; ' The Star Is An I ntelligent,'iProressi ve Newspaper " Want AdsThree Lines, Three Times, 25 Cents ' '- ' - VOL. XVI. HONOLULU, HAWAII, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1908. No. 5045 J RETURN OF THE JUNKETERS FROM AND UN- SUNDAY LIQUOR SELLING IN HOTELS AS WELL AS RESTAURANTS PARADE THIS MORNING FOLLOWE D BY AN ELOQUENT ADDRESS BY UNAVAILING!! WELCOME VISIT TO DISTRICTS. IS IN THE BALANCE "SCOTT Y'S" PLACE THE PIVOT ON WHICH CAPTAIN REES, A VETERAN OP THE CIVIL WAR MEMBERS OF THE QUESTION TURNS' Oltl'HEUM SALOON HOLDS OUT IWI- - v ' V (Associated Press Cable to The Star.") H1LO, May 29. County Attorney THE LOCAL POST OF THE GRAND ARMY IN UNIFORM LEI PLACES HELD UP. TAKE PART Williams was the first bf tho Super- IN THE CEREMONIES. WASHINGTON. May 30. Senator La Folletto spoko for olghteen and visorial expedition to return to Hllo, thrcc-quarto- r hours against tho conference currency bill. Notwithstanding being brought back by Assistant Coun- An extremely important meeting ot tho Board and Is that he has practi- by voto 43 22. ty Clerk this filibustering effort tho bill passed tho Senate a of to John Kai Jr., and "Ben," the tho Board of l.lquor Commissioners ot cally run a saloon In one-ha- lf ot his Tho Memorial Day exercises this with the insignia of their order, the drivor of the county baud wagon, on mis iouuiy was neiu yusioruuy auur-noo- n placo and a restaurant lu tho other. Jtnornlng took placo without a hitch, members of Camp Theodoro Roosevelt, Sunday oveulng's train? Mr. Williams at which tho first of tho appllca- - The commissioners seem to ilgf e'eJthat. and In splto of tho sudden change in No. 1, presented a fine appearance and was suffering from a badly sprained Hons for liquor licenses for tho coming when the locality of the place and tho tho tlmo, through which the program showed that, whllo few in number in ankle, the injury being received at Pa-hu- la year wero brought up. A number were fnct that tho waterfront men congre- of tho day took placo In tho morning this city, the spirit of the organization where, it is said, disccord began granted without trouble and more wore gate there are considered, the placo has IUKKS FIRED held over meeting Instead of the afternoon as has been will not bo allowed to die out, but Is to tako tho place of harmony among for a futuro of the been remarkably orderly. the custom hero, tho attendance was becoming stronger each day. tho junketeers. Board. Upon the fato of 'Scotty's, apparent- Tho only fight which came uc. large. Tho showing mado in tho pa-ra- Following the 'Spanish-America- n ve Kai and "Ben" went by train to in the ly, the decision In regain to tho other was unusually good anil mili- Glcuwood on Monday morning, open session which was hold by the places with Sunday privileges rests. the terans came ourriages, containing tho from ' Board was over tho license appllod for is tary turned out in tho best possible notables who had been specially in- there going with tho remainder of tho If he not allowed a license It seems by Charlo3 Lambert, of tho Orpbeum likely shape. vited. Tho first of these was occu- expedition, Purdy having been aug- that all Sunday liquor selling Saloon. A protest against this was may be stopped, save in Promptly on tlmo the parade formed pied by Acting-Govern- Mott-Smlt- h, mented by Kalaiwaa to explore the the social entered by Rov. E. W. Thwlng and clubs of tho city. If he I3 refused a on Boretanla street and, in chargo of attended by Adjutant-Gener- al W. prospects in tho Puna district. They J. others. Lambert appeared with a map, license aud Grill given one, 1 Marshal of tho Day E. S. Barry, started Jones. Next camo Captain Rees, of returned Wednesday. the is made by a Government surveyor, a howl will cer- on its route through tho city. On all tho United Navy, CONSTANTINOPLE, May 30. Re fugees arriving hero from tho Island of Kohala received the county ofllcial that reach the skies Is States the orator of showing that his entrance was over tain to be heard. Then the the corners largo crowds were In at- day, say troops Indiscriminately among peo- political campaign expedition on May hotels will tho accompanied by his wife. Samos that the Turkish fired tho one hundred and fifty feet from the follow in tho same way. tendance and the sidewalks were lined The members of the governor's staff 18, flvo days out from Hilo, Indicating ple In their endeavor to suppress tho uprising. entrance to the Chinese kindergarten, A dedided fight against the granting with men, women