. _ BTainin , Paul it.; k Others St%idy, on Dri v ng by S '1 Popu ns. Al Report, Volume 'Conduct .of' the-_ .ect,and State ,=of the Art. Tm_sTippTior. DunlapaniA'ssociates, nc.,Darieff, Conn;. SP.ONS AGENCY Bureau of Educationfor the Handicapped (DH.E.W/:0E)*. Washington,(Lit'. Na jo al Highyay Tra ffic safety Administration (DOT) , Waghington, FEPORT SO DOT-.-HS7802 329 PUB DATE . Apr77, CONTRACT__ DOTT.HS-..701206` 10T? 167p..:. Frpr relatedinfor AVAILABLE F Nat-ion e.1 TechnicalInform- EDPS PPICE MFO 1/PC07' Plus- Pogta-g-a. DESCRIPTORS .Aurally'Handicapped:Cerebral Pal ..1-1 -0i7seas4.5: *Driver rcillcation; Emotionally Disturbed; FP1.1e.PsY; EgUiPment; Evaluaton Method-s;-*Handicapped; mental Tliness;' MPn4:ally t,feurologicallf - Handicappedt Physically Handicapped;.,'Special. Health Problems:- *State L'egislationts 'State iiicensitiq Boards; . - o *Traffic Safety. ., The firs' ofA -volumereporton,m.otol: veh driving by handicapped :parsons focuses, on driving behavior. f -cat 19. types of handicapping conditions. Information is deta&led,,Feg drivereducation an& assesslent materials', present ste* regarding licenSing,-relevantmedical opinion regarding licensing and .axamination, com-plicating factors (such as theuseof therapeutic4 drugs) ,and private-and commercialdriving behavior for specific -. conditions, including the following: mental retardation, mental illness, neurologic and carebrovascular handicaps, epilepsy, - diabetes., musculoskeletal handicaps,. hearingAisoriers,thyro diseasei renal disorders, cancer, and obesity. Automotive. adaptive equipmer# 'is briefly coneidered monq 12 recommeldations. made. are. for a more comprehensive analysis' of the drliving task for, normal Itivars4 'a large scalp epidemiological studyto measure the acoidan,+. .and:7:Lolation sates of sc:),cifio,haUdicapped groups, and validat-d Asse,sSnient and evaluation oroc,edurs.. (CL) *** *** ** * ******** ******** ***** *** Reproductions supplied byFDRS the boct- 4-!Ta.t 'he m from the origita document. ******* ****** ** ARTMENTOF NEALN, CATION a WELFARE AL INSTITDTEIDF EDUCATION , NT PIA_ BEEN REPRO- CT6T AS NECEWED -FROM DO.ORDANIIATJONDNIGIN. y. TINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS -0 1461" NEEESSARJLY RENJE. 'ICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OS14,10N OR POLPty PREPARED FOR.FOR: U.S. -DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL AIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON,. D.C. 20590' "PERMISSION TO.REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY trout is ineilebie to the public through etionel InforrnetionSeri_ice, 22161 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES .INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." . Prepared for the. Depar-ttnent of Tr iii-ghwalr -Traffic Safety Adrniiiist.c undZr doA't kae* ..,- nrq-FIS-5701206.,he opinibfist fill.in,gs;,_ Cod usita expreS'sed in this publica,tion art those 'Of th b r 4 not nece 5 S ray those of:the' Ntiona,14-Sighwayri-jf4icSakty,.. ,. ation; . ochrt. icI °Raport Documentation Pug. P 2; GOriarliOnt ACCO1i Cln N. `-cipifni'1tdtn / OT WS -802 329 jit!send an Svb'i'I . °repo _ INAPACf'STUDYON DRIVING BY S''ECIAL.. April -1977 6 Porforrning Organisation C POPULATIONS; FinalReport, Vol mer-Conduct'C A 'the Pr©Ject.and State of the Art C . '. O. Performing