PITTSFIELD MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY HANDBOOK 2010-2011 Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION Page SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION 4 MISSION STATEMENT 5 II. FACULTY & STAFF, CALENDARS, DUTIES, MEETINGS & SCHEDULES PROFESSIONAL STAFF 6 FACULTY & STAFF DIRECTORY 7-8 FACULTY & STAFF TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 9 SCHOOL CALENDAR 10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CALENDER 11 CO-CURRICULAR STUDENT ACTIVITIES 12 SCHOOL-WIDE TEAMS FOR 2010-2011 13 DAILY CLASS SCHEDULE 15 MASTER SCHEDULE 14 III. GENERAL OPERATING GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES ADULT-STUDENT BOUNDARIES 16 ADVERTISING IN SCHOOL 17 ADVISORY 17 ADVISORY PERIOD 17-18 ADVISORY THEMES 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS/DAILY BULLETIN 19 ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS 19 ATTENDANCE/ABSENCE PROCEDURES - FACULTY/STAFF 19-21 ATTENDANCE REPORTING EXPECTATIONS 21 ATTENDANCE – STUDENT GUIDELINES 22-23 BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM 23-24 BULLYING 24 CARE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY 24 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT 24 CLASS ADVISORS 25 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 25 CO-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY 25 COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/COMPLAINTS/COMMUNITCATION SEQUENCES 25 COMMON PLANNING TIME 26 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 27 COMMUNITY SERVICE 27 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT 27 CONFIDENTIALITY AND FERPA REGULATIONS 28 CONTESTS & AWARDING OF PRIZES 28 COPYRIGHT PROTECTION 28 COURSE AND WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE 29 CRIMINAL ACTIVITY 29 CURRICULUM 29 CUSTODIANS 29 DETENTION 29 DISCIPLINE 29 1 DRESS – FACULTY AND STAFF 29 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE (School Board Policy ADB) 30 DUPLICATING SERVICES 30 EARLY DISMISSALS, DELAYED OPENINGS & SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS 30-31 EARLY GRADUATION 31 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM 31-32 EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS 32 EMAIL 32 EMPLOYEE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES 32 END-OF-YEAR CHECKOUT FORM 33 EXTENDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES 33 FACULTY/DEPARTMENT/ELT MEETINGS 33 FEES & ROYALTIES 33 FIELD TRIPS/EXCURSIONS 34 FIRE SAFETY 34 FOOD SERVICE 34-35 FOOD & DRINK POLICY 35 FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS 35 FRAMEWORK‟S, NH STATE 35 FUNDRAISERS 35-36 GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATIONS (GLE) 36 GRADE REPORTING SCHEDULE 37 GRADE SPAN EXPECTATION (GSE) 39 GRADES AND GRADING 37-39 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 39 GRADUATION 40 GUEST SPEAKERS 40 GUIDANCE SERVICES 40 HEALTH EDUCATION AND EXCEPTION FROM INSTRUCTION 40 HEALTH INFORMATION 40 HOMEWORK POLICY 41 GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF HOMEWORK POLICY 41-42 HONORS STUDY 42 INCLUSION 43 INSTRUCTION MATERIALS 43 KEYS 44 LIBRARY SERVICES 44 MAILBOXES 44 MAKE-UP WORK 44 MONEY COLLECTED 44 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY 44 NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS 45 OVERTIME, SUMMER WORK AND SPECIAL PROJECTS 45 PAGERS & CELL PHONES 45 PARENT-TEACHER COMMUNICATION 45 PARKING 46 PASSES 46 PASSES FROM STUDY HALLS 46 P.A.S.S. PROGRAM 46 P.B.I.S. BEHAVIOR MATRIX 47-48 PETS IN SCHOOL 49 POLICIES & REGULATIONS 49 PROFESSIONALISM 49 2 PURCHASE ORDER PROCEDURES 49 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION FROM EXTERNAL INDIVIDUALS OR AGENCIES 49 SAFE SCHOOL ZONE MANDATORY REPORT 49 SAFETY AND SECURITY 50 SAFETY DRILL 50 SPECIAL EDUCATION 52 REFERENCES AND RESOURSES FOR FACULITY AND STAFF 52 STAFF ETHICS 52 STAFF RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 53 STUDENT AND FAMILY HANDBOOKS 53 STUDENT FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS 53 STUDENT INTERVIEWS 54 STUDENT RECORDS 54 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 54 STUDENT SURVEYS 54 STUDY HALLS 54 SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS 55 SUPPLY REQUISITION 55 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 55-57 TELEPHONE USAGE BY FACULTY 58 TESTING OUT 57 21ST CENTURY LEARNING EXPECTATION 57-64 TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS IN PRIVATE VEHICLES 57 USE OF SCHOOL OWNED MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 64 VIDEO AND AUDIO SURVEILLANCE 64 VIDEO/DVD SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS 64 VISITORS 65 IV. APPENDIX END OF YEAR STUDENT FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS 66 INVENTORY – FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 67 INVENTORY – TEXT BOOKS 68 PERMISSION SLIP 69 PURCHASE ORDER 70 SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRIBUTION OF DUTIES 71 SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICIES 72-74 SCHOOL MAP & EVACUATION PLAN – LOWER LEVEL 75 SCHOOL MAP & EVACUATION PLAN – UPPER LEVEL 76 WHOSE JOB IS IT, ANYWAY? 