5. 1905.' 2_ NEW-YORK! DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY- of given out Hall next Thursday evening. The players are watched the repeated stage transformations Musical. Muxical. Inglyrather commonplace when itis sympathy to see by the violin, is greatly enhanced in signtfl- Miss Adole Morgulles, pianoforte; Leopold LJcht- Mr. Dippei are waiting with London, Mr. of NOTES. After Its performance in enberg*. violoncello. The what this artist will do with the role Tristan. Tin; MUSIC cance. Gazette, violin and Leo Schulz. first the XjCSChctixliy fcnooL. Vernon Blackburn, in "The Pall Mall programme is ud of Brahmn's Trio in B Mr Dipper willappear for the time in PIANO with- m*de popular Saturday VIRGIL»M) v IDOL Or PI'BLIC SCHOOL said of it: "The work is unconventional major, op. 8; Georg Schumann's Sonata In JS character. For the twelfth iVIENZKOWSKA, Special ;i FCKFORMANCE. being Jarring: without being often et Juliette will MME. DE .— Coumn In th- Vir tne-.iioci <ir.il ior acoalr- out personal minor, for pianoforte and violoncello, op. 10 evening performance "Romeo Indorsed by Paderovrskl, I.e»rhett»ky. Hans Rlchtsr. lag a broad artiatle repertoire. partner This Week— eccentric; elaborate without being obecure. Cer- 15 be the bill, with Mme. Aino Ackte as Juliet. — MR. C. VIMGIL Conducts particu- (new),and Rubinstein's Trio In flat. op. 5:1 sing the Pupils* Musicals Weekly Classes. *** CORDON tain passages were exquisite; we may Mine. Jacoby will for the first time CARNEGIE HAIL. Address It7W. Bt. • Concert Planl«t and Tncbf>r. larly concluding portion of the charming the page, Sttphano; Mr. M^S. A. 31. VIKGIUUlrertor :iU.| Traeher of A*- Church Choral Society Concert. I mention the is no, The Quatuor dv Flonzaley, a private organiza- role of fine Tanred Trcbnlo and Interpretation. Id West tstb ?t. 1 first movement. The second movement Saleza, who Is now In normal health and Is decided.y music, Romeo, and Mr. Pol 03 Sunday— p. ! so definitely Interesting. The third tion for the cultivation of chamber voice, should delight as MMLZiLPhA BARNES Carnegie Hall. R m.. concert of the 1 clever; of an im- make an iim reS5_l WJ Symphony Orchestra; Metropol- Itin entitled. 'In tho manner maintained byMr. E. J. de Coppet, as has already Plan.-on will once more Privevto School of Music Adelaide C. Okcll,' Non-York > 1 le eus- ' be Air. Ortlflcmtod Pupil of Teresa CamllA. p. dl, pop- provißatlon. and it* note of cleverness give1 FeSre Laurent. The conductor will Pupils prepared Concert. Oratorio anfl AND itan!Opera House. 8:30 concert at 1 with some been explained in this journal, will a con- for Church. Applicant* PTAN'IST TEACHER. S»n<l frr rirrtiUr prices. tamed throughout. But it resembles Franko. \u25a0'• Opera. Opera Claasrs now being formed. Studio: S7 WEST EIGHTY FoCUTH STREET. S. T. ular closeness an Improvisation in that cert at Sherry's to-morrow afternoon for the to join th« Opera C'iass can enter at any time. unfortunate say) Vonday—Metropolitan Opera 8 p. m., (one may even Kindergarten important novelty offered by the '- House. It is far too diffuse and however, boneflt of the Free of the Chil- The most 68 West 39th St. 'Phone 1403— 3St! iaxi opera, "Un Ballo in Maschera"; rambling. The final movement Is. ex- fourth con- Ita• progresses the gro- dren's Charitable Union. The music to be Russian Symphony Society at its £, ry"s. 3:45 p m., concert of chamber mu- traordinarily original. As It be first rUnry UillUUl\ BGICEUUtUL Conc^ntratloa of Tor.?. Flonxaley, for the ben- beginning gradually merges played is Boccherinl's String Trio in Q major,- cert on Saturday, February 25. v.ill the Clear SMOCK Correct Breath Ontrol. lost sic Ly the Quavolr dv tesquesness of its Sargeyrwich MISS CLAY'S Enunciation. ani of the free kindergarten the Chil- Into beauty of expression, and the end is alto- Hugo Wolf's and Dvorak's .Symphony (in G minor) by Voalll Inlur^l Voieaa R<-ator<"l. Italian MMh<vl. w:ti» efit of Italian Serenade Hale Volcta. Ref^rfß<-es. fctudios: US E. Zi<\ .-t.. JI jn.. dren's Charitable Union. 1 gether lovely." in op. i)»i. The Children's January 13. 