WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21. 1971 PAGE THIRTY-TWO Eoraing l|pntlii Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock Scott Palmer, son of Mr. and The Emanuel Choir will re­ Miss Doreen DeCormler of 876 Porter St. has been tapped for Two Delegates Mrs. Donald Palmer of 16 Tim­ hearse tonight at 8 in Duther Average Daily Net Press Run About Town ber Trail, will portray MacBeth Hall at Emanuel Luthenui Induction into the Gold Key Na­ To Convention The Weather tional Honor Society of Emer­ For Hie Week Ended Marine Cpl. Carmelo Arigno, In the Aurora (111.) college Church. Fair tonight: low In 30s. To­ drama guild’s production of son College, Boston, Mass. She Mrs. Walter Semrow of 490 April 4,1671 morrow partly sunny; high near son at Mr. and Mrs. Anthony is a 1966 graduate of Manches­ Pinehurst ^ Beef Sale Arigno of ee Maple St., was •illacBeth.” A 1968 graduate of The Hlramic Legend will be Hilliard St. and Mrs. Jack lEupititts IfpralS 60. Little chance of precipita­ Manchester IBgh School, Palm­ portrayed by the Master’s Club ter High ^ ool. awarded the Navy Achieve­ Soares of 32 TrumbuU St. were tion throughout. ment Medal with 0>mbat V at er Is a junior at the coll^^e. at the meeting of FUendship 15,695 elected by the Ladles Aid So­ the Marine CJorps Air Base, Lodge of Masons In the Masonic Bernard J. Balon of 166 Save up to 20c ■>. on tender cuts of U.S. Choice Pinehurst Lean Oven Manche»ter-^A City of Village Charm ^ Quantico, Va. Carol Clark of 44 Somerset Temple at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. Loomis St. has completed a cor­ ciety of the Lutheran Women’s Dr. has been named to the It will be a dress rehearsal of respondence course In photo­ Missionary League of 2!lon Beef Roasts and Tender Pot Roasts... (Olamified Advertlalng on Page 25) Navy Fireman Barry K. dean's list at Kent (Ohio) State the Master Mason degree for graphy from the Famous Photo- Lutheran Church as deleg^ates VOL. LXXXX, NO. 172 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 2^1971 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS presentation Friday, April 30, Pagan!, son of Mr. and Mrs. University. grrpher’s School In Westport. to the SOth annual convention when the lodge visits King Horace J. Paganl of 25 Durant He Is employed In the Engl- -'of the Atlantic District of the The CommlsslMi on Educa­ Hiram’s Lodge at Provlncetown For a chdnge try Pine> St., has completed recruit neering Lab of Pratt and Whit­ Lutheran Women’s Missionary training at the Naval Training tion of South United Methodist for the weekend. Harold Leg­ ney Division of United Aircraft, gett, worshipful master, will League. The ccmvention will be Center, San Diego, Calif. He Is Church will meet tonight at 7:30 East Hartford. hurst very leon Smoked preside. May 18-19 at the Chalfonte- a 1970 g^raduate of Manchester at the church. Haddon Hotel in Atlantic City, A v e r a g e High School. Trlnlly Covenant Church will First Church of Christ, Delta Chapter of Royal Arch N. J. Pork Chops . extra Sleith Gets M Award Police Arrest Viet Veterans have a Bible study tonight at Miss Emily Klssman and Scientist, will have Its mid­ Masons will confer the Mark By WILLIAM COE JJ.S. Wage Hie Commission on Member­ 7:30 at the church. Mrs. Ernest Ruebin will also at­ ship and Evangelism of South week testimony meeting tonight Master Mason degree when it (Herald Reporter) meets at 7:30 tonight In the tend as guests. lean Brisket or Chuck United Methodist CSiurch will at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main Masonic Temple. Ernest Zoppa, North Manchester Al-Anon Hie convention motto is On Rise meet tonight at 7 :S0 In Susannah St. The meeting Is open to the Manchester industrialist past high priest, will' preside. family group will meet t<xiight “Prayer Power,” and the Hud­ public. William H. Sleith, presi­ After Protest at Top Court Wesley Hall at the church. at 8 at the Second Congrera- son ziHie will act as host to Corned Beef... Genuine WASHINGTON (AP) — The There will be refreshments dent of the Iona Manufac­ served after the meeting. tional Church pfudsh house. Hie the 305 District societies of the government said today average By TOM SEPPY The senior choir of the Com­ The Nutmegger Camera Club turing Co. and a leader in Hiursday group will meet to­ Greater New York area and wages of about 45 million rank- Associated Press Writer munity Baptist Church will re­ will meet Uxilght at 8 at Hilltop Spring Lamb Chops. and-file workers rose $1.37 to Junior Warden Ronald F. morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the surrounding states. hiring