A PUBLICATION OF THE RABBINIC ALUMNI OF THE RABBI ISAAC ELCHANAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY • AN AFFILIATE OF YESHIVA UNIVERSITY CHAV RUSA Volume 43 • Number 2 אין התורה נקנית אלא בחבורה (ברכות סג:) December 2008 • Chanukah 5769 In This Issue Divrei Torah from Rabbi Reuven Brand Rabbi Kenneth Brander Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Rabbi Dr. Dovid Horwitz SpecialKollel Community Edition RIETS Dinner Musmakhim Highlights in the Limelight: Community Kollelim In This Issue Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Page 3 News from RIETS A report on the succesful RIETS dinner in honor of Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, and an overview of Richard M. Joel new activity in the CJF-RIETS community kollelim. PRESIDENT, YESHIVA UNIVersity Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm CHANCELLOR, YeshiVA UNIVersity ROSH HAYESHIVA, RIETS Rabbi Julius Berman Page 10 Musmakhim in the Limelight C H A irm A N O F the B OA rd O F T rustees , R I E T S An interview with three RIETS musmakhim who have formed their career through the experiences they had as fellows of community kollelim, plus Rabbi Yona Reiss a brief history of the American community kollel M A X And M A ri O N Grill D E A N , R I E T S by Rabbi Dr. Adam Ferziger. Rabbi Kenneth Brander DEAN, CENTER FOR THE JEWISH FUTURE Rabbi Zevulun Charlop DEAN EMERITUS, RIETS Page 15 Practical Halacha Rabbi Robert Hirt Bein Yisrael La’amim: reflections before VICE PRESIDENT EMERITUS, RIETS and after an encounter at the Vatican. Rabbi Dr. Solomon F. Rybak PRESIDENT, RABBINIC Alumni Rabbi Chaim Bronstein AdministrATOR, RIETS CHAVRUSA Page 6 Chomer L’Drush Page 10 Back to the A PUBLICATION OF RIETS RABBINIC Alumni Aharon’s Chanukah: Beit Midrash Rabbi Ronald L. Schwarzberg Ahavas Yisrael and Time to Light DIRECTOR, THE MORRIS AND Gertrude BIENENFELD Ahavas Hashem Rabbi Shmuel Marcus DepA rtment O F J ewish C A reer D E V elO pment A nd PLACEMENT Rabbi Reuven Brand Rabbi Elly Krimsky EDITOR, Chavrusa Page 7 Divrei Chizuk Page 17 RIETS-CJF Kollel Initiative Participants Rabbi Levi Mostofsky The Fires of Chanukah ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Chavrusa and Havdalah Page 18 Lifecycles Keren Simon Rabbi Kenneth Brander AssistANT EDITOR, Chavrusa Rabbi Robert Shur GRAphics AND LAYOUT, Chavrusa Editor’s Correction Chavrusa is published three times a year by the Rabbinic Alumni of the rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological seminary, through the office In the September ’08 edition, we offered our condolences to Rabbi of the Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Department of Jewish Career Development and Placement. Aaron Chomsky. Unfortunately we misidentified his loved one who passed away. It was his wife, Rebbitzen Lillian z’l, not his mother. Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future serves as the community service arm of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS). We sincerely regret the error. It continues the work of the Max Stern Division of Communal Services which, for over 60 years, has served as one of the premier service organizations for the Jewish community. 500 West 185th St. Suite 413 New York, NY 10033 212-960-5400 x 6360 [email protected] www.yu.edu/cjf Editorial contributions and submissions to Chavrusa are welcome. This publication accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. All submissions are subject to editing and are used at the editor’s discretion. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necesarily reflect official seminary and/or university policy. 2 ChaVrusa • ChaNukah 5769 In The News RIETS Dinner an Inspiring Success Rabbi Zevulun Charlop ’54R, dean emeritus of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) and special advisor to the president on yeshiva affairs, was honored for his extraordinary achievement in Torah learning and leadership over 35 years as the seminary’s dean at the RIETS An- nual Dinner of Tribute on September 17. Over 650 people attended at the event at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. Herbert Smilowitz and his son, Rabbi Mark Smilowitz ’95R , were the inaugural America/ Israel Dor L’Dor Award recipients. RIETS also recognized members of its 10th, 25th and 50th anniversary classes (1998, 1983, and 1958). More than $1 million was raised for the seminary. The evening was marked by warm tributes and a cel- ebration of RIETS. In recognizing Rabbi Charlop, (L-R) Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Norman Lamm; Rabbi Zevulun Charlop; Herb Smilowitz; Yeshiva University President Richard M. Joel said, Rabbi Mark Smilowitz; Mrs. Marilyn Smilowitz; President Richard M. Joel. “You have raised all of us to be your wonderful family, and you’ve done it just by being Rabbi Charlop, thanks to gifts from a group of YU sup- Zevulun Charlop.” “I wouldn’t be who I am without the support of porters. He also presented Rabbi Charlop with the Rabbi Charlop,” said Rabbi Reuven Brand ’05R, first edition