1<JD-srS AUG 2 f 1{J18 Be-l> t Avc:t,.' I,:.l;,( -(. I V'>I. G\? e, Thomas J. Parsley Novartis Crop Protection, Inc. P.O. Box 18300 Greensboro, NC 27419 Dear Mr. Parsley; Subject: Revised Sugarcane Directio~3 a~~ Labe~~~g --( Attrex 4L Herbicide EPA Registration No. 100-~j' Attrex Nine-O Herbicide EPA Registration No. 100-520 Your Submissions dated May 7 1??8 The amendment referred to above, 3U:C~.~:tec . - c:;'.c-:eC:Clon with registration under the Federal I"se=::~cice J:'·.:cc;icide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amendec is ,,==ep::=.=~e ;Y:Jv:'.ded that you: 1. Make the labeling changes li3::ec :C",low berere you release the product for shipment bearing the "me~ced lateli~g: In the first paragraph of the Sugs.r::ane :ire::::::'.ons for use the label states "Do not exceed :he rete c: herbicide -( suggested for anyone crop 0:: Sl.:::;3."ca~e." ~:)wever , the -' directions for use in Florida de not 3peci:y a c.3.xirnum rate. Correct this discrepancy. 2. Submit one (I) copy of your !lnal orint",d la:C~ling before you release the product for shipment. A stamped copy of the labeling is e~closed ::or Y:Jur records. Sincerely YCJrs, ,.\ [ (j !yLL~ t. James .~.. T::;c.okins Produc:: Ma"s.ger (25) Herbic:'de 3rs.nch Regist"ati::;~ Divis:'on (750Se) Enclosure •••• • •••• • " . ." " . • • ••••• :• .....• : .: • •••••• • •• •• RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE Active Ingredients: • ••••• iGAOUC>- stR'ACE WATER CONCE/lHS/ Atrazine: 2-chlor0-4-ethylamino- • • Rf FlAi. $ILE1OMI USE ..' BY carTFIED N'flJf'ATOfIS OR I'ERSOHS 6-lsopropylamino-s-triazine ............. 85.5% ••••• .as 1JIfII ~~AND OfdrFOR THOSE lIStS COVERED R.CERTFEDMP...DTOfI"S CSITfl:AOON. Related compounds .................. 4.5% JWS .I!IDDUCl' S AEmIJt1EIHISE HERS/aDE DUE TO SIfDlIND AND Inert Ingredients: 10.0% SIfIFia lrA19 COICEINS. ISERS MUST READ AND FOLLOW AlL Re:IlTIOffAR'tS'tA1aletTS MI!J INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE IN ORD£fI TO Total: 100.0% ~POTBI1lIIt RJF.n0IE HI ReACH GROOND AND SlIIfACE WATER. AAtrex Nine-O is a wafer-dispers/ble granule. EPA Reg. No. 100-585 AAtrex· EPA Est. TOO-LA-l KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN . Nine-D· CAUTION HERBICIDE See additional precaulionary statements and • 'or season-long weed directions for use inside booklet. rontrol in com, sor,t1um, and certain other crops NCP 711 0 TA 0897 th NOVARTIS :Jf:EC"T1OIII.:5 r;o:; USE A.VJ ~s OF SALE AND WARRANTY M'ORTAf(T: =ad the ~ :ar.ctiotls tor u ...nd the CondlUon. AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS cI:iaI. an¢ W¥'1lnty tleIl:n ..sn.,; tl"IIS product, If terms are not accept­ Use this product only in accordance with lis labeling &rid with the ICe. return 1"li JI'Icpenec: :r.au= l!Ot'ltainer at once. Worker ProtectIOn Standard, 40 CFR part 170, This Standartf con· tains requirements for the protection of apricultural workers on CONOmotlS OF SALE AND WARRANTY tarms. torests, nurseries. and greenhouses, and handlers of agricul· lural pe$licides, \I contains requiremenl$ tor training, decontamina· ~'Ii OtNCtlCflll 1m" u.. r:J I"IIl ~ "t'Iect the opiniOn of IIIqIeIU tion, notilication. and emergency assistal"lOB.1I also contains specilic :eed on --= IIBa 1Ind~ n. ~ ar. MliIWd to bti rwllableand instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on ttlis label s!'CJ.lId be 10Acwac CI.