VA- * V. i r '■'Kv ■■ i ./ ., ■ ■ ■, *, .V‘ A T TUB WBATHER ^ NET PRESS RUN 1 PoMMBt hi’' tf• JIT' vr ea UUc - BVreaa, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION !' .'Hew UaTca - for tlie Month of March, 1920 r . Rain tonight; Saturday fair. ■ <-• ‘'- 5 , 3 2 6 • • « ^ ■ .fj *■ Member of the Andlt Bureau ot ■wmr •TT- Circnlntlona HNt' EIGHTEEN'^AGES./ PRICE THREE CENtSf (Classified Advertising on Page 16) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929. VOL. XLHI., NO. 152. NAVAL PARLEY TORCH KILLER Liner Leviathan “Goes Out Wet” OPERA STAR W T H B R IT A i CAUGHT AFTER FORCEDINTO FAROTYEI ALOJWCHI^E RETHNT Marion TaDey PoBlely Told ^vem m en t Will Not Set a New Jersey Engineer Says HOUSE KILLS B i m So fcrokdr Told Lawyer Egan Who Testified Today— S ^ ' She Is No Longer Needed; He Cot $80,M O for Handling Watkins’ A ffw s— Has Date Until After General He Burned Up Woman Be­ Other Singers Say She Frequwt Clashes With State’ s Attorney Alcorn Dur­ Elections Are Held on cause He Had Another Was Overrated. ing Cross-Examniation— Says He Kept Few Books and May 30. Wife Living. Miss Cheney Objects to Bar­ New YorK, April 12.— Marlon' bers’ Apprentice Bifl Bnt Admits He is “Vary Poor Business Man” — “That little London, April 12.— Inquiry in Elizabeth, N. J., April 12— Wom­ Talley, Metropolitan opera singer, en and greed for gold proved to ©facial circles by International News be the downfall of Henry Colin was forced into the retirement Black Bag” Is Brought Into Limelight Service today revealed that it is Campbell, sixty, a white-haired civil which she has so gracefully made. She is Voted Down. most unliKely that Great Britain engineer and advertising man, who International News Service is in jail here today as the confess­ will attempt to initiate a new naval learned on unimpeachable authority Hartford, April 12.— The House $20,000 fee for the conduct of the limitation conference before the ed slayer of Mrs. Mildred Mowry of today that the Kansas City song­ today Killed two bills which would Hartford, April, 12.— "WatKins WatKins case. He couldn’t say Greensville. Pa., his bigamous wife general election on May 30. bird had incurred ^he disfavor of increase the tax on gasoline. Each told me his money was out of pro­ whether the money was put into the whose charred body was found the powers-that-be in the Metro­ bill proposed to make the tax two ceeds of a diamond robbery in firm account or into a safe deposit It was declared that nothing blazing by the roadside near Cran­ definite could come from President politan Opera company and was cents higher than at present. Other Pennsylvania grpwing out of which box. Then the checK hooK that was ford, N. J., on Feb. 23, last. politely told that she was “ no a man was hanged,” declared Wil­ Hoover’s “ naval armament trial The mighty Leviathan had only bills Killed by the House follow: used by the firm, and which either Posed as a Doctor longer needed,” after being sub­ Providing for marKing or desig­ liam B. Egan''lawyer being tried member might handle without the balloon” for at least three months Campbell, who has posed as a twelve miles to go when this pic­ jected to the usual “ sliding pro­ by Judge Isaac. Wolfe in Superior f“because of the possibility of a ture was taken, and then liquor nating trunk line roads through approval of the other, was produced. doctor, was to be questioned fur­ cess” that always precedes the dis­ towns: providing an appropriation Cojurt here on a. charge of conspira­ Egau said he did not always * change of government after ^ the ther concerning the victim of could be sold openly and literally charge of the Metropolitan’s gol­ cy because of Egan’s' connections I election. aboveboard. Sailing from New of $30,000 to a community water make payments by check. He used Miss Margaret Brown, a middle- den-throated warblers. supply survey by the State Board with Roger W. Whtkins, broKer. cash or checK— “ I did as I wanted Government circles refuse to ex­ aged governess whose gasoline YorK for the first time since leav­ - The imformant of International Egan related the story to Judge press open opinion on the prospects ing government control, the huge of Health; amending Stamford’s to.-* I admit I am a very poor busi­ soaked body was found in the ruins News Service declared that Miss charter to change the name “ Straw­ William S. Hyde, one of his own ness man.” o f the three power naval parley be­ of a burning automobile near Bern- liner was to sell liquor to its Talley was first subjected to the counsel, during direct examination ing resumed. Furthermore, it is passengers beyond the twelve- berry Hill” to “ Strawberry Ave.” ; ardsville, N. J.. a year ago. Miss "'‘sliding process” last season when including various types of hares In today. Egan declared that at one AFTERNOON SESSION. certain that Lord Cushendun, Bri- Brown had been Keeping company mile limit under the policy insti­ tuted by Joseph E. Sheedy, right, 'she was called upon to appear In the statute concerning rabbits; time during his relations with Wat­ i tain’s representative on the Geneva with a man who said he was a doc­ ^hnly three subscription perform­ kins, the broKer had told him he [disarmament commission, is not executive head of the United placing a tax on amusement places Hartford, April 12.