Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM Vol. 14 No. 8 1995 Revised catalogue of the type specimens of Recent Amphibians and Reptiles in the “Zoölogisch Museum” University of Amsterdam the Netherlands L. van Tuijl INTRODUCTION This is a revision of the catalogue issued in 1966 Reptilia: Ablepharus boutonii furcata (syntype), (Daan & Hillenius) of type specimens of amphibians Ablepharus burnetti (2 syntypes), Gehyra interstitialis and reptiles in the collections of the ”Zoologisch (holotype), Lygosoma florense (2 syntypes), Museum Amsterdam” (ZMA), also named: Institute Lygosoma minutum rotundirostrum (syntype), for Systematics and Population Biology, of the Lygosoma mivarti obscurum (6 syntypes) Lygosoma University of Amsterdam.These include 51 holotypes, verreauxii biunguimaculata (3 syntypes). 1 neotype, 20 lectotypes, 84 syntypes, 63 paralecto- types, 187 paratypes; only the type specimens in ZMA collection are recorded. Curators of the Amphibia / Reptilia collection of the In many cases, type specimens have been sent to ZMA, (Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam) were: Prof. other museums: AMS, BMNH, EHT, FMNH, MCZ, Max (C. W.) Weber from 1883 to 1922, Dr. P. N. van NMBA, NMW, RMNH, UNSM, and ZSM. Kampen from 1900 to 1905, Dr. Nelly (P. J.) de Rooy The following type specimens are missing in the ZMA from 1907 to 1922, Prof. L. F. de Beaufort from 1922 collection: to 1949, and Dr. D. Hillenius from 1954 to 1987. At Amphibia: Chaperina basipalmata (syntype), Choe- the moment the collections are curated by the author rophryne proboscidea (holotype), Dyscophina volzi (2 with assistance of Dr. H. Nijssen. paralectotypes), Metopostira macra (holotype), Whenever possible, the remaining type specimens Nectophryne sumatrana (2 paralectotypes), Rana in other collections are mentioned. The number of debussy (holotype), Rana fallax (holotype), Rana specimens is given in parentheses after the registra- pantherina (holotype); tion number. 126 AMNH American Museum of Natural History, USC University of South Carolina, Colum- New York. bia. of AM Australian Mueum, Sydney. USNM United States National Museum Na- D.C. ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- tural History, Washington Sao Paulo. delphia. WCAB Werner C. A. Bokermann, Amsterdam. BMNH Natural History Museum, London. ZMA Zoologisch Museum, CAS California Academy of Sciences, Los ZMB Zoologisches Museum, Berlin. Mun- Angeles. ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, CM Carnegie Museum, Pitts-burgh. chen. EHT Edward H. Taylor private collection. FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chi- ANURA cago. IRSNB Institut des Sciences Naturelles Royal Alytes dickhilleni Arntzen & Garcia Paris, 1995:26 de Belgique, Brussels. Holotype: MNCN 16662, Canillas de Aceituno, Sierra Tejeda, Provincia de Malaga, Spain, coll. J. J University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Bio- W. Arntzen & M. Garcia Paris, 16.V.1992. technical Faculty, Dept. of Biology. Paratypes: ZMA 8156 (4), 18.V.1992; ZMA 9227 (1), KU Kansas Museum of Natural University , 18.V.1992; ZMA 9228 (2), 18.V.1992, from History, Lawrence. type locality; ZMA 9229 (1) Baranco de Los Cazadores, Sierra Almijara, Nerja, Prov. LACM Los Angeles County Museum of Natu- Malaga, Spain, coll. A. Antunez, VI. 1991. ral History. Other paratypes in MNCN. LDG Lescure collection, Paris. Jean, private Alytes obstetricans almogavarii Arntzen & Garcia Paris, LSUMZ Louisiana State