1'903.. .OONGlillSSIDNAL RECORD-SEN lUrE. 529 .Al.so., a bill ·(H. R. ~-'I51) to -remove the clm:rge uf ·des-e-rtion lJl'Otesting -:against £he mme:tment-uf parcels-pu-st la~to the nom the ;_reeard of Jlenry .Eaat-to the Cam:mittee DI1 .M.ilitary Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads . .Affairs. iBy :r:. LESTER: Pa.IffiPS to accompany bill .H. .R. 2161, ·grant- Also, a ibill (H..R. 5652) -removing the 'C.ha:rge of B.eseJ.tion from ing .an :increase of "Pension 'to :Mn;. Jnsephine A. Smith-iio th~ the reonrd uf John R. CaiToll-to the Omnmittee an Mili±ary Committee n.n Jnvalid .Perrsiom. .Affairs. .By ..MI• .MOillT Df Tennes ee: Papers-to aec<liii'pany .bill grant- Also, a bill (H. R. 5653) removing the clmrge of deser.tion inganiner.eas:enf-pensicm.-to.B.:F. Grigsby--totheCommitt€eon against Marmaduke .R. Good win-to the Committee on Military _imratid Pensions. Affairs. Also, -pspers to accompany bill granting -a -pension ;o Hartfard Also, aOill (H. R. 5654) removing charge or desertion against .Ma.theily-tothe Committee on InT.Rlid Pensions. John "Benson, lc:rte seaman on the United States stea.mshi_p Iro- · .Also,·paper:s to·aceompany bill H. R.1045, to gra.-nt a pensiontto quois-to the Committee on "Military .Affairs. Matilaa Wi-tt-iio1ili~ Gmmnit-tee ·onl;nwlid Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 5655) to correct the military record of John ~..Mr. MDRRELI.t: .Petition af Stmday Se:hool Ei:1itms 1md Barron-to the Committee on Milit ary Affairs. Publishers' Association, .Protesting against any increas-e uf1>ostal Also, a bill (H. R. 565~) to Tefer to the Conrt of Claims the :rates un Bunday-sc.hool 1ffirloili:cals-to the Committee on the .claim of .Benjamin A . .Pillsbury, owner Df the schooner .A.. .B. Pno'ii-Dffice -and Pos:t-.Roads. She1'71tan, for damages caused -b-y £omsjons 'With United States . Also, :resolution df the -standing ;eommltte s uf the Nat±anal \War ships--to ·the Committee on the .fudiciary. BllSin.essLeague, fuvoring enl3rgemerrt of the Navy-to the Gam- .Also, a bill (R..R. 5.657) for the:reliaf nf the heirs nf Jobn Ha.-m- mittee on Nsval .. Mmirs. ilton, deceased-to the Committee on War Claims. .By .Mr. .P.AYNE: Petitions {}f John Chester Ball a.nd others, of AlSD (by..request),1t bill (H.:R. 5658)far-theTelief ofthelmirs of Newarlr, N. Y., and of Charles T. S"naw and others, of Wolcott, Henry Leef, deceased-to the Committee on Claims. N. Y.., -proposing 611 amendment to the Genstit:ution defining regal .A1so., a bill CEL R . .5659)1o.rthe:relief of theb.eii:sof.HenryHub- marriage, ete.--to~he Committ-ee -on the Judiciary. bard-to the Committee on War Claims. ~Mr . 