ofSefer Zeved Tov, a volume published “He has set the pattern for the needs, and for filling a RIETS alumnus who came to the dinner from for the occasion, which is a compilation of halachic, the needs, of the modern rabbi in the modern com- Illinois, where he is the director of the Yeshiva philosophic and Torah articles written by gedolei munity,” said Rabbi Julius Berman, chairman of the University Torah Mitzion Chicago Kollel in Skokie. Yisrael. Rabbi Ari Zahtz ’04R, a member of the RIETS Board of Trustees. “There’s a magic in RIETS, and a magic in what we Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon and assistant “Rabbi Charlop has left us with a legacy of excel- have in this room. Thank you, Rabbi Charlop, for to the rabbi at Congregation Bnei Yeshurun in lence, a legacy of integrity, a legacy of erudition, a helping us to share this magic with others.” Teaneck, NJ edited the volume. legacy of honor and a legacy of kindness, compas- President Joel announced that a wing of the Jacob A 1951 Yeshiva College graduate, Rabbi Charlop sion and sensitivity towards all students,” said Rabbi and Dreizel Glueck Center for Jewish Study— received his semikhah from RIETS in 1954. He Yona Reiss ’91R, who succeeded Rabbi Charlop this now under construction on YU’s Wilf Campus in year as The Max and Marion Grill Dean of RIETS. Washington Heights—would be named for Rabbi continued on page 4 RIETS-CJF Augment Kollel Initiatives The Center for the Jewish Future – RIETS is proud Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz is charged with coordi- to announce the opening of several new transfor- nating all of the activities of these new initiatives. mational community initiatives. These new initia- According to Rabbi Kenneth Brander ’86R, tives, currently located in Chicago, South Florida, dean of Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish and San Francisco, serve to position Yeshiva Future: “As start-ups they have unbelieveable po- University-RIETS as a “Yeshiva without walls”, tential but must be nurtured if they are to serve as primed to spread the values of Torah Umadda effective satellites of Yeshiva University in various to the broader community. Each in their unique regions of the country. Rabbi Leibowitz and Phil way, these initiatives look to enrich and engage the Moskowitz are charged with this responsibility greater Jewish community with inspired Torah and are doing an exceptional job at enabling these living and learning, celebrating the core values of kollelim to blossom.” the primacy of Torah, embracing the larger world Chicago through the prism of Jewish ideals and the religious significance of the State of Israel. Moreover, these As an outgrowth of the highly successful Chicago initiatives create a laboratory for cultivating RIETS summer kollel, RIETS-CJF and local community Rabbi Reuven Brand and Rabbi Aaron Leibtag musmakhim as future communal leaders. continued on page 4 of the YU-Torah Mitzion Chicago Kollel. 3 ChaVrusa • ChaNukah 5769 In The News RIETS Dinner an Inspiring Success continued from page 3 was appointed The Max and Marion Grill Dean good friends, Herbert and Mark Smilowitz.” Rabbi Mark Smilowitz, who was cited for his of RIETS in 1971 and served in that position until The Smilowitz family has a deep and long-standing rabbinic leadership and educational commit- this past July. Rabbi Charlop has also served as connection to RIETS. “Blessed is the father who ment, graduated from Yeshiva College in 1992 the spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Mosholu has such a son, and blessed is the son who has and earned his master’s degree from YU’s Azrieli Parkway in his native Bronx for the past 54 years. such a father,” said Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ’51R, Graduate School of Jewish Education and Admin- Rabbi Charlop comes from a long line of rabbinic Rosh HaYeshiva and chancellor of Yeshiva Univer- istration. Rabbi Smilowitz resides in Beit Shemesh, leadership and Jewish scholarship. His father, Rabbi sity. Dr. Lamm hailed Herbert Smilowitz as “a quiet Israel with his wife, Michelle, and four children. Jechiel Michael Charlop, was ordained at RIETS in giant,” and noted that Mark Smilowitz is “a superb The America/Israel Dor L’Dor Award recognizes 1921 and served as the spiritual leader of the Bronx politician—not in the vulgar sense of the word, parents and children who have made outstanding Jewish Center for 46 years. His grandfather, Rabbi but in the Aristotelian sense: he has an intuitive contributions to the advancement of higher Jewish Yaakov Moshe Charlop, was an associate of Chief knowledge of human relationships.” education in the Torah Umadda model and who Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and rosh yeshiva of Herbert Smilowitz, honored at the dinner as “a have made a meaningful impact in communities in Merkaz HaRav in Jerusalem from its inception. n humble man of faith,” joined the RIETS Board of both the United States and Israel.
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