University, Museum of 1995:29 Holotype: MNCN 16663, Rasos de Peguera, Berga, Zoology, New Orleans. Provincia de Barcelona, Spain, coll. M. MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Garcia Paris & J. W. Arntzen, 6.IX.1992. Massachusetts. Cambridge, Paratypes: ZMA 9232 (6), from type locality. Other para- MNCN Museo Nacional de Ciencias Natura- types in MNCN. minimaParker, 1934: 67 les, Madrid. Asterophrys Holotype: ZMA 5818, female, Went Mountains, West MNCR Museo Nacional Costa Rica, San Jose. New Guinea, altitude 1000-1360 m, coll. H. MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, A. Lorentz, 12.X.1909. Paris. Paratype: ZMA 5817, Hellwig Mountains, West New Guinea, altitude 2600 m, coll. H. A. Lorentz, MVZ Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Univer- 13.XI.1909. sity of California at Berkeley. Austrochaperina robusta Fry, 1912: 89 MZB Museum Bogor. Zoologicum, Holotype: AMS R5295, Russell River, N. E. Queens- NMBA Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel. land, Australia, coll. D. H. Fry. Paratype: ZMA 5877 (1), from type locality. Other para- NMS National Museum, Singapore. types in AMS. NMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien. Boophis hillenii Blommers-Schlosser, 1979b: 299 PNM National Museum, Manilla. Philippine Holotype: ZMA 7123a, Perinet, Malagasy, altitude 900 RMNH Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, m, coll. R. Blommers-Schlosser, 24.XII.1972. Paratype: ZMA 7123b, from type locality. Leiden. Boophis mandraka Blommers-Schlosser, 1979b: 267 SMF Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Holotype: ZMA 7119a, Mandraka, Malagasy, coll. R. Main. Blommers-Schlosser, 4.111.1973. SMK Sarawak Museum Kuching, Sarawak. Paratypes: ZMA 7119b (6), ZMA 7118 (6), from type locality. UINMH University of Illinois, Museum of Natu- Boophis reticulatus Blommers-Schlosser, 1979b: 294 ral History, Urbana. Holotype: ZMA 7101a, Perinet, Malagasy, altitude UMMZ of Michigan, Museum of University 1100 m, coll. R. Blommers-Schlosser, 13.XI Zoology, Ann Arbor. 1972. 127 Paratypes: ZMA 7101 b (8), from type locality. Paratype: ZMA 6293 (1), Linker Coppename Rivier, H. 15.V.1967. Other Boophis viridis Blommers-Schlosser, 1979b:272 Surinam, coll. Nijssen, Holotype: ZMA 7100a, Perinet, Malagasy, altitude 900 paratypes in, AMNH, BMNH, FMNH, KU, MCZ, and WCAB. m, coll. R. Blommers-Schlosser, 14.XI.1972. LG, LDG, RMNH, UNSM, Van 1909: 33 Paratypes: ZMA 7100b (2), from type locality. Hyla papua Kampen, ZMA Bivak Lorentz West Bufo mcgregori Taylor, 1922b: 182 Holotype: 5679, Island, River, Min- New coll. H. A. Lorentz, 30.VI.1907. Holotype: CAS 61839, Pasananka, Zamboanga, Guinea, danao Island, coll. E. H. Taylor, 30.IX.1920. The holotype was referred to by Tyler (1964: "AZM destroyed in World War II, Brown & Alcala 266; 1968: 94) as 5679", acronym (1980: 29). incorrect. 1933c: 267 Paratypes: ZMA 5758-59 (2), from type locality. Other Hyla proboscidea Brongersma, Gran coll. J. paratypes in EHT, MCZ, and NMBA. Holotype: ZMA 5710, Upper Rio, Surinam, H. A. 27.IX.1908. Chaperina basipalmatai Van Kampen, 1906:169 Tresling, 1909:32 Syntypes: ZMA 5875-76 (2),Timena River, West New Hyla rhacophorus Van Kampen, Guinea, coll. Dutch New Guinea Expedition, Holotype: ZMA 5323, Etna Bay, West New Guinea, West coll. J. W. R. 1904-05. The 6-7.IV.1903; ZMA (1), from Tawarin, Koch, holotype New Guinea, could not be found in the col- was referred to by Tyler (1965: 99, acronym both lection. Other syntype