1868). who died of MUSIC, Thurj ilcDonough Quartet P. Chari- Kallnnikoff (born WEST END CONSERVATORY'iii;\KnOF ST. Sat. 127 ot.. b'Uyn, Tues.. WeJ.. FrU when his 560 WEST FM» AYE.. »7TM arul l-:v«-nir:«» Tbisjlliij IT 11 Till1 nlm Hall. 8:15 p. m.. concert of Mr. Kneisel'n pro- table Union established the first free kinder- consumption on January 11.1901. AKT.LANGUAGES. „ of chamber music by the Kneisel Quartet of The other numbers garten in tho city of New-York, which Is now works bad met with unqualified success in LrTEItVTL'KE. KINI)KUUAKTK>. - quartet A. op. 51. No. Boston, assisted by Felix Weingartner; gramme are Brahms's in carrying- on its work at Hope Chapel. No. 339 Paris. Vienna, Berlin and other cities. written SIGHT SIIVJGIIVG p. pianoforte recital from Debussy's quartet East 4th-st. The classes In charge a 1595, of inspiration an-1 JI.VSTEIiKI> SIKPRIHIM.I.v »H'hT TIME. Mendelssohn Hall. 3 tn.. 2. and two movements are of rs it was in Its freshness Methods adopt-ii by 1 competent principal her assistant, who especially striking when otl!cla!i7 GaasarvMKtM by Eugen d1d Albert. minor, In this number Mr. Kneisel and lia cheerful tone are of Franc* and Il>-I;'.um. in G op. 10. make their Influence felt 'n the neighborhood composer had been in the 5 SiEBER (•\u25a0\K.vr<;ir iiai.l. House, p. m., that he performed one recalls thai the F. KURTH tss. OR. Ki»orAßi> blitz. Wednesday— Metropolitan Opera 8 ts repeating part of a work by visiting the families of the 'children and malady during his last ; "L,es Huguenots": grin of the dreadful » VOICE CIXTTRIS. \u0084 opera in Italian, St. Bar- full a few vi-ars ago. Debussy is one of keeping in touch with the boys and girls who years, living life of an exile in warm Stn.llo*: 813 Cnrnegle Hull. N. V..SI Plata St.. Drooklya.*. by here in modern seven the tholomew's Church. 3:30 p. m.. recital the tho most "aavam...!" of the youn*; have outgiown the kindergarten. Mothers' regions away from his home. MILDENBERS, Church Choral Society; No. 19 West Blst- composers, whose, daring experiment* in meetings and a kindergarten club with circula- ALBERT by Mary Hen- French Invention, baaed on ting library PIANIST AND PIANO IX<*TncrTION. «.. H.HO p. m.. musical Miss harmony and In melodic add to the usefulness of the work. concert at the Metro- aTbuzzi-pecgia BTVniO ry and others. astomed Intervals, give his murto Tickets for the concert may be of At tO-night'S popular 838 57th St. Entrance. C&MSWtUM HAM. newTnd anao obtained the Nordic*, Alno *-lu««l<- voice cultnr* and the art of pnr« House, p. a straiiKe and exotic expreßaion. followingladies: Miss Schurz. No. 24 Eafit 1)1st- politan Opera House Mme. Mme. Ifalfiin request. *»urs«ay— Metropolitan Opera 1:30 1:.. •nun'iatinn. Circular oa »•«.« m., opera, Walkuere"; Ft.; Mrs. L. Unas. No. US' West 7lth-st.; Acktt', Glraldonl, Mr. Parvta and Mr. Pol- CIS Lexlnrton aye. Tel. ."«>«* X P?aa». German "Die Aeolian A. yon Briesen, No. 1 i:;ist ; Mr. n., concert of chamber musio first pair oi' recitals (or services) of the Mrs. -ITth-st. Mrs. sin*,-. concert '\u25a0" directed by EMILiO AGRAMONTE IJail. J*:l.~> p. The No. '\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 lock will The- will C. UK MACCHI. Vocal Instructor for NOR- OPERA. ORATOItIO AND KEI'EUTOIRE. liarguUea Trio; Bartholo- Antonio Knauth, W>3t"^ "•!th-st.: Mrs. G. A bf the .\d<.e St. Church Choral Society for this season willtake Secligmann, ->--t.; T. Mr. The orchestral numbers will in- OtCA. TEUNLMA. WLLU. DE MACCHI tlateitCoß- eaa Fifth venae. Church, p. m., re'ltal by the No. 53«.EiFt ~ -Mrs. F. H. Franko. r!«'l« encashment) SCOTTI. MEfROPOLI- mew's 8:30 , Church next Meyer, • overture, the VAN I>YCK. Society: Assoclntlon Hall. place at St. Bartholomew's No. 214 Park Vonkers; Mrs. clude Qoldmark'a '.'Sakuntala" TA.\ •'KL.EBRITIS3. Mill appointments only. 674 C&r- Churvh Choral evening, Naumburg, ; "Tannhauser," two Hungarian ncgle Brooklyn. 8:15 p. m., concert of chamber Wednesday afternoon and Thursday G. W. >\u25a0 r>SUi-st.. and overture to lloli. __________ PERRY Mrs. Otto >."• \u25a0 -st and tho andante and Car- music by the Kr.elsel Quartet. the direction of Richard Henry Warren, Gerdau. iI dances of Brahn narjtone. Concert.JLVKRIU*Upera and Oratsrtn. under. naval movements from Qutraud's Suite. Mine. % oca) Instruction. tetu'Uo. W. SMzit Su Te>shona Friday—Carnegie p. pubilo re- conductor of the society, as wrllns organist and interpret Theure Halle. WILLIAMS, 1087 i:«*anibus. New Tork City. Hall. 2:30 m.. On the evening of FebVuary 2S .Sam Franko Nordics will "Dich songs. JANET BULLOCK hearsal of the Pmlharmoiiic Society; Metro- choirmaster of the church. Of the purposes and from "Tannhauser." and a group of TEACHER OK ri\Ni» \M> SINGING. p. opera, will give the last of of old music an air from .SOI-KA.NO. CONCBRTB. IIKCITAU*. politan Opera House. « m.. Italian scope of the Church Choral Society speech has his^concerts Mme. Alno Ackte will contribute CARNEIUE HALL.803. WED. & BAT. eTtANGE, di at Mendelssohn Hall, and It promises to bo a "Alceste." and VSevilla," a new waltz "Lucia L.amroermoor." been in this journal.
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