of the handicapped, WASHINGTON (AP) — hearse tonight at 7:30 at the House, Veterans Memorial Boesle will preside at a special Pathfinders Club, 102 Norman last night received the $123.98 per week in March and Park, East Hartford to hear an District of Columbia police church. meeting of Uriel Lodge of Ma­ St. Both groups meet weekly coveted Chamber of Com­ purchasing power also rose, Illustrated lecture of "Camp­ outstripping price increases. broke up a demonstration sons at the Masonic Temple m and sire open to friends and Hie Manchester Area Alumni merce “ M" Award for The choir of Trinity Coven­ ing In Hawaii,” by Mitchell S. Merrow on Saturday at 7:30 relatives living with a drinking The report by the Bureau of by Vietnam veterans on Club of Pi Beta Phi will have Its meritorious service to the ant Church will rehearse to­ Ivanowsky, executive vice pres­ p.m., when the Elntered Ap­ problem. sumual Founders Day Luncheon Labor Statistics said the rise the steps of the Supreme night at 7:30 at the church. ident of ^ckeley High School. prentice degree will be confer­ community. was primarily dde to a longer 2 at noon on May 1 at the Yankee Save 20c lb. on tender Court Thursday, aiTesting red. Refreshments will bo serv­ Hie Sunset Club will meet Silversmith Inn in Wallingford. The award presentation, average work week, indicating a pickup in economic activity, 110 of the antiwar activ­ ed after the meeting. Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Se> Reservations may be made by ^ ROUND STEAK CUBE by retiring President Har­ along with a one cent hourly av­ ists. nlor Citizens Center. Members contacting Miss Margaret Mul- STEAKS spec. lb. vey Pastel, was the high­ erage wage rise. The 110, two of whom were The Unitarian - Universallst are reminded to bring Items for kem, HA Ambassador Dr. Society o i Manchester will spon­ a kitchen social. light of the Chamber’s The average paycheck alter women, were taken to two po­ deduction of federal income and lice stations where individual sor a rummage sale Saturday Hie Guard Club of Mystic Re­ Save 10c on 70th annual dinner meet­ Social Security taxes was bonds of $10 were set. They from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at their Harold Walz of 36 Ferguson view, NABA, will meet Friday ing, held at Piano’s Restau­ BITUMINOUS meeting place, 466 Main St. CHUCK PATTIES lb. 8 9 $108.92 for a worker with three were charged with disorderly Rd. Is one at the chairmen fon- at 8 p.m. at file home of Mrs. rant in Bolton. The affair dependents, up $1.07 from Feb­ conduct, rather than the more Mrs. John Fitzgerald and Mrs. the Hartford Bulkeley H)g^ Maude White, 69 Pine St. drew 300. Beruhard Anderson are co- ruary, the report said. serious impedlng-of-Justlce 2 School Class of 1936 A and B chairman. Free coffee will be Deluxe Chopped SIRLOIN The "M” Award, the highest After allowance foi' last charge which was cited to them reunion scheduled for June 5 Disabled American Veterans DRIVEWAYS served during the sale. single honor bestowed on a month’s three-tenths of one per when they were arrested. Auxiliary will meet tonight at In the Terrace Room of the PATTIES lb. Manchester resident, is present­ cent rise in living costs, pur- When word of the arrests was Paifclng Areas • Ctas Stations m Basketball Oourta Hartford Hilton. Joseph Asklar 7:30 at the VFW Home. Hie Twins Mothers Club ed annually on the basis of announced at the veterans’ Now Booking for Seasonal Work at (See Page Ten) Greater Hartford will have its at Wethersfield U chairman at selection by a special Chamber camp on the Capital Mall, re­ All Work Personally Supervised. We are Insured. the class of 1936 A and Walter Hie Rev. Roscoe L. Leach, monthly meeting tonight at 8:15 committee. quests were made for donations Borin of Wethersfield is cochair­ director of the Central Bible SINCE at Christ the King Lutheran ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii^ The choice is always kept to pay bail or fines. Many of the 1620 College In The Hague, Holland, DeMAIO BROTHERS Church, 465 Park Ave., Wmd- man of the 1936-B class. Mem­ secret until the presentation. veterans were given canisters CALX. 643-7661 bers who have not been con­ wlU speak at a missionary serv­ sor. Hiere will be an election of ■ Quality The standing ovation accorded and sent to various parts of officers Mlowed by the busi­ tacted should contact the chair­ ice tonight at 7:30 at Calvary I BONELESS TENDER | War Pullout Washington to solicit money. Church. Pound Sleith after a reading by Dr. ness meeting. men of their class.
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