76.` yul.- v\l - ~S,rs:4~~P:7~\.-i~,C~p~.t~ \rltjii~·,~2·~~ ajC WL~L,I\ISG~ ~1~(~!~.!L~~r~5 The World's Largest Hedge Fund is a Fraud E~s·i~"T'4~''LC November 7, ~005 Submission to the SEC MBdoff Investment Securities, LLC www~.mad~ff.com Opening Remarks: I amthe original source for the information presented herein having first presented my rationale,both verbally and in writing, tothe SEC's Boston oflice in May, ~1999 before any publicinformation doubting MadoffInvestment Securities, LLC appe~-e~ain~-~e press.Ihere was no whistleblower or insider involved in compilingthis report. I usedthe Mosaic Theory to assemble my set of observations. My observations were collected firstfirst-handby li~-~ninnto furfund~s ~`'P~Y`IJ ~ffundinvestors talk about their investments in a hedgefund ran bi----2~------`yMadoffInvestment Secu~Lfi~s; ,a equityderivative trading desks and every single ~ii·ealsoone spokenqfthe senior tothe managersheads of various I spoke Wallwith Streettold me ~~~ ~·r~c~i. that Beriie Madoffwas a fraud. Of course, no one wants to take undue career risk by sticking theirhead up andsaying the emperorisn't wearingany clothes but.... ·"`~.~~·3*".rc I am a~--- derivatives expert and have traded or assisted inthe trading ofseveral billion $US in I~L" optionsstrategies forhedge funds arld institutional clients. I have experience managing split- strikeconversion products bothusing index options andusing individual stockoptions, bothwith andw;,thout index puts. Very few people in the world have the mathematical background needed to managethese types of productsbut I am oneof them. I haveoutlined a detailedset of Red Flags that make me very suspicious that BemieMadoffs returns aren't real and, if theyare real, thenthey would almost certainly have to be generated by front-runuing customer order flow from the broker-dealerarm of:MadoffInvestmentSecurities. LLC. Due to the sensitive nature of the case I detail below,its dissemination within the SEC must be limited to those with a need to know. The firm involvedis locatedin the New YorkRegion. As a result of this case, several careers on Wall Street andin Eursp2:will be ruined. '~herefore,I havenot signednor put my narlle·on this report. I requestthat my namenot be releasedtoanyone other than the Branch Chief andTeam Leader in the New York Region who are assigned td the case, withoutmy express written permission. The fewer people who know who wrote this report the better. I am-woniedabout the personal.safety of myselfand my family. Under no circumstances is this reportor its contentsto besharea with any other regulatorybody without my express permission. This report has been written solely for the SEC's internal- use. As far as I know, noneof the hedge fund, fund of funds (FOF's) mentionedin my reportare engaged·in a conspiracy to commit fraud. I believe they are ndive men and women with a / notablelackof derivatives e~pertise andpossessing littleor no quantitative financeability. ~ ~vL~~~ // /a,~~ ~, Thereare 2 possiblescenarios that involvefraud by MadoffSecurities: 6~~C~'3 ~ve I. Scenario# 1 (Unliltely): I am submitting this case under Section 21A(e) of the 1934 Ac~t inthe event that the broker-dealer and ECN depicted is actuallywovidina the stated MADOFF EXHIBITS-04451 returnsto investorsbut is earningthose retumSby fiont-runningcustomer order flow. Front-runningqualifies as insider-tradingsince it reliesupon material, non-public information that is acted-upon for the benefit of one party to the detriment of another party. Section21A(e) of the 1934Act allows,the SEC to pay up to 10%of the total fines leviedfor insider-trading.We have obtainedapproval from the SEC's Officeof General Counsel, the Chairman's Office, and the ~bountyprogram administrator that the $EC is able and willingto pay Section21A(e) rewards. This case shouldqualify ifinsider- trading is·involved. 2. Scenario# 2 CHighlylikely) Madoff Securities is the world's largestPonzi Scheme. In thiscase there is no SECreward payment due the whistle-blowerso basicallyI'm turning this-case in becauseit's the right thing to do. Far betterthat the SEC is proactivein shutting down a Ponzi Scheme of this size rather than reactive. ~p~ PC~Ye~S/I~I~P~B1J~ Who: The politically/powe;-fUlMadoff family owns and operates a New York City based broker- dealer, ECNTan;l~-h3~t'E~i;;~Hkctively the world's largest hedge fund. Bernard "Bemie" Madoff, the family patriarch started the firm. Accordingto the www.madoff.comwebsite, "BernardL. Madoff was one ofthefive broker-dealersmost closely involved in developingthe NASDAeStock Market. He has been chairmanof the board of directors ofthe NASDAeStock Market as wellas a memberofthe boardofgovernors of theNASD and a memberof numerousNASD committees. Bernard Madofj~ was also afounding memberof the InternationalSecurities Clearing