PAGE 5: YOUNG LAWYER THE OLDEST LAW JOURNAL IN THE UNITED STATES 1843-2018 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2018 VOL 258 • NO. 77 $5.00 Duane Morris Links With Lawyers Say Judge Has History – INSIDE THE LEGAL – REGIONAL Cannabis Trade Group NJ Court Reinstates Legal Mal Suit �� � 3 A New Jersey appeals court on Tuesday As Legal Pot Spreads Of ‘Prosecuting From the Bench’ reinstated a legal malpractice claim against a New Jersey lawyer sued by BY LIZZY MCLELLAN BY MAX MITCHELL a former client in connection with a Of the Legal Staff Of the Legal Staff devastating 2005 fire that ravaged a historic mansion-turned-condominium Duane Morris has been representing canna- hiladelphia Judge complex in Mount Arlington, New bis clients for a few years, and now the firm Anne Marie Coyle Jersey. is casting its lot even more closely with the shocked many law- P NATIONAL fledgling industry. yers when she appointed NY Judge Removed From Bench � � � � � 4 The Philadelphia-based Am Law 100 a special prosecutor to The New York Court of Appeals firm is partnering with the American Trade handle a case over the has removed Rochester City Association of Cannabis and Hemp. ATACH objections of several as- Court Justice Leticia Astacio promotes the expansion of legal marijuana sistant district attorneys. from the bench after she was convicted sales for industrial, medical and adult rec- But others who have of driving while intoxicated in 2016, reational use, and its members include busi- practiced before her said violated the terms of her conditional discharge and acted inappropriately in nesses in the marijuana and hemp industry, the appointment fit with Photo by Diego M. Radzinschi as well as established companies looking to a pattern for the judge— the courtroom. enter it. According to both sides, it's the first one where she appears to Philadelphia City Hall. time a national cannabis trade organization take away the reins from YOUNG LAWYER has teamed up with an Am Law 100 law prosecutors. questionnaires from potential jurors are di- LinkedIn Profiles Versus Resumes �� � � 5 Given its proliferation and easy firm. Several attorneys pointed to the jury se- vided into an A and a B pile. Typically, the public access, employers often ATACH's board of directors includes rep- lection that occurred in a case captioned A pile consists of potential jurors who an- turn to the LinkedIn profile for resentatives of companies directly depen- Commonwealth v. Senestant as an example. swered no to just about every question meant the professional scoop on an individual, dent on cannabis—like Medicine Man, a According to court transcripts, the pro- to gauge potential biases, and the B pile has Julie Q. Brush writes. large dispensary in Chicago—as well as cess began the way many jury selections all the potential jurors who answered yes to Duane Morris continues on 11 do at the Criminal Justice Center, where History continues on 10 CORPORATE LAW Serving on a Nonprofit Board� � � � � � � � 7 While the experience of serving on a nonprofit Who Decides Whether Texas Malpractice Suit Against K&L Gates board is invaluable, particularly if it’s a cause in which you A Post on Social Media strongly believe, attorneys must be Claims Firm Abandoned, Then Sued, Client mindful of certain areas, contributors Patricia E. Farrell and Maxwell Constitutes a Threat? Quantum Materials Corp. of San Marcos BY JOHN COUNCIL Briskman Stanfield write. AND LIZZY MCLELLAN filed a lawsuit against the firm in Hays BY FRANK READY Texas Lawyer County district court on Tuesday, alleging INDEX Legaltech News that it engaged in a conflict of interest—rep- Experts & Services����������������12 A short-lived client relationship in Texas resenting both the business and its lenders in Classified � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 13 Social media posts can provide a valuable has K&L Gates facing conflict claims, a dispute over a loan—that caused Quantum Public Notices��������������������14 insight into someone’s state of mind, but though the litigators involved, including to be sued in three states. Legal Listings ��������������������15 from a legal perspective, deciphering the one who is now a clerk for U.S. Supreme Quantum Materials, a company that man- exact nature of that insight can still be a Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, have already ufactures tetrapod quantum dots for use Postal ID on Page 8 bit like looking at a Rorschach test. The left the firm. K&L Gates continues on 9 Threat continues on 11 www.TheLegalIntelligencer.com $265 MILLION SETTLEMENT STRENGTH $227 MILLION SETTLEMENT $160 MILLION RECOVERY 215.496.8282 IN NUMBERS $124.4 MILLION VERDICT 2 • THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2018 VOL P. 2402 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS • Najah A. Jacobs is a member of • Anthony Paolini III is a member of the Archer’s environmental law practice group firm’s family law and matrimonial practice and specializes in complex environmen- group, where he focuses his practice in all tal litigation, products liability claims, and aspects of family law, including divorce, toxic torts. She concentrates her practice on