Cal Disorientation Guide 2014: The "Free" Speech Edition Photo: Free Speech Movement, 1964 Will you be there? (DIS)ORIENTATION GUIDE: 1. A selection of underground information you’ll never get from your dorm, CalSO, or the Daily Cal. 2. An invitation to a more liberated college experience, pollinated by critical thought and creative action. 3. A collection of thoughts and questions “THEY” don’t want you to consider. “We don’t propose you transfer to another school, for the system Welcome to Berkeley! is not unique to Berkeley. We don’t propose that a student drop out – education can still be a valuable thing. We do propose that You are standing on some historically rich soil, and this ‘zine you use the University – don’t let it use you. We can shape our you hold in your hot little hand is one of its many fruits. education and experiences as much as they shape us.” –DisGuide ‘81 “In 1969, radical students first introduced a “Disorientation” program at Berkeley. The purpose of the Disorientation was to Drawing upon our progressive legacy, a group of UC students, provoke discussion about the University as an institution, its role workers, and alumni with varying political perspectives joined in society, and its impact on the values and aspirations of its stu- together to publish this collection of articles. There are many dents. Many students had come to feel that the University, despite issues that we have not touched on due to limits of time and a rhetoric of “personal development” and “academic freedom”, space. Rather than a final statement, we hope that this guide will was not so much concerned with the interests of students and pu- be a catalyst. We urge all students, faculty, workers, alum, and blic as it was with those of business and the military [...] Students local community to discuss, analyze, criticize, and most of all, to developed Disorientation as a means of challenging the prevailing become involved. image of the university as a center for liberal education.” -- Dis- Guide 1977 We suggest that the cultural evolution of humanity not be thought of as a linear progression, but rather as a slow and cycli- Fast forward to today, Fall 2014, the 50th Anniversary of cal one -- like a coil or spring, looping round to similar territory the Free Speech Movement, and it seems that the need for decade after decade, slowly but surely ascending. students to exercise critical thought and organized pressure to counter the corporate control of our public institutions is Where on the helix of history are we today? That’s for us to more necessary than ever. decide collectively. This semester is sure to be punctuated by official UC com- Hit us up online, where we’ll be posting news, events, and com- memorations of our social movement legacy, sanitized and mentary throughout the semester: memorialized to create picture perfect representations of what were truly messy, often confrontational social processes. The- facebook.com/CalProgressiveCoalition se movements were usually organized by small groups, often CalProgressiveCoalition.wordpress.com driven more by ideals than expertise, and have always, always twitter.com/CalProgressives been marginalized and repressed by university administrators and police. First general assembly: Tuesday, September 9th, 6:30pm. Location to be released. CALENDAR 9/1: UAW 2865 Labor Day Happy Hour, 3-5 at Jupiter (2181 10/8: Sutardja dai hall banatao auditorium, 4-5:30: FSM panel: Shattuck)--members of the grad+ student union get a free beer "Voting Rights" on us! 10/8: Strike Debt at UCB Presents "The Rolling Jubilee and Stu- 9/4: SEAL’s first open meeting- Meet on steps of Dwinelle at 6pm dent Debt Cancellation" Time is TBD See Strike Debt UCB Fa- cebook Page For Updates 9/9: First General Assembly 10/13: FSM panel: "Inequality in National and Transnational 9/17: Regent’s Meeting- Fossil Free Divestment vote Perspective: A Conversation with Emmanuel Saez and Branko Milanovic". Location tba, 5:30-7: 9/17: Boalt hall school of law, 4-5:30: FSM panel: "Free Speech on Campus: From the Free Speech Movement to Occupy" 10/25: 2nd Annual Student-Labor Organizing Conference. Stu- dents from across the UCs will educate each other on issues facing 9/27: FSM Alumn events- details about student panel TBA students and workers, and learn the skills needed to fight back! 10/1: FSM Rally on Sproul, 12-1. 