and children who followed In carriages. that there had been no long stops due of only ono twenty-f- instead hundred and ot Sunday privileges to the Seaside were present to pay their respects to The parade through fol- to enthusiastic crowds, receptions and our tho city was feet away, as was stated In the Hotel Is being tho men who fought by bands of wclcorao along made, apparently being for tho Union lowed tho march to the Nuuann the Hamakua protest. His license was granted by by nearly fifty years ago. cemetery, coast. And there were certainly none started WalkikI residents, with. where the following program the Board with very little discussion. Commissioner Oilman as Tho parado was by In district, cor- tho leader. headed a finely was carried out. Fred Turrlll taking the Kohala whence a A. M. Brown appeared as attorney So far as can be mounted squad learned thore. has of mounted polico led tho duties of Fred Sherman, as officer respondent writes to tho Herald as for Harry Klomnie, whoso license was been no protest against the Young, by Captain Parker, mado of dny, follows : among hold ovor con- and a most the in tho decoration of tho thoso for future Moana or the WalkikI inn. Still the fitting entry wagon, Ho for the remainder of thoso graves: "The Home Rule baud with sideration. also appeared for tho tendencies of some ot the commission- In firm Hong & line. Tho horses were all finely Music Dirge Hawaiian Band Supervisor Purdy and County Attorney ot Fat Company, who ers, and probabiy a majority, aro have a retail, a that groomed and tho equipments spotless. Ritual... P. R. Rider, Post Commander Williams on board, arrived at Kohala and desire wholesale, should the Sunday privilege be refused Next camo tho Marshal of the Day, Prayer C. H. Dickey, Chaplain C0LLE6ES at noon on May u. They made their license. The application was turned to tho Seaside, it would nover do to 0 down. mounted on a handsome bay horse and Ritual Post Commander usuaJ rounds and got a cold reception glvo it to the Moana and Young Ho- wearing his blue stj.sh. of office. President Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad throughout the district. From AValmea When tho bo.T-- went into executive tels, as it would look too was muoh like Tho military followed, led by Major dress J. Roy Douglas I hear that there were also cold water session there more trouble. Thore favoritism. With this Idea ln""Wew NEW HAVEN, May 30. Harvard has defeated Yale tennis and was Hoff- It Dunning, who was attended by his Music ."Holy City"... Hawaiian Band at receptions. considerable talk about the may be seen that if Scotty's placo Is man Saloon, no complaint except staff, tho commander and his attending Roll Call of tho Dead Cornell in tho boat race. "Georgo P. Tulloch opened on them but closed it may mean that no ono except ofllccra being mounted and all others John W. Francis, Adjutant hero with a raking firo fore and aft, from tho friends of tho proprietor, Bil- a clubman will bo able to buy a ly Howell, who orlnk on foot. Tho soldiers from Fort Shaf- Ritual Chaplain and then ho let looso his broadsides. believe that for his on Sunday. own good the license should be refus- fer mado a fine showing, all four com- Reading "Tho Ship of Stato"-"Slee- p Ho did not hesitate in what he There has said. ed. He has conducted a quiet placo been but one new appli panies being In lino showing Comrades, Sleep" (Longfellow) Tulloch asked them what they wanted cation for Sunday and the .... but his friends want him to get out privileges, that com- effects of good training, by tho mili- Mrs. L. L. McCandless EANS ORDERED In Koha!a aud, when they replied that ing from C. J. McCarthy, for his placo of the business. The licenses of tho tary Decorating they to seo how on Palace Square. precision of their step. They Graves. .Fred Turrlll, O. D. wanted things were saloons In IwIIei were held up, one on Ho has stated the; run over way, If other applications were closely followed by the National Salute the Dead this ho told them they account of the fact It Is alleged for Sunday privi- get that leges are granted, Guard band, led by Bandmaster Berger, Post and National Guard could all tho inofniiatiou thoy that the proprietor is a pimp and his he believes that he should be allowed which was kept busy all along tho line. Address wanted by Inquiring of tho county wife a prostitute, and others on tho a license, but if tho ; others are Only patriotic music was played, with Capt.
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