77 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER 78 STUDENT/ATHLETE HANDBOOK 79 3 Pittsfield Middle High School 23 Oneida Street Pittsfield, New Hampshire 03263 (603) 435-6701 Fax (603) 435-7087 www.pittsfield.k12.nh.us Superintendent of Schools – Dr. John Freeman [email protected] Principal – Robert Bickford [email protected] Director of Student Services – Tobi Chassie [email protected] Coordinator of Student Services – Lois Stevens [email protected] Guidance Director – Leslie Bergevin [email protected] Athletic Director – Peter Tuttle [email protected] 4 Pittsfield School District Draft Mission The mission of the Pittsfield Schools is to develop, maintain, and continually improve a cohesive educational program so that our children and youth reach the academic, civic, and social standards established by the State of New Hampshire and adopted by our school board. To this end, our faculty and staff resolve to engage our children and youth in dynamic learning that is personalized, monitored, and adjusted to promote growth in each and every learner. We, students and parents, educators and community members, commit to a comprehensive system of support that ensures that our graduates possess direction in life, sound academic skills, commitment to hard work, an ethic of involved citizenship, and thoughtful plans for the next phase of their lives. Vision Our schools are… The children, youth, and adults of our school community Our graduates are young people who are… are… Academically diverse; we value the role of academic Capable leaders; they understand how to lead and disciplines, which enable us to understand our world and Active learners; we accept responsibility for our own are prepared to assume leadership roles when express our ideas. learning; we are engaged seekers of knowledge and skills. needed. Academically integrated; we appreciate the connections Bold and passionate; we express our ideas and thoughts Critical thinkers and creative problem solvers; between and among disciplines. without fear of ridicule or reprisal; we support and they are thoughtful pursuers of truth equipped with encourage each other to take intellectual and creative risks. strategies to identify and address challenges they Caring and respectful communities; we value strong, will face; they are open-minded. healthy, compassionate interpersonal relationships. Confident; we know our own individual strengths and limitations; we are comfortable with who we are while we Culturally aware; they appreciate people and strive to build our strengths and face our challenges. Cooperative and collaborative; we work in teams; we cultures different from their own. cultivate a sense of connectedness and community. Critical thinkers and effective problem solvers; we Curious and adventurous; they value learning and Diverse social organizations; we recognize, appreciate, and recognize the unpredictability and challenges of life; we are thoughtful and reflective while we are equipped with pursue personal interests. celebrate individual differences. strategies for addressing our challenges. Effective communicators; they are skillful Future oriented; we are aware of the needs of our students; Curious and Self-motivated; we have a thirst for learning, speakers and listeners, readers and writers; they are we engage in the present as we prepare for the future. courteous in their interactions with others. for knowledge, for skills; we ask thoughtful questions; we Intellectually engaging; we seek deep understanding rather pursue our interests with the support of our peers and colleagues. Emotionally and physically healthy; they are than superficial knowing. equipped with the knowledge and skills to make Deeply aware of the world outside of Pittsfield; we seek responsible decisions for their own long-term health. Personalized; we address the unique learning preferences, talents, and aspirations of each student. to understand and appreciate those who are different from Flexible and able to adapt to changing conditions ourselves. Rigorous; we hold ourselves and our children to high and situations; they are prepared to adjust strategies Effective communicators; we are both direct and when needed. standards. respectful; we are skillful speakers and listeners, readers and writers; we value open communication in our Globally aware; they understand global issues. Safe places in every regard; physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually; we recognize that basic human needs must relationships and collaborations. Responsible for themselves; they accept be satisfied for healthy development to occur. Hard working; we believe that effort and persistence are consequences and results that follow from their keys to success; we make the most of our talents by hard decisions; they are accountable. Welcoming and well-maintained to maximize learning and work and practice. support a positive, healthy climate; we take great pride in our Self-directed and self-reliant; they initiate, follow- schools. Healthy; we live our lives in a responsible manner and through, and persevere; they plan and consider seek long-term physical and emotional health. costs and benefits of their actions. Respectful, responsible advocates; we know how to Technologically skilled; they responsibly use new stand up for ourselves and for causes that are important to technologies; they adjust strategies in a changing ourselves. environment. Responsible; we have a strong sense of positive social Understanding of American history and values and morality; we exhibit ethical behavior in a variety traditions; they understand their rights and of settings; we hold ourselves accountable for
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