Corporation in London. His brother,Peter B. Madoff has servedas vice chairmanofthe NASD,a memberof its board ofgovernors,and chairmanof its New Yorkregion. He also has been activelyinvolved in the NASDAe Stock Market as a member of its board of governors and its executivecommittee and as chairmanof its tradingcommittee. He also has beena memberof the boardofdirecCors gftheSecurity Traders Association ~fNew Yorle He is a memberoffhi board o~direcrors ofthe bepositolyTrust Corporation. ~at: .I. The familyruns what is effectivelythe world's largesthedge fund virithestimated assets undermanagement of at least $20 billionto perhaps$50 billion,but no one ~nows exactlyhow much money.BMis managing. That we have what is effectivelythe world'slargest hedge-fund-operating underground is plainlyput·shocking. But then again,we don't' evenknow thesize of the hedgefund industryso none of this shouldbe surprising.A super-sized~aud of this magnitudewas boundto happengiventhe lack of regulationof theseoff-shore entities. My bestguess is thatapproximately $30 billion is involved. 2. Howeverthe hedgefund isn't organizedas a hedgefund by BernardMadoff(BM) yet it actsand trades exactly like one. BMallows third party Fund of Funds(FOFls) to private labelhedge fUnds that provide his firm,Madoff Securities, with equity tranch funding. In returnfor equitytrench funding, BM runs a tradingstrategy, as agent,whose returns flowto the thirdparty FOF hedge funds and their investors who put up equitycapital to MADOFF EXHIBITS-04452 -f~F`~SPo~sRcr? 7~ fund BM's.broker-dealer and ECN operations.BMtZlls investors it earnsitsSees by chargingcommissions onall oj~fhe trades done intheir accounts. RedRag # i: Whywould a USbroker-deaIer organize andfund itselfinsuch an unusual ~D`IIJ~P~L~ _ manner?Doesn 'I~his seem to be an unseemly wayoSoperaling under the regulator : radarscreens? Why aren't the commissions chargedfully disclosed toinvestors RSJm -~ ~d~a SECRegistered Investment Advisor charge both commissions andcharge a principlefee ,·I~r4 for trades?MOSTIMPORTANTLI~ whywouldBMsertlefbr charging only IFVE"4~LSj~~U~S or undisclosedcommissions whenhecould earn standard hedgefundfees ofI%~~ fleet~s~t~srse L·l~- manngementfee+ 20% offhe profits? Doing some simplemafh onEMS 12% average ~p~hCPo4 annual return stream to investors, fhehedgefund beSorefees, would have to be earning averageannual returns oS16~ Subtractout the I% managemencSeeand investorsare downto 15%. 20% oftheprofits would amount to 3% ~20 x 15% 3%profit 'participaiion)so investorswould be left with the stared 72% annual returns listed in AttachmentI (Fairjieli~ Sentry Ltd Performance Data). Toralfees tothe thirdparty FOF'swouldamount to 4% annuallL. Now why would BM leave 4% in average annual fee revenue on the table unless he were a PonziScheme?· Or, is he charging a whole lot more. than 4% in undisclosed commissions? 3. Thethird parties organize the hedge fUnds and obtain investors but 100% of the money raised is actually managed by MadoffInvestment Securities,LLC in a purported hedge fundstrategy. ~The investors that pony up the money don't know that BM is managing theirmoney. That Madoffis managing the money is purposelykept secret from the investors.Some prominent US basedhedge fund, fund of funds,that· "invest" in BMin this manner include: A. FairfieldSent~~Limited (Arden Asset Management) which had $5.2 billion 5, a ;I i~nlu~vr investedin BM as of May 2005; 1 i" Floqr,919 Third Avenue; ~P=-~i~, NY ~Jr 100?2;Telephone 212~-3I~T~i36; TheFairfield Greenwich Group isa globalfamily of ~.ulE)7" ~-~cZ. companieswithoffices inNew York. London andBermuda. andrepresentative officesinthe U.S.. htEn,-T" Europeand Latin America. Local operating entities are authorized orregulated bya varietyof ~3LU ~ 7 governmentagencies; including Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC,a U.S. SEC registered B.~S39 investmentadviser, Fairfield Heathcliff Capital LLC. a U.S.~ NASD member broker-dealer, and theFairfield UnitedOreenwichKingdom. (UK) Limited. authon~zed andregulated bythe Financial Services Authority in B. AccessInternational Advisors; www.aiaRrou~.com; a SEC registered investment advisor,telephone # 212.223.7167; Suite2206; 509 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022which had over $450 millioninvested with BM as of mid-2002.The majorityofthis F9F's investors areEuropean, even thoug~l thefirm is US registered. C. BroyhillAll-Weather Fund, L.P. had ~350 million invested with BM as ofMarch 2000. D. TremontCapital Management, Inc. Corporate Headquarters is locatedat 555·Theodore FremdAvenue; Rye, New York 10580; T: (914) 925-1140 F:(914) 92'113499.Tremont oversees on an advisory and fi~llydiscretionary basis over $10.5 billion in assets. Clients include institutional
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