Greg Daniels Mesemb Plant List March 2015 [email protected] 07 3376 3404 Genus/species Collector No Locality Price No. available Acrodon bellidiflorus Rooivlei 5 3 Aloinopsis loganii Matjiesfontein, N 6 1 Aloinopsis schooneesii 5 1 Antimima argentea Namus Kloof 5 1 Antimima limbata Langebaan 5 5 Antimima solida SB1515 Grootgraafwater 5 19 Antimima sp. Brandkop 5 1 Antimima sp. SB1942 Quaggaskop 5 4 Antimima turneriana 5 2 Argyroderma congregatum HH5032 Vredendal, near 5 4 Argyroderma congregatum SB614 Vredendal, near 5 9 Argyroderma delaetii PV255 Nuwerus, 40 km W of 5 3 Argyroderma delaetii 'aureum' Langdam, Bitterfontein 5 13 Argyroderma fissum Klawer 5 3 Argyroderma fissum Klawer, 3 km S of 5 3 Argyroderma fissum 'brevipes' Vredendal 5 3 Argyroderma fissum 'litorale' SB1542 Strandfontein, E of 5 11 Argyroderma framesii ssp. hallii 'cerise fl' Holrivier TL 5 14 Argyroderma patens Kliprand Road 5 1 Argyroderma patens 'lemon to amber fl' Soutrivier Bridge, 8 miles NE of 5 2 Argyroderma pearsonii var. luckhoffii ‘yellow fl' 5 2 Argyroderma pearsonii 'purple fl' 5 6 Argyroderma testiculare 5 2 Astridia longifolia 'bright red fl' SB758 Remhoogte 5 1 Astridia sp. 5 34 Astridia velutina RJC163/97 Hellskloof Gate and Sendlingsdrift, between 5 2 Bergeranthus concavus 6 3 Bergeranthus multiceps 'addoensis' Sondagsrivierpoort 5 3 Bergeranthus multiceps 'artus' 5 10 Bergeranthus scapiger 5 3 Braunsia apiculata Klein Cederberg 5 9 Cephalophyllum alstonii Ceres Karoo 5 22 Cephalophyllum curtophyllum 5 4 Cephalophyllum ebracteatum Lüderitz 5 5 Cephalophyllum loreum SB619 Gifberg 5 4 Cephalophyllum pillansii 5 1 Cephalophyllum pulchrum 5 10 Cephalophyllum rigidum 'aureorubrum' #same? 5 2 Cephalophyllum sp. PV903 5 7 Cephalophyllum sp.1 Lorelei SB1494 Lorelei 5 2 Cephalophyllum spissum 5 3 Cephalophyllum spissum Bitterfontein 5 5 Cephalophyllum subulatoides 5 4 Cerochlamys pachyphylla Hondewater, Little Karoo 5 1 Cheiridopsis acuminata Helskloof 8 3 Cheiridopsis acuminata Helskloof Pass 8 20 Cheiridopsis aspera 8 3 Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii Kubub, Aus 6 12 Cheiridopsis denticulata SB620 Springbok 6 1 Cheiridopsis derenbergiana 8 2 Cheiridopsis imitans Anenous Pass 8 16 Cheiridopsis meyeri Anenous Pass 8 6 Cheiridopsis minor Platbakkies 10 4 Cheiridopsis namaquensis Kamieskroon 8 5 Cheiridopsis namaquensis SH s.n. Mesklip, W 8 8 Cheiridopsis namaquensis Concordia, 12 km N of 8 1 Cheiridopsis pillansii Brakfontein, 6 km N of 5 3 Cheiridopsis pillansii Lekkersing Road 6 7 Cheiridopsis pillansii Richtersveld 5 2 Cheiridopsis pillansii SH s.n. Uispanpoort, N of 5 5 Cheiridopsis pillansii 'crassa' 5 2 Cheiridopsis pilosula SB1981 Sun Valley 5 15 Cheiridopsis pilosula? CR1731 Eksteenfontein, 30 km N 8 20 Cheiridopsis ponderosa SH1651 Skimmelberg 5 1 Cheiridopsis purpurea 5 36 Cheiridopsis robusta 5 4 Cheiridopsis robusta Harrasberg Plateau 5 18 Cheiridopsis robusta Rooiberg 5 4 Cheiridopsis rostrata 5 2 Cheiridopsis rudis T'Gabies 8 3 Cheiridopsis speciosa Vlakmyn 6 1 Cheiridopsis umdausensis CR1774 Khurisberg, NE corner 8 2 Conophytum 'Orzi’ 6 2 Conophytum 'Tamahiko' 6 1 Conophytum angelicae ssp. angelicae GM183 Umdaus 10 2 Multi headed plants Conophytum angelicae ssp. angelicae SH480 Witsand, nr 10 11 Multi headed plants Conophytum auriflorum ssp. auriflorum 5 1 Conophytum auriflorum ssp. turbiniforme Spektakel Pass 5 1 Conophytum bilobum 5 10 Conophytum bilobum ssp. altum Augrabies 5 2 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. bilobum CR1555 Nana SE Kop 5 1 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. bilobum 'apiatum' SB1345 Remhoogte 5 1 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. bilobum 'obtusum' 5 1 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. bilobum 'springbokense' 5 4 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. bilobum 'vlakmynense' Vlakmyn, Rv. 5 9 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. bilobum 'vlakmynense' SB1335 Hilda 5 9 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. linearilucidum 5 3 Conophytum bilobum ssp. bilobum var. muscosipapillatum Sandberg 5 2 Conophytum blandum 6 3 Conophytum breve 5 6 Conophytum burgeri Aggeneys 20 3 Conophytum calculus ssp. calculus 5 3 Conophytum calculus ssp. vanzylii SB1102 Smorenskadu 5 1 Conophytum chauviniae Hoedkop 6 1 Conophytum devium ssp. devium LAV27214 Doringwater 8 1 Conophytum ectypum ssp. brownii Ratelpoort 5 6 Conophytum ectypum ssp. brownii Ratelpoort, W of 5 1 Conophytum ectypum ssp. ectypum Geelvlei 5 1 Conophytum ficiforme 5 1 Conophytum ficiforme EA150 Lemoenpoort 5 1 Conophytum ficiforme 'placitum' 5 1 Conophytum flavum ssp. flavum SB1192 Kosies 5 1 Conophytum flavum ssp. flavum 'ornatum' 5 1 Conophytum flavum ssp. novicium RR1117 Hangpaal 5 2 Conophytum fraternum Skimmelberg 5 1 Conophytum fraternum 'kubusanum' Kubus 5 5 Conophytum globosum ARM 1155A Dikdoring, 5 4 Conophytum globosum SB1492 Garies, E of 5 7 Conophytum globosum 'vanbredai' SB1104 Loerkop 5 3 Conophytum globosum var. nova Kotzesrus 5 2 Conophytum hians 5 4 Conophytum jucundum ssp. fragile 5 1 Conophytum jucundum ssp. ruschii