Plant Inventory No. 158 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D. C, September 19 56 PLANT MATERIAL INTRODUCED JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1950 (NOS. 185796 TO 193290). CONTENTS Page Inventory 3 Index of common and scientific names 239 This inventory, No. 158, lists the plant material (Nos. 185796 to 193290) received by the Plant Introduction Section, Horticultural Crops Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, during the period from January 1 to December 31, 1950. It is a historical record of plant material introduced for Department and other spe- cialists, and is not to be considered as a list of plant material for distribution. This unit prior to 1954 was known as the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Ad- ministration, United States Department of Agriculture. PAUL G. RUSSELL, Botanist. Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Md. INVENTORY 103968 185796 and 185797. PRUNUS AVIUM L. Amygdalaceae. Sweet cherry. From Maryland. Plants growing at the United States Plant Introduction Garden, Glenn Dale. Numbered Jan. 2, 1950. 185796. Selection from P.I. No. 125774. Originally from Germany. Re- sistant to leaf spot. 185797. Selection from P.I. No. 125558. Originally from France. Re- sistant to leaf spot. 185798. NEURACHNE ALOPECUROIDES R. Br. Poaceae. Mulga grass. From Australia. Seeds presented by N. S. Shirlow, Plant Introduction Divi- sion, Australian Department of Agriculture, Sidney, New South Wales. Received Jan 3, 1950. Western Australia. 185799 to 185813. ORYZA SATIVA L. Poaceae. Rice. From British Guiana. Seeds presented by the Department of Agriculture, Georgetown. Received Jan. 3, 1950. 185799. Demerara. 185807. D. 110. 185800. No. 79. 185808. S. 161. 185801. A. 31-12. 185809. S.C. 54-60. 185802. D. 52-37. 185810. T. 1. 185803. D. 54-42. 185811. T. 1. 185804. D. 85-42. 185812. 4-month rice. 185805. D. 89-42. 185813. 5-month rice. 185806. D. 95-42. 185814 to 185821. ASTRAGALUS spp. Fabaceae. From Japan. Seeds presented by E. V. Staker, San Francisco, Calif. Re- ceived Jan. 3, 1950. 185814. ASTRAGALUS sp. Chubansei. 185815. ASTRAGALUS sp. Daibansei. 185816. ASTRAGALUS sp. Daibansei. 185817. ASTRAGALUS sp. Daibansei. 185818. ASTRAGALUS sp. Daibansei. 185819. ASTRAGALUS sp. Genshu. 185820. ASTRAGALUS sp. Yamashita's Improved. 185821. ASTRAGALUS sp. No. 8. 4 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 158 185822 and 185823. TRIFOLIUM HYBRIDUM L. Fabaceae. Alsike clover. From Czechoslovakia. Seeds presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Oseva. Received Jan. 3, 1950. 185822. Hradek Pacova. 185823. Roznov Pod Radhostem. 185824 to 185826. From the French Cameroons. Cuttings collected by Dr. J. T. Baldwin, Jr., William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va. Received Jan. 4, 1950. From Douala. 185824. STROPHANTHUS BULLANIANUS Mast. Apocynaceae. No. 13820. 185825. STROPHANTHUS GRATUS (Wall. & Hook.) Baill. No. 13814. 185826. DORSTENIA INTERMEDIA Engl. Moraceae. No. 13826. 185827. Coix LACRYMA-JOBI L. Poaceae. Jobs-tears. From India. Seeds presented by the American Embassy, Bombay. Received Jan. 4, 1950. 185828 to 185843. TRITICUM AESTIVUM L. Poaceae. Common wheat. From Brazil. Seeds presented by Instituto Agronomico, Minas, Minas Gerais. Received Jan. 4, 1950. 185828. BH 242. 185836. BH3145. 185829. BH 544. 185837. BH 4041. 185830. BH941. 185838. BH 4045. 185831. BH 1146. 185839. Gamett. 