P3 mMSSOS 3 Fr W 4 tol xxrv No 8 HONOLULU TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19 1889 WHOLE No 1258 Business Cttnte feet long is artifically displayed TWO FIRES HAWAIIAN CAMERA CLUB aumiiMtfetfte and is beautiful in color and execu- ¬ Hauiioian femtiti tion The gallery above contains JJurnlng of K G Schumanns Ilouseat MISCELLANEOUS besido 3rcetlnn Friday Evening The Organ ¬ a number of paintings the Wnilcikl E i Jlyan Loses His Koat prBLlrsMKl BY models of The ization Perfected Arranging For -- ancient temples Works a Second Time BISHOP COMPANY TEN PAGE EDITION Cathedral of Calcutta in miniature Future Work HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO Limited XJV Mr E G house Wai-- SS7JJBZiXSZXXt 1858 of alabaster is as beautiful a con- ¬ Schumanns at A meeting of the Hawaiian Camera BANKERS ception in architecture as it has been kiki was destroyed by fire on Saturday Club was Every Tuesday Morning TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19 1389 held Friday evening Mr HAAVAIIAX ISLAND good night It caught shortly after 10 oclock AY llONOHLr our fortune to see Tbe Sbeldo Geo Smith first vice president pre- ¬ FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM DRAW EXCHANGE OK nian Theater is the place where all from a lamp upset by Mr G Schumann sided and several ladies graced the occa-¬ il THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO honorary on LETTERS FROM THE OLD COUNTRY degrees are conferred brother of tbe former while engaged in sion with their welcome PAYABLE IX ADVANCE AXO TIIEir AOEXTS IX tho most distinguished men of the presence The killing mosquitos in liis room Mr E balance of in Advance S VorR Boston l r age The roof of this hall is the officers was elected including NKbscrlbcrs 5600 G Schumann was down on the bridge a second vice president and a treasurer jfeH H ffl nuinsiiniLu ourta uuauun NO XXI BY K L D largest known mtiini that is unsupported when he cries of the list now standing as follows postages prepaid ANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN- heard the fire and when Which includes -FR- This series of notes of travel in tiie lirit by any arch or column is seventy It be reached bouse was President C Hedeman The Commercial Hanking Co of Sydney ish Islands began in the Gazette but was by eignty witb the it all in flames - feet and is decorated First Vice President Geo W H M WHITNEY Business Manager Londor- interrupted by the pressure of reports of Only a lounge Smith Co of Sydney Sydney an immense painting Ash- - and a few chairs were Second Yicc The Commercial Banting the Legislature The letters are now re- ¬ In the President Dr F R Dav Bank of New Zealand Auckland and its saved out of bis own room being AY - -- Merchant P The sumed for completion in response to the molean museum we found much to that Secretary A Richardson Goxetto Banding si Branches in Christchnrch Duncdin and Well- i Tj fl ington desire of many readers of those formerly interest and instruct One room was situated away from the starting point of easnrer Geo E Boardman The Bank of British Columbia Portland published Ed quite filled witb tho Arundel marbles the fire The loss is figured at 2000 Executive Committee J A Hassin OF ADVERTISING Oregon 31 RATES experience Las brought from Smyrna ger W Giffard and Dr C B Wood The Azores and Madeira Islands A very pleasant and valuable on which Mr Schumann believes there Finance Committee joied Stockholm Sweden for Time W E H Dev Smk 1 C 1 yr us past week tboir ancient inscriptions is policy Baapie 1 w m 2 m S ni m The Chartered Bank of London Australia and been given tbe in an unexpired but be does not erill W 0 Lackland and T N S China did not permit even a glance at COO 10 00 meeting with some of the bright remember the amount and the agent Williams 1 in 100 SOD 3O0 4 00 Hongkong Yokohama Japan And transact a many of the curious tlact 1 00 12 00 rare and remains The executive committee were in-¬ 12 Lines I 300 40U 5 Wb 123G General Bankinr Business y friends who shared in the delights to whom be refers cannot say without M S 280 400 6 00 7 6010 00 15 00 gathered from the past but our at structed to secure a dark room Loaet - 00 consulting the books in office meeting S aao boo 7S0 10tt 14 00 IS wander- ¬ bis This rooms St Ltee CO of our Killarney trip Their tention was Kindly directed to tne etc Amendments were made to as Ubm 4 490 600100014 00 20 00 25 MRS A M MEIiilS be could not do before opening this ft SMUOOISOO 2S 00 40 00 ings have led them through the most oldest known stone bearing an in- ¬ morning the constitution of the club It was de-¬ Col sooiswieouwoo 3300 0000 FashionaHe Xi css and Cloalr SXalier cided to hold tho regular meeting on tho V lOOjl8O02S0Oi2SO0 45001 E000 charmiDg scription and which is calculated as A few minutes before 3 oclock on Sun-¬ 1251 Xo IT Emma street ly of the continental excur first Friday after the first 3Iorday of