, ■ '-i W RDNESDAY, M A Y 18, ^ m o PAQE FORTY-FOUR . I jlancWat^r Enaritng Jpfralii u. Most Manchester Stores Will Be Open Tonight UntU90 *Clock ' ' " t 5 & The North Manchester Al- About Town Anon family group will meet to­ FelloM’sliip Slate League Report on Housing night at 8 In the parish house of Average Delhr Net PreM Ron VeUlW i m tm btn of King the Second CongregaUonal Is Installed At Dftyld I^ e Fellows ohurch. The Thursday group On May 26 Board Agenda tVw 11m Waek IkkM The Weather wm b* hont^ at Its m ^ng „,g^t at 8 p.m. In the Path- Center Cliiirch May 8, 18T8 Claaring tUm evening baeem- 7:80 p.m. at O^d Fel- ^1^^ at 102 Norman St. ’The Board of Directors’ in- He Is al.so recommending an r notice! ing iCiUr, cool; low about 8S 1 ^ H^. S e^ e p ^ will a^o g^jh groups meet weekly, and Mrs. Ralph Frank of 96 Fran- formal meeting, to discuss and appropriation from the current r w* hov* raedved a targe thipmeiif of Mm Homorraw fair; high in iOn. h. aw ^d during he evening to friends and rein ee.s Dr. recently was Installed Capital Improvements Reserve 15,965 SatuixUy’a outhMk — oloudy, and refireshments will be served. tives of a person with a sever.e president of the Women s Fel­ review the Manchester League w fomous 4-ox. skeins of Fund, to pay costs for resurfac­ ' Manchester— A CUy of VUlage Charm warm er. ~ ~ drinking problem. lowship of Center Congregational of Women Voters’ Housing Re­ ing the ' high school tennte A Mother’s Day social and ___ rs-iifch efter a notUick. Mrs. port, has been changed to May courts. Originally, thp costs L % wool, red heont buffet mtpper vrlll be sponsored .pj,g Military Order of Cooties, Cl'f'ord Slnirvoop gave the In- 26. Ortgrlnally, It had been 100 VOJ.. L X X X IX , NO. 191 were to come from next year’s (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., TOURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 (Claaalfled Adrerttaiiig on Ehgie fl) by the Polish Women’s Alliance ypw , will meet tomorrow at 8 '■taillnt'on service and Miss Dll- scheduled for May 16. budget. PRICE TEN CENTS Oroup IM Saturday at 6 p.m. at ^ ,^t the post home for a llan Grant gave the worship The May 26 meeting will be­ ^ knitting worsted gin at 8 p.m., in the Municipal At 8:20 p.m., he Is allocating t t e PoUsh-American Club on business meeting. sendee. 40 minutes, to 9 p.m., for the CUnton St. Tickets may be ___ Mrs. Frank renlnees Mr«. Rob­ Building Hearing Room. review and discussion of the L we have over 50 colors in ttoek..ond somo ert Ooe who was elected vice Town Manager Robert Weiss 5 “ !****^ Jehovah's Witnesses will hold V W y Housing Report. Invited to •'res'-'ent. Ah'o elected were Is jUIocating 20 minutes for a r colors are stm hot ovoitablo. for Mm pret- British Probe Bomb Threats .on * ir«>“ P discussion of a Bible aid parficipate In the discussion are m e e tln g ^ d a y at 2:30 p.m. a. at 7:30 al 18 Chambers Mrs. Mark Hip. secretary and special meeting regonllng LWV representatives, the Man­ ^ ent, we are sttN selling this yom of 99c diein, GI Casualty Level me C1UUM>UM>. JSI Woodbndge St. and 726 Mrs. Roy R. Warren, treasurer. financial matters. He is recom­ On Increase mending the establishment of a chester Housing Authority, the Soviet Role N. Main St. in Manchester;Manchester! 144 Chairmen for the coming sea- Human., Relations Commission Suneet Rebekah Lodge and whshout account, to be financ­ NEW.TORK (AP) — The Griffin Rd. In South Windsor; Inclule Miss Lillian Grant, \ and the C-DAP Task Force on King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ and French Rd.' In Bolton. worship; Mrs. Nona McCann, ed by borrowing In anticipation number of telephoned bomb lows w ill have a combined ___ .service; Mrs. Malcolm Robert- of 1970-71 taxes, to cover Im­ Housing. \ r iLiniital thurs. ond In Mideast threats handled by police Highest Since FaU Guild President during 1B60 was nearly dou­ m em orial service Monday at The Stein Chib and the Stein- stewardship; mediate costs of the Northeast And at 9 p.m., he' has schedul­ LONDON (AP) — The Fo^-- ble the figure for 1988, a c­ 8 p.im-at tWd Fellows Hall for tonight at 8 at Be^n^ton member Mrs. William Fetherston of 20 Sewer Interceptor. The borrow­ ed an Informal meeting with his fri. nights SAIGON (AP) — Fighting in Cambodia and South members of both organizations the VFW Home ship: Miss Gertrude Carrier ing Is needed, he expilalned, be­ elgn Office aerved notice today cording to (he department’s Richmond Dr., last night was budget Format Review Com­ Vietnam boosted American battlefield deaths last