185832. BH1847. 185840. Ricana 1228. 185833. BH 1943. 185841. Rio Negro. 185834. BH 2543. 185842. Ritanal267. 185835. BH 2845. 185843. Surprisa. 185844 to 185855. ZEA MAYS L. Poaceae Corn. From Czechoslovakia. Seeds presented by the Ministry of Agric Received Jan 5, 1950. 185844. No. 1. 185850. No. 7. 185845. No. 2. 185851. No. 8. 185846. No. 3. 185852. No. 9. 185847. No. 4. 185853. No. 10. 185848. No. 5. 185854. No. 11. 185849. No. 6. 185855. No. 12. 185856 to 185860. MEDICAGO SATIVA L. Fabaceae. Alfalfa. From Argentina. Seeds presented by the Ministerio de Agricultura, Buenos Aires. Received Jan. 5, 1950. 185856. Invemiza A. 136. 185859. Regadio A. 197. 185857. Pampers A. 134. 185860. Saladina A. 148. 185858. Peruana A. 144. JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1950 5 185861 to 186101. TRITICUM AESTIVUM L. Poaceae. Common wheat. From Mexico. Seeds presented by the Rockefeller Foundation, Mexico, D. F. Received Jan. 5, 1950. 185861 and 185862. Kenya X Mentana. 185861. II-56-8c-llc-2c-lc. 185862. II-56-8c-llc-2c-26c. 185863 to 185876. Neivthatch X Marroqui. 185863. II-116-2c-5c-(l-3c)-lc. 185870. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-8c. 185864. II-116-2c-5c-(l-3c)-4c. 185871. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-25c. 185865. II-116-2c-5c-(l-3c)-10c 185872. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-26c. 185866. II-116-2c-5c-(l-3c)-12c. 185873. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-38c. 185867. II-116-2c-5c-(l-3c)-16c. 185874. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-42c. 185868. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-lc. 185875. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-46c. 185869. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-3c. 185876. II-120-3c-(9-llc)-48c. 185877 to 185879. (Marroqui X Supremo) X Marroqui; [Marroqui X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)] X Marroqui. 185877. CRL-11-282-2C-8C-2C. 185878. CR1-ll-282-2d-8c-3c. 185879. CRi-ll-282-2c-8c-8c. 185880. Newthatch X Candeal. II-306-4c-2c-7c. 185881 to 185883. Newthatch X Marroqui. 185881. II-120-3c-(l-3c)-5c. 185882. II-130-3c-(l-3c)-17c. 185883. II-120-3c-(l-3c)-34c. 185884. Kenya X Mentana. II-56-8c-17c-lc-2c. 185885 to 185888. (Marroqui X Neivthatch) X Newthatch. 185885. CRi-ll-478-3L-4L-lc. 185887. CR.-ll-478-3L-4L-48c. 185886. CR1-ll-478-3L-4L-3c. 185888. CR,-ll-478-3L-4L-57c. 185889 to 185892. Neivthatch X Marroqui. 185889. CRi-ll-116-2c-8c-lc-lc. 185891. II-116-2c-8c-lc-14c. 185890. II-116-2c-8c-lc-8c. 185892. II-116-2c-8c-lc-27c. 185893 and 185894. (Candeal X Neivthatch) X Candeal 185893. CR,ll-261-4c-4c-2c-13c. 185894. CRi-ll-261-4c-4c-2c-28c. 185895. (Mentana X Kenya) X Mentana. CR,-ll-461-6L-4L-3c. 185896. (Marroqui X Supremo) X Marroqui; [Marroqui X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)'] X Marroqui. CRi-ll-282-2c-8c-9c. 185897. (Mentana X Kenya) Kenya. CR:-ll-463-5y-lc-lc-lc. 185898 to 185901. Yaqui X [(Pent X Supremo) X Peru]; (Newthatch X Marroqui) X ] [(Peru X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)] X Peru \. 185898. 11-1774. 185900. 11-1778. 185899. 11-1776. 185901. 11-1779. 185902. Yaqui X (Peru X Supremo) ; (Newthatch X Marroqui) X [Peru x (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)]. 11-1782. 6 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 158 185861 to 186101—Continued 185903. Mayo X (Pent X Supremo) ; (Newthatch X Marroqui) X [Peru X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean) ]. 