'PORTER : "ReRoltlti..onofthe tandingoommitteesof.the .Also, a bill (H. .RAio£0) :for th:e relief .of Samuel 'B. Marls, man- .N.a.tiona.LBnsinessLeague,.favoring.theenlargem.entoftheNavy­ aging owner of the scbooner Nellie W . HawlethtotheCommittee to the Committee on Naval Affall:s. ,an Wa.r Claims. By Mr. "RUPPERT: Resolution of/the stan.Cling uommittees of .Also, a bill (H. R. 5661) for the relief of the repTesent.atives of the National :Bns1ness League, favoring the enlargement of the the ls:te Hen...ry ..Bames,:for the property taken in 1862 for the use Navy-to the Committee-on N l.MI-airs. of the Army of the United States-t-o the <Committel3 on W-ar Also, petitiun uf-the -8rmday &hoel Editors -and Publishers'' AB- Claims. soeiath:m, against any incxeasa in pasta1 rntes on Sunday-sob.ool .Mso, a bill (H. .R. :5662) for the ..relief ill .Julia .Nolan- to the Jleri:oruc&ls--.:to the Committe:e on tlm:Post-Office "and.Post-:Roads. Committee on Invalid Pensions. By .Mr. SCOT.'J': :Reso1ution of :the Commercial Club of Topeka, By Mr.. WikLIA:MSON: .A bill (H.R.-5663) grnnting:a-pe.nsion Koos.,·nrgingthe1Jassage of the Lodge bill,-providing·for there- "~ Vincent De Frietas- to the Committee on Pensions. organization ..of the consular servic.e-to .the Committee on .For­ eign .Alfairs. Also, resolution of the Oom:merc:ial 'Club of Topeka, Kans., fa­ .PETITIONS, ETC. -voring enhrrgement uf JlOWer of 'fhe illte.r.state Commerce Com­ Under c1ause 1 of Rule XXII, the following :petitions and_papers mission-to the Committee on Interstate 1mdForeign Commerce. were laid on the Clerk'B de'Sk mill. Tefel"red ·as follows: Also, resolution of the Chamoor of Oummerce -uf ihe city of By Mr. ADAMS of Pennsylvania: Resolution of th~ -standing Wichita., Kans.., favoring en1:axg€lllen:t of _power of :the Interstate uommitte-es uf the N1l.tiona1 BuBiness League, favoring the enlarge­ Commerce Commiss1on- to the Committee on Interstate nd..For­ :ment df the Navy-to the Committee on Nava1 Affairs. eign Commerce. By Mr. BENTON: Papers -to accompany bill :granting an in­ Also, resolution of Baxter Post, No. 123, Grand .Army of the -crease of-pension to Marvin Nash-to the Gommittee 'On Invalid Republic, Baxter 'Springs, .Deparlnrent 'Of Rnnsas, l.avoring the ·Pensions. JJassage -of a serv-Ee-pension iaw-.to :the Committee on lnv.ai:id Also, papers to accompany bill granting an increas-e of-pension .Rensions. to John G. Mayer- to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. .AJ:so, resolution of Wondson Post No. 1B5, Grarul.Army afthe A'lso, papers to accompany bill granting an increase of pension ..Republic, Yates Cente:r, Departm~rrt of Kansas;.favoring the 'pas­ 'to Levi Vassar--to "the Committee an Pensions. nage of a servioe-pen~ion law-tothe-Gom.mittee·rmlnvalid Pen­ Also, papers to accompany bill granting an incr-ease of "'Pension sions. to .Hngh L. Freeman-to the Cmmnittee 'On Pensions. .By Ml:. SAMUEL W . .SMITH; Petition of William J. Tnm­ .Also, J>rtpers to accompany bill granting -an increase of pension stead 1md 79 others~ of Grlord, .Mich.., fJD'clesting :against the'J>as­ 1<> Aaron R. Hudson- to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ;sage of a ']JRICel:s-}JOEJt bill-to the Committee .on the Post-Office By Mr. BffiDS.... U.L: Papers to accompany bill H. R . 5250, grant­ .and ·Past-Roads. mg an increase of pension io Levi G. Cnnningham~to the Com­ 'By .Mr. SMITE rof Kentucky: .Petition af the Crmnwell .Home mittee on Invalid Pensions. Guards a:nll otheTs, pxaying fur :remunenrtion for the guar<ls for AI o-papers to accompany bill H. 