Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations RITES ADD GLORIODS PAGE TO HISTORY OF CATHOLIC CHURCH IN COLORADO Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Pres# Society, Inc., 1942— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting on Articles Otherwise Marked, Giren After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Figures in Magnificent Ceremony Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr as its first Archbishop ate shown below. The upper picture shows a scene at the Mass after installation with the Very Rev. Charles Hagus at the left. Archbishop Vehr in the center, 40 of Hierarchy Are and the Very Rev. Monsignor John R. Mulroy at the right. In the lower photograph, .Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Gcognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United .Slates, who officiated at the erection o f the Archdio­ cese o f Denver ami the Diocese o f Pueblo and the installation o f Archbishop Vehr, and sang the Solemn DENVER CATHaiC Pontifical Mass following, is shown at the left with A rchbishop Vehr just prior to the ceremonies. Present as Denver Is Made Archbishopric REG ISTER Stale Had Never Seen Such Liturgical Splendor The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service. Seven Smaller Services, As at Elevation of Most Rev. Urban J . Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Vehr to Rank of Metropolitan VOL. XXXVII. No. 20. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 1942. $1 PER YEAR I (By C. J. McNeill) The glory of the Apostolic Church that is the Mystical Body of Christ on earth blazed out in splendor unprece­ Huge Spiritual Work, Material dented in all the Rocky Mountain region on Tuesday morning as the far-reaching authority of the Sovereign Pontiff ex­ tended into Denver’s Cathedral and established the i^ch- diocese of Denver with the Most Rev. Urban Vehr as its Aid Reported by De Paul Men first Metropolitan. Through his personal representative, the Most Rev. Maintaining their long war remarkable record of spiritual gious talks, 119. Entertainment Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apos- against spiritual and temporal pov­ achievement compiled by the 20 and pictures were provided on 82 tolic Delegate to the United erty, conferences attached to the Denver parish conferences and occasions for those helped by the States, Pope Pius XII, wise ruler , Denver Particular council of the that of St. Joseph’s, Golden. club, which also secured permanent of the Universal Church in a war-; P St. Vincent de Paul society ex­ In the course of the 4,575 visits employment for 161 and tempo­ weary world, on the glorious Feasj pended $13,091.19 in'th e fiscal made by the 150 active de Paul rary work for 642. Clothing was of the Epiphany elevated Bishop Vehr to the Archiepiscopal rank, year ending Sept. 30 to alleviate men, 45 mdrriages were rectified, distributed to 453 persons. established the new ecclesiastical the suffering among the destitute. 79 were baptized, religious educa­ Not included in the figures for More impressive, however, was the Province of Denver, and erected m il Dpciipps tion was secured for 388 children, the Denver conferences was the the Diocese of Pueblo. 155 persons returned to the faith, work of the Immaculate Concep­ and 27,770 religious articles, tion conference, Albuquerque, and Never before in its dramatic books, and papers were distributed St. Francis of Assisi’s of Santa Fe, history had the wide region of Registorials to the poor. N. Mex. Together these organiza­ lofty peaks and extensive plains GIVPN IN FULL The Burial committee of the tions spent $4,265.71 for material seen a day like this. Never had Particular council, assisted by the help Ao the poor, aided 543 per­ there been gathered here so many The new ecclesiastical Province Holy Ghost conference, expended sons, and made 1,267 visits. high-ranking prelates of the NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE of Denver has been established be­ $921.36 for 226 funerals, but more Church— the Apostolic Delegate, TUESDAY’S CEREMONY Although not mentioned in the cause of the Holy Father’s “ desire impressive was the spiritual work seven other Archbishops, 32 “ And round about the throne are report, the conferences in South­ to advance the interests and to of this group, which alone resulted Bishops. Never had such magnifi­ 24 seals; and iipo ^ the seats 24 ern Colorado' continued their ex­ promote the spiritual well-being in 17 conversions, the rectification cellent labors and new interest in cent beauty been seen in these elders sitting, clothed in white gar­ parts. Never had the worship of of the faithful.” That is the decla­ of 13 marriages, eight Baptisms, charitable work was evidenced by ments, and on their heads crowns the All-High God reached