Directorate of Integrated Child Development Services Madhya Pradesh i CONTENTS S.No. Subject Page no. List of annexure III List of Tables IV Abbreviations V Section 1: Situation and Gap Analysis a) Socio-economic and demographic profile of Madhya Pradesh i. Administrative divisions ii. Demography iii. Vital Statistics in M.P. iv. Socio-economic profile v. Human development in MP 1-5 vi. Literacy rates vii. Health profile viii. Access to safe drinking water and sanitation ix. Nutritional status of women and children x. Road connectivity b) Nutrition Policy of Madhya Pradesh 5 c) Inter-sectoral convergence for program implementation 6 d) Nutrition and health status of women and children 7 e) History of ICDS in Madhya Pradesh - Total number of ICDS 10 projects in the state f) State’s financial contribution to ICDS implementation 11 g) Infrastructure status of operational AWC buildings 11 h) Status of operationalization of projects, AWCs and Mini-AWCs 13 i) Trends in coverage of beneficiaries for supplementary nutrition 15 and pre-school education j) Training infrastructure –AWTCs, MLTCs 17 k) Major gaps/ constraints in program implementation 17 l) Initiatives taken by government of Madhya Pradesh for ICDS 19 programme Section 2: VISION STATEMENT 26 Section 3: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF ICDS PROGRAM 27 MANAGEMENT- STATE & DISTRICT LEVEL Section 4: ANNUAL ACTION PLAN- PROGRAM COMPONENTS 4A Human Resources 32 4B Procurement of Materials and Equipment 36 4C Delivery of Services at AWCs 39 C1 Supplementary Nutrition (SN) 39 C2 Preschool Education (PSE) 46 C3 Nutrition and Health Education 50 C4 Immunization 52 C5 Health check-ups 52 C6 Referral Services 55 ii 4D Observation of Nutrition and Health Days 56 4E Information Education and Communication 57 4F Monitoring and Evaluation 61 4G Training and capacity building 63 4H Convergence with Line departments 64 4I Community Participation and Involvement of PRIs a) Existing mechanism for community participation b) Percent of AWCs participated in Gram Sabha meeting c) AWC received any support from Panchayat 65 d) Gram Panchayat meetings attended by AWW e) Percent of Panchayat Samiti meetings attended by AWWs f) No. of districts where the Zila Parishads reviewed ICDS program 4J Financial Management and Fund Flow Mechanism 67 4K New Initiatives to Strengthen ICDS Program during 2011-12 68 Summary of Action Plan (2012-13) 73 Budget Annual PIP (2012-13) Time line of Activities (2012-13) 70 Section 5 : ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 74-82 Annexures 83-98 List of Annexure 1. Nutritional status of children in 50 districts (NIN 2010) 2. District-wise Rural, Tribal and Urban projects and AWCs 3. New government population norms for establishing AWCs 4. AWTCs and MLTCs in the state 5. District-wise number of NRCs 6. Training Calendar (2012-13) 7. Proposal for Annual Training Activity (2012-13) 8. Statement of Expenditure iii Abbreviations Used AACP Adolescent Anemia Control Programme ABM Atal Bal Mission ACCTO Assistant Accounts Officers ACDPO Assistant Child Development Project Officer ANC Antenatal Care ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife AO Accounts Officer ASO Assistant Statistical Officer APIP Annual Programme Implementation Plan ASHA Accredited Social Health Activist AWTC Anganwadi Training Centres AWCs Anganwadi Centres AWWs Anganwadi Worker AWH Anganwadi helper AYUSH Ayurved Unani Siddha Homeopathy BALA Building As Learning Aid BCC Behavior Change Communication BPL Below Poverty Line BPNI Breast Feeding Network of sIndia BRGF Backward Region Grant Fund CARE Cooperation for American Relief Everywhere CBO Community Based Organizations CDPO Child Development Project Officer CHC Community Health Centre CM Chief Minister CMHO Chief Medical & Health Officer DAP District Action Plan DFID Department For International Development DPHFW Department of Public Health and Family Welfare Dept P&T Department of Post & Telegraph DLHS District Level Health Survey DPC Departmental Promotion Committee DPM District Program Manager DPO District Program Officer DWCD Department of Women and Child Development EBF Exclusive Breast Feeding ECE Early Childhood Education FY Financial Year GOI Government of India GoMP Government of Madhya Pradesh iv Abbreviations Used HFW Health & Family Welfare HR Human Resources IAP Indian Association of Pediatrics IAS Indian Administrative Service ICDS Integrated Child Development Services IDD Iodine Deficiency Disorder ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research IEC Information Education Communication IFA Iron Folic Acid IGMSY Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahogi Yojna IPC Inter Personal Communication IYCF Infant and Young Child Feeding IYCN Infant & Young Child Nutrition KSY Kishori Shakti Yojna LBW Low Birth Weight LDC Lower Divisional Clerk LHV Lady Health Visitor LIC Life Insurance Corporation MCPC Mother & Child Protection Card MHFW Ministry of Health & Family Welfare MIS Monitoring Information System MLTC Middle Level Training Centre MMR Maternal Mortality Rate MO Medical Officer MOU Memorandum of Understanding MP Madhya Pradesh MP HSRP Madhya Pradesh Health Sector Reform Programme MPLAD Member of Parliament Local Area