KMW ShortForm SYSTEMS CORPORATION Catalbg Communications Products GENERAL KMW products fali into three catagories ; commu­ interface products, or for more detailed informa­ nications, graphics and channel interfaces. This tion on any of the products described in th is doc­ document attempts to provide general informa­ ument, please contact your local representative tion on the communications product line. For in· or the KMW home office. formation on KMW graphic products and channel COMMUNICATIONS KMW's Series II Protocol Convertors are a sec­ ond generation offering of sophisticated micro­ processor-based protocol conversion equipment. Oesigned to allow the user to attach a wide vari­ ety of both serial and parallel devices to an IBM mainframe via synchronous communications, the Sedes II is the most cost-effective, versatile de­ vice of its type on the market today. SERIES II 3270 FS KMW's 3270 FS is designed to allow connection o Support of one to eight CRTs or printers of low cost async CRTs and printers to an IBM o Supports PF 1-24 PA·1, 2, 3, ENTER and mainframe. CLEAR functions Key features include: o Support for most common async CRTs includ­ 03271 BiSync or 3274 SNA/SOLC emulation ing Lear Seigler, Microterm, Televideo, OEC o Switch selectable control unit and device VT-52 and VT-100, IBM 3101 , Tektronix, etc. addresses o Seroll mode operation for printer/keyboard o Switch selectable baud rates up to 19,200 support Optional Direct Communications .--__----, j---------.-----i AS~ ASC II CRT I IBM 3704 li . ! KMW ~ L I A ASC II or ~ , sJnc Sy~c ~ Series Il l I MODEM I 1 MODEM I EQUIV. o em Bisync Modem 3270 FS ASYNC '--- - -' I. CRT '---~I Printer I SERIES II 3270 FS/TEKTRONIX KMW's 3270 FS has implemented features which allow support of Tektronix graphics terminais. For Tektronix 4010 and 4110 series CRT's the Versions of most popular graphics packages to 3270 FS automatically switches between scroll support the 3270 FS are available. Th e 3270 FS mode for alpha data and special "transparent automatically defines a workspace on the 4020 ASCII" mode for graphic data. Series screen for display of host data. A psuedo cu rsor is generated by the 3270 FS to display the current host cursor position within the workspace. SERIES II HASP KMW's Series II liASP and attached devices em­ • Wide vari ety of plug-in modules for specific ulate an IBM 360/370 mul tileaving workstation , devices providing an ideal low cost remote system for • Switch selectable support for Calcomp, printers, plotters, card readers and a wide variety Houston Instrument and Zeta pen plotters of other devices. • Local test capability Features include: • Up to 8 devices • Operator console support • Local port to port routing of data Optional Direct Communications ,-------- - ------1 I Console I IBM 3704 I I or I I Sync L A. Sync I Series 11 EQUIV. Modem ~ -- Modem HASP IR ecorder I SERIES II 2780/3780 The Series II 2780/3780 is an ideal low cost solution to applications involving single device attachment to IBM systems. Features include: • Switch selectable 2780 or 3780 mode • Optional canned log on • Optional local console • Switch selectable support for Calcomp, Houston Instrument and Zeta plotters SERIES II 3770 The lirst 01 KMW's convertors designed lor • Switch selectable support 01 Calcomp, Houston SNA/SDLC support, the 3770 is similar to the Instrument and Zeta pen plotters HASP workstation in terms 01 the type and num­ • Up to six concurrent logical unit sessions ber 01 devices supported. • Full PU 2, LU 1 support Features include: • Emulates IBM 3776 models 3 and 4 or IBM 3777 Model 3 workstation SERIES II BOARD LEVEL KMW will make available any 01 our protocol con­ Features include: vertors at the board levei lor systems suppliers • Interchangeability 01 any 01 KMW's standard and OEMs. Several versions 01 the basic board protocols are currently available. For a one time charge • Serial , parallel or bus interlace to user system KMW will lay out a board to lit the customer's • Full line 01 plug-in modules for multiple outputs requirements. SERIES II RGP* The RGP or Remote Graphics Processor is de­ • Standard console port signed to support electrostatic plotters in remote • Transmission of standard print files for graphic environments. Featuring two axis decompression data developed by KMW in 1976, the RGP wi ll allow • Optional additional ports lor HASP and 3770 transmission 01 graphic data over phone lines models and drive an electrostatic plotter. • Support for Benson, Calcomp and Versatec Features include: electrostatic plotters ·2780, 3780, HASP or 3770 SNA Communications "' Customer must use KMW plot host system software. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Packaging: Free-standi ng cabinet 4.5" high x 14.5" wi de x 16.5" deep Rear clearance of 3" requ ired for cabl es Power: 100/ 120 vo lts 50/60 Hz AC 1.5 ampe re 220/240 volts 50160 Hz AC , .75 ampere Environment: 0° to 55°C ambient temperature O to 90% relat ive humidity, noncondensing Connectorsl Cables Power-100 / 120-6 foo t cable 3-prong pl ug - 220/240-no cable provided Async-25-socket delta connectors (no cables) Sync-25-pin delta connector attached to 10 fo ot cable Synchronous Interface: Byte and Bit ori ented protocols El A RS-232-C sig nal leveis. Data rates up to 19,200 Hz (modem-specified) Full or half duplex, switched or dedicated , point-to-point datali nk. Modem eli minator configu rat ion (jumper selectable) Asynchronous Interface(s): ASC II or EBCDI C data formal. El A RS-232-C signal leveis. Data rates up to 19200 Hz. Asynchronous Data Format: Even, odd , or no parity 1 or 2 stop bits (switch selectable). Asynchronous 8 aud Rates: 11 0, 300 , 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, (switch selec­ table) Parallel lnterface(s): ASC II or EBC DI C data format 8-byte parallel Data Products and Centronics printer or Documentation card reader compatible Controls: Single power off/power on/system reset switch Indicators: PWR, POL, DTR, RTS, CTS, RXD, TXD, RST Character Sets: EB CDI C TN su bset ASC II-7 (96 character set) =================== 8307 Highway 71 West Austin, Texas 78735 512/288-1453 TWX: 910-874-2005 CABLE: KMWSYS .
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