xay:yurz a,44./ www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com 000 as the whisper of a butterfly's wing... because low noise and low hum are essential to hi -fi preamplifier performance, designers specify twin- triode RCA -7025 The grace, lightness, and delicacy of the butterfly in flight seem to capture the mood of quietude so essential, so sought after by designers and by devotees of high -fidelity music reproduction. Developed for high -gain, resistance -coupled "preamp" applications, high -mu twin -triode RCA -7025 is specially controlled for low noise and hum. A helical hairpin -type heater in each unit minimizes hum. In addition, RCA -7025 has an exceptionally sturdy cage assembly featuring short, stiff stem leads, oversized side -rods and micas of special design to reduce noise and microphonics. You can fulfill the important requirements for a "quiet" preamplifier by designing around RCA -7025. Your RCA Field Representative has full information. For Technical Data, write RCA Commercial Engineering, Section I-91-DE, Harrison, New Jersey. ANOTHER WAY RCA SERVES YOU THROUGH ELECTRONICS EAST: 744 Broad St., Newark 2, New Jersey, HUmboldt 5 -3900 MIDWEST: Suite1154, Merchandise Mart Plaza, OF AMERICA Chicago 54, III., WHitehall 4 -2900 RADIO CORPORATION WEST: 6355 East Washington Boulevard. Los Electron Tube Division Harrison, N. J. Angeles 22, Calif., RAymond 3 -8361 R C A T U B E S F O R H I - F I A L S O A V A I L A B L E AT Y O U R R C A T U B E D I S T R I B U T O R www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com SEPTEMBER, 1959 VOL. 43, No. 9 ',aeeessor to RADIO, Est. 1917. Discover for yourself why Sherwood is the most honored line of high fidel- ity components in the field. Sherwood Tuners (the first ever to achieve sensi- tivity under 0.95 microvolts) feature: Inter -Channel Hush, a noise muting system which makes FM tuning easier than ever FM Multiplex Output "Feather -Ray" Tuning Eye Automatic Frequency Control Flywheel Tuning. AUDIO Combine these tuners with either of Sherwood's "mated" stereo amplifier ENGINEERING MUSIC SOUND REPRODUCTION choices; 20+20 watts or 36+36 C. G. McProud, Editor and Publisher watts. And only Sherwood offers all these features: Single /Dual Bass & Henry A. Schober, Business Manager Treble Controls Mid -Range Presence Harrie K. Richardson, Associate Editor Rise Stereo-Mono Function Indicator Linda Sueskind, Assistant Editor Lights Phase -Reverse Switch Damping Factor selection. Sherwood Janet M. Durgin, Production Manager also offers either 36 or 60 watt mon- Edgar E. Newman, Circulation Director aural amplifiers, FM Multiplex Adapters and a complete decorator -styled line of cabinetry and 3 -way speaker systems - The Finest in High Fidelity. Sherwood Electronic Laboratories, Inc., 4300 N. Sanford L. Cahn, Advertising Director California Avenue, Chicago 18, Illinois. MEMgER Midwest Representative ty,1111,1/1 01 - W. A. Cook and Associates Model S- 5000.20 + 20W Stereo Dual Amplifier $169.50 161 East Grand Ave., Chicago 11, 111. West Coast Representative - ©l e e : ` James C. Galloway '- 6535 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 48, Calif. Model S -3000 H, FM Tuner -5105.50 CONTENTS alilikoreammtieleutat .ludiocliltie-.Tacrph Ginrunelli Audio Tecluli(Ines-Joseph (:io rvnuclli (i Lettety Model S -4400, Stereo Preamp. + 36W Amp. S159.50 I O Audio ETC-Edward Tuloui! Cu 12 Editor's Report 1(i Low -Noise AAI Tuner I -SOS Ti1)111' 1111)ut- ( /,sirle.. II. ('lrinldl -r and _I//en If. (ireeraleuf 19 Model S -2000 H, FM -AM Tuner $145.50 All For Unte, Unte for All-Edwin F. 11 '31 Contributory Infringement of Patents- Albert Wow/rag' Gray 24 What About Stereo Multiplexing and _AIatriaing ?- A7urnuarl II. Crulallmrwt 29 Tape Model S -1000 36W Monaural Amplifier Guide- Ineorporatint; Tape into the Andio System-Herman Bnì. te in :32 II, $109 50 A 'l'en- Watt All-Triode Amplifier- Hubert 31. Voss and Robert Klli. 40 only for those who want the ultimate: A 'Panphouie" Stereo Control Amplifier- George t3ltuzniul; Letri.s 44 Equipment Profile-Pi /(l SP-.216-_,1 stereo preamp- control Inuit; ('uirersit2l T31S -2 Trimen.iuuul .stereo speaker; the Leak amplifier line; Dynaco Stereo 70 poorer amplifier bit 45 STEREO .Jazz and All That-Charles -I. liuberl..rua 56 Record Revue-Edward Tatnull Canby 66 Product Preview 69 ('oiling Ili -h'i Shows S:1 AES Convention-List of Papers S4 Who's the first. AUD1OUAN'.r Errata( 93 9S Industry Notes & People ___ _ __. 