that can be bestowed on an area. The development and tourism. It will also help the effect of this can be seen in the increasing visitor communities in and around the Cairngorms numbers coming to the Park, now over 1.7million make the most of the available opportunities. It is every year. important that everyone works in partnership to deliver these ambitions. The Park is home to 18,000 people and the communities and businesses are vital to the long The Cairngorms National Park is for all of us to term success of the Park. enjoy and cherish. This Park Partnership Plan ensures it is in safe hands. National Parks deliver sustainable development – economic and social growth that is underpinned by the outstanding natural and cultural heritage of the area. This is the third National Park Partnership Plan and the progress over the past 15 years has Roseanna Cunningham MSP been tremendous from improved and upgraded Cabinet Secretary for Environment, ranger bases and visitor centres, the extension Climate Change and Land Reform of the Speyside Way, thousands of hectares of woodland expansion and peatland restoration and ever increasing acknowledgement of the role the Park plays in attracting visitors. 4 National Parks in Scotland Facal-toisich Tha Pàirc Nàiseanta a’ Mhonaidh Ruaidh le cuid Tha seo na phrògram gu math àrd-amasach, dhen nàdar is àrainneachdan as ainmeil ann prògram a bheir stiùir don Ùghdarras thar nan an Alba. Chan eil mòran inbhean nas cliùitich còig bliadhna ri teachd. Cuidichidh e sinn chum na Pàirc Nàiseanta, le buaidh na h-inbhe seo amasan nàiseanta a thaobh cleachdadh fearann, follaiseach leis na tha ann de dhaoine a’ tadhal air bith-iomadachd, leasachadh dùthchail agus a’ Phàirc gach bliadhna; le còrr is 1.7 millean a’ turasachd. Bidh e cuideachd na chuideachadh tadhal sa bhliadhna. do choimhearsnachdan anns, agus timcheall air, a’ Mhonadh Ruadh is iad a’ gabhail brath air na Tha a’ Phàirc na dachaigh do 18,000 daoine agus cothroman a tha ag èirigh. Tha e cudromach gum do choimhearsnachdan is chompanaidhean air a bi sinn uile ag obair còmhla chum coileanadh nan bheil soirbheachas na Pairce gu mòr a’ crochadh amasan seo. thar an fhad-ùine. Tha Pàirc Nàiseanta a’ Mhonaidh Ruaidh na Tha leasachadh seasmhach aig cridhe Phàircean pàirc às am faigh na h-uile tlachd mòr. Tha am Nàiseanta – fàs eaconamach agus sòisealta a Plana seo a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi i fo tha stèidhte air bunait dualchas cultarail agus deagh chùram. nàdarrach na sgìre. Seo an tritheamh Plana Com-pàirteachas na Pàirc Nàiseanta, le iomadh leasachadh ga dhèanamh thairis air an 15 bliadhna a chaidh seachad; bho ionadan ùra dha na maoir-dhùthcha agus ionadan tadhail ùra, leasachadh ga dhèanamh air Slighe Roseanna Cunningham BPA na Spè, mìltean de heactairean de dh’fhearann- Rùnaire Caibineit airson na h-Àrainneachd, coillteach ùra agus de mhòinteach air ath- Atharrachadh na Gnàth-shìde agus leasachadh. Tha cuideachad barrachd aithne ga Ath-leasachadh Fearainn. toirt don àite a th’ aig a’ Phàirc fhèin ann a bhith a’ tàladh luchd-tadhail. Tha am Plana ag amas air dèiligeadh ri mòran dhe na dùbhlain ron Phàirc thar nan ath chòig bliadhna, a’ coimhead ri glèidhteachas, tursan tadhail dhaoine agus leasachadh dùthchail. Tha targaidean ann airson barrachd thaighean a thogail (is a reic aig prìs reusanta), barrachd fearann- coillteach, an talamh àrd ga làimhseachadh chum bhuannachdan dhan phoball, seirbheis bainn- leathainn aig barrachd dhaoine agus Pàirc ga cruthachadh dha na h-uile. 5 Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 Cairngorms National Park Vision “An outstanding National Park, enjoyed and valued by everyone, where nature and people thrive together” 6 National Parks in Scotland National Park Outcomes Our headline long-term outcomes for the National Park are: Conservation A special place for people and nature with natural and cultural heritage enhanced Visitor Experience People enjoying the Park through outstanding visitor and learning experiences Rural Development A sustainable economy supporting thriving businesses and communities Loch Garten 7 Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2017-2022 Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan The National Park Partnership Plan is the management plan for the Cairngorms National Park that is approved by Scottish Ministers1. It sets out how all those with a responsibility for the Park will co-ordinate their work to tackle the most important issues. 8 National Parks in Scotland The National Park Partnership Plan: • sets out the vision and overarching strategy for managing the Park; • guides the work of all public bodies and other partners to deliver the aims of the Park; • provides the strategic context for the Local Development Plan; • sets out the regional land use framework for the Park; • provides the strategic context for managing the Park as a sustainable tourism destination2; • shows how the Park will contribute to the Scottish Government’s core purpose and national outcomes. The National Park Partnership Plan 2017- 2022 has been finalised following a period of extensive public consultation, where views were sought on nine key issues – the Big 9. These have evolved into nine priorities in the final Partnership Plan. An ‘Agenda for Action’ is identified for each of the nine priorities, and a series of clearly defined policies provide a framework for delivering the priorities and actions. 1 The Partnership
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