10/31: Hip Hop Punk Halloween Party; Zombie Napolitano Costume Contest 10/1: FSM Panel 3:30 - 5 11/19-11/20: Regents' Meeting at UCSF Mission Bay 10/1: Deadline for UC to Respond to AB94 (Budget transparen- cy law) 12/2: The 50th anniversary of the FSM Sproul Hall occupation stay tuned and come to coalition meetings for more info 2 Speech Re- Free Movement Revisited This This fall fall will will bring bring with with itit the 50th40th_ anniversary anniver- of thesary Free of Speech the Free Movement. Speech Movement.Though the Thoughmovement hasthe been movement relegated has to thebeen pages relegated of history, to itsthe issues arepages just as of relevant history, today its issues as ever. are The just piece as belowrel- wasevant written today by asMichael ever. Rossman,The piece a belowkey organizer was of thewritten FSM, byon Michaelits 10th anniversary, Rossman, ina key1974. organizer of the FSM, on its 10th anniversary, in 1974. As seen through the national media, the FSM began in Oc- tober As 1964,seen through when threethe national thousand media, students the heldextracurricular hostage a po- liceFSM car began that hadin October arrested 1964, a civil when rights three worker onfrill, the but Berkeleya crucial campus,thousand and students climaxed held hostagethree months a police later car whenpart 800 of ourstudents werethat arrestedhad arrested in the a civil first rights campus worker sit-in, on the 10,00 education.more went We on strikeBerkeley and campus,shut the and campus climaxed down, three and months the facultywanted voted to use to ratifylater thewhen major 800 students student weredemands. arrested in the the public first At campus stake were sit-in, not 10,00 only more the went local on Civil strike Rightsuniversity movement in and theand university’s shut the campus budget, down, but and also the fundamental faculty politicalevery possible issues. way to further it. IfWe the wanted FSM was contradictions,the harbinger its of failures what tomay meet yet personal amount Are students citizens? Do they enjoy basic political rights while voted to ratify the major student demands. courses that would lead usto to an understand education revolution,and social it is needs worth were asking at their why highest it started at on a public campus, as well as in their off hours— not only the At stake were not only the local Civil Rights what happens behind the Berkeley.smokescreens As well of as surveysrefinement can indetermine, us. We were we jolted were to the awareness best right to vote, but to organize political action? The narrow issue students at the best all-around university in the country. Our movement and the university’s budget, but power, we wanted to use campus facilities to of them by the contrasting experience of a was free speech. Did we have the right to advocate political defection was surprising, but perfectly appropriate. For if the also fundamental political issues. Are students organize experiments in social change, and different kind of educational community, causes,citizens? hold Do meetingsthey enjoy for basic them, political recruit rights members, collect funds? problems with the education in our civilization are not super- The regents said no, the Constitution said yes,soon we went we wanted to jail, to receiveficial, credit requiringtowards merelydeveloping some minorin the institutionalcivil rights movement adjustments and thewhile faculty on a agreedpublic campus, with us, as and well the as inregents their passeddegrees a resolution for participating in and evaluating more fully in the FSM itself, without which we off hours— not only the right to vote, but to to correct, but fundamental, as I believe, then in a sense our saying they didn’t contemplate abridging our rights.these experiments. At stakeexperience here, in a sharplyof educationwho at were its bestthe most was favoredinstead could education not have at organize political action? The narrow issue But this political issue of students’ rights waspolitical only example, the was perhapsits worst. the key The institution’sbegun contradictions, to recognize our its own failures oppression. to meet surfacewas free of speech. the FSM Did and we haveits legacy. the right There to was alsoeducation the issue issue of of our time.personal How much and right social needs In 1964 were the at university’stheir highest motto refinement was in loco in academicadvocate freedom.political causes, By 1964 hold many meetings of usfor had comedoes the to lookstudent on have to determineus. We were the jolted to parentis,awareness and of it wasthem indeed by the our contrasting parent collegethem, recruitnot just members, as a place collect where funds? one The went like content,an empty style, can thrust, to and experiencepurpose of his of or a differentinstitution, kind monitoringof educational the final community, stages of our getregents filled said with no, the the information Constitution saidand yes,habits we thather could learning? win oneShould he ordeveloping she have full in rights the civilpreparation rights movement for adult citizenship.and more fullyIf, alone in and a wentclassy to job, jail, thebut faculty as a place agreed where with us,we andshould the learnof academic about the freedom, as ofthe political FSM freedom?itself, withouttogether, which wewe have who not were fully the passed most on favored to injusticesregents passed and ugliness a resolution of our saying society, they and didn’t how to If changethe FSM them.was the harbingercould of not what have may begunanything to recognize at all, andour inown many oppression.
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