99 Advertising Indes __._ _ 1011 COVER PHOTO-Tiro of the element.. of a Lowe installation designed William and built Lys G. 1)illey-, Audio -Architectural Consultant, of San Bernardino, California. At the left a is combination end table, coffee table, and TV remote control housing; the unit :It the right is ono of two fobled horn enclosures in his living room. This installa- tion will be elaborated upon in the October issue. Photo by Dick .Zones, San Bernardino. AUDIO (title registered U. S. Pat. Oft t is published monthly by Radio Magazines, Inc., Henry A. Schober, C. G. Metroud, Secretary. Executive President; and Editorial Offices, 204 Front St., Mineola, N. Y. Subscription Po®easlons, Canada and Mexico, rates-U. S. $4.00 for one year. 57.00 for two years, all other countries, per copies 500. Printed in U.S.A. at Lancaster, $5.00 year. Single Pa. All rights reserved. Entire contents copyrighted 1959 by Radio Magazines, Inc. Entered as Second Class Matter February 9, 1950 at the Post Office, Lancaster. Pa. under the act of March 3, 1879. RADIO MAGAZINES, INC., P. O. Box 629, MINEOLA, N. Y. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to AUDIO, P. O. Box 629, Mineola, N. Y. For complete technical details write Dept. A -9, AUDIO SEPTEMBER, 1959 1 www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com \1 01%'t AU 010clinic .C . JOSEPH GIOyANELLl:_ A Single Amplifier and Two Speakers phonic 'sonWI I srvitcched front a Pilot to an Eico FM Inner with no apparent change Q. I hare a Bogen D1',2ODF 20-watt am- in the recept ion of the ignition interference. plifier and two Jim La n. sing D -1.;!3 76 -ohm mg antenna is a non -directional folded speakers in reflex enclosures. 111/ desire is dipole, mounted approximately o'8 feet to hook up these speakers so that I n ay above n'ri roof and about 45 feet above lise a 3- position switch and plan either One grossed level. It is set back about 40 feet NOT FOR EVERYONE or both as desired. The Bogen. asepli er from the street. Lead -in wire i.e twisted and has common, 8 -ohm, and 16 -ohm out ut is 45 feet long. The strength of the ...perhaps for you about conections. received .signal seems to Quake little or no 11ill you please .shore me the pro et- difference, because it seems that the inten- /lookup to the amplifier u-hen using b th sity of the interference is about the some speakers as mentioned? Earle R. 1Vieklr m, on all stations. Can you offer any sugges- Bloomingdale, 'i'..1. tions ass to what I can do about this prob- lem? U. L. McCain, Belmont, Calif. A. Figure 1 shows a circuit which, when constructed, will function as you desire. No A. The first thing which cones to mind further explanation need lie given. with regard to ignition noise is. "Flow much signal strength is available at your FM and Ignition Noise location ?" If signals are below the limiter Q. My FM ants eiia picks up ignit'osi threshold, there is little you can do. noise from passing cars, presumably frni If, however, some of the noise is pieked those which do not hare suppressors. In up b:- the lead -in, you might be able to do converting from osionophunic to star,,,. something after all. Replace your present lead-in with 31)0 -ohm shielded line. It is in idea to two -conductor shielded * 342li Seivkirk Are., Brooklyn . -. \ 1. similar 3- SPEED, 4 -TRACK I RECORDER STEREO PLAYBACK 'I'lAc Tandberg 5 is not everyman's tape recorder. It is an instrument o built to incredibly rigid standards of A o perfection, designed to provide the 8,, TAP discriminating listener with a life- time of listening pleasure. To the educated car, the difference be- tween Tandberg reproduction and conventional recorder playback is immediately apparent. Yet, the difference is subtle. It is rc- 16 Li TAP fleeted in shadings and nuances that -o\ most recorders ignore. If your ear is B O finely attuned to musical perfection o O ... if you relish the certainty that o you own the finest . then the 16 5 give you more VVVVVb Tandberg will 16 pleasure -per -dollar than any other WVW tape recorder, anywhere. See and hear the Tandberg 5 at your high POS I -A FEEDS A', B FEEDS B' (STEREO) fidelity dealer. The instrument illustrated here POS 2 FEEDS A', B' SILENT is the Tandberg Model 5 -2. Complete with two -A TM -2 microphones for home stereophonic re- POS 3 -8 FEEDS B', A' SILENT cordings, input- output cords, reels and hand- POS 4 -A FEEDS B', B FEEDS A' (STEREO INVERTED) some Transport luggage case, $513.95. Other POS 5 -A FEEDS B', A' SILENT Tandberg models from $249.50. POS 6 -B FEEDS A', B' SILENT For full information, write Dept. A9. POS 7 -A FEEDS A' AND B' POS 8 -B FEEDS A' AND B' Tandberg of America, Inc. Pelham, New York 8 Third Avenue Fig. 1. 1959 2 AUDIO SEPTEMBER, www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com "Without reservation we recommend the Garrard Changer with the Pickering Fluxvalve Cartridge for stereo records.
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