
MULES TO BATTLE BEARS FOR GRID VICTORY FORMAL DANCE HIGHLIGHTS COLBY WEEKEND Friday To Feature Teams To A ttempt Lecture , Pep Rally Captains Singer, Simpson, Coach Millett Prepare For Bears Break of Tie Score The myth of "I'll see you the first By BURT KRUMHOLZ Colby weekend after the war" is final- After last Saturday's nip and tuck ly coming true for many. Next Fri- battle against Bowdoin which ended day, Saturday and Sunday, November in a 7-7 tie, predictions concerning 10, 11 and 12, will see many an old the outcome of this week's game be- promise materialize as Colbyite greets tween the White Mules and the Polar Cblbyite after a wait of three, four Bears will be as hard to make as last or maybe more years. week's. Both teams have now tasted . Colby Weekend begins with the each other's style of play. Colby pit- Lovejoy Memorial Assembly Friday ted itself against , Bowdoin' "T" evening. Following the assembly pro- s formation and was brilliant on the de- gram a Rally will be held , on top of fense except when it came to breaking Mayflower ¦ Hill. In charge of the up pass plays. Bowdoin was hep to Bonfire and other Rally events is the Colby's single wing, but was not quite Men's Student Council. able to combat the hard-driving backs Reunion Open House and strong forward wall of the team Next on the program of events ' is from Central Maine. the Reunion Open House to be held Last week the game was sloppily in the Women's Union immediately played. Fumbles and interceptions following the Rally. Here hot coffee were numerous. The ground attack and mulled cider will be served to aid of both teams was slowed up consid- in warming up the participants in the - crahly by the wet ground and Lefty Rally. Frances Whitehill, represent- DiFredcrico had a hard time getting ing Women 'g-Student Government, is started on the Bowdoin grass after in charge of tlie, Opon House, whose looking very flashy on the hard turf primary purpose is to provide an op- nt Seaverns Field. portunity for visiting alumni to meet faculty members and friends. The game was marked by the ab- Saturday afternoon's main event sence of any long runs; but this Sat- will be the football game at Seaverns urday 's game promises to be a differ- Field • where the Colby "White Mules ent affair. and the Bowdoin Boars will settle the Coach "Bill" Millett will probably score of last Saturday. .stress tho pass defense during this week and will probabl Howes ' Band to Piny for Dance y emphasize passing on tho offense also. The Gordon-Howes' -Band from -Gardi- llowdoin ner will furnish- tho music for the "T ," which hinges its of- Semi-Formal Saturday evening, with fense on the forward pass, will run football the theme of the dance. The into a snag if the Colby aerial de- Blue and Gray decorations are under fense is improved and the Mule line- the chairmanship of Jean Whiston, men keep the ground attack as well Betsy Brown is in charge of refresh- stalled as they did last week. ments which will bo served by Caro] When it is considered that the only Robin and Hannah Kurp. Publicity Bowdoin score was made on a pass directors nro Edward Schlick and and the only Colby score resulted Jane Wallace. from an interception by Rod Myshrall . Patrons and patronesses for tho Girls Entertain Men At House Party Slydeots To Direct rail , the importance of the defense dance, which is sponsored by a joint Mary Low Hall spread out the wel- tricia Gould , Margaret Lancaster , agai nst thoso (lying missiles is clear- social committee of Moil 's Student come mat and hold opon house for Mildred Hammond , Ruth Lcwin, and Three Productions ly soon. Council , Women 's Student Govern- the Men 's Division last Thursday Idea nor Foster. Refreshments wore Another factor which will prob- ment, and S. C, A,, are Dr. and Mrs, evening. served to the crowd as the judges l-'owiler and Wig announces the cast ably be emphasized is downfield Henry W. Applington Jr., Profcssoi '1 ho girls ol! Mary Low Hall counted votes. Then Laughlin Mac- ing uf three one-act plays to bo pre- blocking. The fact that several im- and Mrs. Philip S. Either, nnd Mr. and showed their talents in a spicy enter- Kinnon made the nnnoucomont thai sented in December. portant blocks were missed, partially Robert W. Pullen. tainment show. Those swoon croon- Ruth Lowin hud been votod the Queon Ulciiyce Miller and Mary Tetlow, led to tlie failure of tho Colby team Culminating Colby Weekend will ers, Eflic Fletcher, MS , and Anne of Mary Low Hall. After she was directors