~ tboNrroef. t is irTJpossbie to .Uminlte an riak • about personal protective equipment (PPEj and rastticte<J.enlry .-..rel"ttly essx:aadJ"Ct tUSe rr :tns PfOQI.IC:t. Crop injury, ~ ... interval. The requiremenls in this box only apply to uses 01 this prod. • :r:l"ler ~ ~ may lW$ult bec.lUH of II.ICtl factors al UCI that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard. .earner CCI'ICifK:JTs. pre&en;::e O'::m.r ma1eria.ls, or the manner of UN or Do not ""ter Of allow work.... ntry Into trutad .rut during tM a::tXaticn .1 t:f .,ch ani ':tIIy.:r.C ':tie control of NovartiS Crcp PralectiOn. ....trlctad entry Interval (REI) of 12 hCMJra. ExoepIion: lIthe prockJct rc. :lJ h s.1e": Ar.II II.Id'l :rsts Stall be 8$$1I!T\fId by the 8u~, II soil-injected or soil-incorporated, the Worker Protection Standard, IlooIartJs ~ mat this ~ corrb:Tns to the chemical deSCriptIOn under certain circumstances, allows won..ers to enter th& tteated area ":r" 11& ~. arc .. ~ "'II fer r. purpoMl tftIrr.d to In the • there ..,ig be no oonlact with anything that has been tru.ted. car.ctl0tIII. b be ~ 1: N ""-"tnt rlsil.1 ~ to abcM. PPE required for earty entry 10 treated a,...s that is penTIilted under t.evartis makes no oeser express or Implied war.. the Wort...r ProtectiOn Standard and that involves contact with any· ranty of Finess or _nlability or any other thing that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water is: a;>ress 0< Implied ......nty. In no ca.. Ihan • Covaralls """artis 0< the Seller ... liable for conlequenllal, • W.'etproo/ Q1ove.s """,lal,o< OIdlrect ~es ",.ulling from the UII • Chernical-resistent ioot'N8er plus sock.s Ct' handling of this preQuel. Htlvartis and the S4aner ohr this :7':CUCt. l1l'i1: h Buyer ...c __ ~ i .•ubjad 10 the u.golng C::ndttlotN d s.Ie and -.,.,..ny. whic"1 may be wried only tly agrM­ ..-n in WIltIn; s.;ned by a 0.-., ~ .-.prnentatiY& 01 Novartls. NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS The reqlJirements In !hfs bIlK apply !o I.fWS of !his prodItCf that are IlIRECTlOIlS FOR USE NOT wittJin the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricul· IUra! pesticides (40 CFR PeT1170j. The WP5 applies when this prod· t • iI ..,;oIatIcr :i ~ra.r ... t:: .1M \t'I1S P""OCIIJCl in a manner InconIlttent UClIs used to produce agriCultural plants on tarms. forests, nurserieS . ..m<lS~Ir.;. or greenhouses D: 101 IPP\!' ~ :lfoCr..c: .... a ~ thaI _1M conlact worQTS or other per· Do not .nter trut.d .,..•• whhoUl protec1lve clothing until s:::m.. efttler d~ or 'Ittr:J:.V m1I. CW!r proteded handlers may be In ~rtly. have dried. nt iiI"&a dI.uTr-; lCPIiCaticr"_ F:r 8'Ty ~enls specific to your State 0--nbe. ccrt!IUt'tle agenq- ~sible br pesticide r~ulation. NCP 130·5£)OU AAtrexe Nlne-O" ThIs product may not be miJ&d'loaded or uNCI wtIhin SO" cA II -.lis. