JUNE 1951 STILL CHAMPION 50 CENTS Subscription Rate ONE YEAR S4.7S By C. L. Fitch F I were to write fI book all The Of course not 21 Il-Kl 22 QxN. I Pleasures of Chess, i would include 21 R_Q6! White is to llIate in thl'cc 1110\·es . This the"e sprightly games in the Department Limiting Black's defenSive reSOllrces. o[ Curious Conclusions. is one of those s illlple bill re markable His Qneen is out of play and, if 2 1 positions where, w ith two Queens, White Melbourne, 1929 P- I\>J (to free his Bishop) , 22 RxN c ost~ cannot force mate in three hnt, with· ALEKHINE DEFENSE him a' piece. alit any Queens, he can : W. F. Cou lt as B. W. Stenhouse 21 •• P_R3 22 QR-Ql K - R2 White mack FOR CHESSBOARD MAG IC FANS, 23 P- N3 1 P-K4 N_KB3 9 8 _Q3 P-Q3 thel'e wonhl be reluarkable end-game 2 P - KS N_Q4 10 N,N PxN White'~ last curbs the Black Knight's eOlllllositiollS like the jlretty idea of 3 N-QBS N-N3 11 p,p p,p move ments. Sar ychev's, where \\ihite forces all unbe­ 4 P - B4 P_QB4 12 0-0 P_Q4 23 ... N-K2 25 R-Q8 R, R lievable draw and the following enchant­ 5 N-B3 N_B3 13 B- QSS! B-K3 24 N-R5 P-B4 26 RxR N- N3 ing specimen of Vnlve's ar t. 6 P-Q4 p,p 14 P_B5 p,p Black s idesteps loss by 26 N- D3 7 N,P P_N3 15 a x p Q_N4 27 NxN, Pxi\" 28 RxB, QxR 29 P-Ni". 8 B- K3 B- NZ 16 Q- 'K2l K- Ql 27 PxP PxP On Hi . 0 - 0 - 0, the continuation 28 P_B4 R~signs might be: 17 Q- H6t, K-Nl 18 BxE, pxn 19 H- D7, R-Q2 20 UxH, NxR 21 B··Q6f . K - Rl 22 QxBP male. H BxB P xB 19 Qx B P R-QBl 18 QxP R- Kl 20 B xN t PxB 21 Q- Q6 mat e White is to play Biack is tied hand and foot. If 2 ~ P-H·I 29 J3xKRl', K-R3 30 Q- K7! K - J{2 31 (/- K .<; , White soon males. Or, if 2\ i\"- H l (what a miserable 1lI0\'e to be lel't with!), 2n Q- D8, :\-i\"3 30 (l- N S is A pretty picture! Strangely enough, mate. the winnel' of this game came in last in the tournament, while the yictim of the THE l'HODLEM SECTlO:\ WOULD e,iauiel mate won first prize! feature attl'lH'tiYe bllt not (j ift'i!-u!t ('om­ positions. weh ~s these 11"0,* W hite to plilY and win EVEN THE GI1EAT HOUDINI COULD By J. Halumbirek not have wriggled out of this paralyzing 2;ug 2;w a ng, IN THE '"FLIGHTS OF FA:\C Y'" DlVI· Prague, 1927 sion. we would ha\'e ~ Il ('h <: harming S IC ILI AN DE FENSE coneeptions as KOl"a<" s gem where Black ami W h ite help cad i other to stalemate. J . Schulz B. Thelen White Black 1 N_QB3 P_QB4 6 P_QR4 Q-B2 2 P-K4 N-QB3 7 B-K2 N_B3 3 N-B3 P-K3 8 0 - 0 B_K2 4 P_Q4 p , p 9 B_K3 0-0 5 N,P P_QR3 10 Q- Q2 P-Q3 11 N-N3 K_ R1 Black isn't falling for any "book" traps such as 11 N- QIO 12 Nx:\, QxN/ ~ 13 N-Q5, QxQ 1-1 NxDt, etc, T HOUGHT FOR T HE MONT H 12 P-R5 N-Q2 17 P_QB4 N-Q1 It is a~tonishillg how much hot w~lter 13 N-R4 8 - Q1 18 P-B5! a master can wade into within t he t"iI'H 14 N_N6 NxN 19 QBxP dozen moves, despite a century of open· 15 PxN Q_Nl 20 BxB N,B ing exploration: - ~alliel" 16 KR_Ql B-K2 21 Q-N4 N_N3 ~ Solut i ons, page 190. CHESS REVIEW rHI '''Hllif CHIn MAGAZ'H' Volume 19 Number 6 June. 1951 EDITED &. 'PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz Readers are invited to use these columns for their INDEX comments on matters of interest to chessplayers. FEATURES ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN Alain White 168 may not be familiar with all the tourna· From my Chess Memoirs _____ __ __ _ 170 Bravo upon yo ur answer to your Ex­ ments which have been played throughout Tex Co rrespondent Homer H. Hyde in the World Championship Match _____ ___ 172 the world in the last fifty years. February issue-who doesn't know where The sarcastic editor who "takes pride DEPARTMENTS the St. Pelcrsburg Tournament was held. in being a force for education," suggests Chess Caviar _______ ___ ______ ______ 162 It is a little surprising that you would al· that Hyde consult his geography book­ Chess Movies _____ __ __ ____ ________ 183 lot valuable space to such a bed and which, of course, will tell him that St. Chess Qu i:!: ___ __ ___ _____ ____ ___ __ __ 186 more than a little that you would dignify Petersburg is in Florida and Carlsbad is Games from Recent Events _____ ____ 177 it with an answer. And I, as a humble in New ~lexico! As for AVRO, what's How to Win in the Opening _____ __ 181 member of the "l'a~1 majority of chess thai'! One of Harry Truman's self·multi_ Past Masterpieces _______ __________ 192 players" to which he n:fers, resent and [)l ying alphabetical agencies? Postal Chess __ _______ ____ ____ ___ __ 187 challenge the implication that we are so And while the editor is being "a force ignorant as not tu know the location of fur education," he might himself loo k up Spotlight on Openings _______ _____ 184 such places us Ostcnd and Cambridge Carlshad. described as "Au~tru.HlInga. Tournament Calendar ___ __ ___ ____ __ 167 Springs. If I were, I wou ld find out, rian." and see wh eiller it is in Austria or in World of Chess ____ ___ __ _______ ___ 163 rather than proclaim it to the world. Who Hungary. It can't be buth , even thuugh the appointed him tu " make a plea Oil behalf two states once were uniled polilically. EDITOR of all chess player~" anyway? What some Yours fo r Ihe abulition of commissar I. A. Horowitz people won't pick Oil to make a squawk! conlrol of Reader$' Forum. EXECUTIVE EDITOR J\1igosh. W. B. MELLOR, JR. Jack Straley Batlell F. W. Md.IANUS Washington, D. C. Evergreen Park, Ill. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS • Our answer 10 Mr. Hyde may have • Mr. Hyde, Ihougll now in Illinois, keeps I. CherneY, J, W. Collins, T, A. Dunst. seemed curt as it had 10 be, perforce, Hans Kmoch, }<red Relnfeld in touch wi ilL Texas chess and is still our short; but 1I1l}' appearance of "contemp. Texas Curresp"ndent See bduw.- Ev. CORRESPONDENTS tuous" and "sarcastic" is solely the in· California Herbert Betker, J. B. Gee, Lt:!roy Johnson. Dr. H. Ralston, M. J. Royer. Scallions tu the editor of Readers' terpretation, uncalled for, of reader Mel· Colorado Jack L . Hursch. Forum for lhe discourteous brush·off he IUT, wh o seems unduly given to both Connecticut Edmund E. Hand. handed -Homer H. Hyde in the February giving and thinking from quotations out Ol~t. ot Columbia N. p. Wigginton. Florida .MaJor J. B. Holt, B. Klein, Ernest issue of CIII(SS Hf:nr.w. of their full context. (E.g., The name of G. Werber. In respunse to Hyde's request for more tournament and dale arc not just given Georgia Grady N . Coker, Jr. Illinois Howard J. BeH. complete inden tificalion of luurnaments as suffici ent; lile), are given as sufficient Indiana D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead, W. Roberts. and cities mentioned in the col umns of the for identifying games for those who may Iowa W. G. Vanderburg. magazine, the editor retorts curdy and con­ tieek fuller references in tournament books Kentucky J . \V. Mayer. Kanus K. R. MacDonald. temptuously: or in compendiums.) Further, in his glib Maryland Charles l3araach. "The name of lou rnament and date are self·abasement in mislocating major chess Mauachu.ett. Franklin J. Sanborn. Waldo gil'en as sufficielLt. ..." tuurnaments, lw indicates only that we L. Waters. Mlnnelota Charles M. Hardlnge. And he tlllds : '" ... and we lhink the ma}' be also a force for education in his· MichIga n R. B usll:ager, J. R. \Vatson. truly great ones. arc distinct ive enough tory, as well as geugraphy. (Carlsbad in Nebruka B. E. Ellsworth, A. C. Ludwig, to avid chess player~." 1911, as he doubtless well knows-but as Jack Spence, R. E. \Veare. New HampshIre Alec Sadowsky. This churlish edi lor apparently forgets su me aspiring, young c!tessplayers may New York \Valler Froehlich, Edward Lasker, that it is lIot UjJOll a handful of semi.pro­ learn only as incid ental to their pnrsuit of H. M. Phillips, Dr. M. ReisS. North Carollna Sam AgnellO. fessional "avid chess players" lhat the chess, was neither Austrian nor Hungarian North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. magazine depends for ils ex istence, hut and is neillter today. ) OhIo La.wrence C. Jackson, Jr., Edward F. John50n, A. E. Plueddemann. lI[Jon Ihe thuuHHllb of yo ungsters and In his glib and partial quotations, Mr.
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