week who have died during the past ___ and Miss Helen Cairrier, hospl- cause federal grant payments mittee, appointed by hlh> to HN 9:00 IV italn Intends to approach anmnJ report. year. Installed as president of the Aihe TwracU of RuMla about the i>reaent role of A total o f 8,191 ca lls was to their highest level in more than eight months and The cast of the Uttle Theatre for the project are being held up recommend simplification of downtown nianchesTeT^^^^ by red tape. town budget formats. Soviet-manned combat aircraft received, soma of which re­ South Vietnamese losses to their second highest in the of Manchester p«Kluctlon In Egypt. ported the stone threat. Po­ Tbe Eplsoopal Church Women Marks and Mrs. Adam Rhodes. tholom ew. In cerem onies at St. war, official casualty summaries disclosed today. ‘Luv” will rehearse tonight at A apokeaman, quesUened at a lice laaid 2,687 o f Ihe tfareate The U.8. Command said 188 -------------—------------------------------- of St. Mary’s Church will have Also, Mrs. Daisy Bill, pub­ Bai^olomew’s Church. She L its studio, 22 Oak St. newB conference, did not indt- proved to be unfounded and Americans w^re killed in action ito annual meeting and election licity; Mrs. James Hynd,, Mrs. succeeds Mrs. Robert Nelsiwan- _ . ___ . _ , „ .. Henry Miller, Mrs. William Min- cate if Britain means to prees 267 resUNed In the recovery in Southeast Asia last week. It of officers tomorrow starting at Cub Scout Pack 98 den moth- e : » pjn. with a poUuck In Neill " ‘T : " ‘ck Mrs. Charles Pickett, tor Ute withdrawal o f Soviet pi­ of suspictoiB Objects, Includ­ gave no breakdown for Cambo­ ers and committee leaders will r- 'The Rev. Philip J. Hussey, lots from the Arab-Israeli fight­ ing 118 bom be. Nineteen o f dian and South VletnamcM op­ Hall o f the church. ’The presents- TtTb”..'home hostess chairmen; Mrs. C. Thay- ptistor, presided at the ceremo- HOUSE and HALE features Medic Says tlon o f the UnHed ’Thank Offer !!) er B'own, Mrs. Walter Joyner, ing aone. the tatter were set to ex­ erations. , plode. tog will be made at this meet- of Karl Sahn, 63 Willard Rd. Mrs^'^berT^'l^^n^s.’ ^Mi^" Elrl But British authorities have Tbe command also reported tag. ----- Bissell and Mrs. Walter Fred- “ made clear they regard Soviet Ninety-three bombs went that through Wedneaday 110 Letter Led Ladles Bridge Group 2 o t the rfekson, holiday bazaar general communion supper. intervention as having added a off In the city during the U.8. troope have been killed in Manchester Newcomers Club chairmen. Other officers Installed are year. The executive board of Wad­ niew and m ore perilous elem ent Cambodian operations since The report Issued Wednee- dell School PTA will meet to­ wlU meet tonight at 8 at the Appointments also Include Mrs. Gerald Compaaso, first to an already explosive sltua- they were fautvehed April 29 to To Transfer tton. day Uelted am ong th e m ate­ night at 7 :30 in the school cafe- home of Mrs. Ira Epstein, 428 jjrs. Ann p. Brown, auditor; vice presldertl; Mrs. Charles destroy North Vietnamese and W. Middle Tpke, Other meet- Mrs. Thlenes, historian; Mrs. CJarroll, second-^jrice president; SAWINGS THAT The Brltlah, for the first Ume, rials recov ered : 124 pieces taria. Viet Cong base camps and sup­ TRIE LOS ANGELES TIMES ___ tags toiUght at 8 are the Ladies James Elliott, represtSitatlve to Mrs. Paul ’Tucker, secretary; are now pubUidy confirming of dynamite, 164 blasting ply depots used tor staging at­ Th» n* Tvinw,. Bridge Group 1 at the home of Manchester Council o f Church and Mrs. James Downing, that their information backs up caps, 89 grenaJdea, 3 aerial tacks into South Vietnam. LOS ANOEL£» — On Jon. C h ^ M d ^ W ^ e X ^ EJekbreth of 93 Sy- women United; Mrs. Fredrick- treaimrer. IsraeU clalme of Soviet pilots bombs, 146 MMotov cooktaUs South. Vietnamese military 20, Capt. Irvin S. Roger, -TTi a vtoM niKia ahw*. .Ill camore Lane, and the Book Dls- gon, representatives to Girl Appointed chairmen of stand- flldng operational mlsaione over and 40 artillery shells. headquarters reported that 888 doctor with the Army Mbdlcal Group at the home of Scouts. ing committees are Mrs. Corn- central Egyptian territory. government troops were killed Corps, wo* flown home from each meet tonight at 7:30 in the Mrs.„ „ „ Ronald Kraatz, 34 Qoslee ___________ Urkdersecretary for Foreign church. passo, parish dance; Mrs. In action last week. Vietnam tor duty at March Air 3 Dr., which will discuss "Arma­ Charles Carroll, program; Mrs.
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