Development MPR Monthly Progress Report MWCD Ministry of Women and Child Development NGO Non Government Organization NFHS National Family Health Survey NHE Nutrition & Health Education NHED Nutrition & Health Education NIN National Institute of Nutrition NIPCCD National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child NIPI Development NRC Norway India Partnership Initiative NRHM Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre OBC National Rural Health Mission ORS Other Backward Caste v Abbreviations Used PHC Oral Dehydration Salt PHFW Primary Health Centre PIP Public Health & Family Welfare PRI Project Implementation Plan PSE Panchayati Raj Institutions QPR Pre-school Education RCH Quarterly Progress Report RUTF Reproductive Child Health SABLA Ready to Use Therapeutic Food SAM Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls SC Severe Acute Malnutrition SHG Scheduled castes SMS Self Help Groups SN Sahyogini Matru Samiti SNP Supplementary Nutrition SPIP Supplementary Nutrition Programme SRC State Programme Implementation Plan SRS State Resource Centre SSA Sample Registration Survey ST Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan STRAP Scheduled Tribes TFR State Training Action Plan THR Total Fertility Rate TLM Take Home Ration TNA Teaching Learning Material TSC Training Need Assessment TV Total Sanitation Caimpaign U 5 Television UDC Under five U 5 MR Upper Divisional Clerk UNICEF Under Five Mortality Rate UT United Nations Children Fund USI Union Territories UN MDG Universal Salt Iodization VAS United Nations Millennium Development Goals VHND Vitamin A Supplementation VHSC Village Health & Nutrition Day WCD Village Health & Sanitation Committee WHO Women and Child Development World Health Organization vi SECTION- 1 SITUATION AND GAP ANALYSIS a) Socio-economic and demographic profile of Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh, as the name indicates, is geographical heart of the Republic of India. It is surrounded on the south by Maharastra, on the west by Gujarat, on the northwest by Rajasthan, on the north by Uttar Pradesh, and on the east by Chattisgarh. Madhya Pradesh, with total area of 308,245 sq. km, is the second largest state of India. It has five distinct cultural regions – Bundelkhand, Baghelkhand, Rewanchal, Malwa and Mahakoshal. The state, therefore, presents a fascinating mosaic of culture and regional languages. i. Administrative units in the state The state comprises ten revenue divisions, 50 districts and 313 community development blocks, including 89 tribal development blocks. The state’s 55,391, villages are covered by 22,029 Gram Panchayats. On an average a Gram Panchayat covers 2.5 revenue villages, each village having an average population of 1090. A revenue village may consist of a number of separate habitations known as tola, falia or majra, especially in tribal areas. ii. Demography The 2011 Census of India has recorded the State’s population as 72.6 million, out of this, the rural population stands at 52.5million and the urban population 20.1 million. In absolute numbers, the rural population has increased by 8.2million and the urban population by 4.1 million in the last decade. With about 6 percent of the total population of India, it is the seventh most populous state in the country. The decadal growth of population during the period 2001-2011 was 20.3%, which was significantly higher than the national average of 17.6%. The growth rate of population in rural and urban areas was 18.45 and 25.6% respectively. The sex ratio in the state which was 919 in 2001 has risen by 11 points to 930 in 2011. The increase in rural areas has been 9 points from 927 to 936. The same in urban areas has been 18 points from 898 to 916. The sex ratio in the state is comparatively lower than that of India, 930 females per 1000 males in the state Vs. 940 at all India level Out of the child population of 10.5 million in the age group of 0-6 in the state the rural child population stands at 8.1 million and urban at 2.4 million in 2011. The child population has declined by 0.2 million in the state – decline of 0.3 million in rural areas and increase of 0.1 million in urban areas. In Madhya Pradesh, fall in child sex ratio in the age group of 0-6 years has reached 912. The fall has been 20 points (932-912) for the state during 2001-2011.In rural areas the fall is significant - 22 points (939-917) and in urban areas it is 12 points (907-895) over the last decade. The literacy rate of Madhya Pradesh as per 2011 Census is 70.6. In rural areas the literacy rate is 65.3 and in urban areas it is 84.1. The male literacy rate which is 80.5 (Rual-76.6; Urban-90.2) is higher than the female literacy rate of 60.0 (Rural-53.2; Urban-77.4).The gap in literacy rate among males and females is 20.5 points in the state. 1 Table A. Demographic Profile of Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh India (Census 2011) (Census, 2011) Population Census (2011) 72,597,565* 1, 210,193,422 Male 37,612,920 (51.8%) 623,724,248 Female 34,984,645 (48.2%) 586,469,174 Sex Ratio( female / 1000 male) 930 940 Sex ratio (0-6 year) 912 914 Decadal growth rate of population 20.3 17.6 (%) Density of population (per sq.
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