EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST ORET.OMAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910 PAGE THREE Do Your Christmas Buying Now! Ihe Greatest and Best. Bargains in Thanksgiving Linens, Ladies Goats an El Suits, 1!ankofs and leddm FOR. 1 HURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RARE SPECIALS IN LINENS $1.25 rilenclied Satin Damawk, 72-i- wide, new patterns ami regular $1.25 Linen Pillow Tr.liiny, 45-i- wide, on Mile for, yard $1.25 Damask on sale at 89c r.Oi; Urown Art Linen, litj-i- wide, on sale, yard $3.50 Dinner .Napkins to niatcli, on sale for, doz $2.8o f": Linen Pillow Casing, 45-i- wide on sale for, yard 65? WMsWfwIi $1.75 Linen Sheet inr, S2-i- wide, on s;ilc for, yard Sj$1.25 r.")(; While Art Linen, :ifi-i- wide, on sale for, yard A Grand Clearance Great Shoe Bargains Pendleton's vn unusual merit ami worth, l'ositiveiv the hot sli'.e.-- s Sale of all Tailored and the hest values are offered you here. SUITS Women's $5.00 patent colt shoe, lace or button $3.95 Best Toy Store Women's $3.50 jruu metal cloth top button $3.15 Women's flexible ii insole shoes Starts here Thursday niso. They are $3.00 Ix-s- Women's $2.25 vici kid Mncher lace S1.S9 all this season's t styles and offers 2 makes. Everyone high class hand you now a Misses' $2 shoes, lace only, sizes 11 to 2 $1.79 tailored suits. Alterations free. Mis-e- s' $1.7. shoes, lace only, sizes S 1-- 2 to 11 $1.59 wider range of Women's heavy calf skin shoes, blucher cut $1.35 Your .unrestricted choice of anv Dependable Kubbers, for Women and Children. $15.00 Suit $11.00 choice selections Your unrestricted choice of anv Straight Reduction on this Seasons Coats $1S.OO Suit $12.75 Dressed FOIi TIim.SDA V, F1M DAY AXD SATURDAY Your unrestricted choi ce of anv in and ONLY. $20.00 Suit $14.00 Undressed Dolls, Your unrestricted choice of any $12.50 coat for $7.85 Your unrestricted choice of anv Your unrestricted choice of any $15 coat for $9.95 Don't Forget to Bring $25.00 Suit $17.50 and Toys of all descrip- Your unrestricted choice of any $1S coat for $10.75 Children Your unrestricted choice of anv Your, unrestricted choice of any $20 coat for S14.25 the to Our $26.50 Suit $18.25 tions. At a less price. Your unrestricted choice of any $25 coat for $18.95 Your unrestricted choice of any Popular Toy Dep'L. Bring the Children Your unrestricted choice of any $30 coat for $22.50 $27.50 Suit $18.75 Your unrestricted choice of any $35 coat for $24.95 Your unrestricted choice of anv $30.00 Suit $21.00 IN - Your unrestricted choice of nuv BARGAINS BLANKETS AND BEDDING- 35.00 Suit $24.85 $1.00 Hemmed Sheets, 81x90 for 75 each .. 25? Your unrestricted choice of anv $1.25 Hemmed Sheets, 81x00 for $7.00 and $7.50 Plaid Blankets, all wool, extra size on sale at $40.00 Suit $26.75 22c Hemmed Pillow Cases, 45x30 for 18? pair $5.95 Your unrestricted choice of nnv 25c Hemmed Pillow Cases, 45x30 200 $3.00 Wool Xap Blankets, 11-- 4 size on sale, pair ..$2.15 $50.00 Suit $35.00 $1.50 Hemstitched Sheets for, each $1.10 $1.25 Cotton Fleece Blankets, 11-- 4 size on sale, pair 95? McC.n Herat Not. 3543-355- 3 No reserve, come and make an 35c Hemstitched Pillow Cases for, each 26? JUST RECEIVED BATH ROBE BLANKETS, FULL STTUSH MODEL early selection. 35c Damask Towels, knotted fringe and hemstitched on sale at SIZE AT $2.95, $3.50 and $4.25. WOHLENBERG DEPARTMENT STORE Better Goods for Less Money William J. Stone, dem. gent, will succeed himself. ery mishap a big scream. "Laugh MEN WHO WILL SIT Montana. Isaac Stephenson, rep. AT TIE MOVING and the world laughs with you." In doubt, probably a democrat suc- Wyoming. Clarence D. Clark, rep., will succeed ceeds Carter, rep. MILWAUKEE PATS BILL Joseph M. Dixon, rep. himself. III NEXT U. S. SENATE Francis E. Warren, rep. E FOII POPULAR DANCES mi Nebraska. