CENSUS 1971 SERIES 2 ANDHRA PRADESH DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SRIKAKULAM PART X-A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY PART X-B VILLAGE & TOWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT T. VEDANTAM OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPE:RATIONS ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH '973 PAECOTTA (YETHAM) The motif given all the cover page brings out a familiar sight somewhat peculiar 10 Srikakulam distn:ct as aile travels 011 the Calcutta-Madras National Highway. It is the device used 10 iift waler from a ground well popular'y known as "Yetham" in Telugu, its English equivalent being paecotla: The usual mechanism of paecotta consists of a long arm pivoted hetween two posts. In Sri­ kakulam district the agriculturists normally grow a tree which branches out into a 'Y' shape. These two sturdy branches are used as support for operafing the "YerlJam". The shorler part of the arm carries a weight of stone or a hall of clay, and the longer parI a rope or long stick 10 which a bucket is fastened. This is set lip on the bund of a pool, water course or well. The worker pulls the longer arm down until ,he bucket dips info the lraler, and then, assisted by the counter weight, lifls the fui! bucket and pours the water into the ditch from which water passes on /0 the land. The foliage of the tree prOl'ides the much­ wanted shade by the farmer {o take rest offer hard work. When the crop comes up ripe for harvest, the 'Y' shaped part of tree is used as couch to watch the crops against pilferers-men, animals and birds. The Yetham system of irrigation is in common use mostly in Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam and to some extent il1 East Godavari Districts of the State. The fairly high water table, soils with an admixture of sand particularly along the coast line and an abundance of Palmyra trees are mainly responsible for the extensive use of paecotta in these districts compared to other districts in the State where other water lifting apparatus such as the single or double 'mhote', Persian wheel (rahat), Archimedian Screw elc., which are an improvement over the traditional paecotta are in greater use. While in respect of large-scale irri­ gation flow afwater is regulated from dams and reservoirs through a net work of canals and channels, the paecatta is particularly useful in respect of small-scale irrigation where vegetables, coarse grains, garden pfantations etc., are raised. Andhra Pradesh which is one of the predominant agricultural States in the country has about 33 .lakh hectares of land under irrigation from different sources of irrigation con~/ituting roughly 28% of the net area sown. About 4t lakh hectares forming about 14';~ of the State's total-irr:gated land are under well irrigation excluding the land irrigated u1lder tube-wells. A considerable part of land under well irrigation is irrigated by paecottas in Srikakulam district. III a normal year, when the climatic conditions are con­ ducive to agricultural operations, about 14,000 hectares of land form ing 5% of the total irrigated land in Srikakufam district is irrigated by wells-mostly with paecoftas PREFACE The District Census Handbooks which were first published at the 1951 Census proved to be very useful to the State and Central Government Departments. private agencies and academic bodies like Universities and Research Insti tutions. The scope of these Handbooks was enlarged to make them m'Jre useful during the 1961 Census. Considering the delay in the publication of these Hand· books due to difficulties in finding suitable presses which could undertake huge printing work of this kind, it was considered desirable to split up the 1971 Census Handbooks into three parts viz., Part A­ Village and Town Directory, Part B - Village and Town. Primary Census Abstract and Part C - Analytical Rep,rt, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. This was done mainly with a view to publishing Parts A and B which c.Jntain n'Jt only the pJpulltion data upto the village and town level but also the particulars abJut the basic amenities etc., available in the towns and vilbges, as early as possible for public use. The scop~ and contents of these three parts are elaborated in the introduction of this volume. I am glad to recJrd here that Parts A and B of the 1971 Census Handbooks of all the 21 Districts in the State have been finalised already and I expect that before the end of 1974 Parts A and B CJr all the 21 Districts would have b~en published. The compibtion of thes~ Handbooks is b~ing dJne from the 1951 Census in the Office of the Director of Census Op::ratiJns while th ~ CJst of paper, printing, etc., required for th'?s~ volumes is being berne by the State Governm~nt The Andhra Pradesh State