Organization Ragout No. AL' 111 A . B r a ii-q.n , Thorn a J. Nau h on and kobertl.;l. BL.te ecove D76-10 -V. IPrfoeming Orgeriiii;tion Nome 4nd Address 10_Wadi Unit No (TRAIS)- Dunlap 4.11d Asso tes, Inc. D.Parkland Dr e 11 _ Controct or i;nt Nod ien, Coonecticiat 06820 DOT - -01206 Typ. prilepate and Period Cowered pan Agency -Nanoany Addeo U. S. Dept. of Health, Final Report- U' De of Trans. Education and WeUare June1975 tNovember197,6.. National Highway Trafilt Vureau of Education for: Sikty Administration the Handicapped 14. 'Sponsoring AgencyCod. 5 on,D.C. 20590 Washington, 13. C. 20202 15 opploreorilory . ., This is Volume I of a two -volume set prepared under this contracts 16.Abiiroc T project was conceived to study the '-impact of motor reb.icle'ciriv-ing on the, -roadway-s---by--q-s-pecial-Populations.5-' Major-concerns were special -: pop n learning to drive, "being licensed to drive, and driving behavior:., a consideredfrom two perspectives: the impact on the handicapped' e and ihes a t on the welfare of the general public. - , The pr jct was divided-into-two phases, Phaselestablished ,a research -idata -. base, of information directly relevant to special population motor=vehicle driving. This-., in.forniation is summarized and presented in Volume I of the Final Report: in-rpact Study on Driving by Special Populations (Conduct of the Projectand S of 'he Art).- Volurne U - Impact Study on Driving by Special populations G ide f r the Evalu_ation of HandicappedDri4ers) draws oinforrna.tiorr c011ecte during Phase I and, ,/-nthesizes th se data into edict_ eprbdu4s:::- which will improve the circurnst es und= htch special populations dri.7.re. The second volume pies ets an aroac.. to the evaluation n-of the.license applicant who is. handicap ed which is eful not only for d licensing officials but also for driv educationd other pr.ssional involved in the rehabilitation of hariclicapp d..p_ sons. 1 7 .9Cey Words 18. D iu io f ant Handicapped Evaluation DOeUTI1 available to the U.S.', public Driving Special Populations through the__tion a-l-Technical .rrnance .Motor Vehicle, o i e ce, Spri_ngfield, Edu ation Driver Lirhitation , gis. -16 , s.eunry 0. (ot dhi. sp. .., tClostc f, (of thus peg N Papa. 22,-P..ce Unclassified Unclass 168 METRICCONvERSa FACTQRS 0 trarilso 11 Mork Mossris Appreilmiil Cossicsissi Irio Munk ktmwili Tow Yiv it Imbi 'is Imo MOTH LENGTH t. m / 11104O 1t1 4' ofmiin fi9 :1.V' 1041 .4 ,r ,, cM110,14,1 a 00101 lit 111111fr% i 11 ',' i e. milli 0.1 kiltmmigg 1 =cr.= 0#10$ oritintirg 0,11 M11!1i 1.1 _ ,2410 Rolm LI 4a= OM 001,1 . 4 10010 11000101 igginrrmloti re _IPS 11 I Won 101,002 2.1 Kos moo z.s wirekilmmtirk 11,*1 rim , 0.4 10C0fel hd ' mAi3 a Pre (Viet; gt 0w1 ',,,0'- 4 , kilo** 2.2 10001 , koggri , kg 1 1 im11110311). 1.1 61/41111i , !not 0 t , 0 i VOLUME 1 , ' , 11k ml 0112ilrigti tog Itid,gigro t , ml Iltili 2.1 001 0 ml 1,101 i 1,11 ws : 0 'Ott tii 1oI6-4 0, tivossi---- fik wig svtg4 1.3 ill: y0d1 #4 Mai tirtuat19;- IC 14 lift fikehot tiRermin Win 1 RIN*11 4I. Ill lofty , C11$1g# IF 1 Ill a F44 wimewEemmim 1"11111w1 1401$11 0010t001 111 if f4 10 III 00010, 10 Oke hit! eN101wIli dViVii1011.410%, NIL ?kk+, 10 0.199 Oin" i4 1 /,10, s9C gt54 C11.10-21E -40 i 4 a oupAnTgaNT 91 ThmesportiATIoN N A TIC) AL HIGHWAY 'r Fl A efic sAFETvA00.11P4I3TP . TECHNICAL SUMMARY CONTRACT NuNDE T ACTOR Dunlap and. A ss oc iates, 6 REPORT DATE REPORT TITLE FinalReport,- Volume I'(Impact Studon Driving . by SpecialPopulations),-Conduct e ject November AP, t976 and the State-of-the-Art: REPORT ALIT Pa rA. Br.inin; Thomas J. Naughton,and Abbe Breedlove This project was conceivedi to study theithp.act of motor Ivehifle driving the public, roadways-t)y "specialpopulatIons.';'-,The rne.jor concaNns were. Special 4 populatica\s-learning to drve,tbeingi licensed to drive, (and driX,ing behavior-irri..-ti 'acta s' considered from two perspective th_edh-Ipact on the handicarlped drtvei- ., and irnpact on the welfare of the non-handicapped public.The il-npact on the haneTicapped fdcu'sed on pe rsonal -safety and mobility, issues.The impaeVen t -e non-handicapped public focused en generalpublic safety and on the benefitst to a SOC_ -,letY with a mobilehandicapped population. The der,ivation t _ these perspectives canbe found in the gals of the two agencies sponsoring the p.-eject:The National-Highway TrafficSafetrAchninis-- ration of!rthe li.S. Depai ent of Transportatiorvhas the chatterfor saving lives. on the country's road. a This includ6s the safety of specialpopulation:driver s =selves as well as the safety other driver's, passerigers, and peciestrian. Bureau of Education forthe Iandicapped of the U. S. Department. of Health, cation and Welfare has a responsibilityfor; the training of.handicarip4d per including driver training, to ensurethe opportunity for lives' and careers, fruitful_ and worthwhile to themselvesand tsociety. oject -was' phase's.11-ic purpose of Phase 1 was.so, sh a data cit all tly relevant Info.PrilatiOn.During-__PhaSe II, ALIA:zed tik develop pruclucts which, areiran-lediate Ey useable and -3.prseve nces under whichspecial poputationS drive.: Th6 products prodUeed lie tilt-project areOistinctr}r,different and'constituted '61;rr-yes I and I1 of the Final .Report.The first. volume describes the wealth of -rnation c-,athe red in Phase I. as well as purpose and conduct of the total. -study:.41111-e 5Qcopd volume, presents an appioach tothe evaluation of a license applicant or. perspeetive,applicant4 whoishand(eaPped.This document, how- ,ever, contains information.useful'notonly to license officials but also todriver the rehabilitation of handicapped education and Other profe_ssionaLs involved,-.in. driver. 4 THwAY !RAFEIC SAFETY ADMEN IS TRA T I Of) t,PREPARE FOR' THF TYPO- LFTRA..'r-tIR TA , :1P:; 'A!0.!:ig AN- ; COM; Lii50,r; w.CREC:IE t,;NDER COnTRAT:i LiOT - IS D-pjZ06. 7 tiOZE Cr °THE';fi111%AL ; THIS Pr.AL i CA ON" ARErtiOS!(It I vf, t7;k0F4Z "41..)1 7;LUES5 AR ±1.'l tilAFF I ,Ft- I): ADM: 5 IRA 1(A." , , The Nationa hy Traffie'Safety AdMinistration (NHTSA)and the Bureau cEducati for the Handicapped (BEI-I) sponsored the study on the impact-1A driving bspecial populations.The term,uspecial.populations" was broadly- defined, to include those peopleWho 'have physical or. mental - .- handicaps which could affect their vehicle 'driving capabilities..The concerri _of both NI-IT&A. and 13 -"was to study the catiplexissuesHof' population driving with the ultirn to objettives'of incre*sing public appfety'cA the nation's higlr.Va:ys and of hiker asinethe riibbility of all citizens.Aid.
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