CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 1'4. MEGHALAYA PARTS XIII A & B DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT EAST KHASI HILLS DISTRICT J. TAYENG OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE. Director of Cenius Operations MEGHALAYA CONTENTS Pa~. FOREWORD I-II PREFACE I-IV MAPS ... Important Statistics Census Concepts ... I-!' History of the District and the District Census Handbooks 1-7 Major Social and Cultural Events of East Khasi Hiils Distr~ct ,-j Brief Description of Places of Religious, Historical Or Archaeological Importance 1. Places of Tourist ~nterest ••. 11-12 ~p.aly.sis of Tables 13 Fly leaf to Table-l 15 Table-l Population, Number of villages and Towns, 198.1, 16 .Fly leaf to Table-2 17 Table-2 Decadal change in distribution of Population "' .. 18 ;'able-3 Dis1ribution of Villages by Popul~tjon It Table-4 Distribution of villages by density 20 Table-5 Proportion of Scheduled Castes Populatibn to total Population in the villages 21 Table-6 Proportion of ~~p.eduled Tribes Population-to total PopUlation in the villages !I .Table-7 Proportion of Scheduled Caste~j'Tribes Population in Towns J \~3 TabJe- 8 Literacy Rates ·by Population'Ranges by villages ~4 'Table-9 Literacy Rate~ for Towns !5 Fly leaf to Table-IO 26 Tabie-IO Percentage of literate workers, non-workers, scheduled castes/tribes PopUla­ 21-29 tion in the district. Fly leaf to Table-ll ... J Table-ll Distribution of villages according to the_,av<\ilability of different ame?,ities Table -12 Prop'Qrtion of rural Population served by different amenities Table-13 Distribution of villages not having certain amenities, arranged by distance ranges from places wJ:ere tbese are available.. f JS Tablc1 J4 Distribution of vilJages according to the d.istance from the nearest town and availability of different ~menities. ( ... i~ Table-)5 Distribution of villages according to popUlation range and amenities available i5 Table-16 Main Staple food in the majori~ of the villages in each C.D. Block 36 Table-17 Distribution of villages !according to land use 37 Table-l8 Growth, Density and Sex-ratio of urban population in the district III relation to the State.- 33 Tab;e-19 New Town/towns declassified in 1981 C~nsus 39 :Tabler-20 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns ... Table -21 School per ten thousand in town Table-22 No. of Beds 'in medical institution .in town Table-23 Proportion of slum in towns .oi-J Table-24 Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in the towns 404 [ ii ] PART-A VILLAGE AND TO-WN DIRECTORY Page SECTION-I VILLAGE DIRECTORY Section-I Explanatory Notes to Village Directory 47-51 (i) Map of Nongpoh C. D. Block Facing page! Alphabetical order of village li§t of Nongpoh C. D. 1310ck 55-59 .t•• Village Directory 'of Ndngpoli C. ·D. Block ~.. 60-71 (ii) Map of Bhoi Area C. D. Block Facing page Alphabetical order of yillagc: .l!~t of Bhoi Area C. D. Block 7,S-a! Village Directory of Bhoi Area C. D. Block 82-99 (iii) Map of Mawryngkneng C. D. Block Fating page Alphabetical order of Village List of Mawryngkneng C. D. Block J03--I,04 Village Directory of Mawryngkneng C. D. B~oc;k 106-109 (iv) Map of Mylliem C. D Block Facing page } I Alphabetical Order of Village list of Mylliem C. D. Bloc~) 113-114 Village Directory of Mylliem C. D. Block 116-119 (v) Map Of 'Mawphlang C. D. Block Facing page. Alphabetical Order of Village list of Mawphlang C. D. Bloek 123-125 Village Directory of Mawphlang C. D. Block ... ~ 126-13;3 (vi) Map of Pynursla C. D: Block Facing page AlPhabetical Order of village list of Pynursla C. D. Block 137-140 Village pirectory of Pynursla C. D. Block 14.2-15'3 (vii) Map of Shella-Bholaganj C. D. Block Facing page Alphabetic.al Order of Village list of Shella-Bholaganj C. D. Block 157-161 Villag Directory of Shella-Bhohganj C. D. Block 162-177 (viii) Map of Mawsynram C. D. Block Facing page Alphabetical order of village list of Mawsynram C. D. Block 181-185 Village Directory of MawsYm'am C. D. Block 186-1~7 (ix) Map of Mawkynrew C. D. ,Bloc/< Facing page Alphabetical order of Village list of Mawkynrew C. D. Block 201-202 Village Directory of Mawkynrew C. D. Block ... 204-209 [ji~ ] Pages VILLAGE' DIRECTORY Appendix-I~C. D. Blp~k-wi,se Abstract of Educat}onal, MedicaJ I apd otllFr 210 ........ 214 Amenities. Appendix-II-Land Utilisation data in respect of Non-Municipal towns (Ce'1sus towps). Appendix-In-List of Villages where no Amenities available except drinking 216-225 , water C. D. Block-wise . .Appendix-lV-List of Villages according .to the population of scheduled Castes and scheduled tribes to the total population C. D. Block-wise. 226-271 SECTION U-TOWN DIRECTORY NOTES ON TOWN DIRECTORY 272-274 St'atement 'I-Status and Growth History 275 Statement II-Physical Aspects and lo«ation of Towns, .l97.ll 276 Statement IIJ-Municipa,I"Financ;e, 1-978-79 '\ .. 