such ration of the official document of o f gold. And from the throne pro­ Christian education for 12 chil­ officials of the Particular council erection o f the archdiocese, issued dren, and the return of 24 persons liturgical splendor. Never had such ceed flashes o f lightning, rum­ in Pueblo. by the Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni to the sacraments. music filled the mountain air. blings, and prals o f thunder; and Never had such joy swelled in the Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to there are seven lamps burning be­ In spending moi^e than $13,000, the United States, and read in the 34.S per cent of which went for hearts of the thousands of faith­ fore the throne, which are the HDELEEITE ful sons and daughters of the packed Cathedral Tuesday morn­ seven spirits o f Cod. .And before food, the council aided 795 fami­ ing by the Very Rev. Thomas D. lies that included 1,183 adults and Church in Colorado and Wyoming. the throne tliere is, as it were, a Never had civic and secular society Coyne, C.M., rector of St. Thomas’ sea o f glass like to crystal, and in 2,438 children and provided help Headed by the Most Rev. Urban seminary. for 230 persons not in families. looked with such high respect on the midst of the throne, and round J. Vehr, a delegation of more than the Church of Christ. In de«P and solemn tones, Fa­ the throne, are four living crea­ Medical aid was provided for 71, 50 priests and a group of distin­ and hospital care for 32; situa­ Never was its like witnessed be­ ther Coyne read in Latin the three tures, full o f eyes before and be­ guished Catholic laity welcomed tions were procured for 160, and fore; never will this day return. decrees erecting the Diocese of hind. And the first living creature is the Apostolic Delegate to the The well-loved Biehop Vehr is now, Pueblo, elevating the Diocese of 45 were given traveling expenses United States, the Most Rev. Am­ like a lion and the second like a by the grace of God and the favor Denver to the rank of an arch­ calf, and the third has the face, as to their homes. leto Giovanni Cicognani, to Denver 3-Story Building Bought of the Apostolic see, Arehbiehop ai diocese, and appointing Arch­ it were, o f a man, and the fourth Monday morning, Jan. 5. Adverse Highlighting the year for the OF VAIL Denver. Gone is the old diocese, bishop Urban J. Vehr Apostolic is like an eagle flying. And the four mm weather and the right of way council was the acquisition of a and in its place stand today the Administrator o f the Diocese of living creatures have each o f them given to troop trains across the three-story building with full base­ Archdiocese of Denver and the Pueblo. six wings; round about and within country were chiefly responsible ment at 1951 Lawrehce street to Determined to give people in the Diocese of Pueblo. What was done English translations of the docu­ they are full o f eyes. .And they do district more interest and pride for the arrival of the Burlington house the work of the de Paul Sal­ Zephyr in Denver two hours late. on this day is done forever— ments were furnished to each not rest day and night, saying: vage bureau. This unit of the or­ ir. community life, Stephen J. wTOught under the inspiring in member of the crowd attending “ Holy, holy, holy, the Lord Whalen, director of Vail center, But by 10:30 o’clock the tempera­ ganization, entirely without ture had risen to in invigorating fluence of the 'Holy Spirit, Pro the ceremony. The decrees are as Almighty, who was, and who is, 1904 W. 12th avenue, is endeavor follows: charge, gave 2,102 articles of degree, the sun had come out, and tector of the Church, and in the and who is coming” (Apocalypse clothing, furniture, etc., to fami- ing to throw the weight of his wisdom of the Vicar of Christ on Iv, 4-8). varied experience behind conipr^ the Delegate was ushered into Den- Decree Erectkig^^____ .Jies and individuals properly rer ^-er'wftlra-gtnufnejy^^dirar^ earth. The,-.awe40ih«f scen er-'of the hensive and uplifting ^rdgrjfitp^s"IST ferred to the bureau. In the new welcome. A police" escort was on Diocese of Pueblo Apocalypse, described in language recreation and, instruction. Throngs at Cathedral plant are a complete tailor shop, hand to direct the entourage to AMLETO GIOVANNI that is difficult to understand but shoe repair shop, furniture repair­ A member of St. Francis de Archbishop Vehr’s residence Long Before 10 a.m. CICOGNANI that brings to our minds a sense o f ing and upholsteriiig department Sales’ parish and formerly city­ It was a crowd thrilled with ex profundity that surpasses the ex­ Accompanying the Delegate to By the Grace o f God and the that now rejuvenate discarded ar­ wide supervisor of the public activ­ Denver were the Most Rev.
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