Government hw;! readily agreed to bear the cost C'f printing ard paper L:r th~ 1971 Census Ha1dboClks I am grateful to the Andhra Pradesh State Government and i:l particular to the Additional Chief Secretary to the G;)vernment of Andhra Pradesh, Shri S. A. Quader, lAS., for their cO-Jperation and encouragement. I am thBnkful to the Director of Printing, Governme:~t of Andhra Pradesh for assisting me by selecting suitable presses f~lr undertaking tho printing (f th~ Har:dbooks. The data presented in the Village and Town Directcries are obtained from different State Govanment and Central Government Departments but for whose co-opeTltion Part-A of the Ha:ldbJC,ks could not have been compiled. I am thankful to all.of them for furn;shing me the required data. I am extrem;:»y grat: CuI '0 Shri A. Chmdra Sekhar, lAS., RegisifJr General, Indi! and Dr. B.K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General, Indi.l who formulated the contents of these Handbooks in det::!il and rendered spontaneous heJp and encouragement to me a-: ail stages. The ful'owing staff (f my Office worked on the pres~nt volume of Srikakulam District Census Handbook under the guidance a'ld supervisi'JJ1 cf Shri P. S. R Avadhmy, Deputy Director of Census Operations ;md Shri K. Narasimha Murthy, Assist mt Director of Census Operations of my Office. Sri P. B. Sunder Raj, Tabula.. ion Officer ") I Smt. P. Lalitha, Tabulation Officer I ». Drafting, Scru"tiny and Supervision Sri T. Brahmiah, Statistical Assis'.ant i Sri K. V. Sam-a, Statistical Assis' an'; ) Sri A. V. Krishul Reddy, Compu;or Supervisir n of Printing Sri N. Gangaraju, Compu·.or ") 1 Sri K. Devadass, As~is·"au'C Compiler >- Collection and Compilation I Sri S. Ramakrishna, Assis:ant Compiler ) Sri P. Inllayya, Junior Reader, G.C.P. ") >- Proof Reading Sri Abid Yar Khan, Junior Reader, G.C.P. ) 11 Sri A. Venkateswara Rao, Assistant Compiler Scrutiny of Maps Sri M. N. Ram Mohan, Artist Supervision of Mapping Work Sri Syed Ahmed, Senior Draughtsman ') Sri M. J. Sadiq, Draughtsman Sri N. G. Swamy, Draughtsman Sri Mohiuddin Hassan, Draughtsman Sri M. Shankaraiah, Draughtsman f Preparation of Maps Sri Md. Yakub Ali, Draughtsman I Sri B. Raghu Ram, Draughtsman I Smt. Daya Saxena, Draughtsman , I Sri D. Koteswara Rao, Computor ) I am grateful to their services. I trust that this humble effort on the part of the Census Organisation would meet with the appreciation it deserves. T. VEDANTAM Director of Census Operations CONTENTS Pages Introduction 1-4 PART A - VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION I - VILLAGE DIRECTORY Explanatory Note-Village Directory 5-12 Villag~ Directory: Srikakulam Taluk 13-27 Cheepurupalle Taluk 29-47 Bobbili Taluk 49-63 Salur Taluk 65-79 Parvathipuram Taluk 81-111 Palakonda Taluk 113-139 Pathapatnam Taluk 141-171 Narasannapet Taluk 173-181 Tekkali Taluk 183-201 Sompeta Taluk 203-213 Ichchapuram Ind. Sub-Taluk . 215-217 Talukwise Abstract of Amenities 218-221 SECTION II - TOWN DIRECTORY Explanat'Jry Note-Town Directory 222-229 Town Directory: Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 230 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 231 Statement III Civic Finance 232 St1tement IV Civic and other Amenities 233 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 234 Statem~nt VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking Facilities 235 SLttement VII Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes 236 PART B - VILLAGE AND TOWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Explancttory Note-Primary Census Abstract 239-245 Prim1ry Census Abstract: SRIKAKULAM DISTRICT 246-257 Srikakulam Taluk 259-301 Cheepurupalle Taluk 303-346 Bobbili Taluk 347-386 SallJr Taluk 387-423 ParvathiiJuram Taluk 425-487 Pabkcnda Taluk 489-549 Pathapatnam T:tluk 551-597 Narasannapet Taluk 599-621 Tekkali Taluk 623-675 Sompcta Taluk 677-706 Ichchapur:m Ind. Sub-Taluk. 707-721 III IV MAPS SRIKAKULAM DISTRICT FrOll tisp ieee Srikakulam Taluk Facing Page 13 CheepurupaJle Taluk 29 " Bobbili Taluk 49 " Salur Taluk 65 " Parvathipuram Taluk 81 Palakoflda Taluk 113 Pa thapatnam Taluk l41 173 Narasannapet Taluk " Tekk"li Taluk 183 203 Sompeta Taluk " lchchapuram Ind. Sub-Taluk . 215 Srikakulam Dis:rict-Talukwise Dei;sity of Population 239 " FIGURES AT A GLANCE COMPARATIVE FIGURES OF THE STATE AND THE DISTRICT Andhra Pradesh Srikakulam State District POPULATION TOTAL Persons 43,502,708 2,589,991 Males 22,008,663 1,279,085 Females 21,494,045 1,310,906 RURAL Persons 35,100,181 2,314,271 Males 17,698,247 1,141,631 Females 17,401,934 1,172,640 URBAN Persons 8,402,527 275,720 Males 4,310,416 137,454 Females 4,092,911 138,266 DECENNIAL POPULATION +20.9 +13.8 GROWTH RATE 1961-71 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA (Sq.
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