277 "St(\tement IV-Civic and other Amenities, 1979 278 Statement IVA-Civic and other Amenities in notified slums, 1979 279 • > Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979 280--281 r Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, including Banking," 1979 282 District Primary Census Abstract 283-288 .... 1 PART B-PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 289 Urbln/Village Primary Census Abstract 290-393 (1) Nongpoh C. D. Block 290-305 (2) Bhoi Area C. D. Block 306-327 (3~ Mawryngkneng C. D. Block 328-333 (4) Mylliem C. D. Block 334-337 (5) Mawphlang C. D. Block 338-347 (6) Pynursla C. D. Block 348-357 ( 7) Shella-Bholaganj C. D. Block 358-373 (8) Mawsynram C.D. Block 374--387 (9) Mawkynrew C.D. Block 388-393 [ iv] ApPfndi:x IV-IJist. .of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes 394-896· and Scheduled TrllJes to the total popUlation by ranges C. D. Block-wise. Primary Census Abstnct for Scheduled Castes 398-{Ol • I Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 402-407 Land use Map of Shillong Town Facing page Description of Enumeration, Block boundary, Shillong Municipality 41~-437 Urban/Primary Census Abstract, Shillong Municipality 438-455, Urban Primary Census AbltL'l.ct, Cantonment Town 462-463 Land ulle Map <)f Mawlai Town Facing page Description of Enumeration Bloc1c bounqary Mawlai. Town 467-473 Urban Primary Census Abstcact~ Mawlz.i Town -4:74,-477 Land use Map of Nongthymm.ai To~u Facing page Description of Enumeration BJoc'k boundary of Nongthymmai Town 4-81,48& Urban Pri:mary Census Abstract, Nongthymmai'Town 488-491 Land use Map of Pynthorumkhrah Town Facing page Description of Enumeration Block boundary of Pynthorumkhrah Town 495-498 Urban Primary Census Abstract, Pynthorumkhl'ah Town 500-501 Land me Map of Mad 'lnrting Town . Facing page Description of Enumeration Block boundary of Madanrting Town 505-506 Urban Primary Census Abstract, Madanrting Town 508-5p9 , I Land use Map of Cherrapunjee Town Facing page Description of 'Enumeration Block boundary of Cherrapunjee Town Vrpan Primary Census Abstract, Cherrapunjee Town 516-517 ( ; i 1 F. 0 R IiI W 0 ,n D. The District Census Handhook (DCH), compiled by the Census Organisation on behalf oC the State Governments, is one of th~ most yaluable products of the Census. 'the DCH is constantly referred' to by plartn~rs, administrators, academici~ns and res~archers. It is inler alia used f,,?r <lelin}~tation of constituencies, formulation of 'local level anll regional plans and .as an aid to 'bistritt Adn1inistr'ation. The District Ceh~us Handbook is ,the ohly publication which proddes Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto vil~3ge~ leVel for rural areas land wardwise for each ,c.ity or town. It also provid~s data on infrastructure and ,amenities in villages and towns, etc. The District Census Handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It cpntained impor~ '''''-hI Hoi .rl' \ II ) tant census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During l::l6i Lensus the sco,Pe, of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a, descriptive accoun,t of the district, ad~ip.istra­ {tive statistics, census tables and a village and tbwn CliredofY, including PCA. The 1971 D91 -series 'was plan:ded in three partsl, £art-A related, to village axtd'town directory, Part-B to vi!lage a~d town peA and Part-C compdsed analytical report, fldmin'isirati'(e statistics, district census 'tabl(!s and certain 'ana1ytical taqles' based on peA and amenityi data in respect of villages. How- .' I 'ever in 'some states it was qmfined to district cens'Us tables afld in a. few cases altogether giv~n 'up, due. to de'lay in compi\ation and printing. While designing the format of. 1981 DCH series some ne\v feat}1res along with the restructuring of the formats of village and fowH dir'ectoty have !been attempted'. I At 'the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an :am.ep.ity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ,ranRes from \~e' nearest place where the amenity is available may be givcl1':"IThr.'h,~,sturctw;t~g of the 'format 6f the villag~ directory and incorporating more exhausti~e 'dara on infra­ structure aspect particularly III relation to amenities and land~use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas, It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulatmg the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imhalances in the process of development.
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