11-1784. 185904. (Timstein X New thatch) X Marroqui. 11-1862. 185905. Ga&o x (Peru X Supremo) X Pent; Gct&o X Pern X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean) X Peru. 11-1902. 185906. #ew2/a X (Newthatch X Marroqui). 11-1918. 185907. Mentana X (Xewthatck X Pen*). H-1930. 185908. Pent X (Egypt Lol X Timstein). 11-1964. 185909. Sunset X Yaqui; Sunset X (Newthatch X Marroqui). 11-1989. 185910. (Newthatch X Marroqui) X Rafaela. 11-2016. 185911. [(Newthatch X Marroqui) X (Mentana X Kenya)] X Oliva. 11-2133. 185912. (Pern X Stipremo) X Newthatch; [Peru X (Surpreza X Hope- Mediterranean) ] X Newthatch. 11-2150. 185913. Afas/o X (Supremo X Peru); (Neivthatch X Marroqui) X [(Sfar-- preza X Hope-Mediterranean) X Pent]. 11-2191. 185914. Yaqui X (Pen* X Mentana) ; (Newthatch X Marroqui) X (Pern X Mentana). 11-2250. 185915. Yaqui X (Egypt Lol X Timstein) ; (Neivthatch X Marroqui) X (Egypt Lol X Timstein). 11-2257. 185916. Yaqui X (Supremo X Per?() ; (Newthatch X Marroqui) [(Sur- preza X Hope-Mediterranean) X Pent]. 11-2265. 185917. [(Newthatch X Marroqui) X (Mentana X Regent)] X (Supremo X Kenya) X Supremo; [Newthatch X Marroqui X (Mentana X Regent)] [(Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean) X Kenya] X (Surpreza X Hope- Mediterranean). 11-2316. 185918. [Ma^/o X (Pent X Supremo) ] X (Per?t X Kenya) ; -j (Newthatch X Marroqui) X [Pent X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean) ]\ X (Peru X Kenya). 11-2380. 185919. (Egypt Lol X Supremo) X Ramona UU; [Egypt Lol X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)] X Ramona hh. 11-2414. 185920. [(ifewT/a X Marroqui) X Ma?Togiu] X [(Pent x Supremo) X Peru]; [(Kenya X Marroqui) X Marroqui] X -{ [Pent X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)] x Pent [•. 11-2447. 185921. [(Aguilera X Kenya) X Neivthatch] X (Newthatch X Marroqui) X (Peru X Supremo) X Supremo; [(Aguilera x Kenya) X Newthatch] X (Newthatch X Marroqui) X Pent X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediter- ranean)] X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean). 11-2493. 185922. [(Newthatch X Marroqui) X (Pent X Supremo) ] X [( thatch X Marroqui) X Newthatch]; \ (Newthatch X Marroqui) X [Perzt X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)]} X [(Newthatch X Marroqui) X Newthatch]. 11-2535. 185923 and 185924. £aarf 4S X Yaqui; Baart 46 X (Newthatch X Mar- roqui). 185923. 11-2577. 185924. 11-2581. 185925. Kenya X Yaqui; Kenya X (Newthatch X Marroqui). 11-2584. 185926. [(Aguilera X Kenya) X (Marroqui X Supremo) ] X (Newthatch X Marroqui) ; <[ (Aguilera X Kenya) X [Marrogia x (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)]} X (Newthatch X Marroqui). 11-2954. JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1950 7 185861 to 186101—Continued 185927. [(Aguilera X Kenya) X (Marroqui X Supremo)] X Gabo; ] [(Aguilera X Kenya) X {Marroqui X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediter- ranean)] \ X Ga&o. 11-2600. 185928. I (Aguilera X Kenya) X (Marroqui X Swprerao)] X (Newthatch X Marroqui) ; -j [(Aguilera X Kenya) X Marroqui X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)] \ X (Newthatch X Marroqui). 11-2603. 185929. [(Aguilera X Kenya) X (Marroqui X Supremo) ] X (Timstein X Newthatch); •{ [(Aguilera X Kenya) X Marroqui X (Surpreza X Hope-Mediterranean)] [- X (Timstein X Newthatch).
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