**HURSDAY, FEBRUARY IT, 1944 TIm Weather Lu e JTWSLVE Manchesler tvening .\vcruGe Dally Circulation Foreeaet ot t . iL^W«utoer Bureau l-iir the Mimtb «» 'January. 1944 OeuerBlIy fair and muto ceMcr Pic. Ralph A. Salvatore, *on of to Hold tonight; atveng uinda, diminlsMug Mr. and Mr*. Vlnrenf Salvotor# of will Youfr-' IjCrangers Hear' .8 ,5 9 9 tonight; Sntuidny Inir, alowly rla- Ing Aboni flO Walnut atreet left laal “**** J f f f ^ A C lE s ot toe Audit for -Caaip Hero, MonUuk l*olnt Soldier Speak Another Rally^ BursMi ol Ctrculatlsne Ji. 1„ after ipmdlng a three-day ManchefteT'^A City of Charm _ J o< liJUM liwjj;*, Wo. 7?, furlough at hla home. He la with mu oC P]rttiiaa, will meet i t th* 243d Ooaat Artillery- Expeet to Reach' G6al of (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Keh tomorrow ;nl|^t et PyL Adamson Has Just _ ,jom tlwre t(i^ wlU tnarch Mra Melvin T. Jocklnaen, of 41 Relumed from the W ^ $200,000 by .Saturday J/MSH V()L.Jl^IIL^Orir8 ^ flie"WM|toe SSaiiiyal Home, tn Jarria Road, granted the uae of her home Monday evening for a Zone in South pacific* • E Quota Not Reached th it the get-acflualnted Valentine party for will be conducted women neighbor* ' In the Wood- Private Winiaih "Red" >dam. Although the War lioan cam­ bridge development. About a doaen Kiuaeon of Memorial son, local, aoldier recently return' paign haa ended in Manchester, the attended. The hoateaa waa aaaUt^ town's E bond quota hss not yet. in aervlng dellcioua mfreiahroenta cd after a yearia active aeiSrlce Ja' been/reached. Official announce­ A daaghUr wee "bom at two by Mlaa Jeanette Sepecal of the Pacific,' waa^J.toc principal ments, made yesterday, taking cog­ pwiCLI W »u PINISM V elock thlB moriilng to Mr. and Wetherafleld. Another guest was apeaker oh th> bbtriotof' program I Mra. Martin McGrath, at S t Mra. Gilbert Saegaert of 72 Unn- t>f Manchegteif Grange last night. nisance of this, haa extended the more Drive,'prominent member or Ji0lui!s''boapttal, TonkmA N. T. A member of-Company K of the campaign until Feb. 26. ^gl6" baby la their Itfth child, and the Pthe Civic aaaoclation. 16Bto Infantry, be spent Chrtet- ihas of 1942 in <few Zealand. Pri­ With this In mind, the,.Uhlted the fourth treat grandchild of Polish. sAdetles have ..decided to Mra. Lovlna H. Hutchlneon of IM A rehearaal Of the Manchester vate Adamsoh referred to the Grange mlnstrela will take place poem In' yesterday’* Herald "A hold their bond ^ l y on Saturday North D m atreet Mra. McGrath evening, at 8 o’clock, at the Poliah- tonight at eight o’clock in the low­ Tribute to American Mothers.” as HtoTi rom waa formerly Mlaa B5va Hiitchln- 'typical of the feenhg the New Zea­ WlUlam Adamsoa American club, 108 Clinton atreet. aon, daughter of Mr. and 1 ^ - er hall of the M a ^ ic Temple. Every member o f the cast it urged landers, piost of whom are of Brit­ Speakers, an entertainment and t t f «iM ir Arthur E. Hutchlneon of North ish ancestry, have for the Ameri­ refreshmepts have been provided. Bm atreet / to report on time. plasma. Private Adamson, said It The,various Polish societies of can aoldlera. He praised the coun­ waa being^used continually In toi. coat e f JCeni.Taa. WaB try and its hospitable people, Hartford county pledged them- Jr., Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ treating wounded soldiers, not left i^Ivea at the start o f the campaign, VfaiUieDvm wrilpapo*, brick, prlvaU John A Simmon*. ranth, will meet tomorrow evening many of whom invited the hoys bottled up. He urged everybody wellboard, printed surfaces. formerly of M J»eiJ^earl atreet who to thrir homes fpy ”a spot of tea” to buy enough securities to pur­ In the Maaonlc Temple. The offl- eligible to do his or her p ^ in chase a $200,000 ..bofhber. By AppUs* eerily. Dries in on* left with,the Inductee* for Camp cen are requeatetf to be PJ***?* Connecticut Motor Vehicle Inapector^ellveta R e ^ r a tlo n to or full meals. this way, also to see tlia^ the boys hour. Washablel Derena on February 8, !