in RMNH. only; 1968: 87) as "AZM 5823", acro- and number incorrect. Chaperina ceratophthalmus Van Kampen, 1909:43 nym registration are Syntypes: ZMA 5777 (1) male, Geitenkamp, Lorentz Hyla sanguinolenta Van Kampen, 1909:33 Daan & Hillenius river, West New Guinea, coll. H. A. Lorentz, Lectotype, designated by (1966:121) ZMA Lorentz West 2.VII.1907; ZMA 5778 (1) female; ZMA 5779 5676, Sabang, River, (1), Resi peak, West New Guinea, coll. H. New Guinea, coll. H. A. Lorentz, 30.VI.1907. ZMA 5674 Bivak Lorentz A. Lorentz, 20.VIII & 9.IX.1907. Paralectotypes: (1), Island, River, West New coll. H. A. Lorentz, Chaperina punctatai Van Kampen, 1913b: 463 Guinea, Lorentz River, Syntypes: ZMA 5747-50 (4), ZMA 5751-53 (3), Went 3.VIII.1907; ZMA 5675 (1), coll. H. A. Mountains, West New Guinea, altitude 800- West New Guinea, Lorentz, 11- 20.V.1907. The and paralectotypes 1050 m, coll. H. A. Lorentz, 6.IX.1909; lectotype referred 12.X.1909; ZMA 5754 (1), Hellwig Moun- were to by Tyler (1968: 164) as "AZM "AZM tains, West New Guinea, altitute 2500 m, "AZM 5676", 5674", 5675", incorrect. recorded coll. H. A. Lorentz, X.1909. Other syntypes acronym The "cotype" by in AMS, BMNH, FMNH, and MCZ. Taylor (1944:177) and by Marx (1976: 53) is collected in Choerophryne proboscidea Van Kampen, 1914:376 not a syntype, being 1909, than in 1907. Holotype: ZMA unregistered, Njao, West New Guinea, rather be 1923:138 coll. P. N. van Kampen, 1910, could not Hylophorbus variegatusVan Kampen, South West New found in the collection. Holotype: ZMA 5706, Digul River, Guinea Cophixalus cruciferVan Kampen, 1913b: 462 Guinea, coll. Dutch New Expedition. Syntypes: ZMA 5819-20 (2), Went Mountains, West Ixalus jacobsoni: Van Kampen, 1912:78 Sema- New Guinea, altitude 800 and 1050 m, coll. Holotype: ZMA 5709, Gunung Ungaran, near E. R. H. A. Lorentz, 11-12.X.1909. rang, Java, Indonesia, coll. Jacobson, Cornufer beaufortiVan Kampen, 1913a: 91 1910. Kaloula 1922b: 176 Syntypes: ZMA 5156 (1), ZMA 5755 (1), Majalibit bay, rigida Taylor, Mountain Waigeu, West New Guinea, coll. L. F. de Holotype: CAS 61475, Balbalan, Kalinga, coll. E. H. Beaufort, 1910; ZMA 5756-57 (2), Bajon, Province, Luzon, Philippines, IV. Waigeu, West New Guinea, coll. L.F. de Taylor, 28-30. 1920. ZMA 5718 from Other Beaufort, 9.11.1910. Other syntypes in, Paratype: (1), type locality. in BMNH, FMNH, MCZ, NMBA, and ZSM. paratypes AMNH, BMNH, EHT, FMNH, Dyscophina volziVan Kampen, 1905:708 MCZ, NMBA, and UMMZ. Lectotype, designated by Daan & Hillenius (1966:120) Lechriodus platyceps Parker, 1940:28 Arfak ZMA 5871, male, Tandjong Laut, Sumatra, Holotype: BMNH, female, Mountains, New coll. A.A. de Indonesia, coll. W. Volz; ZMA unregistered, West Guinea, Bruijn. ZMA Tor North 2 specimens, could not be found in the col- Paratype: 5799, juv., Upper River, 2.XI lection. West New Guinea, coll. K. Gjellerup, 1911. Other in BMNH and RMNH. Eleutherodactylus zeuctotylus Lynch & Hoogmoed, 1977: paratypes 432 Mantella pulchra Parker, 1925:393 coll. W. F. Holotype: RMNH 17701, male, Vier Gebroeders Moun- Holotype: BMNH, Antsihanaka, Malagasy, H. tain, Sipaliwini, Nickerie District, Surinam, Rosenberg. Other coll. M. S. Hoogmoed, 7.11.1970. Paratypes: ZMA 5809-10 (2), from type locality. 128 paratype in MCZ. Phanerotis novaeguineae Van Kampen, 1909:36 Mantidactylus flavobrunneus Blommers-Schlosser, 1979a: Syntype: ZMA 5874 (1), Merauke, Southwest New 54 Guinea, coll. J. W. R. Koch, 1904-05.
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