'R . "5249, granting an increase services .renilererl. d111'iirg the war--to the Conmrittse on Cl3ims. 'Of pension to William W . Wes~to the ·Committee on Invalid By Mr. ~TAWNEY: Pap-ers :to aacOIIIp&ny bi11ILR.18 6. -p:ant­ 'Pensions. ing pension .to Eawa.rd A. Goudfellow-to the Committ..ee nn By Mr. BRUNDIDGE: Papers to accompany bill to correct Invalid Pensions. the military-rBCoril of John W atsoil-'to the Committee on Military Affairs. SENATE. By Mr. CAirDERHEAD: 'Resolution ofJ'. D. Austin Post, No. l27, -Grund Army of the Republic, of Riley Deparlm.enii of Kan­ ·sATURDAY, Decem:ber.5, 190fJ. sas, favoring the passage of a service--pension 1RW-to the 'Com­ ·mittee on Invalid Pensions. .P:tayer by the·Chaplain,.Re.v . .F. J . .PRETTYMAN. By Mr. CANNON: 'Memorial of the bar 'Of Hawaii, -praying for .The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was "J:ea-d and approyad., legislation to increase the number of the judges of the -supreme HGUR OF MEETING ON MOl\~Y. court-to the Committee on i;he Territories. .Mr• .ALLISON. I:mav.eihatwhen the Senate aajourn -to-day By Mr. COOPER of Texa~ Papers-to accompany "bill granting it-adjourn-to'llleetxt 1L3D a.m. on Monaay. a pension to Jane Elizabeth Bullock-to the Committee on Inva­ 'The :mofiun was .agreed to. lid Poo.sions. lNDllu~ SCHOOL AT RA..PID CITY, S. D.AX. By Mr. DE ARMOND~ Petition of the ne1rs of 1Ienry Btoclr, ilecemred , -praying reference of war claim to -the Court uf Clalm.s­ The .PRESIDENT pro tempnre laid before the Senate a oom­ .the :of to the Committee on War Claims. .mrrnica.tion..from Secretm-y the.lnterior1 transmitting-are­ 'By Mr. ESCJH: Resolution of the stan.<I'mg committees of the port from -t.1m Gommi.s::ioner of .Indian ~..:ffairs., :reGtmrmending 'Rn :National Business League, rfa voringi;h~erilargemBnt/of theNavy­ it-em Tor insertion Jn tilie ...Indhm aJ>J>l'Dpriation bill .for rthe ::fisc.al to tha Committee on Naval Affairs. _year ending ,Jtme 3.U, 1905, of an AJ>Jlfapriation of 530.88 for .sup­ Al. o. psper to accompany bill E . R . 967, granting a pension plies fm'nished the Indian school at .'Rapid City, S. ..Dak. ; :w hicll, to Kiono:J:ms Grnber-to the "Committee on hl-vruid :Pension:s. with the a.cco:u:q>anying ;paper, was .1.·aferred to the Gommittee on .Indian A:.ffuirs., :and ordel:ed .to be printed. 'By \:IT. Hii.L oi Connecticnt: 'Pe'tltiun ofT. Clafford ~a 1o0 Swedish-American citizens of Bridgeport, Conn., agains't t'heTe­ PETITIONS .AXD 'MEMCJRUIS. ·estabTishment df the ·army cm:tteen--to-the Committee on "Mili­ The P RESIDENT J>ro tempore pres-ented a :pe:t1tion of A. A. "tary Afimn. 'Dwi:n:a"l !Poat, Nn. ;s., "'DeJmrtment of .Maine, GTailta Arm-y of the B~ M:r. IDTT: Petition oi 1i> bm,mess bOU£es of Warren, ID. , ~"blie , df Meilllanic .Falls, Me •., ~ying I or ·the .enactment of a XXXVII- 34 530 CONGRESSION .AL RECORD-SEN.ATE.
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