• now * ^ centenarleh, Hermon B. Hubbard, XOO yearn y o u ^ on February l l, Private Adamaon waa in com­ Saturday it la expected that the at seven o’clock. Mr*. Anna Crock­ overseas receive mail'regularly. It goal will have been reached. G erm ans bat duty at Munda, Rendova, the Announce Evacuation of^Staraya Russa Uoped at Canop Butner, N. C. w a is almost as good as ammunition, er will be In charge of the enter­ Russell Islands and other places. addreas la Company A. 2M tainment to follow the bualneae and puts pep into them. neera, and hla number, S1410149. CommlBaloijer of Motor Vehlclea, John T. M cC a ^ y. announce Including Guadalcanal. He told of aeaeion, and Mrs. Sarah Clay and that he baa adopted A new policy—namely—that he wUl deUver.toe The queaUon period brought aome' of hla experiences In fight­ forth additional Information on . i d : ! . ------------ — ------------ her committee will serve refreeh- RegiatraUon and Otierator’a License to any qualified Connecticut mo- ing the Japs, whom ho character- ’ RANGE AND menta. number of topics on which the R0LLER.K0ATER toV vehicle operator who attalna the age of 100 year*. Ixed as a “hard bunch’ to contend members wanted information, and TALL CEDARS with, but in battle with them the FUEL O IL ONLY Cover The Study group of the South He remind* all other* that February 29th la the last day for at the close Private Adamaon re­ Registration renewal for 1944. * > 3. troops are just a little tou ceived a h'earty round of applause. PossibUity American |^^^^^^3|Attack Methodtat WSCS vrill niwhtomOT- 381 Center St. Tel. 6566 and those buddlea who m Other guests last night were pow afternoon at 3:W the supreme sacrifice went down n iN G O Clarence Barlow of 95 Hamlin Grange members who are parents James A. Woods Herbert A.,Phelon, Jr., of 182 fighting. of young men and women in the t o m o r r o w n i g h t atreet The leader of the group, Answers AU QuesttoM Cooper street, who recently en­ Office Is Opened armed forcea. a t 8 O’CLOCK Mra. Arthur Gllwon, will prealde listed in the Air Corp* and leavea The speaker said that rather You don't need a brush when and Mra. Inea ’Truax will le ^ In Friday for New Haven, waa than retate happenings In the you ust Xem-Tone. Just reU ' Air Blow ProlonGed; Of Artillery devoUona. Mra. Lewla For Auto Markers South Pacific, he would prefer to this miracle wall finirii right ORANGE HALL honored with a farewell party at AUUE OOFBAN will give the final chapter on too the Old Town Hall Inn, East Hart­ have the Grangers ask questions ever your wallsquiekly.cBrily, (Known Aa queen Alice) 23 REGULAR GAMES AT book. "The LaUn-Amerlcan Cir­ ford, la*t night. Relatives and in regard to things In which they Income Tax Returns amoofhiy— with the clever, A branch of the State Motor Ve­ SPIRITUAL MEDIUM new Kern .T on * R elU r. J3.00 A GAME FOR 25cl cuit” The lea»on wlU b« on M«*»* friend* who were in attendance were interested. In reply to an In­ Koatcr. presented him with a purse <• hicle Department wth opened this quiry as to the general use of blood ‘Sevento Ihiughter of n Seventh Son Prepared CO. B«ini With n VeU. 7 SPECIAL GAMES money. A graduate* of Manches­ morning at the American Legion Reasonable Fee! Jap Warships Seen Still Hold Announcement 1* made,of the ter High school, Herbert, Jr., com- Bendings Onlly, Including Sundny, SWEEPSTAKES Home on Leonard street. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ Telephone Olancheeter $208 birto of a ton to Captain and Mra. l>Ieted hi* fir*t year at Wealeyan One of Most Intense $3.00 WEEKLY PRIZE Frank Healey. The LTnlverslty last week. The office, in charge of Inspector ment. In toe Service of the Peo­ TRIMS bom, Tueeday, F e ^ a r y .5, a* Daniel Kerr, will be open daily ple for SO Venrs. BarraGes of Mediter* S25 WAR BOND too Church Street. Hartford, Conn. Onriers Protected by MONTHLY PRIZE Providence hoapltal, Holyoke, Sergeant Raymond P. Buck re­ from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. to asK Transport Sunk; Maaa. Mrs. Healey waa the for­ turned to Fort Bennlng, Georgia, Phone e-2024 ranean War . Poured .To Be Given February SA issue markers for autoista, with Battleships, Cmiscrs 6 Japanese Ships mer Mies Mary Mojmlhan. ^ u gh after spending a 12-day furlough the exception of February 22 for Income Tax ter of Mr. and Mra. Martin Moynl at hit home on Weir street In P AUGHT BhorU wlUi m incooM If you need help On Town and Monas* ('Washington’s Birthday). ^ im x psyttitni d m March 1$? And Destroyers; Seveiv & n of Holyoka. CapUln Healey, Glastonbury. Perhapa a loan la aohithm 1 , 0 0 0 A h o O i tery H ill; Great Air who la a e n ^ g with tha armed to your problBWi. If It la. coma to FOR TOP VALUE . with your a1 Hundred Planes Sent forcaa In England, la the eon of Maurice A. Halladay, 21, son of ‘PerBonar whero-loana ara viada Sunk or Damaged Umbrella Aids Allies on your rignatara alona.
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