ri'v 's" '"' 'i: f;' f;;.:; u ,V t :"' '.;. ;; yt ;.;v, k. i voi. Avn, wo. Ml,. Saturday September, 8, 1979, Sunbula 17, 1358, S.H. price: Afs. 6 Great Leader meets heads HAVANA, Sept. 8, (Ba- Samora Machel, President Likewise, our beloved khtar). The Great Lead- and Leader of the people, of f and i evolutionary leader, er of the people of Afgha- Mozambique while Dr. Shah and 4 Abdul Fatah Ismail, nistan, Noor Mohammad Wali, deputy first minister President of High Council Taraki, General Secretary and minister of foreign aff- of Democratic Yemen, head " of the Central Committee airs was also present. of delegation and Secretary of PDPA and President of At this ' meeting views General of the Socialist Par- the Revolutionary Council were exchanged on issues ty of that country met. in ; met in Havana, capital of related to . conference of Havana at 6 ; 30 p.m. local Cuba," Gen. Zia Ul-Ha- heads of slate and govern- - time on September 5. President of Pakistan 11 at ment of nonaligned Countr- At this friendly meeting a.m. local on Septem- 'time ies and other issues of mu- both sides discussed bilate- 6. (" ber ';.! tual interest. - , ( ral issues, issues of the non-align- The meeting, ' which was The Bakhtar correspond- summit conference held in a friendly atmosph- ent from Havana reports ana otner important , worm ere, lasted more than Van that the able teacher of the issues of mutual interest.. hour, and issues of mutual people of Afghanistan, Noor interest of the two countries Mohammad Taraki, met Congratulatory and otht issues were dis- - Ziaur Rahman,, President of cussed. ... ; the Republic of Bangladesh Both sides were fully sa- at 11; 30 a.m. local time on telegram sent . tisfied with the outcome September 5. KABUL. SeDt. 8. (Bakht of their talks. ., During this meeting, wh- Similarly, the : Great Lea- ich took place in a friendly ar) The Information De- der of the people of Afgha- atmosphere, and in which partment of the Ministry nistan, . Noor .Mohammad Kheyal Mohammad Kata-waz- i, of Foreign Affairs reported Taraki, met' in Havana Sa-da- m minister of informa- that the Great Leader Noor . President Mohammad Taraki, Gene- (vAi," A! W- - i'.,til.ll..mmn.Mf .' . ........ Hussein, of tion and culture of DRA Iraq at 10:45 p.m. last Th- and Shamsul Haq, ral Secretary of the Central Great Leader delivering his speech at the sixth su mmit of the heads of state or government of minister the , of the PDPA non-ali- gned ursday, evening.. of foreign affairs of Bang- Committee countries in Havana. The text of the speech was Thursday'3, !V ..;. carried in last issue Our Revo- great . and beloved ladesh were also present, and President of the ' leader, Noor Mohammad the leaders of the two coun- lutionary Council has cong- T Taraki and Sadam Hussien tries exchanged views on ratulated Joao Baptista De -- exchanged views on relati- - ' issues of mutual interest, Oliveira Figueiredo, Pr- H. Amin gets ; receives tribal representatives ons between the two count- and the issues included on esident of Bra- i a l! ries, issues related to the the agenda of zil on the occasion of the KABUL, (Baht- - the summit Sept 8, Khoszhyani tribes of the made us rally around the. coun- ' current conference of heads conference of nonaligne'd National Day of that peace message ar). Hafizullah Amin, Sec- - Nangarhar province at the Great Leader Noor Moha- ' of state and government countries. try. , :iUW.y, fiv.f v'i' retary and Member of ' tht First Ministry on Thursday ' mmad Taraki, General Se ' and world issues. , Politburo of the Central afternoon and in an, address cretary of the ; Central Co- Present from Japan ' at the r talks was Committee of the People's said : - sac-- : ; Your forefather mmittee of the People's also Dr. Shah Wali, deputy Great Leader attends Democratic Party of Afgh- rificed their lives ; your ; Afgh- '(Bakht-- for , Democratic Party of first minister and KABUL,' Seut t ' minister anistan and First Minister ' cause individually. But all anistan and President of ar).- - In reply to the messa-- , of foreign affairs. received a number of elders' of us knew that individual the Revolutionary! .:; Council. - According to Bakhtar co- uet in Havana De- i gejir nanzuuan :Amm, 4; and representatives of the sacrifice Could ? not heal These people who were in- rrespondent from Havana, ac-o- ucuuy 4.iu ivicmuer I (Ba-htar- ). f ui w ,Zawa, ; Sherzad, Waziri, the wounds of our people. cited against each other and HAVANA, Sept. 8, eting Noor Abdurraza,q the Great Leader - PA LC Politburo sent ; on of the Secretary-Genera- l Wagzhi,'; i The Great Leader ting Kambo, Bahar '' It was this realisation that were caught in, the chain , people of Afghanistan, the occasion of friendship