adoption, parental rights, custody, support, pursuing and defending complex environ- and domestic violence. mental matters, focusing on a wide range • Reginald L. Streater is a member of of matters, including cleanup and response Archer’s business litigation group and fo- costs, soil and groundwater contamination, cuses his practice on commercial and com- and natural resource damage claims. plex litigation. Streater handles a variety of • Kenneth Ling is a member of the firm’s litigation matters, including contract dis- real estate and business counseling practice putes, federal claims, federal civil rights groups and represents a wide range of clients claims, insurance matters, labor and employ- in corporate, business and real estate matters. ment claims, fraud claims, and tort claims. He handles a variety of matters, including entity formation and dissolution, corporate governance, and public contracting, as well ANNOUNCEMENTS as purchase and sale transactions and leases. The Legal is seeking contributing authors • Jennifer N. McCracken is a member for its weekly In-House Counsel column. On Oct. 11, attorneys at Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr hosted four members of the of Archer’s real estate tax appeal group Articles can cover a broad range of subjects Cambodian Rural Students Trust, a Cambodian nongovernmental entity with the mis- and specializes in the litigation of complex but should be of particular interest to in- sion of breaking the poverty cycle in Cambodia through education. CRST currently commercial and industrial property tax ap- house counsel. supports approximately 70 high school and university students annually, providing peals. McCracken advises clients on prop- Contact Kristie Rearick at krearick@ schooling, meals, health care and business and vocational training. In return, the students erty tax issues, liabilities, and valuation at alm.com for more information or to submit volunteer at other nonprofits and community-building efforts, and even run a successful all stages of prosecution. a proposal. • retail frozen yogurt store. Pictured, from left, are Saul Ewing attorneys Andrew Barris, Matan Shmuel and Martin Doyle; students Sinoun Leam, Sompeas Sokh, Yeat Son and Doeb Chhay; Liz and Steven Casper, benefactors of CRST; and supporter Aviv Palti. All potential items for People in the News ADDITIONS civil rights, appellate and class action matters. Jeanne-Michele Mariani joined Baker & She joins the firm following a two-year fed- should be addressed to Alexa Woronowicz at Hostetler in its complex litigation group in eral clerkship for Judge Thomas I. Vanaskie of The Legal Intelligencer, [email protected] the Philadelphia office. the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Mariani joined as an associate focusing on antitrust and commercial litigation, Archer added five new associates. Pennsylvania Motion Practice — 3rd Edition By Steven E. Bizar — Dechert LLP A winning motion can significantly reshape the trajectory of your case. Pennsylvania Motion Practice is a resource to practitioners at all levels, focusing on the rules and procedures governing motion practice in the Pennsylvania state courts. For more information or to place an order, visit: www.lawcatalog.com/pamp | Call 800-756-8993 www.lawcatalog.com/pamp VOL P. 2403 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2018 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 3 REGIONAL NEWS NJ Court Reinstates Legal Mal Suit Stemming From Construction Dispute BY MICHAEL BOOTH prominent issue behind the malpractice changes" and submitted a "change order" obtained a judgment against her, the court New Jersey Law Journal lawsuit. adding $413,550 to the cost, according said. Greening then sued Levine for mal- Greening retained Levine to represent her to the decision. Another bill for an ad- practice, demanding that he pay her the New Jersey appeals court on Tuesday in the purchase of one of the Windemere ditional $286,633 arrived later, the court $289,483 for giving her bad advice. reinstated a legal malpractice claim units in 1998, and retained him again in said. Morris County Superior Court Judge Aagainst a New Jersey lawyer sued 1999 when she wanted to refinance her The reconstruction eventually was com- Maryann Nergaard dismissed the legal by a former client in connection with a mortgage, according to the decision. She pleted two years late, the ruling said. malpractice claim, holding that there was devastating 2005 fire that ravaged a historic no attorney-client relationship between mansion-turned-condominium complex in Greening and Levine. Mount Arlington, New Jersey. Greening appealed, and the Appellate The two-judge Appellate Division panel Greening alleges that Levine urged her to file for Division reversed in Tuesday's decision, said a Morris County trial judge erred when which was unpublished. she dismissed the lawsuit against Morris bankruptcy protection. There was no retainer "We conclude that, contrary to the Plains, New Jersey, solo Barry Levine judge's determination, plaintiff established because a factual dispute exists as to agreement, the court said.
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