FOCUS St.xCharlesxCounty FALL 2008 In this issue... The River Did NOT Run County Executive’s Through It... This Time Message.............................2 ne of the story lines from the summer flood County Levee hadn’t held. of 2008 has been how St. Charles County “The levee was built to withstand this type of wasO lucky this time and didn’t get as much damage an event, and it did,” said Danny Kluesner, secretary New Family from the raging rivers as in the past. of the levee’s board of supervisors. Arena Director..............3 Yes, we were fortunate that the Missouri River In St. Charles County, the Collector’s Office didn’t rise up along with the Mississippi River in collects assessments for 10 levee districts. The Con- June, as was the case in the Great Flood of 1993. solidated North County Levee District is the larg- But County Executive Steve Ehlmann says a est by far, and Kluesner said assessments are based Master Plan lot of credit for pro- on property values Envision 2020...............4 tecting farmlands from 1988, when the and houses in the district was founded. north St. Charles The annual Council County area should assessment from go to the people who property owners Comments......................5 built, maintained and totals $50,000, but financed the Consol- Kluesner said that is idated North County mainly for mainte- County Parks Levee District. nance. Other assess- Programs...........................7 “We hear about ments are made to what happens when pay off bonds. Floodwater surrounds a home in northern levees are topped St. Charles County near West Alton in June After the 1993 or breached all the flood, the levee sys- time,” Ehlmann said. “This is a story about what tem in north St. Charles County needed $2 million happens when the levees hold.” in repairs and another bond issue was needed. Due By investing money in this levee and keeping a to the efforts of the board of supervisors, the levee watchful eye on it throughout the year, the people district was the second levee repaired in 1993. of the Consolidated North County Levee District Another flood in 1994 came within inches of FOCUS saved not only their own properties but also may topping the levee, but sandbagging efforts paid off, St. Charles County have saved the federal, state and county govern- saving millions of dollars in federal assistance for is a publication of ments millions of dollars. repairs to the levee and properties. The 1995 flood, St. Charles County For example, there are fewer than 450 people however, took its toll on the levee and funds to re- Government who live in Portage des Sioux. Had that little river pair it were needed. hamlet been cut off from St. Charles, as it was in In 1996, U.S. Rep. Jim Talent and Sen. Chris- Office of Public 1993 when Highway 94 was flooded, it’s estimated topher “Kit” Bond worked on legislation to change Information $500,000 would have been spent by various gov- federal statute to allow a maximum of 20-year level 100 N. 3rd St., Suite 318 ernments to provide those residents with access to of protection on both sides of the Missouri River St. Charles, MO 63301 food, medical supplies, fire and rescue services, etc. from St. Charles to the confluence with the Missis- (636) 949-1864 West Alton, a town of about 500 people, also sippi River. www.sccmo.org may have had to have been evacuated if the North See Flood of 2008 on Page 6 County Executive’s Message Where Has the Sales Tax Revenue Gone? n 1994, the rate of ernment has nothing to say regarding Inter- financial woes, we have not opted out of the sales tax growth in net sales or the price of gasoline and, in fact, sales tax holiday. And even though we could St.I Charles County almost nothing to say about tax increment have raised an additional $4.34 million by was 12 percent. This financing. This could change somewhat raising property taxes to the allowable rate, extraordinary growth because the state legislature last year estab- we have not done so. made it possible for lished a countywide commission to review It has been the county’s position to first the county to begin a proposed projects. Half of those members tighten our own belt, and you may have read Steve Ehlmann gradual scaling back have been confirmed by the County Coun- about some of the things we have done, such of the property tax rate cil. The members will hear all of the issues as cutting department budgets by 8 percent for general revenue. Last year that rate, with on these subsidies, but the cities still will be and raising the temperature in the offices to a statutory ceiling of 5.89 cents per $100 of able to override the TIF commission by a save energy costs. We will continue to tight- assessed valuation, was down to two-tenths two-thirds vote of their council or board of en that belt and take all necessary steps be- of one cent. That means for a median priced aldermen. TIFs divert future county taxes to fore we even consider raising taxes. This is a home in the county, the owner pays only 74 the pockets of developers. difficult economic time, and we do not need cents in real property taxes to the general Some of the same municipalities that to be raising property taxes while people are fund of the county. have granted tax subsidies to developers losing their homes. And we do not need to I know, your property tax bill is a lot over the years have actually expressed sur- do away with the August sales tax holiday, higher than that, but the county share of the prise when their own sales tax revenue was which allows families to buy school sup- bill is exceeding low. And we are doing ev- growing at a zero percent rate. At least one of plies and clothing without paying sales taxes. erything we can to keep it that way. those municipalities has done away with the Families are struggling to make ends meet, However, 60 percent of our operating sales tax holiday rather than tighten its own and this small tax break to them is nothing budget comes from sales tax receipts so when fiscal belt. I am happy to say that county gov- compared to the subsidies that have been the growth rate of that revenue slows it has a ernment has not done that. In spite of our given to developers. big impact on our budget. Over the years, the rate of sales tax growth has dropped pre- cipitously, reaching 3.8 percent last year. Pro- SCC-TV Changing Channels jections for this year show a negative growth, he St. Charles County government Certain programs, such as County meaning the county could actually collect access television channel, SCC-TV, Council meetings, are telecast live and less money in sales tax this year than it did hasT been on the air for about a year now, then replayed several times. Some of the year before. Why has this happened? and we continue to provide new program- these programs are available via video-on- Some of the decline in the growth of ming and services. demand, both on Charter Cable and our sales tax revenue may be due to the increased Currently, you can watch SCC-TV website at www.sccmo.org. number of sales over the Internet, for which on Charter Cable Channel 18 or Channel Our programs, including the popu- no sales taxes are paid on purchases of less 993. At some point in November, SCC- lar “Focus St. Charles County” with Scott than $2,000 annually. Another explanation TV will move exclusively to Channel 993 Drachnik, “Safe and Sound” with Bob is that the high cost of gasoline means less and will be grouped with the other gov- Watts, and John Sonderegger’s “Charley discretionary income for people to spend on ernment access and educational channels Talk” are listed on the daily schedule. items on which sales tax is assessed. A third offered by Charter. On Election Night, November 4, explanation concerns tax increment financ- You can also tune into the channel SCC-TV will be the only channel in St. ing. Last year alone, St. Charles County lost by going to the St. Charles County Gov- Charles County that will give you up-to- $1.72 million in tax revenues that were redi- ernment web site at www.sccmo.org. Click date election returns on all county races. rected to pay development costs for projects. on News and Information, and then the In addition, you will be able to see results The county has lost revenues from TIFs SCC-TV icon to get the schedule. You can from St. Charles County and across the totaling $8.68 million from 2002 through then watch online by clicking on Current state in the contests for president and Mis- 2007. Programming and hitting “Play.” souri governor. This is frustrating because county gov- FOCUS St. Charles County . Fall 2008 . Page 2 Under New Management Steven Rosenblatt takes the reins at the Family Arena ry us, you’ll like us.” That’s the mes- sage Steven Rosenblatt wants to convey“T to St. Charles County residents about the Family Arena. The East Coast na- tive took over as director of the Family Arena in April. In that short time, he has already put his stamp on the nine-year-old facility, by booking new, non-traditional events such as the snarky “Cinematic Titanic” and a stage version of the holiday film classic “It’s a Won- derful Life.” Family Arena Director Steven Rosenblatt “Those two events should bring new people into the arena, and help us get some Arena.
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