B&H1114 Cone Peak, Richtersveld 5 2 Conophytum klinghardtense ssp. baradii Rooiberg, Namibia 5 3 Conophytum klinghardtense ssp. klinghardtense ISI1135 Heioab, Namib 5 2 Conophytum limpidum 5 2 Conophytum limpidum Namies, E of 5 2 Conophytum limpidum Pofadder, 12 miles SW of 5 1 Conophytum limpidum EvJ7908 Agter Pella 5 5 Conophytum limpidum SH385 Achabseberg 5 1 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp. koubergense RR1077 Kouberg, Gamoep 5 2 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp. lithopsoides Vioolskraalberg 5 7 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp. lithopsoides 'kennedyi' SB631 Smorenskadu 6 2 Conophytum loeschianum SB1362 Remhoogte 5 3 Conophytum lydiae Taaibosmond, w Aggenys 5 1 Conophytum maughanii ssp. maughanii Umdaus, S of 10 1 Conophytum meyeri 5 37 at least 5 populations Conophytum meyeri 'corculum' 5 3 Conophytum minimum 'wittebergense' 5 5 Conophytum minimum 'wittebergense' Witteberg 5 1 Conophytum minusculum ssp. leipoldtii EA211 Clanwilliam 5 3 Conophytum minutum 5 2 Conophytum minutum var. minutum 5 8 Conophytum minutum var. minutum EA019 Vanrhynspas 5 1 Conophytum minutum var. minutum SB1340 Vanrhynspas, foot of 5 4 Conophytum minutum var. pearsonii Quaggaskop 5 1 Conophytum obcordellum 5 2 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. ceresianum CR 1408 Botterkloof 5 1 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. ceresianum SB1025 Skitterykloof 5 1 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. obcordellum MBB s.n. Blinkwater 5 2 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. obcordellum 'declinatum' 5 2 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. obcordellum 'declinatum' EA022 Clanwilliam 5 4 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. obcordellum 'ursprungianum' 5 1 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. obcordellum var. obcordellum 'ursprungianum' SB635 Lokenburg 5 2 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. stenandrum LAV28279 Garies, 10 km S 5 3 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. stenandrum SB1986 Ottospoort 5 5 Conophytum obscurum ssp. sponsaliorum Skimmelberg, S of 5 5 Conophytum pageae EA240 Die Drif 5 1 Conophytum pageae 'johannis winkleri' Witputz, Namibia 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum 5 4 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. cupreatum Jakkalskoppie, Dauws 5 3 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. cupreatum RR896 Kliprand, 4 miles S 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. cupreatum SH1322 Aasvoelkop 5 2 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. cupreatum SB888 Kliprand 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. terrestre 5 7 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. terrestre Gamoep, S of 5 2 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum var. terrestre SB1989 Aalwynsfontein (NE of Kliprand) 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. lilianum SB1175 Garies 5 10 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. lilianum SH s.n. Kookfontein 5 4 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. neohallii Silverfontein, N of 5 4 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. neohallii Windhoek, Springbok 5 3 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. neohallii SB1187 Silverfontein 5 3 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. neohallii SH1977 Krymekaar 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum Carolusberg 5 11 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum Ezelskop 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum Garies 5 4 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum Garies Hoogte 5 4 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum Tweefontein, W of 5 12 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum Tweerivier 5 3 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum SB1059 Soebatsfontein, E of 5 2 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum SB2023 Ottaspoort 5 5 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum SH s.n. Concordia, 31km S of 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum 'pardicolor' 5 18 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. pellucidum 'pardicolor' Kweekfontein 5 1 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor Rietberg 5 12 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor SB790 Bowesdorp 5 5 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor SH1252 Krymekaar junction, nr. 5 1 Conophytum piluliforme ssp. piluliforme Blouhuis, s Ladismith 5 1 Conophytum pubescens PD 3658 Couragiefontein 5 1 Conophytum quaesitum ssp. quaesitum var. quaesitum SB1115 Lorelei 5 1 Conophytum regale SB793 Ratelpoort 5 3 The real deal, mauve flower Conophytum ricardianum ssp. ricardianum LAV1208A Lorelei 5 4 Conophytum saxetanum ex RS 5 1 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. taylorianum 5 5 Conophytum truncatum 5 1 Conophytum truncatum ?ssp. viridicatum ex RS 5 1 Conophytum truncatum ssp. truncatum
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