of- "The Calf That Laid the Lo win the tussle at Bowdoin, One he the inter-denominational Armis- Hutchison , MS , gave thoir famous crowned , tho judges each kissed the u' ulueii Kgg," have chosen as their oii.se to emphasize the importance of tice Day Communion service hold in rendition of "Wo Bo Close as Pages lucky girl , to tho delight of the audi- east: Uoy 'lilibetts , Juan Snowe, the downliold block , was the play on Memorial Chapel- Sunday morning, in a Book." The thrill of the even- ence, tilnriu Shine , Anita Hurdogcn , Connie vihich Rod Myshrall, on a lateral .;, , The sermon will bo delivered by Dr. ing came when Barbara Bond , '47, Clmphiin , and 'renin Kaplan. Re- ''oop around right end in the second Howard Hopkins of Bangor Theolog- attired in a grass 'skirt, showed how hearsals will ho held on Mnyl 'lowur (luarlor with an apparently clear path ical Seminary. Participating' in this thoy do the hula in Hawaii. Next, Camera Club Notice Hill Tuesday and Thursday at 7:15 to tlie goal , was nailed by a Bowdoin ' program will bo President Julius S, a co-ed chorus introduced a rally CAMERA CLUB NOTICE l\ M, man who was seemingly untouched Bixler, Professor Herbert L. Newman, song, "You 've Got to bo -a Football Tho next meeting of tho Col- I'Jleanor Foster and Idvira Worth- by Colby blockers. If that block had Carl Wright, president of S. C, A, and Hero," as well as tho latest Bowdoin by Camera Club :will bo held inivtou directors of "The Man Who been made, it would probably have Men 's; Student Council , and Nancy cheer. , , Tuesday, November 13, nt 7:00 Died ut Midnight , " announce the cast been ti Colhy touchdown. s Stu- Jneobaon , president of Women ' Tho surprise of tho evening was tho P M.,, in tho upsta irs lounge of as follows : Tom Keofo, ISfllo Fletch- To go further on the probabilities Hubert dent Goyornment. Marilyn announcement that the men were go- th o Alumnae Building. At this er, and Cloyd Anrsoth. Rehearsals will of the offensive play that will bo seen of tho S. C, A. Chapol Committee is ing to-select tho Quoon of Mary Low mooting members will unbuilt bo hold in the Alumnao Building, Satu rday at Sonvorns Field , It is like- in charge of arrangements. ly that the game will bo played Hall. Larry Wnttlos, Laughlin Mac- prints for evaluation and criti- Tuesday at 4 :()0 P. M,, and on May- through tho alv by both teams. Bar- Kinnon , nnd Carl Wright, the judges, cism. flower Hill , Wednesday at OiOO P. M. named tho finalists, Thoy woro Pa- Tho cast of "The Man in Hie Bowl- ney McDonotigh will bo out there Colby Deputations Visit er Hat," directed by Mary Roundy h eaving tho old pigskin to Bob Sing- a n d Ruth Ma rrin er, is as follows : er, Dick Voao, and diet Woods, who Batli , Fa irfield Churches Events Listed for Colby Weekend Avis Yntto, Loiulall- Hayes, Richard wore seen at end last week, Stagli- Rony, Nancy Somoiiiiin , Frod Hub- i<.ni) of Bowdoin , who hurt his leg: in Two deputation teams- wore sent FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0. bard and Arthur Grooly. Rehearsals Saturday's game, will probably ho out from Col by last weekend under 8:00 P. M,, Lovojoy Memorial Loctiiro : Address, Rl eihnrd Mallet, will bo hold Wednesday nt 4:00 P. M. slinging the ball to his receivers quite tho auspices ' of tho S, C. A. deputa- Wom en's Union. and Thursd ay at 8:00 P. M. In tho frequently also, It th o ground is dry Saturday, Col- tion eommjttoo whoso directors are 0 :110 P. M„ Bonflro nnd Rally, Summit of Mayflower Hill, Alumna e Building. Miriam Marsh , '47, an d Gilbert Tav- by 's running attack will bo a major ovnor, M7. SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10. Bids for tho Colby Weekend threat with "Lefty" DIFrcdorico showing the heels of his Hoot foot to Led by Robert Cox, '48, a team D:.'J0 A, M„ Mootin g of Alumni Council, Muai o Room , Women 's Semi-Formal¦ nro now on Halo at conducted services at tho Winter St. Union. *> £2."50 and may bo bought in the Bowdoin safety man. • Joe Koz- Congregational Church In Bath , Sat- 10:80 A M,, Meeting of Board of Trustees, Smith Loun ge, Women 's ndvnneo from ono of the fol- nrnowi ez will ho a hard man to stop urday - evening Joyce Thorlnult, '40, Union , lowing: Nancy Lovoland, Mnry when ho ohargos tho lino. conducted a Halloween "party. Sun- Low; Helen Jacobs, Loulso Co- With th o pronpocts of fair weather, , Sonvorns Field, day morning Robert Cox led tho wor- 1:45 P M„ Football: Bowd oin vs.
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