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Including abandoned wells, dr.inage wells, and "* IIaIeS.. ()peratior'I$ that i1wIve miJ:ing, loading, rinsing, or _shag of .. pI"OIU:l i'*I or '-tIcIdI SIt.Ir19t end Dflpou.l from pesticide hendling or application eQuipment (II" ccncan.rs wilhin Store i\ • Gy pIac:t. Do not coru.mr. .... t:at. Of .,by IIOrIge. 50 fL of any well are prohibited, unle" conducted on ., ~ paC!' ~CII"~of~w.s... ....frtn,".,..oft111 constructed 10 withstand the weigtll of the hUvtest .., INl rNJ be p0si­ $I'OduC:l .., be diIpoIecI of on-dt CIt. In ~ __ dIIpoNl tioned on or mowd .eross the ped. Such a pad shaI be del9*! and rnelntained to c:ontafn any product spill or ~u ........ IIIab. CCII"IIMW or - i'qulprnenl rin.. or Wish-WIlier, and raln-watet that.., .... an ... ped. Surface watet shan not be allowed to .l!hIIr flow 0'41" or from ... ped, -"""_...... boo"",,,,,,,,"' __d ...... boo which means the pad mus' be self-oonllined.n. pad .... bit sScIpIId to '" • utIIaIy IandIiII. or by rtcNration., 01 by q-=: ~. aIoMd by filcftlIaM matetial rwmova1. An unroofed pad ft. be d IUftiI::iInI e&c:II­ .... .rId tal auIoties.." burned.1r.-p cU: of .... -- CIty to contein at a minimum 110% 01 the caplCfty oIhllargesl ~ b mRw' ~ IMks. etc.. kIIIow .. JnC&UIfIiaN; ~on thfI tabeI container or apPlication equipment 01'1 the pad. A pad t".at .. ~ b>;­ IrnJ ~ "" ~teo'y. Tm ap«:iII.care ,,-*1 ~1Ion of • roof of ,uffiCiem size to completely exc/ud6 ~ fft:m ccruct tQJip'nent and trdliet during ~ pn:aautII W diI;:IOaal of wfth!he pad shan he... a minlmllfTl cont.linment C&PKIY of 1ClO"o oIlhe -.st... ~ .,. ...... of • mejor IPI. ... Of atw ~ call capacity of the largest pesticide container or IppIica1c:n equiQrnr( ot\ .~ dey or night. the pad. Containment capacities as described abOW ~ be ~ at a. timM. The above-sp.clfied minimum contairmaJn! .:apaeIJes do not PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS apply to WhiclM when delivering pesticide shipfMnl$ t: h tniIIngtIcad­ Ing aIMs. States may he... In eflec1 additional ~ Ngafding ........ 10 ~ Md DomMrIc"""'" ~d H/bad($ and openiItiOrlalarea conta~ CAIJ110N This product may not be mixed or loaded within SO t. of ~ +-armtuf I .-JIorwed. r.haled. or absorbed ~ tIch. Del not bfNthI "reams and rl.... tS. nalUra! or Impouncled lakes end ~. This pr0d­ U1SI or spray mist. AMlid contIct with ~ ..,. t:t' dcIChing uct may not be applied aerially or by ground within tif It. of .. points where field surface water runotl enters perennial or ....-minenl streams ~ement of PrwIetieaI Trutment and Tillers or Within 200 ft. eround natural or impounder:: lakes and .-.ser­ r awaIIowId: Cal • physician or Poison CcnI:I c.ur cm.diately. VOirs. H this product is applied to highly .redible ..net. r .. 66-ft bJI'W or tr.nk 1 «2 gtasses of wa1er .00 ~ by tDudlinQ I:Iftk in6.a of Ntback from runoff entry points must be pCanted to cq:l, IJiMded' witt1 t'"n:at wiIr\ froger. Of.lavaiable, by.~ 1!!"41 of ~ 00 not grass or other suitable crop rcur:e ~ 04' giwe anything by mouth 10.., ~ person. Til ...Terraced Fields Containing Standpipes , !nhlllec!: ~ mm to fresh aif.1f noC br'ea1"lr.g, gi'4 artifclll ret­ To protection surface water from runoff WTtI; :lmllon.
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