— William E. tor. ances of the opera company, an un­ on the basis of seating capacity; had a safe deposit box “ with plen­ lauthorized to negotiate with Hugh Many women figured in Camp- States Lines, Inc., new owners of Egan, Hartford lawyer on trial here precedented misfortune for a star. providing for rebate of five per ceht ty of stuffing.” Egan said WatKins for conspiracy in connection with fGibson, the American observer, for life. He met middle-ageu the vessel. She sang yesterday at the Metro­ gave him a Key which he purported a resumption of the conference. on gasoline tax to distributors to the Roger W. Watkins broKerage women with money through a politan (her last appearance on any meet the cost of reporting sales;- would open" the ■ box. Later, said ! Lord Cushendun’s only function matrimonial agency in Detroit. He business, told Hugh M. Alcorn, stage she announced) but it was a amending the Pine Orchard Asso­ Egan, “ I gave the Key hack to Wat­ state’s attorney, this aftempofi will be to report America’s attitude had his first meeting with Mrs. subscription performance not at­ kins in the presenco of Mrs. Wat­ to the British government. ciation charter to permit zoning that: “ I told trustees for the Na­ Mowry that way in Washington. tended by any of the opera com­ and other rights now exercised by kins and she said it was not a safe Cabinet’s Position When he was arrested last night he tional Associated Investors notMng pany’s subscribers. the Town of Branford. deposit box Key blit only a rusty but they were able to discover.” The British Cabinet, it was was living with his real wife and The young singer was made a old Key that didn’t fit anything.” “ They : were in lucK to discover three children in an apartment not SOUTHERN CROSS CREW Favorable reports received in the I pointed out, “ would not be so un- Metropolitan star in 1926 with a It was then, according to Egan, anything, then?” asked Mr. Alcorn. far from where had lain unidenti­ maximum of ballyhoo and theatri­ House follow: WatKins said he- was “ willing to [wise as to commit the future gov­ Providing that a bank or trust “ yhey were in lucK,” replied Mr. ernment, which might be Socialist- fied for seven weeks the body of the cal fanfare. Great things were pre­ take the shot if Mrs. WatKins were woman he confesses Killing be­ company shall be named to certify Egan. jabor, to anything definite.” dicted for her by every person of Kept out of it.” Egan, being cross-examined, was cause, he said, after marrying her FOUND AFTER 13 DAYS note connected with the famous the bond issues of municipalities; In the conversation WatKins told Government officials, speaking providing state permits for opera­ hard-pressed to answer soine of the privately, said they regarded the bigamously he decided it “ was the New YorK musical institution. Be­ of the box containing the proceeds only way to get rid of her.” tion of private schools; regulating state’s attbfney’s. questions. Mr atmosphere conveyed by Washing- fore her first season was over, how­ of a “ diamond robbery in Pennsyl­ Alcora brought up the matter of Has Three Children ever, according to International shad fishing in the Scantic and Sal­ vania growing out of which a man Tton reports as distinctly hopeful. mon rivers and Hamburg coves; M *. “V^atKios’ jewelry. Egan de­ Whey expressed belief that if some- His real wifq is an attractive Trans-Pacific Flyers Located TEXAS, ACQUITTED, News Service’s informant. Miss was hanged.” woman of 33. He said he married providing for printing the revision clared he could not recall where he [thing definite should he evolved Talley had lost much of her favor. Egan Got ^80,000 had received it. He admitted hav- her in Chicago 18 years ago. They of the general statutes; permitting At this point Judge Wolfe, by |from the forthcoming meeting of Was Overrated. ing-It. He— declared_ he had receiv­ have three daughters, aged 16, 14 In Wilds Australia; One Backstage at the Metropolitan, it the reduction of capital stocK and asking a question, learned that [the League of Nations preparatory of I HOLDS OPEN HOUSE par value of banKs; providing for asaxug it , ^ of money from Idisarmament commission at Gene- and 3.
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