Noor of the people of Afghanis- Solidarity Council of Asian of thousands of sufferings ; Mohammad between the peoples of Af-- Taraki, General ' and and injustices are your sons , tan, Noor Mohammad and African countries ghanistan and Japan and Secretary of the Central 100th year of nat'l who suffered much. Theyiv Taraki, General Secretary some members of the Coun- conveyed by the delegation Committee of PDPA, and USSR, got ' " of the Central Committee cil Qalandarov, of. together, and struggled President of RC" met Li! of Khalqi Organisation for ; of PDPA and ; President of Jalil Gilan, of Democratic to free their people. Today . Chung Wik, First Afghan Youth, the j First , observed KU Minister the Revolutionary Council Republic of Yemen and B. uprising at is great . it the honour of of Democratic People's Re- Minister of Japan, Masay-- . attended a banquet by Roy of India. (Bakht- all of us that we have triu-- public of Korea Jield oshi Ohira has sent the ? KABUL, Sept. 6, ggle for the preservation j at 6 p.m. mphed a revolution in whi--, on ' ' Jaewardane, President of ar). The anniver- s September 6. following message V";;' ''iv looth of t their independence and Republic During this meeting the ch not only . everyone of the of Sri Lanka Dear and Esteemed First sary of the Afghan-Britis- h sacred soil. , i In this meeting, while po- rr our compatriots but all the,; in honour of heads of state Peace Council members Minister, ,f.(:(. war and the memory of the Similarly of Dr. Shah Wali, deputy first out to the importance i:,:,:, a number people region ; and government of Asian inted I you national uprising of Kabul of the and thank veryf much j deans' of ' the faculti- -' ' minister and minister of countries in Havana last of the solidarity of the peo- ' the world take pride. i . i against old enemies of ' for your letter dated 8th the es of J Kabul Univer- - foreign affairs, was also Thursday evening. ples of Asia and Africa to- i; : ! Afghan people, occupiers July, 1979, conveyed to me sity also delivered ' speech- present, views were exchan- According to report ward revolution of DRA aggressors Britain The First .Minister ad- the by the head of the delega-.- 4 and of es."' vr.t ;..;. ged, in a, friendly atmosp- and sought the opinion of ded : It is gratifying that of Bakhtar correspondent Organi-satio- was celebrated in a grand tion of the Khalqi n here, on issues of mutual from Havana, the Great the Great Leader of peo- function held at the audi- you are prepared now. to de- for Afghan Youth. (Continued on page 4) interest. 4 According to an of people of Af- ple of Afghanistan in this fend your . revolution and Leader the - torium of Kabul University , Japan and Afghanistan earlier, report, on Septemb- ghanistan, Noor Mohamm- regard. Our Great Leader, yesterday. ' 'y-- ' take up arms in defence of have traditionally maintai- . er 5 at 9 a.m. local time, Mohammad Taraki, your country. You are pre-- ad Taraki, General Secre- Noor ( At the outset the national ned friendly relations, and Int'I literacy the Great Leader Noor Commit- spoke in detail in this re- ; pared because this land and tary of the Central I am convinced that the vi-- anthem of the DRA was Taraki met in Ha- gard. ; tee of PDPA and President played Dip. Eng. this revolutions are yours. sit of your youth delegation-t- and then vana Souphanouvong, Pre- me-- duty-boun- d of the RC received for a rec- Day today You are to., de--. Japan has significantly Azizurrahman Saeedi, sident the People's De- fend your country and your.; of contributed to the promo-- tor of Kabul University de- mocratic Republic of Laos. KABUL, Sept. 8, Today revolution because for a pa- tion of friendship and mu- livered a brief speech on During the meeting, whi- Hashemi inspects carpet ' September 8 is Interna- triot there is no other alter- tual understanding between ;' the celebration of such a the ch took place in a friendly Uni- tional Literacy Day. The oc- native but defend his coun- our two countries. It is my historical day at Kabul atmosphere, views were ex- ' Mah-mou- d is, being in try against the, enemies of sincere hope that friendly versity. Then Pohand casion marked changed on issues of inte- plants in Badakhshan Sooma, of hi- special functions, throughout, the country. ; relations between the two j minister rest between the two count- ; edu- country 'with read- 8, (Ba- At this time present were countries wUl continue to 'I gher, and vocational the the ries as wellta issues relat- FAIZABAD, Sept. ,i Gr-- ; The meeting .lasted until Jah-an- i, be strengthened in the years cation in his revolutionary ing of message of the ing to current nonaligned khtar).
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