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, dem. Suc- Milwaukee, Wis. Popular Satur- ceeds Burkett, rep. Not Sorry for Blunder. day night dances with an admission my Norrls Brown, rep. "If friends hadn't blundered in fee of 5 cents will be given in the As nearly as It can now be foretold, thinking was -- f The Orpheum. I a doomed victim 1. Auditorium under the auspices of the the next senate will consist of the fol- Nevada. consumption I might not be alive The House of Seven Gables. George S. Nixon, rep., will succeed Edison, 1000 feet long. Nearly every Public Playground and Social Educa- lowing named: now," writes D. T. Sanders, Harrods-bur- g tion himself. one has read this story by Haw- association though in reality by Alabama. Ky., "but for years they saw the socialist administration. Francis G. Newlands. dem. lung-racki- thorne. This picture succeeds In con- Joseph P. Johnston, dem. every attempt to cure a The plan is to devote one hour to Vow Hampshire. cough King's veying what was in his mind when he John H. Bankhead, dem. fall. At last I tried Dr. general entertainment and re- YOU SAft:!!! Jacob H. OalllnRer, rep. wrote the book. The photography the New Discovery. The effect was won- CME-THIRDi- ::,. Arkansas. subject Is good mainder of the evening to dancing. Henry E. Burnham, rep. derful. It soon Btopped the cough of this exceptionally James P. Clarke, dem. New Jersey. and the acting accurate. Don't fail Jefferson Davis, dem. and I am now in better health than James E. Martlne, dem., succeeds to see this picture. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured $ iliiftj K- V'- ,1 had years. wonder- v aatmi. S'l H li""'? have for This with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, . 'i cucil--i s :! r--,r t m 2. A Life Love. A they can i . luii T m atm. California. Kean, rep. live-sav- for Pathe. iw, i ful er Is an unrivaled remedy mot reach the of the dlaaaae. Catar-- A republican succeeds Flint, rep. O. Brlggs. rep. tragedy that has dramatic qualities. mi trwt'Gr: J2 t 13 Frank for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, Is a blood or eonatltoaloaai disease, aad ' :- -t ... 1 50 George C. rep. ' S. Slippery Perkins, New York. croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough Jim. Pathe. A trick Is order to cure It yon most take Interntl i.'- 1.60 Colorado. A democrat succeeds Depew, rep. picture full of lively scenes. remedies. Hall's catarrh Cor Is takaa .ilea or weak lungs. 60c, $100. Trial bot- .42 Charles J. HuKhes, Jr., dem. Ellhu Root, rep. 4. Pals of the Range. Essanay, and acta dlractly aa the blood aaa at tle free. Guaranteed by Koeppen maeous inrfarts. Hall's Catarrh Car la i Vi 1.45 m long. C r C mm Simon Guggenheim, rep. North Carolina. 1000 feet A western dramatic ot a qnack awdlclDe. It was praseribad tftT.i-- ;rt .S3 Bros. i K S Conneollent. Lee S. Overman, dem. film of unusual excellence. The oa of the (Mat physlclasa la this cooBtry i.!' !:.!.. .90 - - C Door Ft.m's... .75 A republican succeeds Bulkeley, R. Furnlfold M. Simmons, dem. story of the love of two cowboy pals for vear and la mnia. i i. VANCOUVER WOMAN GOES eoaapoaed of the bast tonics knows. eaabla-e- Prank B. Brandegee, rep. for the same girl. The treachery of SS FOR Nortli Dakota. TO CLAIM BIG with the beat blood parlflere. actlag dl CTALJil suc- FORTUNE one and later his sacrifice of life and Delaware, Porter J. M'Cumber, rep., will recur iu neons aorraeaa. to paifeet 9 y:.'VrP"rT A republican. H. A. Du Pont, like- ceed love for the friend and the girl he eosiblaatlon of the two laaradlsata Is what himself. Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Esther rodoraa ly to succeed himself. Asie J. Gronnn, rep.. Insurgent, suc- wronged. A Btrong feature Is the In- aoch woadarfnl raaalts la eorlu Campbell of this city has proved her Catarrh, flead for taatlaoalals Y ? Harry A. Richardson, rep. dian fight in the last scenes, which frs. rJ a.. i t ceeds Purceli, dem., short term. claim as one of the four rightful heirs or;AcEItB.T ro-- p- - o. Florida. Ohio. approaches realism more closely than TI. kJ L. , "j iTl ' . JaT ' to the entailed Crawford estate In A democrat succeeds Taliaferro, A democrat, probably Edward J. anything of this nature ever pro- Take Hall's rsally Palls far Cosartlsa-- Ireland, which was valued $6,600,-00- 0 dem., Hanley, Dick, rep. at duced. deceased. succeeds 17 years ago. Besides the for- U. Song Dear Mayme I Love Vou. Duncan Fletcher, dem. Theodore E. Burton, dep. tune a title falls to the heir. Georgia. Oklahoma. Mrs. Campbell has Just received Alexander S. Clay, dem. Robert I,. Owens, dem. advices from Dublin that further proof Pastime. Theater. Augustus O. Rncon, dem. P. Gore, dem. Thomas In support of her claim has been dis- Idaho. Oregon. "The Red Girl." Blograph, drama. Heyburn, rep. covered and in order to facilitate in- Another of those Interesting Blograph Weldon B. George E. Chamberlain, dem. cidental Inquiries, Mrs. Campbell will pictures William E. Borah, rep. Jonathan Bourne, rep. which seldom fails to please leave for Ireland In a few weeks.
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