Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-25-1969 The BG News November 25, 1969 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 25, 1969" (1969). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2393. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2393 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. No pill policy yet; decision The BG left to Olms M present there Is no Vnlver- sit\ policy on birth control pills for unmarried students, accord- ing to Iir. James G. Bond, vice president of student affairs. Dr. Bond said lt is an Indivi- dual decision between doctor and student. "Birth con'rol pills are basical- News ly medication, and should be hand- led as any ovtw medication," he An independent student voice added. Dr. Bond's comments arose from a controversy late last week on who Is to decide whether un- Tuesday, November 25,1969 Volume 54, Number 'SI married students should t>e given birth control pills. The contro- versy came ironi a Student) ouncll t)in calling for greater availability of birth control .mils. Clipper returns; Dr. lames s. Olms, director of the Health ( enter, said policy was unclear to IIIm lie said he discovered the decision was up lo him and his stafl after read- trip ends safely In : letters to former dlrectoi Bean were raised to the waiting Harvey Biirnette. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following helicopters at 4:43. They were Olms said they have not made student account covers events from then re'urned to the deck of the a decision yet, but will have a ltm.tr liftoff to splashdown.) carrier Hornet, wnere 2,200crew- policy after Thanksgiving Va- cation. He added he did not By RICHARD PRICE men eagerly awaited their arrival. Many of the crewmen were wear- want lo make an I incomplete state- Wire Kditor ment before then. ing buttons with the inscription: News pholo by Clrn Epplcston "Three More Like Before." The Dr. Bond said thepresent policy The Apollo 12 spacecraft, with PURCHASING THE "PILL" - Th* University will hove o birth for pregnant women In 1'nlverslty three weary astronauts and a slogan Is a reminder of the Hor- net's previous recovery of the control pill policy (or unmarried coeds after Thanksgiving. housing Is that Ihej must move treasure chest of lunar specimens out. aboard, returned to earth ye.i'er- Apollo II astronauts last July, when '.h » banner above the car- day, successfully concluding man's rier deck of the ship read; "Hor- second odyssey to the moon. net Plus Three." Cmdrs. Charles (Pete) Conrad, City plans meter control Commanders Conrad and Bean Jr., Richard F. Gordon, Jr., and were asleep for much of the time, Lt. Cmdr. Alan L. Bean rode their By BARB JACOLA that were removed about a year states that continual feeding of Yankee Clipper to a splashdown exhausted after a busy Wednesday Issue Kditor ago to prlvlde turning lanes at the parking meters for more than two that began with a four-hour, mile- at 3:55 p.m. in the South Pacific, four-corner Intersection of Woost- hours is Illegal, but that the law long trek across the Ocean of nearly 4000 miles southeast of Tom Carroll, a mem'ier of City er and Main Streets. has not been enforced because Storms. American Samoa, and only three Council's Traffic and Parking Jackson Miller, chairman of the of lack of man-power to cover the Earlier, they had completed a Committee suggested limiting the com nlttee, said that he and other city parking areas. miles from the flight deck of the three and one half hour linkup carrier Hornet. area of the city parking meter members of the committee met Carroll also said that the mer- The main chutes of the space- wf'.h Commander Gordon abroad attendant to the downtown shopping with the Safety Service Director chants' suggestion of offering free th I command ship Yankee Clip- craft opened at 3:52, slowing its area during the Christmas season to discuss the merchant's re- parking In the downtown area for per, transferring their priceless speed to some CO miles an hour. to better enforce parking regula- quests. They agreed not to restore Christmas was a possibility since cargo of lunar treasures, includ- tions. "We're In great shape," said the meters because It would Cause the city ordinance already states ing some 80 or 90 pounds of rocks command pilot Conrad. At a special meeting of the com- a traffic hazard on Main and Woos- that the mayor has the power to collected during their two moon mittee and the downtown merchants ter Streets. Also area merchants declare free parking any time. Despite cloudy skies, the re- walks, to the mother ship. entry of the Yankee Clipper was last night, lt was determined that were using up many of the parking Jackson stated that a report In They then detached their lunar a bs:ter enforcement of the exist- spaces themselves. a local newspaper quoting statis- so close to the recovery ship Hor- module Intrepid from the Yankee net that television cameras were ing parking ordinances would al- Miller said that If merchants tics claiming that there has been Clipper and sent lt plummeting to able to record the last 3,000 feet leviate many of the parking prob- would refrain from using the down- a reduction of accidents at the an Impact on the lunar surface. of the descent to the sea. lems downtown, at least on a tem- town parking meters there would four-corner Intersection downtown Released from an altitude of 39 porary basis. Helicopters were hovering above be as many more meters fo<" cus- because of the new traffic pattern miles, the Intrepid crashed Into the Carroll suggested hiring off- the astronauts only moments later. tomer parking as there would be is unfounded. Jackson said they moon with an explosive force equal duty policemen to patrol the outer The first of the na/y swimmers If the other meters were restored. have no conclusive statistics as to 25 tons of TNT. When the mo- areas usually covered by the meter entered the water at 4:05, plac- The merchants had also sug- yet. He also said that the news- dule Impacted nearly 25 miles from attenla-i1. ing flotation collars around the gested that an ordinance be passed paper reported that the police iiave the seismometer set up Wednes- At a meeting two weeks ago, to make it illegal for one person found lt unnecessary to Investigate neck of the Yankee Clipper and day by Conrad and Bean, lt was inflating balloons to stabilize the the merchants requested that the to continue feeding a parking meter the parking problem any further. recording a velocity of 3,750 miles Traffic Com"ilsslon and the Traf- for more than the tw.j-hour limit. Jackson said the contrary Is true spacecraft as lt bobbed on the an hour. water. fic and Parking Committee of City Committee member Carroll said and that city police have been Council restore parking meters Astronauts Conrad, Gordon and (Turn to page 4) that the cltv ordinance already checking on downtown parking. Help pick next president Students aid new search By KATHY FRAZK umni representatives, the students Insisted that they will be given an equal voice on the com- Will the next president of the University mittee. be Superman, a god or Just a good public re- "The President of the Board of Trustees(Don- lations man? ald G. Sim ions) assured us at our first meet- According to the four student representatives ing that we would have an equal voice, that we on the Search and Screening Com llttee, he would each represent one vote," Miss Perry will hopefully be a little of all three. said. Representing the student body on the 14- "We are on an equal level," Weller agreed. member committee are Gregory Thatch, junior, All four stressed that they are representatives (ED); Jeanne Perry, senior (I.A); Phil Weller of the students and are open 'o suggestions from senior (BA) and William lull, graduate stu- them. dent. "I am personally Interested In getting the op- All four representatives are looking for a man inion of the students concerning who they want who will be responsive to the students. as a President," Weller said. "We almost take it for granted that he should Eull agreed that the students have an obli- appeal to the students and be capable of Inspir- gation to contact a member of the committee ing leadership In the administration and confid- If they have any suggestions, Thatch has al- ence In the faculty." I till said. ready informed Student Council members that he Student Body President Greg Thatch explained will be open to suggestions from them. that the University needs "soneone the students None of them thought the fact that all of the can identify with, who won't simply sit in his students on the committee are upperclassmen office but will become deeply involved In the will be a serious problem. According to Thatch, campus." lt may be beneficial. "We need a man who will be able to look "The upperclassmen have seen the direction In ahead and develop programs beneficial to Bowl- which Bowling Green Is headed, They know what ing Green," Miss Perry added.
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