each Colciac 15G9I300C SO 00 4000 7000110000 having been inscribed 4700 years day afternoon fire was discovered in Mr MkM OUISS 90 00 11000 sions and scenery and now on their month The next meeting will be on Cloan IS 04003 5300 WIIiUKIi A CO B C Graven for all time wero tho Ei It Ryans boat building shop on the m homeward way they rested a week Esplanade close to the rear of Mr Geo theSth of 3Iarch The club was pre- ¬ ag Cnii egpondenco intended for publication Corner of Fort and Queen Steets Honolulu words that sprang to our lips as we sented with copy Hawa ¬ Lucas Mills a of Wilsons Quarter Avnld beoddresned to the Editor of tie Lumber Paints Oils Nails Salt 6 Building ju London Loath to part with looked upon its face still fair and Honolulu Planing The Century of Poet Office Bos O first was quickly Photography by 3Ir Samuel iian Gmceoe 1215 Materials of every kind- - clear and eyes foil a alarm followed by a C Partridge ae Correspoiideiicerelatiiir to Advertisements them we resolved to share their then our upon general alarm bringing with the fire of San Francisco to whom a SabfcripuonsaadJob Printing should Ue ad collection of Egyptian mummies in cordial vote of tiianks was passed and -- journey for a few miles and notwith-¬ brigade an immense crowd of spectators Manager of tbe Hawaiian Gazette oruereu oe ¬ steered to tie various stages of dismantlement the Engine Company No 1 Volunteer Boys to transmitted by the secre- Pac Office Box O Importers of General Merchandise standing the fact that a heavy storm tary A degree of enthusiasm was Cards and all quarterly or yearly PBOJt hand of one being entirely un arrived in very short time first on the oir Baines pre ¬ evinced at the meeting which was pro- ¬ are jrayaMe in adtanct or or FEANCE ENGLAND GERMANY AND THE of wind and rain was rendering wrapped There is nothing covered spot and lastenmg their hose to tiie reruBeatof His bill mising of a successful future for the asso-¬ sentation UNITED STATES difficult and sightseeing im-¬ that shall not be revealed seemed plug on Fort street at the front of the must be ac travel ciation It will not be long till pub- ¬ 1 X B All foreign adverUbements - H I planing mills they played a good the pay when ordered In or no No 53 Queen Street Honolulu practically proved by this slender stream lic will Maamiied with law probable wo rolled out of Padding until the engine of the same company be invited to share in the pleasure WlU e wc n icu hand once so full of warm life and intended to be bv organiza- ¬ in tbe above scale and rcmlt- - ton depot in good spirits and glad of relieved them Then two streams were created the advertisements HYMAN BROTHERS now an object of curious interest to tion i for Earopean or American played by that engine while No oy wu the change For days and weeks of Engine o rabcmiuon may be maae posiai Commission Merchants those who count the centuries by 2 was playing from the hydrant at the 20t Front Stroct San Francisco INTER - T 11 experience with the ragged edge of decades sinco its life work was dono corner of Fort and Queen streets ISLAND CABLE I paid to filling and shipping The articular attention suspense render even atmospheres Among the British antiquities is fire was quickly got under control and Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser 121 orders y Island King Alfreds Jewel a beautiful stopped from spreading but in the short pabluiiedbj the Hawaiian Gazette Comi ant teeming with history and bristling Promised Early Construction or b and delivered by specimen of gold enamelled work space of time much damage was done the at h Office in Merchant Street M S GRINBATTM CO with present events oppressive and from City at or- ¬ building a rough shed sixty by Line Honolulu to Wailuku Camere ia the lacking in interest In an hours inscribed translated Alfred lhe Str Dellars S6O0 Per Annnm Commission Merchants dered me to be made Tbe watches thirty feet was completely destroyed Tiie Minister of the Interior has re-¬ nd Weeklv to one address No 121 California Street San rancisco Cal time we bad left the dreary storm It belonged to the Government Mr m 1000 per annum skies of Qneen Elizabeth and Cromwell ceived the following letter from tbe chief tJVoreijiTS Postage paid 12S6 y behind and blue and light Ityan lost three new surf boats one Da - Countries tbe former thickly set with turquoise promoter of the inter cable w S100U per annum clouds looked down upon us as we twenty two feet and the others twenty island An CO tho fob chain having every link in- ¬ Communications HOIiXiISTER alighted at Oxford A carriage and four feet in length also tbe prepared ornamental device on the letter bead alar Address all scribed Boots gloves worn by HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY DRUGGISTS AND TOBACCONISTS intelligent driver wero soon helping and frames of three more boats all the tools
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